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Media Operations Use Case for an Extended Reality Application on Edge Computing Infrastructure


Éric Vyncke

No Objection

Erik Kline
Gunter Van de Velde
Paul Wouters

Note: This ballot was opened for revision 17 and is now closed.

Éric Vyncke
Erik Kline
No Objection
Gunter Van de Velde
No Objection
Jim Guichard
No Objection
Comment (2024-05-28 for -17) Not sent
Thank you for this document. I found it a fascinating and informative read.
Murray Kucherawy
No Objection
Comment (2024-05-29 for -17) Not sent
Thanks to Paul Kyzivat for his ARTART review.
Paul Wouters
No Objection
Roman Danyliw
No Objection
Comment (2024-05-29 for -17) Sent
** Section 1.
   In particular, the edge devices deploy cloud computing
   implementation techniques such as [EDGE_3]:

This doesn’t read right.  How does an “edge device” deploy anything?  The described architecture is likely designed, provisioned, and operated likely by a service provider(s) of some kind.

** Section 1.
   Such techniques enable XR applications requiring low-latency and high
   bandwidth to be delivered by mini-clouds running on proximate edge

What is a “mini-cloud”?

** Section 2 and 3.  Section 2 provides a substantial level of detail.  Revisiting the intent of this document being for “network operators who are interested in providing edge computing resources to operationalize the requirements of such applications”, it isn’t clear how this information in Section 2 translates into network requirements outlined in Section 3.

** Section 4.1
   Providing Edge
   server support for the techniques being developed at the DETNET
   Working Group at the IETF could guarantee performance of XR

Can this text be more specific – What specific DETNET technology?  Is DETNET used between the edge device and the cloud, or in the cloud?

** Section 4.1.  Per some of the entries in Table 1:
-- Where are these defined?
-- Are these strictly XR applications (e.g., “video conferencing”)?
-- I’m having difficulty linking some of these rows to the use case defined in Section 2.

** Section 4.2.  Similar comments about Table 2 as above.  How do these use cases link to Section 2?

** ** Section 7.
   The security issues for the presented use case are similar to other
   streaming applications.  This document itself introduces no new
   security issues.

No disagreement on the similar.  However, where are these referenced security issues documented?
Warren Kumari
No Objection
Comment (2024-05-29 for -17) Not sent
I will steal Jim's test here: "Thank you for this document. I found it a fascinating and informative read." :-)
Zaheduzzaman Sarker
No Objection
Comment (2024-05-30 for -17) Sent
Thanks for working on this document. It captures number of important aspect for the potential XR traffic and its operational considerations. 

However, I am missing a bit more discussions on the QoS that was mentioned, specially how the application requirement is transfers to the network. Do we have enough tools and techniques to provide such information from the applicaiton to the network? Even if network operators have their own managed edge cloud service, it is unlikely that they provide all the XR application in the devices, hence, somehow the QoS requirements need to be exchanged to provide it from the network. I would like know the authros view on this.

I am also missing some discussions on the different traffic priorities for XR traffic. As XR traffic would combine media and some control traffic, the network might need to provide and provision for - say different latency for those. If I am right to think in such a way then it pocesses some opeational reqirements on the network.   

Thanks to Wesley Eddy for the nice TSVART review.

some nits 

- Please explain what is heavy-tailed? and there are two version of heavy-tailed ( the other one is without hyphen )

- Plus what Roman captured in his review, I am not repeating them here.