A YANG Data Model for Reporting Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) and Vulnerability Information
Revision differences
Document history
Date | Rev. | By | Action |
18 | (System) | RFC Editor state changed to AUTH48-DONE from AUTH48 |
18 | (System) | RFC Editor state changed to AUTH48 |
18 | (System) | RFC Editor state changed to RFC-EDITOR from EDIT |
18 | (System) | IANA Action state changed to RFC-Ed-Ack from Waiting on RFC Editor |
18 | (System) | IANA Action state changed to Waiting on RFC Editor from In Progress |
18 | (System) | IANA Action state changed to In Progress from Waiting on Authors |
18 | (System) | IANA Action state changed to Waiting on Authors from In Progress |
18 | (System) | RFC Editor state changed to EDIT |
18 | (System) | IESG state changed to RFC Ed Queue from Approved-announcement sent |
18 | (System) | Announcement was received by RFC Editor |
18 | (System) | IANA Action state changed to In Progress |
18 | Amy Vezza | IESG state changed to Approved-announcement sent from Approved-announcement to be sent |
18 | Amy Vezza | IESG has approved the document |
18 | Amy Vezza | Closed "Approve" ballot |
18 | Robert Wilton | IESG state changed to Approved-announcement to be sent from Approved-announcement to be sent::AD Followup |
18 | Robert Wilton | Ballot approval text was generated |
18 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-18.txt |
18 | (System) | New version approved |
18 | (System) | Request for posting confirmation emailed to previous authors: Eliot Lear , Scott Rose |
18 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
17 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-17.txt |
17 | (System) | New version approved |
17 | (System) | Request for posting confirmation emailed to previous authors: Eliot Lear , Scott Rose |
17 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
16 | (System) | Removed all action holders (IESG state changed) |
16 | Cindy Morgan | IESG state changed to Approved-announcement to be sent::AD Followup from IESG Evaluation |
16 | Roman Danyliw | [Ballot comment] Thank you to Christian Huitema for the SECDIR review. Thank you for addressing my DISCUSS and most of my COMMENT feedback. ** Section … [Ballot comment] Thank you to Christian Huitema for the SECDIR review. Thank you for addressing my DISCUSS and most of my COMMENT feedback. ** Section 5.1 ==[ snip ]== The second example demonstrates that just SBOM information is included. { "ietf-mud:mud": { "mud-version": 1, "extensions": [ "transparency" ], "mudtx:transparency": { "sbom-local-well-known": "https" }, "mud-url": "https://iot.example.com/modelX.json", "mud-signature": "https://iot.example.com/modelX.p7s", "last-update": "2022-01-05T13:29:47+00:00", "cache-validity": 48, "is-supported": true, "systeminfo": "retrieving SBOM info via a cloud service", "mfg-name": "Example, Inc.", "documentation": "https://iot.example.com/doc/modelX", "model-name": "modelX" } } ==[ snip ]== In -15 systeminfo said "retrieving vuln and SBOM info via a cloud service". In response to my ballot, -16 now reads "retrieving SBOM info via a cloud service". However, since the sbom-local-well-known field is present and the narrative text says "The second example demonstrates that just SBOM information is included", systeminfo should read "retrieving SBOM information locally from the device" (or something to that effect). |
16 | Roman Danyliw | [Ballot Position Update] Position for Roman Danyliw has been changed to No Objection from Discuss |
16 | Andrew Alston | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Andrew Alston |
16 | (System) | IANA Review state changed to Version Changed - Review Needed from IANA OK - Actions Needed |
16 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-16.txt |
16 | (System) | New version approved |
16 | (System) | Request for posting confirmation emailed to previous authors: Eliot Lear , Scott Rose |
16 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
15 | John Scudder | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for John Scudder |
15 | Zaheduzzaman Sarker | [Ballot comment] Thanks for working on this specification. I also stumbled upon "sbom" and "vuln" nodes in section 1.2. I assumed these refers to the … [Ballot comment] Thanks for working on this specification. I also stumbled upon "sbom" and "vuln" nodes in section 1.2. I assumed these refers to the nodes in the YANG tree sbom node = starts with sbom- and vuln node = starts with vuln- .... yes that I had to guess to continue reading. Now I see Roman has a discuss on this point hence supporting the discuss. I believe evenif it might be a convention call those node as I assumed, we could be more clear by actually describing the notion in the doc. And if my assumption is wrong then we definitely need to describe the nodes so that readers like me don't make wrong assumption :-). |
15 | Zaheduzzaman Sarker | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Zaheduzzaman Sarker |
15 | Erik Kline | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Erik Kline |
15 | Warren Kumari | [Ballot comment] Thank you for this document, and also much thanks to Henk for the OpsDir review - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/review-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-03-opsdir-early-comstedt-2021-12-19/ I found it an easy read, … [Ballot comment] Thank you for this document, and also much thanks to Henk for the OpsDir review - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/review-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-03-opsdir-early-comstedt-2021-12-19/ I found it an easy read, and only have a few nits to offer: 1: "A number of activities have been working to improve visibility to what software is running on a system, and what vulnerabilities that software may have[EO2021]." Missing space before the [EO2021] reference. 2: "... two classes of questions *at scale*:" I think that you should drop the "emphasis" - I really don't think that it helps readability, and looks "odd". I often use this form for emphasis, but I really don't think that it should be used in an RFC. 3: "Examples of these interfaces might be an HTTP [RFC7231],[RFC9110], or COAP [RFC7252] endpoint for retrieval." Missing space after [RFC7231] -- hey, I *did* mention that this is all nits (and also that I *emphasize text*). 4: "Using the second method, when a device does not have an appropriate retrieval interface, but one is directly available from the manufacturer, a URI to that information MUST be discovered." I don't really understand the uppercase MUST here; it's unclear who / what the MUST is directed at. 5: "To address either risk, any change in a URL, and in particular to the authority section, should be treated with some suspicion. One mitigation would be to test any cloud-based URL against a reputation service." I don't really have any useful text to suggest, but I find the wording of "To address either risk, ..., should be treated with some suspicion" to be strange. I don't really view treating something with suspicion as addressing a risk. I *do* know what you are trying to say, but I don't really think that this accomplishes it. I'm also not really sure why the second sentence only views 'cloud-based' URLs as different to non-cloud-based ones - why is foo.bar.example.com more or less sketchy if it is on AWS then on a physical server? And I think that the hand-wavy "check it against some sort of reputation thing" is sufficiently underspecified that it's not helpful. Please notes that these really are just intended to be nits / attempts to help improve the document; I seem to be having a hard time with my tone in this writeup and apologize if it came out as snarky.... |
15 | Warren Kumari | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Warren Kumari |
15 | Paul Wouters | [Ballot comment] Thank you to Christian Huitema for the SECDIR review. Like Eric, I find the yang module name a bit odd, but have no … [Ballot comment] Thank you to Christian Huitema for the SECDIR review. Like Eric, I find the yang module name a bit odd, but have no good suggestion for a better alternative. |
15 | Paul Wouters | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Paul Wouters |
15 | Roman Danyliw | [Ballot discuss] ** Section 1.2. When both vulnerability and software inventory information is available from the same location, both sbom and vuln … [Ballot discuss] ** Section 1.2. When both vulnerability and software inventory information is available from the same location, both sbom and vuln nodes MUST indicate that. What are “sbom and vuln nodes”? Those names don’t map to YANG model described in Section 3. Is this “sbom-url” and “vuln-url”? |
15 | Roman Danyliw | [Ballot comment] Thank you to Christian Huitema for the SECDIR review. ** Section 1. Editorial. These two classes of information can be used in … [Ballot comment] Thank you to Christian Huitema for the SECDIR review. ** Section 1. Editorial. These two classes of information can be used in concert. For instance, a network management tool may discover that a system makes use of a particular software component that has a known vulnerability, and a vulnerability report may be used to indicate what if any versions of software correct that vulnerability, or whether the system exercises the vulnerable code at all. Both classes of information elements are optional under the model specified in this memo. One can provide only an SBOM, only vulnerability information, or both an SBOM and vulnerability information. The second paragraph seems to suggest that the classes of information are SBOM and vulnerability information. However, the example provided in paragraph one doesn’t make that distinction clear since the “network management tool” implicitly bundled SBOM+vulnerability information into one information element by both knowing what software was loaded and that it was vulnerable. Editorially, the case isn’t make that “these two classes of information can be used in concert.” ** Section 1.1 In the first few reads of the text, it was obvious that there were different interfaces, but not that they served different content. Likewise, the title of the section “How This Information Is Retrieved” didn’t match the text which covered the properties of the retrieval rather than explicitly summarize it. I would recommend adding something explicit about the role of the interfaces with appropriate forward references at the start of the section. PROPOSED NEW: Section 4 describes a data model to extend the MUD file format to carry SBOM and vulnerability information. Section 1.5 of RFC8520 describes mechanisms by which devices can emit a URL to point to this file. Additionally, devices can share this URL either through documentation or within a QR code on a box. Section 2 describes a well-known URL from which an SBOM could be served from the local device. ** Section 1.2 When these are retrieved either directly from the device or directly from a web server Recommend being clearer about the location of the web-server. Retrieval from the device could be from its internal web. PROPOSED NEW When these are retrieved either directly from the device or from a remote web server. ** Section 1.2. Editorial. ... tools will need to observe the content-type header to determine precisely which format is being transmitted. Is it “content-type” or “Content-Type”? ** Section 1.2. When both vulnerability and software inventory information is available from the same location Recommend being precise by saying: s/from the same location/from the same URL/. ** Section 4. sbom-archive-list. Does this list have a recommend sort order? Is random ok? Newest to old? ** Section 5.1 The second example demonstrates that just SBOM information is included. { "ietf-mud:mud": { "mud-version": 1, "extensions": [ "transparency" ], "mudtx:transparency": { "sbom-local-well-known": "https" }, "mud-url": "https://iot.example.com/modelX.json", "mud-signature": "https://iot.example.com/modelX.p7s", "last-update": "2022-01-05T13:29:47+00:00", "cache-validity": 48, "is-supported": true, "systeminfo": "retrieving vuln and SBOM info via a cloud service", "mfg-name": "Example, Inc.", "documentation": "https://iot.example.com/doc/modelX", "model-name": "modelX" } } The “systeminfo” text is not accurate (“retrieving vuln and SBOM info via a cloud service”) as no vulnerability information appears to be provided in the MUD file and the text describing the example also says no vulnerability information is provided. ** Section 5.2 In this example, the SBOM is retrieved from the device, while vulnerability information is available from the cloud. This is likely a common case, because vendors may learn of vulnerability information more frequently than they update software. { "ietf-mud:mud": { "mud-version": 1, "extensions": [ "transparency" ], "mudtx:transparency": { "sbom-local-well-known": "https", "vuln-url": "https://iot-device.example.com/info/modelX/csaf.json" }, "mud-url": "https://iot-device.example.com/modelX.json", "mud-signature": "https://iot-device.example.com/modelX.p7s", "last-update": "2022-01-05T13:25:14+00:00", "cache-validity": 48, "is-supported": true, "systeminfo": "retrieving vuln and SBOM info via a cloud service", "mfg-name": "Example, Inc.", "documentation": "https://iot-device.example.com/doc/modelX", "model-name": "modelX" } } The “systeminfo” text in this example is not accurate ( “retrieving vuln and SBOM info via a cloud service”) as the SBOM appears to be locally served per the file MUD file text and the text description of this example. ** Section 6 In particular, the YANG module specified in this document is not necessarly intended to be accessed via regular network management protocols, such as the NETCONF [RFC6241] or RESTCONF [RFC8040], and hence the regular security considerations for such usage are not considered here. -- Typo. s/necessarly/necessarily/ -- Can a stronger statement be made here? Is this YANG module intended or not to be access via NETCONF/RESTCONF? ** Section 6 If an attacker modifies the elements, they may misdirect automation to retrieve a different set of URLs than was intended by the designer. This in turn leads to two specific sets of risks: * the information retrieved would be false. * the URLs themselves point to malware. Additionally, there is a tracking/asset identification risk. If the attacker can control the target of the URL (without having access or prior knowledge of the devices), they could potentially discover the existence of particular hardware at a given netblock/organization. ** Section 6 SBOMs provide an inventory of software. If software is available to an attacker, the attacker may well already be able to derive this very same software inventory. Recommend being explicit on why knowing the SBOM helps the attacker. PROPOSED NEW SBOMs provide an inventory of software. Knowledge of which specific software is loaded on a system can aid an attacker in identifying an appropriate exploit for a known vulnerability or guide the development of novel exploit against this system. ** Section 6 SBOMs provide an inventory of software. … When this information resides on the endpoint itself, the endpoint SHOULD NOT provide unrestricted access by default. Is this text referencing the “.well-known” interface? If so, please be clear. ** Section 6 In particular, if a system attempts to retrieve an SBOM via HTTP and the client is not authorized, the server MUST produce an appropriate error, with instructions on how to register a particular client. Assuming this sentence is talking about the “.well-known” interface, does this same kind of guidance apply to CoAP? ** Section 6 To further mitigate attacks against a device, manufacturers SHOULD recommend access controls. Good guidance. What’s the context of this recommendation given that this specification is about an API to retrieve SBOM/vulnerability information. Access controls on what? ** Section 6 Vulnerability information is generally made available to such databases as NIST's National Vulnerability Database. It is possible that vendor may wish to release information early to some customers. We do not discuss here whether that is a good idea, but if it is employed, then appropriate access controls and authorization SHOULD be applied to the vulnerability resource. -- Please provide a reference for the NIST NVD -- Per “vulnerability resource”, is that a typo and it should be “vulnerable resource” or is the text saying that the pre-release vulnerability information needs to be protected? |
15 | Roman Danyliw | [Ballot Position Update] New position, Discuss, has been recorded for Roman Danyliw |
15 | Lars Eggert | [Ballot comment] # GEN AD review of draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-15 CC @larseggert Thanks to Russ Housley for the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) review (https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/gen-art/c_Npcow_0xA8aojaPi07NMcoeaw). … [Ballot comment] # GEN AD review of draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-15 CC @larseggert Thanks to Russ Housley for the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) review (https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/gen-art/c_Npcow_0xA8aojaPi07NMcoeaw). ## Comments ### Section 1, paragraph 3 ``` Put simply, we seek to answer two classes of questions *at scale*: ``` What does "at scale" mean here? Ask the questions to a large number of systems? Ask the questions and expect very large results? Something else? ## Nits All comments below are about very minor potential issues that you may choose to address in some way - or ignore - as you see fit. Some were flagged by automated tools (via https://github.com/larseggert/ietf-reviewtool), so there will likely be some false positives. There is no need to let me know what you did with these suggestions. ### Uncited references Uncited references: `[RFC8446]`, `[RFC6242]`, and `[RFC8341]`. ### Outdated references Reference `[RFC7231]` to `RFC7231`, which was obsoleted by `RFC9110` (this may be on purpose). ### Grammar/style #### Section 1, paragraph 16 ``` : * on devices themselves * on a web site (e.g., via URI) * through some for ^^^^^^^^ ``` Nowadays, it's more common to write this as one word. #### Section 4, paragraph 13 ``` this device. Publication dates can found inside the SBOMs."; } choice vuln-r ^^^^^ ``` Make sure that the ambiguous verb form "found" is correct. (It can either be the base form "found", or the past tense of a different verb.). ## Notes This review is in the ["IETF Comments" Markdown format][ICMF], You can use the [`ietf-comments` tool][ICT] to automatically convert this review into individual GitHub issues. Review generated by the [`ietf-reviewtool`][IRT]. [ICMF]: https://github.com/mnot/ietf-comments/blob/main/format.md [ICT]: https://github.com/mnot/ietf-comments [IRT]: https://github.com/larseggert/ietf-reviewtool |
15 | Lars Eggert | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Lars Eggert |
15 | Jim Guichard | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Jim Guichard |
15 | Éric Vyncke | [Ballot comment] Thank you for the work put into this document. Please find below some non-blocking COMMENT points (but replies would be appreciated even if … [Ballot comment] Thank you for the work put into this document. Please find below some non-blocking COMMENT points (but replies would be appreciated even if only for my own education). Special thanks to Win Wu for the shepherd's detailed write-up including the WG consensus and the justification of the intended status. I hope that this review helps to improve the document, Regards, -éric # COMMENTS (non blocking) ## 'transparency' vs. 'sbom' This is probably due to historical reasons, but I find it strange to have the YANG module named 'transparency' while this term does not appear in the abstract. ## Abstract I am not a native English speaker, so I am probably outside of my expertise here, but: * `automation is necessary to locate what software is running` should 'to identify' or 'to list' be better ? * `to provide the locations of software bills of materials (SBOMS) and to vulnerability information.` is there a verb missing between 'to' and 'vulnerability' ? I must admit that I cannot parse this sentence. ## Section 1 `we seek` who is the 'we' ? s/the model is a discovery mechanism/the model can be used as a discovery mechanism/ ? I.e., how can a model be a mechanism ? In `report to administrators the state of a system.` "state" is rather vague, can the state be qualified ? I.e., "security state" ? In the introduction of the 3 methods, the 2nd one (URI) is the only one having a normative MUST. Is it on purpose that the two other methods do not have normative language ? ## Section 6 `the endpoint SHOULD NOT provide unrestricted access by default` this is indeed a key point as the SBOM can also be viewed as the list of open doors to the device. I am really unsure how to fix this problem at all... I would also wish to have a mean to keep the SBOM information available for years even after manufacturer bankruptcy ... |
15 | Éric Vyncke | [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Éric Vyncke |
15 | Amanda Baber | IANA Review state changed to IANA OK - Actions Needed from Version Changed - Review Needed |
15 | Cindy Morgan | Placed on agenda for telechat - 2023-04-27 |
15 | Robert Wilton | Ballot has been issued |
15 | Robert Wilton | [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Robert Wilton |
15 | Robert Wilton | Created "Approve" ballot |
15 | Robert Wilton | IESG state changed to IESG Evaluation from Waiting for Writeup |
15 | Robert Wilton | Ballot writeup was changed |
15 | (System) | IANA Review state changed to Version Changed - Review Needed from IANA OK - Actions Needed |
15 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-15.txt |
15 | Eliot Lear | New version accepted (logged-in submitter: Eliot Lear) |
15 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
14 | (System) | IESG state changed to Waiting for Writeup from In Last Call |
14 | Christian Huitema | Request for Last Call review by SECDIR Completed: Ready. Reviewer: Christian Huitema. |
14 | Christian Huitema | Request for Last Call review by SECDIR Completed: Ready. Reviewer: Christian Huitema. Sent review to list. Submission of review completed at an earlier date. |
14 | Sabrina Tanamal | IANA Review state changed to IANA OK - Actions Needed from IANA - Not OK |
14 | Sabrina Tanamal | IANA Experts State changed to Expert Reviews OK from Reviews assigned |
14 | David Dong | IANA Experts State changed to Reviews assigned |
14 | (System) | IANA Review state changed to IANA - Not OK from IANA - Review Needed |
14 | David Dong | (Via drafts-lastcall@iana.org): IESG/Authors/WG Chairs: The IANA Functions Operator has completed its review of draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-14. If any part of this review is inaccurate, please let … (Via drafts-lastcall@iana.org): IESG/Authors/WG Chairs: The IANA Functions Operator has completed its review of draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-14. If any part of this review is inaccurate, please let us know. The IANA Functions Operator understands that, upon approval of this document, there are four actions which we must complete. First, in the MUD Extensions registry on the Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) registry page located at: https://www.iana.org/assignments/mud/ a single, new registration is to be made as follows: Value: transparency Reference: [ RFC-to-be ] Second, in the ns registry on the IETF XML Registry page located at: https://www.iana.org/assignments/xml-registry/ a single, new namespace will be registered as follows: ID: yang:ietf-mud-transparency URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-mud-transparency Filename: [ TBD-at-Registration ] Reference: [ RFC-to-be ] As this document requests registrations in an Expert Review or Specification Required (see RFC 8126) registry, we will initiate the required Expert Review via a separate request. Expert review will need to be completed before your document can be approved for publication as an RFC. Third, in the YANG Module Names registry on the YANG Parameters registry page located at: https://www.iana.org/assignments/yang-parameters/ a single, new YANG module will be registered as follows: Name: ietf-mud-transparency File: [ TBD-at-Registration ] Maintained by IANA? N Namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-mud-transparency Prefix: mudtx Module: Reference: [ RFC-to-be ] While the YANG module name will be registered after the IESG approves the document, the YANG module file will be posted after the RFC Editor notifies us that the document has been published. Fourth, in the Well-Known URIs registry located at: https://www.iana.org/assignments/well-known-uris/ a single, new registration will be made as follows: URI Suffix: sbom Change Controller: IETF Reference: [ RFC-to-be ] Status: permanent Related Information: See ISO/IEC 5962:2021 and SPDX.org As this also requests registrations in an Expert Review or Specification Required (see RFC 8126) registry, we will initiate the required Expert Review via a separate request. Expert review will need to be completed before your document can be approved for publication as an RFC. The IANA Functions Operator understands that these two actions are the only ones required to be completed upon approval of this document. Note: The actions requested in this document will not be completed until the document has been approved for publication as an RFC. This message is meant only to confirm the list of actions that will be performed. For definitions of IANA review states, please see: https://datatracker.ietf.org/help/state/draft/iana-review Thank you, David Dong IANA Services Specialist |
14 | Tero Kivinen | Request for Last Call review by SECDIR is assigned to Christian Huitema |
14 | Amy Vezza | IANA Review state changed to IANA - Review Needed |
14 | Amy Vezza | The following Last Call announcement was sent out (ends 2023-03-13): From: The IESG To: IETF-Announce CC: bill.wu@huawei.com, draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access@ietf.org, henk.birkholz@sit.fraunhofer.de, opsawg-chairs@ietf.org, opsawg@ietf.org … The following Last Call announcement was sent out (ends 2023-03-13): From: The IESG To: IETF-Announce CC: bill.wu@huawei.com, draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access@ietf.org, henk.birkholz@sit.fraunhofer.de, opsawg-chairs@ietf.org, opsawg@ietf.org, rwilton@cisco.com Reply-To: last-call@ietf.org Sender: Subject: Last Call: (Discovering and Retrieving Software Transparency and Vulnerability Information) to Proposed Standard The IESG has received a request from the Operations and Management Area Working Group WG (opsawg) to consider the following document: - 'Discovering and Retrieving Software Transparency and Vulnerability Information' as Proposed Standard The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits final comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the last-call@ietf.org mailing lists by 2023-03-13. Exceptionally, comments may be sent to iesg@ietf.org instead. In either case, please retain the beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting. Abstract To improve cybersecurity posture, automation is necessary to locate what software is running on a device, whether that software has known vulnerabilities, and what, if any recommendations suppliers may have. This memo extends the MUD YANG model to provide the locations of software bills of materials (SBOMS) and to vulnerability information. The file can be obtained via https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access/ No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D. |
14 | Amy Vezza | IESG state changed to In Last Call from Last Call Requested |
14 | Robert Wilton | Last call was requested |
14 | Robert Wilton | Ballot approval text was generated |
14 | Robert Wilton | Ballot writeup was generated |
14 | Robert Wilton | IESG state changed to Last Call Requested from AD Evaluation::AD Followup |
14 | Robert Wilton | Last call announcement was generated |
14 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-14.txt |
14 | Eliot Lear | New version accepted (logged-in submitter: Eliot Lear) |
14 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
13 | (System) | Changed action holders to Robert Wilton (IESG state changed) |
13 | (System) | Sub state has been changed to AD Followup from Revised ID Needed |
13 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-13.txt |
13 | (System) | New version approved |
13 | (System) | Request for posting confirmation emailed to previous authors: Eliot Lear , Scott Rose |
13 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
12 | (System) | Changed action holders to Eliot Lear, Scott Rose, Robert Wilton (IESG state changed) |
12 | Robert Wilton | IESG state changed to AD Evaluation::Revised I-D Needed from AD Evaluation |
12 | (System) | Changed action holders to Robert Wilton (IESG state changed) |
12 | Robert Wilton | IESG state changed to AD Evaluation from Publication Requested |
12 | Henk Birkholz | # Document Shepherd Write-Up for Group Documents *This version is dated 4 July 2022.* Thank you for your service as a document shepherd. Among the … # Document Shepherd Write-Up for Group Documents *This version is dated 4 July 2022.* Thank you for your service as a document shepherd. Among the responsibilities is answering the questions in this write-up to give helpful context to Last Call and Internet Engineering Steering Group ([IESG][1]) reviewers, and your diligence in completing it is appreciated. The full role of the shepherd is further described in [RFC 4858][2]. You will need the cooperation of the authors and editors to complete these checks. Note that some numbered items contain multiple related questions; please be sure to answer all of them. ## Document History 1. Does the working group (WG) consensus represent the strong concurrence of a few individuals, with others being silent, or did it reach broad agreement? This draft was last called in April 12 and the last call was extended one more week and received a good reviews from Joe Clarke, Carsten Bormann,Tome Petch. These reviews stand for strong concurrence of a few individuals, with others being silent. This draft also acknowledged 4 people for valuable review. 2. Was there controversy about particular points, or were there decisions where the consensus was particularly rough? No Controversy. 3. Has anyone threatened an appeal or otherwise indicated extreme discontent? If so, please summarize the areas of conflict in separate email messages to the responsible Area Director. (It should be in a separate email because this questionnaire is publicly available.) No. 4. For protocol documents, are there existing implementations of the contents of the document? Have a significant number of potential implementers indicated plans to implement? Are any existing implementations reported somewhere, either in the document itself (as [RFC 7942][3] recommends) or elsewhere (where)? The document author has confirmed there is one implementation on the way, see https://github.com/sbomtools/apt2sbom The author's response can be found: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/opsawg/zt4Nt7e5cibd5NvJfB7PDf3_lho/ ## Additional Reviews 5. Do the contents of this document closely interact with technologies in other IETF working groups or external organizations, and would it therefore benefit from their review? Have those reviews occurred? If yes, describe which reviews took place. This draft has closely interact with SBOM technologies developed by NTIA Multistakeholder process on Software Component Transparency Framing Working Group. It was agreed to remove SWID and add CycloneDX to improve interoperability. 6. Describe how the document meets any required formal expert review criteria, such as the MIB Doctor, YANG Doctor, media type, and URI type reviews. A YANG Doctor review has been carried out by Ebben Aries which can be found in the datatracker. 7. If the document contains a YANG module, has the final version of the module been checked with any of the [recommended validation tools][4] for syntax and formatting validation? If there are any resulting errors or warnings, what is the justification for not fixing them at this time? Does the YANG module comply with the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) as specified in [RFC 8342][5]? The PYANG compilation tool in the datatracker shows no errors and warnings in YANG. Yes, the YANG module complies with the NMDA architecture. 8. Describe reviews and automated checks performed to validate sections of the final version of the document written in a formal language, such as XML code, BNF rules, MIB definitions, CBOR's CDDL, etc. xml2rfc ietf tool and rfcfold, pyang,yanglint automation tools have been installed to validate sections of the final version of the document including example snippets. These tools show no errors and warnings in the document. ## Document Shepherd Checks 9. Based on the shepherd's review of the document, is it their opinion that this document is needed, clearly written, complete, correctly designed, and ready to be handed off to the responsible Area Director? The document shepherd reviewed this document in more details during WGLC and after WGLC and author of this document has addressed all the comments. Yes, this document is clearly written, it can be see seen one useful companion document triggered by supply chain transparency effort. 10. Several IETF Areas have assembled [lists of common issues that their reviewers encounter][6]. For which areas have such issues been identified and addressed? For which does this still need to happen in subsequent reviews? This draft received YANG Doctor early review, OPSDIR review, GENART review, SECDIR review, all comments from these have been well discussed on the opsawg mailing list and addressed in the latest version. 11. What type of RFC publication is being requested on the IETF stream ([Best Current Practice][12], [Proposed Standard, Internet Standard][13], [Informational, Experimental or Historic][14])? Why is this the proper type of RFC? Do all Datatracker state attributes correctly reflect this intent? The type of RFC publication being requested on the IETF stream is proposed standard. It is appropriate for a YANG model that extends IETF MUD model work [RFC8520]. Yes, the datatracker state attributes correctly reflect this intent. 12. Have reasonable efforts been made to remind all authors of the intellectual property rights (IPR) disclosure obligations described in [BCP 79][7]? To the best of your knowledge, have all required disclosures been filed? If not, explain why. If yes, summarize any relevant discussion, including links to publicly-available messages when applicable. WG chairs requested authors to confirm conformance with the BCP 78 and BCP 79 on 2022-05-01, which can be found at: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/opsawg/jTsbEhL3jYKpDdCSv5fPrcJoosw/ The author of this document also confirmed again that there is no IPR related to this document on 2022-06-10, which can be found at: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/opsawg/jNgoILCz-joa5z79nThfPDO7tHM/ 13. Has each author, editor, and contributor shown their willingness to be listed as such? If the total number of authors and editors on the front page is greater than five, please provide a justification. There is two authors for this document. Both are willing to be listed as authors. 14. Document any remaining I-D nits in this document. Simply running the [idnits tool][8] is not enough; please review the ["Content Guidelines" on authors.ietf.org][15]. (Also note that the current idnits tool generates some incorrect warnings; a rewrite is underway.) idnits tool flags no issues and warnings. Everything looks fine after reading the content guidelines on author.ietf.org. 15. Should any informative references be normative or vice-versa? See the [IESG Statement on Normative and Informative References][16]. None. 16. List any normative references that are not freely available to anyone. Did the community have sufficient access to review any such normative references? All normative references are freely available to anyone. 17. Are there any normative downward references (see [RFC 3967][9] and [BCP 97][10]) that are not already listed in the [DOWNREF registry][17]? If so, list them. None. 18. Are there normative references to documents that are not ready to be submitted to the IESG for publication or are otherwise in an unclear state? If so, what is the plan for their completion? None. 19. Will publication of this document change the status of any existing RFCs? If so, does the Datatracker metadata correctly reflect this and are those RFCs listed on the title page, in the abstract, and discussed in the introduction? If not, explain why and point to the part of the document where the relationship of this document to these other RFCs is discussed. No change to any existing RFCs. The YANG model defined in this document just imports module defined in RFC8520 which are normative references. 20. Describe the document shepherd's review of the IANA considerations section, especially with regard to its consistency with the body of the document. Confirm that all aspects of the document requiring IANA assignments are associated with the appropriate reservations in IANA registries. Confirm that any referenced IANA registries have been clearly identified. Confirm that each newly created IANA registry specifies its initial contents, allocations procedures, and a reasonable name (see [RFC 8126][11]). The document shepherd has reviewed IANA considerations section and confirm two new YANG registries, one MUD extension, one Well-Known Prefix registries are correctly specified and consistent with the body of this document.The referenced IANA registries have been clearly identified. 21. List any new IANA registries that require Designated Expert Review for future allocations. Are the instructions to the Designated Expert clear? Please include suggestions of designated experts, if appropriate. None. [1]: https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/ [2]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4858.html [3]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7942.html [4]: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/ops/wiki/yang-review-tools [5]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8342.html [6]: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/iesg/wiki/ExpertTopics [7]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp79 [8]: https://www.ietf.org/tools/idnits/ [9]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3967.html [10]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp97 [11]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8126.html [12]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-5 [13]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-4.1 [14]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-4.2 [15]: https://authors.ietf.org/en/content-guidelines-overview [16]: https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/statements/normative-informative-references/ [17]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/downref/ |
12 | Henk Birkholz | Responsible AD changed to Robert Wilton |
12 | Henk Birkholz | IETF WG state changed to Submitted to IESG for Publication from WG Consensus: Waiting for Write-Up |
12 | Henk Birkholz | IESG state changed to Publication Requested from I-D Exists |
12 | Henk Birkholz | IESG process started in state Publication Requested |
12 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-12.txt |
12 | Eliot Lear | New version accepted (logged-in submitter: Eliot Lear) |
12 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
11 | Qin Wu | # Document Shepherd Write-Up for Group Documents *This version is dated 4 July 2022.* Thank you for your service as a document shepherd. Among the … # Document Shepherd Write-Up for Group Documents *This version is dated 4 July 2022.* Thank you for your service as a document shepherd. Among the responsibilities is answering the questions in this write-up to give helpful context to Last Call and Internet Engineering Steering Group ([IESG][1]) reviewers, and your diligence in completing it is appreciated. The full role of the shepherd is further described in [RFC 4858][2]. You will need the cooperation of the authors and editors to complete these checks. Note that some numbered items contain multiple related questions; please be sure to answer all of them. ## Document History 1. Does the working group (WG) consensus represent the strong concurrence of a few individuals, with others being silent, or did it reach broad agreement? This draft was last called in April 12 and the last call was extended one more week and received a good reviews from Joe Clarke, Carsten Bormann,Tome Petch. These reviews stand for strong concurrence of a few individuals, with others being silent. This draft also acknowledged 4 people for valuable review. 2. Was there controversy about particular points, or were there decisions where the consensus was particularly rough? No Controversy. 3. Has anyone threatened an appeal or otherwise indicated extreme discontent? If so, please summarize the areas of conflict in separate email messages to the responsible Area Director. (It should be in a separate email because this questionnaire is publicly available.) No. 4. For protocol documents, are there existing implementations of the contents of the document? Have a significant number of potential implementers indicated plans to implement? Are any existing implementations reported somewhere, either in the document itself (as [RFC 7942][3] recommends) or elsewhere (where)? The document author has confirmed there is one implementation on the way, see https://github.com/sbomtools/apt2sbom The author's response can be found: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/opsawg/zt4Nt7e5cibd5NvJfB7PDf3_lho/ ## Additional Reviews 5. Do the contents of this document closely interact with technologies in other IETF working groups or external organizations, and would it therefore benefit from their review? Have those reviews occurred? If yes, describe which reviews took place. This draft has closely interact with SBOM technologies developed by NTIA Multistakeholder process on Software Component Transparency Framing Working Group. It was agreed to remove SWID and add CycloneDX to improve interoperability. 6. Describe how the document meets any required formal expert review criteria, such as the MIB Doctor, YANG Doctor, media type, and URI type reviews. A YANG Doctor review has been carried out by Ebben Aries which can be found in the datatracker. 7. If the document contains a YANG module, has the final version of the module been checked with any of the [recommended validation tools][4] for syntax and formatting validation? If there are any resulting errors or warnings, what is the justification for not fixing them at this time? Does the YANG module comply with the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) as specified in [RFC 8342][5]? The PYANG compilation tool in the datatracker shows no errors and warnings in YANG. Yes, the YANG module complies with the NMDA architecture. 8. Describe reviews and automated checks performed to validate sections of the final version of the document written in a formal language, such as XML code, BNF rules, MIB definitions, CBOR's CDDL, etc. xml2rfc ietf tool and rfcfold, pyang,yanglint automation tools have been installed to validate sections of the final version of the document including example snippets. These tools show no errors and warnings in the document. ## Document Shepherd Checks 9. Based on the shepherd's review of the document, is it their opinion that this document is needed, clearly written, complete, correctly designed, and ready to be handed off to the responsible Area Director? The document shepherd reviewed this document in more details during WGLC and after WGLC and author of this document has addressed all the comments. Yes, this document is clearly written, it can be see seen one useful companion document triggered by supply chain transparency effort. 10. Several IETF Areas have assembled [lists of common issues that their reviewers encounter][6]. For which areas have such issues been identified and addressed? For which does this still need to happen in subsequent reviews? This draft received YANG Doctor early review, OPSDIR review, GENART review, SECDIR review, all comments from these have been well discussed on the opsawg mailing list and addressed in the latest version. 11. What type of RFC publication is being requested on the IETF stream ([Best Current Practice][12], [Proposed Standard, Internet Standard][13], [Informational, Experimental or Historic][14])? Why is this the proper type of RFC? Do all Datatracker state attributes correctly reflect this intent? The type of RFC publication being requested on the IETF stream is proposed standard. It is appropriate for a YANG model that extends IETF MUD model work [RFC8520]. Yes, the datatracker state attributes correctly reflect this intent. 12. Have reasonable efforts been made to remind all authors of the intellectual property rights (IPR) disclosure obligations described in [BCP 79][7]? To the best of your knowledge, have all required disclosures been filed? If not, explain why. If yes, summarize any relevant discussion, including links to publicly-available messages when applicable. WG chairs requested authors to confirm conformance with the BCP 78 and BCP 79 on 2022-05-01, which can be found at: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/opsawg/jTsbEhL3jYKpDdCSv5fPrcJoosw/ The author of this document also confirmed again that there is no IPR related to this document on 2022-06-10, which can be found at: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/opsawg/jNgoILCz-joa5z79nThfPDO7tHM/ 13. Has each author, editor, and contributor shown their willingness to be listed as such? If the total number of authors and editors on the front page is greater than five, please provide a justification. There is two authors for this document. Both are willing to be listed as authors. 14. Document any remaining I-D nits in this document. Simply running the [idnits tool][8] is not enough; please review the ["Content Guidelines" on authors.ietf.org][15]. (Also note that the current idnits tool generates some incorrect warnings; a rewrite is underway.) idnits tool flags no issues and warnings. Everything looks fine after reading the content guidelines on author.ietf.org. 15. Should any informative references be normative or vice-versa? See the [IESG Statement on Normative and Informative References][16]. None. 16. List any normative references that are not freely available to anyone. Did the community have sufficient access to review any such normative references? All normative references are freely available to anyone. 17. Are there any normative downward references (see [RFC 3967][9] and [BCP 97][10]) that are not already listed in the [DOWNREF registry][17]? If so, list them. None. 18. Are there normative references to documents that are not ready to be submitted to the IESG for publication or are otherwise in an unclear state? If so, what is the plan for their completion? None. 19. Will publication of this document change the status of any existing RFCs? If so, does the Datatracker metadata correctly reflect this and are those RFCs listed on the title page, in the abstract, and discussed in the introduction? If not, explain why and point to the part of the document where the relationship of this document to these other RFCs is discussed. No change to any existing RFCs. The YANG model defined in this document just imports module defined in RFC8520 which are normative references. 20. Describe the document shepherd's review of the IANA considerations section, especially with regard to its consistency with the body of the document. Confirm that all aspects of the document requiring IANA assignments are associated with the appropriate reservations in IANA registries. Confirm that any referenced IANA registries have been clearly identified. Confirm that each newly created IANA registry specifies its initial contents, allocations procedures, and a reasonable name (see [RFC 8126][11]). The document shepherd has reviewed IANA considerations section and confirm two new YANG registries, one MUD extension, one Well-Known Prefix registries are correctly specified and consistent with the body of this document.The referenced IANA registries have been clearly identified. 21. List any new IANA registries that require Designated Expert Review for future allocations. Are the instructions to the Designated Expert clear? Please include suggestions of designated experts, if appropriate. None. [1]: https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/ [2]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4858.html [3]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7942.html [4]: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/ops/wiki/yang-review-tools [5]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8342.html [6]: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/iesg/wiki/ExpertTopics [7]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp79 [8]: https://www.ietf.org/tools/idnits/ [9]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3967.html [10]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp97 [11]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8126.html [12]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-5 [13]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-4.1 [14]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-4.2 [15]: https://authors.ietf.org/en/content-guidelines-overview [16]: https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/statements/normative-informative-references/ [17]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/downref/ |
11 | Qin Wu | # Document Shepherd Write-Up for Group Documents *This version is dated 4 July 2022.* Thank you for your service as a document shepherd. Among the … # Document Shepherd Write-Up for Group Documents *This version is dated 4 July 2022.* Thank you for your service as a document shepherd. Among the responsibilities is answering the questions in this write-up to give helpful context to Last Call and Internet Engineering Steering Group ([IESG][1]) reviewers, and your diligence in completing it is appreciated. The full role of the shepherd is further described in [RFC 4858][2]. You will need the cooperation of the authors and editors to complete these checks. Note that some numbered items contain multiple related questions; please be sure to answer all of them. ## Document History 1. Does the working group (WG) consensus represent the strong concurrence of a few individuals, with others being silent, or did it reach broad agreement? This draft was last called in April 12 and the last call was extended one more week and received a good reviews from Joe Clarke, Carsten Bormann,Tome Petch. These reviews stand for strong concurrence of a few individuals, with others being silent. This draft also acknowledged 4 people for valuable review. 2. Was there controversy about particular points, or were there decisions where the consensus was particularly rough? No Controversy. 3. Has anyone threatened an appeal or otherwise indicated extreme discontent? If so, please summarize the areas of conflict in separate email messages to the responsible Area Director. (It should be in a separate email because this questionnaire is publicly available.) No. 4. For protocol documents, are there existing implementations of the contents of the document? Have a significant number of potential implementers indicated plans to implement? Are any existing implementations reported somewhere, either in the document itself (as [RFC 7942][3] recommends) or elsewhere (where)? I haven't heard any existing implementations of the contents of this draft. ## Additional Reviews 5. Do the contents of this document closely interact with technologies in other IETF working groups or external organizations, and would it therefore benefit from their review? Have those reviews occurred? If yes, describe which reviews took place. This draft has closely interact with SBOM technologies developed by NTIA Multistakeholder process on Software Component Transparency Framing Working Group. It was agreed to remove SWID and add CycloneDX to improve interoperability. 6. Describe how the document meets any required formal expert review criteria, such as the MIB Doctor, YANG Doctor, media type, and URI type reviews. A YANG Doctor review has been carried out by Ebben Aries which can be found in the datatracker. 7. If the document contains a YANG module, has the final version of the module been checked with any of the [recommended validation tools][4] for syntax and formatting validation? If there are any resulting errors or warnings, what is the justification for not fixing them at this time? Does the YANG module comply with the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) as specified in [RFC 8342][5]? The PYANG compilation tool in the datatracker shows no errors and warnings in YANG. Yes, the YANG module complies with the NMDA architecture. 8. Describe reviews and automated checks performed to validate sections of the final version of the document written in a formal language, such as XML code, BNF rules, MIB definitions, CBOR's CDDL, etc. xml2rfc ietf tool and rfcfold, pyang,yanglint automation tools have been installed to validate sections of the final version of the document including example snippets. These tools show no errors and warnings in the document. ## Document Shepherd Checks 9. Based on the shepherd's review of the document, is it their opinion that this document is needed, clearly written, complete, correctly designed, and ready to be handed off to the responsible Area Director? The document shepherd reviewed this document in more details during WGLC and after WGLC and author of this document has addressed all the comments. Yes, this document is clearly written, it can be see seen one useful companion document triggered by supply chain transparency effort. 10. Several IETF Areas have assembled [lists of common issues that their reviewers encounter][6]. For which areas have such issues been identified and addressed? For which does this still need to happen in subsequent reviews? This draft received YANG Doctor early review, OPSDIR review, GENART review, SECDIR review, all comments from these have been well discussed on the opsawg mailing list and addressed in the latest version. 11. What type of RFC publication is being requested on the IETF stream ([Best Current Practice][12], [Proposed Standard, Internet Standard][13], [Informational, Experimental or Historic][14])? Why is this the proper type of RFC? Do all Datatracker state attributes correctly reflect this intent? The type of RFC publication being requested on the IETF stream is proposed standard. It is appropriate for a YANG model that extends IETF MUD model work [RFC8520]. Yes, the datatracker state attributes correctly reflect this intent. 12. Have reasonable efforts been made to remind all authors of the intellectual property rights (IPR) disclosure obligations described in [BCP 79][7]? To the best of your knowledge, have all required disclosures been filed? If not, explain why. If yes, summarize any relevant discussion, including links to publicly-available messages when applicable. WG chairs requested authors to confirm conformance with the BCP 78 and BCP 79 on 2022-05-01, which can be found at: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/opsawg/jTsbEhL3jYKpDdCSv5fPrcJoosw/ The author of this document also confirmed again that there is no IPR related to this document on 2022-06-10, which can be found at: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/opsawg/jNgoILCz-joa5z79nThfPDO7tHM/ 13. Has each author, editor, and contributor shown their willingness to be listed as such? If the total number of authors and editors on the front page is greater than five, please provide a justification. There is two authors for this document. Both are willing to be listed as authors. 14. Document any remaining I-D nits in this document. Simply running the [idnits tool][8] is not enough; please review the ["Content Guidelines" on authors.ietf.org][15]. (Also note that the current idnits tool generates some incorrect warnings; a rewrite is underway.) idnits tool flags no issues and warnings. Everything looks fine after reading the content guidelines on author.ietf.org. 15. Should any informative references be normative or vice-versa? See the [IESG Statement on Normative and Informative References][16]. None. 16. List any normative references that are not freely available to anyone. Did the community have sufficient access to review any such normative references? All normative references are freely available to anyone. 17. Are there any normative downward references (see [RFC 3967][9] and [BCP 97][10]) that are not already listed in the [DOWNREF registry][17]? If so, list them. None. 18. Are there normative references to documents that are not ready to be submitted to the IESG for publication or are otherwise in an unclear state? If so, what is the plan for their completion? None. 19. Will publication of this document change the status of any existing RFCs? If so, does the Datatracker metadata correctly reflect this and are those RFCs listed on the title page, in the abstract, and discussed in the introduction? If not, explain why and point to the part of the document where the relationship of this document to these other RFCs is discussed. No change to any existing RFCs. The YANG model defined in this document just imports module defined in RFC8520 which are normative references. 20. Describe the document shepherd's review of the IANA considerations section, especially with regard to its consistency with the body of the document. Confirm that all aspects of the document requiring IANA assignments are associated with the appropriate reservations in IANA registries. Confirm that any referenced IANA registries have been clearly identified. Confirm that each newly created IANA registry specifies its initial contents, allocations procedures, and a reasonable name (see [RFC 8126][11]). The document shepherd has reviewed IANA considerations section and confirm two new YANG registries, one MUD extension, one Well-Known Prefix registries are correctly specified and consistent with the body of this document.The referenced IANA registries have been clearly identified. 21. List any new IANA registries that require Designated Expert Review for future allocations. Are the instructions to the Designated Expert clear? Please include suggestions of designated experts, if appropriate. None. [1]: https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/ [2]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4858.html [3]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7942.html [4]: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/ops/wiki/yang-review-tools [5]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8342.html [6]: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/iesg/wiki/ExpertTopics [7]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp79 [8]: https://www.ietf.org/tools/idnits/ [9]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3967.html [10]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp97 [11]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8126.html [12]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-5 [13]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-4.1 [14]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-4.2 [15]: https://authors.ietf.org/en/content-guidelines-overview [16]: https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/statements/normative-informative-references/ [17]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/downref/ |
11 | Qin Wu | # Document Shepherd Write-Up for Group Documents *This version is dated 4 July 2022.* Thank you for your service as a document shepherd. Among the … # Document Shepherd Write-Up for Group Documents *This version is dated 4 July 2022.* Thank you for your service as a document shepherd. Among the responsibilities is answering the questions in this write-up to give helpful context to Last Call and Internet Engineering Steering Group ([IESG][1]) reviewers, and your diligence in completing it is appreciated. The full role of the shepherd is further described in [RFC 4858][2]. You will need the cooperation of the authors and editors to complete these checks. Note that some numbered items contain multiple related questions; please be sure to answer all of them. ## Document History 1. Does the working group (WG) consensus represent the strong concurrence of a few individuals, with others being silent, or did it reach broad agreement? This draft was last called in April 12 and the last call was extended one more week and received a good reviews from Joe Clarke, Carsten Bormann,Tome Petch. These reviews stand for strong concurrence of a few individuals, with others being silent. This draft also acknowledged 4 people for valuable review. 2. Was there controversy about particular points, or were there decisions where the consensus was particularly rough? No Controversy. 3. Has anyone threatened an appeal or otherwise indicated extreme discontent? If so, please summarize the areas of conflict in separate email messages to the responsible Area Director. (It should be in a separate email because this questionnaire is publicly available.) No. 4. For protocol documents, are there existing implementations of the contents of the document? Have a significant number of potential implementers indicated plans to implement? Are any existing implementations reported somewhere, either in the document itself (as [RFC 7942][3] recommends) or elsewhere (where)? I haven't heard any existing implementations of the contents of this draft. ## Additional Reviews 5. Do the contents of this document closely interact with technologies in other IETF working groups or external organizations, and would it therefore benefit from their review? Have those reviews occurred? If yes, describe which reviews took place. This draft has closely interact with SBOM technologies developed by NTIA Multistakeholder process on Software Component Transparency Framing Working Group. It was agreed to remove SWID and add CycloneDX to improve interoperability. 6. Describe how the document meets any required formal expert review criteria, such as the MIB Doctor, YANG Doctor, media type, and URI type reviews. A YANG Doctor review has been carried out by Ebben Aries which can be found in the datatracker. 7. If the document contains a YANG module, has the final version of the module been checked with any of the [recommended validation tools][4] for syntax and formatting validation? If there are any resulting errors or warnings, what is the justification for not fixing them at this time? Does the YANG module comply with the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) as specified in [RFC 8342][5]? The PYANG compilation tool in the datatracker shows no errors and warnings in YANG. Yes, the YANG module complies with the NMDA architecture. 8. Describe reviews and automated checks performed to validate sections of the final version of the document written in a formal language, such as XML code, BNF rules, MIB definitions, CBOR's CDDL, etc. xml2rfc ietf tool and rfcfold, pyang,yanglint automation tools have been installed to validate sections of the final version of the document including example snippets. These tools show no errors and warnings in the document. ## Document Shepherd Checks 9. Based on the shepherd's review of the document, is it their opinion that this document is needed, clearly written, complete, correctly designed, and ready to be handed off to the responsible Area Director? The document shepherd reviewed this document in more details during WGLC and after WGLC and author of this document has addressed all the comments. Yes, this document is clearly written, it can be see seen one useful companion document triggered by supply chain transparency effort. 10. Several IETF Areas have assembled [lists of common issues that their reviewers encounter][6]. For which areas have such issues been identified and addressed? For which does this still need to happen in subsequent reviews? This draft received YANG Doctor early review, OPSDIR review, GENART review, SECDIR review, all comments from these have been well discussed on the opsawg mailing list and addressed in the latest version. 11. What type of RFC publication is being requested on the IETF stream ([Best Current Practice][12], [Proposed Standard, Internet Standard][13], [Informational, Experimental or Historic][14])? Why is this the proper type of RFC? Do all Datatracker state attributes correctly reflect this intent? The type of RFC publication being requested on the IETF stream is proposed standard. It is appropriate for a YANG model that extends IETF MUD model work [RFC8520]. Yes, the datatracker state attributes correctly reflect this intent. 12. Have reasonable efforts been made to remind all authors of the intellectual property rights (IPR) disclosure obligations described in [BCP 79][7]? To the best of your knowledge, have all required disclosures been filed? If not, explain why. If yes, summarize any relevant discussion, including links to publicly-available messages when applicable. WG chairs requested authors to confirm conformance with the BCP 78 and BCP 79 on 2022-05-01, which can be found at: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/opsawg/jTsbEhL3jYKpDdCSv5fPrcJoosw/ The author of this document also confirmed again that there is no IPR related to this document on 2022-06-10, which can be found at: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/opsawg/jNgoILCz-joa5z79nThfPDO7tHM/ 13. Has each author, editor, and contributor shown their willingness to be listed as such? If the total number of authors and editors on the front page is greater than five, please provide a justification. There is two authors for this document. Both are willing to be listed as authors. 14. Document any remaining I-D nits in this document. Simply running the [idnits tool][8] is not enough; please review the ["Content Guidelines" on authors.ietf.org][15]. (Also note that the current idnits tool generates some incorrect warnings; a rewrite is underway.) idnits tool flags no issues and warnings. Everything looks fine after reading the content guidelines on author.ietf.org. 15. Should any informative references be normative or vice-versa? See the [IESG Statement on Normative and Informative References][16]. None. 16. List any normative references that are not freely available to anyone. Did the community have sufficient access to review any such normative references? All normative references are freely available to anyone. 17. Are there any normative downward references (see [RFC 3967][9] and [BCP 97][10]) that are not already listed in the [DOWNREF registry][17]? If so, list them. None. 18. Are there normative references to documents that are not ready to be submitted to the IESG for publication or are otherwise in an unclear state? If so, what is the plan for their completion? None. 19. Will publication of this document change the status of any existing RFCs? If so, does the Datatracker metadata correctly reflect this and are those RFCs listed on the title page, in the abstract, and discussed in the introduction? If not, explain why and point to the part of the document where the relationship of this document to these other RFCs is discussed. No change to any existing RFCs. The YANG model defined in this document just imports module defined in RFC8520 which are normative references. 20. Describe the document shepherd's review of the IANA considerations section, especially with regard to its consistency with the body of the document. Confirm that all aspects of the document requiring IANA assignments are associated with the appropriate reservations in IANA registries. Confirm that any referenced IANA registries have been clearly identified. Confirm that each newly created IANA registry specifies its initial contents, allocations procedures, and a reasonable name (see [RFC 8126][11]). The document shepherd has reviewed IANA considerations section and confirm two new YANG registries, one MUD extension, one Well-Known Prefix registries are correctly specified and consistent with the body of this document.The referenced IANA registries have been clearly identified. 21. List any new IANA registries that require Designated Expert Review for future allocations. Are the instructions to the Designated Expert clear? Please include suggestions of designated experts, if appropriate. None. [1]: https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/ [2]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4858.html [3]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7942.html [4]: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/ops/wiki/yang-review-tools [5]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8342.html [6]: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/iesg/wiki/ExpertTopics [7]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp79 [8]: https://www.ietf.org/tools/idnits/ [9]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3967.html [10]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp97 [11]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8126.html [12]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-5 [13]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-4.1 [14]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2026.html#section-4.2 [15]: https://authors.ietf.org/en/content-guidelines-overview [16]: https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/statements/normative-informative-references/ [17]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/downref/ |
11 | Henk Birkholz | Tag Revised I-D Needed - Issue raised by WGLC cleared. |
11 | Henk Birkholz | IETF WG state changed to WG Consensus: Waiting for Write-Up from Waiting for WG Chair Go-Ahead |
11 | Henk Birkholz | Notification list changed to henk.birkholz@sit.fraunhofer.de, bill.wu@huawei.com from henk.birkholz@sit.fraunhofer.de because the document shepherd was set |
11 | Henk Birkholz | Document shepherd changed to Qin Wu |
11 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-11.txt |
11 | Eliot Lear | New version accepted (logged-in submitter: Eliot Lear) |
11 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
10 | Henk Birkholz | Notification list changed to henk.birkholz@sit.fraunhofer.de because the document shepherd was set |
10 | Henk Birkholz | Document shepherd changed to Henk Birkholz |
10 | Henk Birkholz | Changed consensus to Yes from Unknown |
10 | Henk Birkholz | Intended Status changed to Proposed Standard from None |
10 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-10.txt |
10 | Eliot Lear | New version accepted (logged-in submitter: Eliot Lear) |
10 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
09 | Christian Huitema | Request for Early review by SECDIR Completed: Has Issues. Reviewer: Christian Huitema. Sent review to list. |
09 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-09.txt |
09 | Eliot Lear | New version accepted (logged-in submitter: Eliot Lear) |
09 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
08 | Tero Kivinen | Request for Early review by SECDIR is assigned to Christian Huitema |
08 | Tero Kivinen | Request for Early review by SECDIR is assigned to Christian Huitema |
08 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-08.txt |
08 | Eliot Lear | New version accepted (logged-in submitter: Eliot Lear) |
08 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
07 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-07.txt |
07 | Eliot Lear | New version accepted (logged-in submitter: Eliot Lear) |
07 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
06 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-06.txt |
06 | Eliot Lear | New version accepted (logged-in submitter: Eliot Lear) |
06 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
05 | Henk Birkholz | There were comments on the list as a result of the first WGLC, which should be addressed. Eliot and Scott, when you think that all … There were comments on the list as a result of the first WGLC, which should be addressed. Eliot and Scott, when you think that all comments are addressed by you on either the email list and/or potentially via a revised I-D, please indicate so. |
05 | Henk Birkholz | Tag Revised I-D Needed - Issue raised by WGLC set. |
05 | Henk Birkholz | IETF WG state changed to Waiting for WG Chair Go-Ahead from WG Document |
05 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-05.txt |
05 | (System) | New version approved |
05 | (System) | Request for posting confirmation emailed to previous authors: Eliot Lear , Scott Rose |
05 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
04 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-04.txt |
04 | (System) | New version approved |
04 | (System) | Request for posting confirmation emailed to previous authors: Eliot Lear , Scott Rose |
04 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
03 | Niclas Comstedt | Request for Early review by OPSDIR Completed: Has Nits. Reviewer: Niclas Comstedt. Sent review to list. |
03 | Russ Housley | Request for Early review by GENART Completed: Almost Ready. Reviewer: Russ Housley. Sent review to list. |
03 | Jean Mahoney | Request for Early review by GENART is assigned to Russ Housley |
03 | Jean Mahoney | Request for Early review by GENART is assigned to Russ Housley |
03 | Gunter Van de Velde | Request for Early review by OPSDIR is assigned to Niclas Comstedt |
03 | Gunter Van de Velde | Request for Early review by OPSDIR is assigned to Niclas Comstedt |
03 | Henk Birkholz | Requested Early review by OPSDIR |
03 | Henk Birkholz | Requested Early review by GENART |
03 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-03.txt |
03 | (System) | New version approved |
03 | (System) | Request for posting confirmation emailed to previous authors: Eliot Lear , Scott Rose |
03 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
02 | Ebben Aries | Request for Early review by YANGDOCTORS Completed: Almost Ready. Reviewer: Ebben Aries. Sent review to list. |
02 | Tero Kivinen | Request for Early review by SECDIR is assigned to Tina Tsou |
02 | Tero Kivinen | Request for Early review by SECDIR is assigned to Tina Tsou |
02 | Mehmet Ersue | Request for Early review by YANGDOCTORS is assigned to Ebben Aries |
02 | Mehmet Ersue | Request for Early review by YANGDOCTORS is assigned to Ebben Aries |
02 | Joe Clarke | Requested Early review by YANGDOCTORS |
02 | Joe Clarke | Requested Early review by SECDIR |
02 | Joe Clarke | Added to session: IETF-111: opsawg Fri-1600 |
02 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-02.txt |
02 | (System) | New version accepted (logged-in submitter: Eliot Lear) |
02 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
01 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-01.txt |
01 | (System) | New version approved |
01 | (System) | Request for posting confirmation emailed to previous authors: Eliot Lear , Scott Rose |
01 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |
00 | Eliot Lear | This document now replaces draft-lear-opsawg-sbom-access instead of None |
00 | Eliot Lear | New version available: draft-ietf-opsawg-sbom-access-00.txt |
00 | (System) | New version accepted (logged-in submitter: Eliot Lear) |
00 | Eliot Lear | Uploaded new revision |