Technical Summary
This document describes methods and requirements for implementing the
encapsulation of high-speed bit-streams into virtual private wire
services (VPWS) over packet switched networks (PSN) providing
complete signal transport transparency.
Working Group Summary
Was there anything in the WG process that is worth noting?
For example, was there controversy about particular points
or were there decisions where the consensus was
particularly rough?
There was a relatively small response to WGLC but this is a specialist technology
and in the light of this the number of responses was satisfactory.
There were no points of controversy in the LC process.
Document Quality
Are there existing implementations of the protocol? Have a
significant number of vendors indicated their plan to
implement the specification? Are there any reviewers that
merit special mention as having done a thorough review,
e.g., one that resulted in important changes or a
conclusion that the document had no substantive issues? If
there was a MIB Doctor, Media Type, or other Expert Review,
what was its course (briefly)? In the case of a Media Type
Review, on what date was the request posted?
This protocol is in the shipping code of one major vendor with deployments underway.
There is a demo implementation by another major vendor that was exhibited at an
industry conference.
The technology acts as a carrier for IEEE, Fibre Channel and ITU-T protocols
and we do not foresee any adverse interaction. This WG has considerable experience
at transporting third-party physical and datalink protocols over IETF technologies.
The WG believes that the SRv6 technology will be reviewed during the normal IETF review
process so nothing special is needed.
The Document Shepherd for this document is Stewart Bryant. The
Responsible Area Director is Gunter Van de Velde.
Version Changed - Review Needed