Technical Summary:
This document specifies the nonÂmedia data transport aspects of the WebRTC
framework. It provides an architectural overview of how the Stream Control Transmission
Protocol (SCTP) is used in the WebRTC context as a generic transport service.
Working Group Summary:
There was early discussion of the stacking order, but there has been no significant
controversy since that was fixed. There have been a number of discussion on how to manage
particular aspects of the larger context (e.g. WebRTCÂlevel congestion control, since SCTP
manages congestion control at the association level) and this has played a part in those, but
not in any way that mde it the focus of controversy.
Document Quality:
There are implmentations of previous versions of this document, and we expect updates to
them to the final version. Vendor support seems solid. This document did not require
expert review of the types noted.
The document shepherd is Ted Hardie; the responsible Area Director is Richard Barnes.