Network Service Header (NSH) Metadata Type 2 Variable-Length Context Headers
Erik Kline
(Andrew Alston)
(Martin Vigoureux)
No Objection
Note: This ballot was opened for revision 09 and is now closed.
Erik Kline
Paul Wouters
(was Discuss)
DISCUSS items from Ben have been addressed in -14
Éric Vyncke
(2021-11-16 for -09)
Thank you for the work put into this document. Please find below some non-blocking minor COMMENT points (but replies would be appreciated even if only for my own education), and some nits. Special thanks to Greg Mirsky for the shepherd's write-up about the WG consensus. Thank you also to Bob Halley for the positive review for the Internet directorate: I hope that this helps to improve the document, Regards, -éric == COMMENTS == -- Section 4.3 and 4.4 -- Suggestion be consistent about where the 'opaque' tag is used, i.e., in the preamble in §4.4 and in the Node ID description in §4.3. -- Section 4.5 -- The IPv6 Flow Label header field length/type are described in RFC 8200 and not in RFC 6437. == NITS == Some glaring typos s/serveral/several/, please use a spell checker ;-) Sometimes 'octet' is used but 'byte' is also used, I would prefer to be consistent and use only 'octet' but this is very cosmetic.
Francesca Palombini
(was Discuss)
No Objection
(2022-03-31 for -14)
Thank you for the work on this document, and for addressing my previous DISCUSS. Francesca
John Scudder
(was Discuss)
No Objection
(2022-01-11 for -10)
Thanks for the updates! --- Previous DISCUSS: 1. I notice that in his RTGDIR review of version 08 [*], Stig Venaas suggested some improvements to the security considerations section. This was subsequently discussed and Yuehua Wei proposed some new text [**] for version 09. That text isn’t present, and I don’t see any further resolution on the mailing list either. I’d appreciate it if the topic were closed by either adding the proposed text, or some other text to resolve Stig’s concern, or explanation of why no change was made. [*] [**] 2. In §8.2, the two first references, [GROUPBASEDPOLICY] and [GROUPPOLICY] are deficient. At a minimum, a reference should provide enough information to allow a reader to straightforwardly determine how to retrieve it. This is true even if it’s not an openly-available online source. These two references have less than the bare bones, I don’t know how to find them or refer to them. --- Previous comments: 1. I support all of Ben’s discuss points. I also want to reiterate his comment about the desirability of having useful captions on the figures. 2. In §4.2, you write, This context header carries both the format and value of the Tenant identifier. However, I don’t see anywhere that the header “carries… the format”. Indeed, you write that the Tenant ID is an opaque value. As far as I can tell, there’s no way to infer anything about its structure without a priori knowledge. If that is correct, you can simplify the sentence to “This context header carries the Tenant Identifier.” If it’s not correct, please explain? 3. Nit, in §4.7 the words “quite efficiently” don’t seem to serve any useful purpose; the document would be better off without them IMO.
Murray Kucherawy
(was Discuss)
No Objection
(2022-01-27 for -13)
Thank you for a well done shepherd writeup. Thanks also for tidying up the IANA Considerations. I support Ben's DISCUSS position, particularly the first point. A suggestion on organization: I think what you have as the top of Section 7 should be a subsection (e.g., 7.1), and then the other subsections moved down. It doesn't make sense to me to have these registrations be dominant over the others; they're all just a set of IANA actions. I have the same comment as Francesca about Section 4.1.
Roman Danyliw
No Objection
(2021-11-30 for -09)
I strongly support Ben Kaduk’s DISCUSS position. To repeat (Ben’s first point), the privacy and security implications of each of these new meta-data items defined in Section 4 needs to be evaluated and documented. Thanks to Charlie Kaufman for the SECDIR review. ** Section 1. Typo. s/serveral/several/ ** Section 4.1 References needed for certain the CT values. -- 0x0, Shouldn’t this also reference [IEEE.802.1Q_2018] (just like with 0x1)? -- 0x2 and 0x3 is there a reference for MPLS VPN and VNI? ** Section 4.5. Editorial. Multiple Instances of s/Dest Group/Destination Group/
Warren Kumari
No Objection
(2021-12-01 for -09)
I had started writing this as a DISCUSS position, mainly about the lack of Security Considerations and lack of context / detail around fields, but changed to NoObj because the SecADs are already holding the DISCUESSes, and the fields *can* be figured out with sufficient effort. For future documents, it would be really helpful to have some more information / detail. As an example: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Metadata Class = 0x0000 | Type = TBA4 |U| Length = var| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ~ Source Interface ~ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Figure 10: Ingress Network Source Interface The fields are described as follows: Length: Indicates the length of the Source Interface in bytes (see Section 2.5.1 of [RFC8300]). Source Interface: Identifier of the ingress interface of the ingress network node." Erm, what format is the Source Interface in? Is "XE-0/0/0.23" an option? What do I *do* with this?! Only after rereading the section multiple times and then hunting down some other SFC documents did I notice the text above the document which says: "This is an opaque quantity to the NSH." -- Ok, fair enough (yes, I'm dumb for not having noticed that in the intro, but this is just an example of a common thread in the document) A "good" example is: "Node ID: Represents an opaque value of the ingress network node ID. The structure and semantics of this field are deployment specific. For example, Node ID may be a 4 bytes IPv4 address Node ID, or a 16 bytes IPv6 address Node ID, or a 6 bytes MAC address, or 8 bytes MAC address (EUI-64), etc,." -- this explains what goes in the field, and a helpful example to situate the reader.
Benjamin Kaduk Former IESG member
[Treat as non-blocking comment]
(2021-11-29 for -09)
(1) RFC 8300 is pretty clear that "Metadata privacy and security considerations are a matter for the documents that define metadata format." Some of the metadata context headers defined in this document clearly have privacy considerations that need to be documented (e.g., policy ID and source/destination group serve to concretely identify flows that are related in some way), though some may not have much that needs documenting (e.g., the forwarding context metadata seems to just be extracting out information that is already present in the packet being wrapped). Regardless, we need to have some discussion of the privacy and security considerations of the new metadata context headers, even if that is just "no new considerations" for some of them. (2) I think we need to discuss the Flow ID context header further. Is it intended to just be a container to hold a flow identifier already present in the contained packet (such as the IPv6 Flow Label or MPLS Entropy Label that are called out), or can it also be used to apply a new flow identifier at the SFC layer? The named examples of a flow ID are both 20 bits long; if that is an exhaustive listing, shouldn't we update the figure accordingly (to include Length=3, four leading bits of padding, and a trailing byte of padding)? If that is not an exhaustive listing and longer flow identifiers are expected, how do we know what length of flow identifier is being conveyed? (3) If we are to allow for specifying the "logical grouping of source and/or destination objects" in §4.6 (emphasis on "and/or"), but the context header always conveys both a source group and dest group field, do we need to reserve a dedicated value for "no group information specified"?
Andrew Alston Former IESG member
(for -13)
Not sent
Martin Vigoureux Former IESG member
(for -09)
Lars Eggert Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
(2021-11-29 for -09)
Thanks to Roni Even for their General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) review ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All comments below are about very minor potential issues that you may choose to address in some way - or ignore - as you see fit. Some were flagged by automated tools (via, so there will likely be some false positives. There is no need to let me know what you did with these suggestions. Section 4.2. , paragraph 3, nit: > , or 8 bytes MAC address (EUI-64), etc,. > ^^ Did you just mean "," or "."? These URLs in the document can probably be converted to HTTPS: *
Robert Wilton Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
(2021-12-01 for -09)
I support Ben's discuss for clarifying the length and padding for the flow id in section 4.5. In particular, I note that the diagram suggests that the size is fixed at 4 bytes, but the text suggests that the length is variable.