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Running an IETF Hackathon

Approval announcement
Draft of message to be sent after approval:


From: The IESG <>
To: IETF-Announce <>
Cc: The IESG <>,,,,,,
Subject: Document Action: 'Running an IETF Hackathon' to Informational RFC (draft-ietf-shmoo-hackathon-08.txt)

The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'Running an IETF Hackathon'
  (draft-ietf-shmoo-hackathon-08.txt) as Informational RFC

This document is the product of the Stay Home Meet Occasionally Online
Working Group.

The IESG contact person is Lars Eggert.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Ballot Text

Technical Summary

IETF Hackathons encourage the IETF community to collaborate on running code
related to existing and evolving Internet standards. This document provides a
set of practices that have been used for running IETF Hackathons. These
practices apply to Hackathons in which both in-person and remote participation
are possible with adaptations for Hackathons that are online only.

Working Group Summary

The document was presented to shmoo early in the WG lifecycle where there was
discussion on whether an RFC was the right mechanism to capture these
experiences and practices and there was widespread agreement in the WG that it
was. There was a lot of feedback on the draft both prior to its adoption as WG
item as well as after. All issues brought up on the draft were tracked using an
issue tracker on github and the shepherd has confirmed that these have been
addressed in the latest version of the draft.

Document Quality

The document has been presented several times to the working group and all the
feedback received has been addressed in the latest revision. The document has
received significant review from the WG before and after adoption and also
during working group last call.


Mallory Knodel is the Document Shepherd. Lars Eggert is the responsible AD.

RFC Editor Note