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The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Multiple Certificate Status Request Extension

Approval announcement
Draft of message to be sent after approval:


From: The IESG <>
To: IETF-Announce <>
Cc: RFC Editor <>,
    tls mailing list <>,
    tls chair <>
Subject: Protocol Action: 'The TLS Multiple Certificate Status Request Extension' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-tls-multiple-cert-status-extension-08.txt)

The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'The TLS Multiple Certificate Status Request Extension'
  (draft-ietf-tls-multiple-cert-status-extension-08.txt) as Proposed

This document is the product of the Transport Layer Security Working

The IESG contact persons are Sean Turner and Stephen Farrell.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Ballot Text

Technical Summary

This document defines the Transport Layer Security (TLS) Certificate
Status Version 2 Extension to allow clients to specify and support
multiple certificate status methods. Also defined is a new method
based on the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) that servers
can use to provide status information not just about the server's own
certificate, but also the status of intermediate certificates in the

Working Group Summary

In general working group consensus was smooth. There were
no major sticking points.

Document Quality

There are a number of implementers who plan to implement
 this protocol extension.


Shepherd - Joe Salowey; AD - Sean Turner. 

RFC Editor Note