1. Summary
Sean Turner is the document shepherd.
Kathleen Moriarty is the responsible Area Director.
This draft defines a TLS extension to negotiate the maximum size of protected
records that each peers sends. This mechanism replaces the maximum fragment
length extension defined in RFC 6066. It’s standards track because it updates
RFC 6066, which is a PS.
2. Review and Consensus
The draft was very well received by the WG, resulting in minimal, minor
comments. There were two threads that contain all of the WG mailing list
traffic related to this draft:
https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tls/l700Sq2m5nJDRfaS1VPk8w9sHKghttps://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tls/tRwQqjH0-nqZec_9BTa97AfDsd8 Unlike
other TLS-related topics, this WG settled on a solution quickly and consensus
was very easily found.
3. Intellectual Property
Martin confirmed his direct, personal knowledge of any IPR related to this
document has already been disclosed, in conformance with BCPs 78 and 79.
4. Other Points