%% You should probably cite draft-irtf-coinrg-coin-terminology-01 instead of this revision. @techreport{irtf-coinrg-coin-terminology-00, number = {draft-irtf-coinrg-coin-terminology-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-coinrg-coin-terminology/00/}, author = {Ike Kunze and Klaus Wehrle and Dirk Trossen and Marie-Jose Montpetit and Xavier de Foy and David Griffin and Miguel Rio}, title = {{Terminology for Computing in the Network}}, pagetotal = 5, year = , month = , day = , abstract = {The term Computing in the Network (COIN) is used for a diverse set of scenarios. Often associated with leveraging richer computing capabilities within network elements, its clear scope is yet unknown. This document tries to bring clarity to the current understanding of COIN through defining a terminology to streamline corresponding discussions.}, }