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Shepherd writeup

Shepherd writeup

Document Type: Experimental

Document Title: rLEDBAT: receiver-driven Low Extra Delay Background Transport
for TCP

Technical Summary:
This document specifies the rLEDBAT, a set of mechanisms that enable
the execution of a less-than-best-effort congestion control algorithm
for transport protocols (eg. TCP, QUIC) at the receiver end.

Research Group:
This document is a product of the Internet Congestion Control Research Group

Document Quality:
The document is a technically sound and precisely describes the proposed
mechanisms. The document has been used to successfully produce 3
implementations, of which 2 of them have been commercially deployed.

Research Group Summary:

The document was first submitted to the RG as an individual submission
draft-bagnulo-iccrg-rledbat in July8, 2019. The submission generated some
discussion in the mailing list at that time (see

The document was adopted as a Research Group working item on February 28, 2020
with the unanimous support of all those who responded to the ICCRG chair
regarding adoption

The document was presented in 6 IETF meetings, namely IETF105, IETF106,
IETF109, IETF112, IETF115 and IETF119

Since the initial submission of the document and the current date, several
implementations have been reported in the different IETF meeting presentations.
The proposed experiment is ongoing since the proposed solution has been
deployed in the Internet to understand its behaviour and performance.

The RGLC was announced in March 2024. the only comments received were requests
to include additional details about the described mechanisms, which were
incorporated to the latest version of the document issued after the RGLC.

Intellectual Property:
There have been no IPR disclosures pertaining to this document.

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