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Shepherd writeup

1. Summary
The document shepherd is Jen Linkova. The IRTF Chair is Colin Perkins.

The document provides an overview and and analysis of  past efforts to develop
and deploy Path Aware techniques, most of which were unsuccessful or at most
partially successful, in order to extract insights and lessons for path-aware
networking researchers.

2. Review and Consensus
The document has been thoughtful reviewed by the RG. It passed the RG Last
Call. All comments received during the previous review cycles and the RGLC are
addressed in the -12 version of the document. The research group is quite sure
that publishing this document as an informational RFC will be a useful
reference for future work in the PANRG as well as other RGs and IETF WGs.

3. Intellectual Property
Each author has confirmed conformance with BCP 78/79. There are no IPR
disclosures on the document.

4. Other Points
There are no normative references in this document. The document introduces no
new security considerations. There is no default shepherd writeup template for
the IRTF stream
