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Trust is non-negotiable

Document Type Active Internet-Draft (individual)
Author Dennis Jackson
Last updated 2024-12-20
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Transport Layer Security                                      D. Jackson
Internet-Draft                                                   Mozilla
Intended status: Informational                          21 December 2024
Expires: 24 June 2025

                        Trust is non-negotiable


   This document considers proposals to enable the negotiation of trust
   anchors in TLS.  It makes three basic arguments: that trust
   negotiation is not helpful in addressing the problems it claims to
   address, that trust negotiation instead comes with material harms to
   the critical trust infrastructure of the Internet, and that the
   proposed mechanisms for deploying trust negotiation are unworkable.
   This draft goes on to discuss simpler and more effective solutions to
   these problems.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at
   nonnegotiable/draft-jackson-tls-trust-is-nonnegotiable.html.  Status
   information for this document may be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the Transport Layer
   Security Working Group mailing list (, which is
   archived at  Subscribe

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 24 June 2025.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  The Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  What can Trust Negotiation do for the WebPKI? . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  Trust Negotiation and Root Program Security . . . . . . .   5
       3.1.1.  Adding CAs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       3.1.2.  Removing a CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       3.1.3.  Key Rotation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.2.  Trust Negotiation for Post-Quantum Certificates . . . . .   9
       3.2.1.  Root Ubiquity and Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       3.2.2.  Intermediate Suppression  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       3.2.3.  Future PQ Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     3.3.  Trust Negotiation and Root Program Divergence . . . . . .  11
       3.3.1.  Can divergence improve security?  . . . . . . . . . .  11
       3.3.2.  Empowering Root Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       3.3.3.  Burdening Website Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       3.3.4.  To what end?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   4.  The design and deployability of Trust Anchor Identifiers  . .  18
     4.1.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     4.2.  The Design of TAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     4.3.  Server-Side Deployment Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

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     4.4.  Client-Side Deployment Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     4.5.  Interaction with Encrypted Client Hello . . . . . . . . .  22
     4.6.  Consequences of a limited deployment  . . . . . . . . . .  22
   5.  The Path Forwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     5.1.  Delivering Intermediate Suppression . . . . . . . . . . .  25
       5.1.1.  Abridged Certificate Compression  . . . . . . . . . .  25
       5.1.2.  AIA Chasing with Storage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
       5.1.3.  Deployment Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
     5.2.  Reducing the operational burdens for website operators  .  28
       5.2.1.  Automatic Client Root Store Updates . . . . . . . . .  28
       5.2.2.  When Automatic Updates Fail . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
       5.2.3.  Tools for Website Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
   8.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36

1.  Introduction

   For as long as TLS has been used on the web, web servers have been
   restricted to belonging to one PKI which must satisfy the
   requirements of every client, or at least as many clients as
   possible.  This constraint has defined the architecture of the web
   for the past two decades, leading to the consolidation of community,
   architecture, standards and process in the singular 'WebPKI' as we
   know it.

   Trust Anchor Identifiers [TAI] is a recently proposed draft which
   enables websites to participate in multiple PKIs through the
   introduction of trust anchor negotiation.  The stated motivation for
   this proposal is two-fold.  For website operators, trust negotiation
   is proposed to make it easier to maintain compatibility with a
   diverse range of clients, particularly older legacy clients without
   up to date root stores.  For root program operators, trust
   negotiation is proposed to enable improvements to the security of
   their clients.

   This draft considers TAIs proposed use cases for trust negotiation
   (Section 3).  It finds that none of the proposed use cases for
   improving security stand up to scrutiny.  Further, that trust
   negotiation substantially alters the power dynamics of the WebPKI in
   way that will most likely lead to negative outcomes for users and
   website operators.  It also identifies trust negotiation as enabling
   a number of meaningful abuse scenarios.

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   The conclusion of this section is that trust negotiation is not a
   desirable feature to realize in TLS, regardless of the underlying
   design or implementation.

   The draft goes on to consider the high level design described in
   [TAI] and its suitability for deployment (Section 4).  It concludes
   that the necessary investments and integrations to deploy it are
   unworkable for the vast majority of clients and servers.  This makes
   the use of trust negotiation for the post-quantum transition deeply
   unattractive, as well as further undermining the claimed use cases
   for security and compatibility.

   This draft concludes in Section 5 by considering simpler, easier to
   deploy and more targeted solutions that can enable the post-quantum
   transition and reduce compatibility challenges for large website
   operators, without causing unacceptable harms or systemic risk.

2.  The Problem Statement

   At the TLS interim on October 1st, a problem statement was posed to
   the meeting:

      Avoid client trust conflicts by enabling servers to reliably and
      efficiently support clients with diverse trust anchor lists,
      particularly in larger PKIs where the existing
      certificate_authorities extension is not viable.  [TLSInterim]

   This problem statement is supported by two different motivations.

   Website operators are interested in compatibility with as broader set
   of clients as possible.  Meanwhile, clients, or really their root
   program operators, benefit from differentiation and deploying new

   Although these two perspectives are unified by the abstract framing
   of the problem statement, it does not follow that a proposed solution
   will be equally effective for both goals.

   In fact these two perspectives have often been opposed, with the
   differentiation and evolutions driven by root program operators in
   turn necessitating investments and ongoing compliance obligations for
   website operators.  Consequently, its critical to evaluate both
   perspectives independently, which is the approach taken throughout
   this document.

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3.  What can Trust Negotiation do for the WebPKI?

   This section examines the use cases for the negotiation of trust
   anchors ('trust negotiation') which have been proposed in [TAI].  The
   use cases are grouped into three distinct themes: improving root
   program operations, transitioning to post-quantum cryptography and
   handling conflicting client requirements.

   The analysis in this section is design-agnostic and assumes that
   clients and servers have some abstract mechanism to enable clients to
   signal which trust anchors they support and servers provide the
   appropriate certificate chains.

3.1.  Trust Negotiation and Root Program Security

   Trust Anchor Identifiers [TAI] draft claims that trust negotiation
   can improve the operation of root programs and in doing so, improve
   the security of clients.  Unfortunately, these claims are based on
   statements that ignore already widely deployed solutions and
   ultimately give a misleading picture of how root programs work today.

3.1.1.  Adding CAs

   In Section 7.1 of TAI, the draft claims:

      Without [trust] negotiation, the authenticating party is limited
      to its relying parties' intersection and must wait for every
      supported relying party to be updated [with the new root CA]
      before the transition even begins

   This is a false statement.  For many years, the WebPKI has used
   cross-signed certificates to enable new roots to be used by websites
   before older relying parties were updated.  A cross-signed
   certificate when one root key is used to sign another root or
   intermediate key.  In this case, when an older CA uses its
   ubiquitously trusted root CA to sign a newer CA's root key.  This
   enables older relying parties and newer relying parties to trust the
   same certificate chain, even when the older party is unaware of the
   new root.

   This system is ubiquitously supported and in widespread usage by CAs
   today.  Cross-signing is essential part of root program operations
   and foundational to the existence of many CAs:

   *  Scott Helme has a blog post explaining cross-signing and its
      essential role in the creation of Let's Encrypt [LECrossSign].

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   *  Certainly, the CA owned by Fastly, currently operates on the basis
      of a cross-sign from GoDaddy which is used to serve Fastly's
      website.  Without this cross-sign, Fastly's website would be
      inaccessible on Windows machines, as Microsoft's Root Store does
      not currently include Certainly's Root CA certificates

   *  Google Trust Services, one of the largest CAs in the world, also
      uses a cross-sign to maximize backwards compatibility

   Cross Signing is also detailed extensively in in this academic
   survery [CrossSignStudy] and in online discussions of root program
   operations [SleeviCrossSign].

   The primary challenge in the use of cross-signing is that the new CA
   must arrive at a contractual agreement with an existing CA to grant
   the cross-sign.  As the existing CA is vouching trust in the new CA
   and considered responsible for them, this typically involves
   extensive disclosure, vetting and a business agreement.  Whilst
   painful for the new CA, this level of enhanced vetting, in return for
   being retroactively trusted by existing clients, is critical to the
   security of the overall ecosystem.

   As with any commercial relationship between competing businesses,
   there is the possibility of anti-competitive behavior or otherwise
   exploitative agreements to the benefit of the incumbent.  Root
   Programs work to mitigate this by maintaining a healthy pool of older
   ubiquitous CAs to ensure an efficient marketplace.

   Trust Negotiation does not meaningfully change this situation.  If a
   website wants to be able to serve older clients with an out of date
   root store, the website operator has no choice but to obtain a
   certificate chain which is ultimately signed by some CA that those
   clients trust, whether through a cross-sign or through a certificate
   chain directly signed by the older CA.  Both cases require a
   commercial agreement with the same parties.

3.1.2.  Removing a CA

   The TAI draft goes on to propose that trust negotiation can make it
   easier to remove CAs:

      When CAs are determined to be untrustworthy, relying parties must
      remove them to mitigate the risk to user security.  Over time,
      this shrinks their intersection with older relying parties.
      Without [trust] negotiation, the result is authenticating parties
      have fewer and fewer CA choices available.  (Section 7.2 of [TAI])

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   This observation is also false and the overall picture given is
   misleading.  Firstly, this use case leaves out critically important
   context, which is that this intersection is so large as to not be a
   factor in CA removals.

   As an example, we consider Android's Root Store, as until 2023,
   Android was the only major OS to not receive automatic root store
   updates [Android14RootStore] and so has become notorious for the
   number of stale clients.  However, even for Android, the number of
   Root CA certificates in the overlap between the newest and oldest
   devices is more than large enough [AndroidRoots].

    | Android Version | Codename   | Release Date | Shared Roots with |
    |                 |            |              | latest Android    |
    | 4               | Ice Cream  | 2011         | 37                |
    |                 | Sandwich   |              |                   |
    | 5               | Lollipop   | 2014         | 60                |
    | 7               | Nougat     | 2016         | 74                |
    | 11              | Red Velvet | 2020         | 100               |
    |                 | Cake       |              |                   |

                                  Table 1

   Further, these figures are a substantial under-count because they
   only consider matching roots directly included in both root stores
   and don't consider root certificates which are trusted because of a
   cross-sign.  For example, modern CAs like Google Trust Services,
   Amazon Trust Services, and Certainly, all of which were established
   long after the release of Ice Cream Sandwich in 2011, are still
   trusted on these old devices through a cross-sign but are not counted
   in these figures.

   Secondly, because of the cross-signing system, the intersection
   between new and old clients does not strictly shrink.  The older
   clients have fixed root stores.  When any of these older roots
   produce a cross-sign with a newer key, the intersection between new
   and old clients grows, rather than shrinks.  Even when newer clients
   remove the older root, they are still happy to trust certificate
   signed by the newer root, regardless of the presence of the older
   root's cross sign.

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   More generally, the idea that trust negotiation can make it easier
   for root programs to remove a CA is flawed because its not technical
   problems that impede CA removal, but non-technical challenges.

   Firstly, as a root store distrust is a life or death decision for a
   CA, a CA at risk of being distrusted will try all available means to
   apply pressure to a root program operator (including legal,
   commercial and regulatory avenues).  This challenge cannot be solved
   by technical changes to the TLS handshake.

   The second barrier is that root program operators must engage in a
   game of chicken {[ChickenGameTheory]} with the website operators that
   rely on a to-be-distrusted CA.  If root program operators distrust a
   CA and website operators don't switch to another CA, then those
   websites will become unavailable for clients of that root program.
   This can lead to delays when website operators are slow to transition
   away, which was a serious problem in the distrust of Symantec

   However, the Symantec distrust took place in a WebPKI that looked
   much different.  During the Symantec distrust, automated certificate
   issuance was practically unknown, TLS certificates typically lasted 5
   years and were expensive to boot - all powerful factors in slowing
   the transition.  Since the arrival of ACME, free certificates and
   shorter lifetimes, the friction for website operators to switch has
   dropped substantially.

   Root Programs have also introduced the ability to gracefully sunset
   trust in a CA, through mechanisms like Distrust-After
   [DistrustAfter], which bypasses the game of chicken with website
   operators.  This process has recently been enhanced with SCT-
   Distrust-After, as pioneered by Google Chrome [EntrustSCTDistrust],
   which provides greater security during the distrust period.

   As a concrete example, root programs like Mozilla and Google Chrome
   recently distrusted Entrust which was previously one of the top 10
   largest CAs [CAMarketShare].  This transition has been smooth and
   unremarkable for both website operators and users.

3.1.3.  Key Rotation

   The final root program operation that the TAI draft claims to improve
   is a key rotation process for root certificates:

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      Without trust anchor negotiation, authenticating parties cannot
      switch to the new root as long as any supported older relying
      party requires the old root.  That, in turn, means relying parties
      cannot distrust the old root, leaving them vulnerable.
      (Section 7.3)

   This statement is also false.  In fact, roots are already rotated
   periodically using the cross-signing process described in
   Section 3.1.1.  Here, the cross-signing process is even smoother,
   because the same CA controls both the new and old root key.  This
   practice has been widely used for many years to carry out root key
   rotations and is the standard practice of CAs today.

   Root Program operators are also able to unilaterally reduce trust in
   long-lived root keys if they so desire.  Rather than trust the long-
   lived root keys, they can instead pin their trust to the shorter-
   lived intermediate CA keys which rotate much more frequently.  These
   intermediate CA keys are publicly listed in the Common CA Database
   [CCADB] and required to be published there before being used to sign
   certificate chains.  Clients can be programmed to fallback to
   trusting the longer lived root certificates if their list of
   intermediates becomes stale (similar to how CT logs are handled

   As consequence, trust negotiation also has nothing to offer for this
   use case.

3.2.  Trust Negotiation for Post-Quantum Certificates

   [TAI] puts forward several ways in which trust negotiation could
   benefit the transition to post-quantum.

3.2.1.  Root Ubiquity and Compatibility

   In Section 7.1, the TAI draft claims:

      Post-quantum-capable relying parties may be detected with the
      signature_algorithms and signature_algorithms_cert extensions.
      However, this relies on all post-quantum CAs being added at
      roughly the same time and that they are sufficiently
      interchangeable to be negotiated with these extensions.  Trust
      anchor negotiation directly addresses this problem and allows for
      both gradual and possibly heterogeneous deployment of post-quantum
      CAs across relying parties.

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   This claim is also false.  Cross-signing (described in Section 3.1.1)
   works just as well when the two root keys are of different types as
   when they are of the same type.  Signing a new PQ with an older
   classical signature is technically no different from signing a new
   ECDSA root with an older RSA root, as many CAs have done.

   Using cross-signing enables each CA to mint new PQ Roots as and when
   they wish.  As modern clients already have nearly identical lists of
   trusted classical CAs, these cross-signs allow all clients with PQ
   support to consume the new PQ chains without compatibility problems.
   It is reasonable to ask whether signing a post-quantum root with a
   classical cross-sign in some way damages or weakens the security of
   the certificate chain.  Happily, it does not.

   If the certificate chain is consumed by a client which trusts the new
   PQ root, then the client will not even bother to check the classical
   cross-sign and instead consider the chain to be fully post-quantum.
   If the same chain is consumed by a client which supports PQ
   signatures, but is unaware of the new PQ root, then it will consume
   the classical cross-sign and receive only classical authentication,
   which is the best outcome possible when the client does not have the
   new PQ root.

   This process has been further discussed on the TLS mailing list

3.2.2.  Intermediate Suppression

   Section 7.5 of [TAI] goes on to propose that trust negotiation could
   be used to avoid the need to deliver intermediates certificates to
   clients, which would be valuable for the PQ transition given the size
   of post-quantum cryptographic primitives.

   This is a use case that trust negotiation can actually address and so
   the proposed design [TAI] is evaluated for deployability in Section 4
   and then compared to the existing alternatives in Section 5.1.

3.2.3.  Future PQ Experiments

   Merkle Tree Certificates [MTC] is a draft proposing a new post-
   quantum authentication method for TLS which shsares a number of
   authors with [TAI].  Although the TAI draft does not reference the
   Merkle Tree Certificates draft, the MTC draft has been updated to
   depend on TAI and so it is briefly discussed here.

   As a premise, MTC is an interesting proposal.  However, it has seen
   little discussion and has many open questions.  In particular, the
   transparency properties it currently provides are much weaker than

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   those of the existing Certificate Transparency ecosystem.  Its
   reliance on a centralized provider for both security and availability
   is also problematic.

   A further issue is that several new post-quantum signature schemes
   with much smaller sizes are still finishing the standardization
   process [NistPQUpdate] (e.g.  FN-DSA / Falcon, and the NIST
   Additional Signatures competitors) and their deployment would make
   the return on investment of schemes like MTC marginal if not

   Finally, MTC as a design has no actual need for a dependency on trust
   negotiation or TAI, and so the question of whether to enable trust
   negotiation or adopt TAI, is largely independent of the future of

3.3.  Trust Negotiation and Root Program Divergence

   The final set of use cases for trust negotiation proposed in [TAI]
   concern allowing root programs to diverge and clients to enforce
   conflicting policies.  Enabling divergence between the major root
   programs was stated as a 'motivating example' in the Chrome
   presentation at the interim [TLSInterim] and in more guarded language
   in the draft itself:

      An authenticating party may need to support relying parties with
      different, potentially conflicting requirements.  (Section 7.6)

3.3.1.  Can divergence improve security?

   The [TAI] draft suggests that if root program requirements can
   diverge, this will allow some clients to enforce stronger security
   requirements, because tension between different use cases is blocking
   security improvements.  This is not the case and in fact there are no
   proposed security improvements that are being by root program
   disagreements or would be unlocked by enabling root program

   For example, the TAI draft states:

      In contexts where online revocation checks are expensive,
      unreliable, or privacy-sensitive, user security is best served by
      short-lived certificates.  In other contexts, long-lived
      certificates may be more appropriate for, e.g., systems that are
      offline for long periods of time or have unreliable clocks.
      (Section 7.6)

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   In fact there is already a standardized TLS extension which enables
   some clients to negotiate shorter lived certificates whilst allowing
   others to use longer lived certificates [DelegatedCredentials] which
   has been supported in Mozilla Firefox for several years.

   In general, security requirements are ultimately additive rather than
   conflicting, so it is unclear why divergence would ever be necessary
   in order to improve security.  The other security improvements
   shipped to the WebPKI over the previous decade have not required
   divergence, indeed, they have typically benefited from convergence
   and unified support to encourage adoption.

   For example, security requirements might require more information for
   authentication to be placed in a certificate (like SCTs used in
   Certificate Transparency), reduce the number of parties which can
   issue certificates, or require shorter certificate lifetimes are all
   additive security requirements.

   Each root program is able to adopt these stricter requirements
   individually, indeed as many have done so.  Over time, as the
   ecosystem shifts, these security requirements are transferred into
   the CabForum baseline requirements, through a formal voting procedure
   [CABForumPrimer], which standardizes the consensus between the WebPKI
   Root programs and other stakeholders.  This is an effective one-way
   ratchet for improving the security of web users.

   In reality, the largest constraint on shipping new security
   improvements in the WebPKI is not the expectations of other TLS
   clients or other root program requirements, but the level of
   investment that website operators are willing to make in terms of
   security.  As it stands, the reluctance of website operators and
   enterprise vendors to invest in automated certificate lifecycle
   management solutions like ACME [EnterpriseACME] is what currently
   prevents root programs enforcing shorter certificate lifetimes.

3.3.2.  Empowering Root Programs

   Although trust negotiation is ineffective for improving security, it
   is effective at changing the power dynamics of the WebPKI.  The
   current inability of websites to service users from different PKIs,
   means that the root programs of popular clients are incentivized to
   align their requirements.

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   If a root program were to diverge in its requirements, websites would
   be forced to choose between supporting the consensus requirements or
   the diverging root program's requirements.  As websites naturally
   want to be as accessible by a wider pool of users as possible, they
   will follow the consensus requirements, which in turn motivates root
   programs to avoid issuing conflicting or diverging requirements.

   Trust negotiation, in enabling clients and websites to negotiate
   different certificates, reverses these incentives and so shifts the
   balance of power in this system.  If Trust negotiation were widely
   supported, then root programs could issue conflicting requirements
   and instead expect website operators to obtain multiple certificate
   chains in order to satisfy all of their clients.

   Enabling conflicting requirements, rather than simply additive ones,
   would ultimately enabling the WebPKI to shift from a well-functioning
   commons with multi-stakeholder governance to a fragmented patchwork
   of private fiefdoms, each dominated by a root program operator.

3.3.3.  Burdening Website Operators

   This shift in power towards root program operators would be deeply
   counterproductive to the goals of website operators, who largely wish
   to minimize the disruption and complexity of compliance with root
   program and client requirements - which implies a preference for
   consistency and uniformity amongst clients.

   Today, website operators only need to establish a relationship with a
   single certificate authority, which is easily done on the basis of
   popularity and service offered.  Even the largest websites looking
   for maximum compatibility today are still able serve a single
   certificate chain from a single partner CA to all of their clients.

   Trust Negotiation reverses this situation.  As each root program can
   diverge and evolve fully independently, the website operator needs to
   constantly track these changes and transitions to make sure they are
   partnered with sufficiently many CAs to retain widespread support.
   This is a strict increase in complexity and the number of transitions
   that the website operator has to manage.

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   Ultimately, this pushes the pain and complexity of avoiding conflicts
   from the small number of root program operators and CAs, who are well
   positioned to bear it and moves it down to to individual website
   operators.  This means asking orders of magnitude more people, who
   are less expert, to carry out more complex tasks in order to maintain
   the same compatibility and support they already have today.  The
   website operators have little leverage in this situation, they either
   find a suitable certificate chain for each conflict, or they lose
   those clients of that root program.

3.3.4.  To what end?

   No one can claim infallible foresight about how this change in power
   dynamics would impact as complex a system as the WebPKI.  For the
   existing root program operators, we would of course hope that they
   would continue to prioritize user security over other incentives.

   However, enabling root programs to diverge also incentivizes the
   establishment of new root programs and this has been noted as a
   possibility by one of the authors of [TAI]:

      One of the (unstated, and perhaps we should state it clearer)
      goals of trust expressions is to allow for new root programs to be
      created.  [NewRootsMotivation]

   As discussed in Section 3.3.1, there are no substantive proposals for
   how divergence or a new root store would improve security.
   Unfortunately, the most obvious motivations for establishing a new
   root store would be deeply negative for users.  Money

   The majority of product and device manufacturers take the easiest
   path with respect to security, that is, they ship the defaults of
   whatever technology is readily available.  Today, the default is the
   WebPKI and complying with the WebPKI's requirements is typically seen
   as much easier than establishing your own root program.  However, if
   alternative root programs that put less weight on security were
   readily available, they would present as compelling options for those
   less security conscious device or software manufacturers.  These
   alternative root programs struggle to exist today, because websites
   are forced to choose which PKI to participate in, but of course trust
   negotiation lets them participate in multiple without issue.

   In the WebPKI, security improvements have been driven forwards by the
   high concentration of browsers who are motivated to improve security
   in order to widen usage of the web.  However, alternative root
   programs are likely to follow different dynamics depending on who

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   governs them and consumes.  Absent concerned force of motivated and
   responsible entities to drive improvements, these alternative root
   programs are most likely to stagnate rather than evolve, especially
   if their membership is self-selects for those less willing to invest
   in security.

   After all, security remains a low priority for many commercial
   entities and its unlikely that most commercial operators of a new
   root program would put the same emphasis on security that browsers
   do.  Unfortunately, users are relatively insensitive to the security
   of their devices, especially opaque intangibles like root program
   policy and so the economic incentives towards cost-cutting are likely
   to dominate.

   It also goes without saying that whilst this would not directly
   impact the security of browsers, it would impact the websites forced
   to participate in these less secure ecosystems (through client's
   choice of which to adopt) and it would most definitely impact users,
   whose digital security is defined by the weakest device or software
   product they depend on.  Control

   The other primary motivation for establishing a root program is
   control over the network communication between clients and servers
   using it.

   To this end, some governments have previously established their root
   certificates under their control and proposed to have them
   distributed to browsers and other clients within their territory, for
   example [RussiaCA], [KazakhstanCA] and [MauritiusCA].  These root
   certificates can then be used to intercept, survey and censor network
   traffic within their borders.

   Recently, some governments have engaged in efforts which would
   achieve a similar outcome by less direct means [eIDAS].  Rather than
   mandate trust in a particular root certificate or a government-
   operated CA, a government establishes their own root program which
   selects trustworthy domestic CAs.  The domestic CAs have an obvious
   commercial incentive to encourage these efforts.  The government then
   pushes for client and server adoption of its domestic root program
   which ultimately enables interception and surveillance but can be
   dressed up as a legitimate initiative, with a ostensibly valid
   political objective, e.g. to achieve digital sovereignty, divest from
   big tech, build a local trust economy, and so on.

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   One of the most powerful arguments against this approach is that in
   the current system it can serve no legitimate purpose because it is
   impossible for websites to adopt these certificates without becoming
   unavailable to users who do not have the roots installed.  As it is
   extremely unlikely that any non-domestic user would ever adopt these
   roots, consequently websites are forced to choose between using a
   WebPKI CA and the ubiquitous trust it enjoys, or a domestic CA which
   means blocking the vast majority of non-local users or non-compatible
   devices.  This means that a domestic PKI within the WebPKI's current
   architecture is largely a vanity project which offers few benefits.

   Deploying trust negotiation resolves these issues.  Just as it
   enables the existing root program operators to diverge, or new
   commercial root programs to become established, it also resolves the
   issues that governments face running domestic root programs.  Rather
   than having to try to force websites to solely use a domestic CA with
   limited deployment, governments could now ask (or require) websites
   to deploy certificates from a domestic CA in addition to their
   existing WebPKI CA.  This in turn enables a gradual transition of
   client devices towards the domestic PKI.

   An option, after sufficient incubation of a domestic PKI and only
   available to the largest countries or federations, would then be to
   supplant the WebPKI entirely.  As well as requiring a set of
   designated root certificates to be distributed, the government would
   also actively discourage the distribution of other non-approved root
   certificates to domestic clients.  If carried out, this would create
   a PKI-based splinternet [Splinternet] which would be useful not only
   for intercepting, surveilling and censoring the individual
   connections of users, but would enable pro-active control of
   connections, where websites would need to apply for suitable
   certificates to become available to those stuck in the splinternet
   (e.g. meeting the necessary regulatory standards for identification
   and 'wholesomeness').

   Without trust negotiation, this kind of divergence would mean cutting
   oneself off from the Internet entirely.  An idea which has been
   proposed and partially experimented with in some countries like
   Russia, China and Iran, but even these countries have shied away from
   the economic costs of such taking such a drastic step.  Here too,
   trust negotiation offers a technical solution, enabling this
   divergence without the economic harm of total isolation.

   More succinctly, whilst trust negotiation might be envisioned to
   enable either Chrome and Firefox or browsers and IoT devices to
   negotiate different certificates.  Trust negotiations works just as
   well to enable residents of different countries to negotiate
   different certificates, there is no technical difference between

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   these scenarios and it is inarguable that trust negotiation solves
   some of the most substantial technological barriers that prevent
   these scenarios.

   Whether or not these observations meaningfully changes your beliefs
   about the likelihood of these outcomes is a much more subjective and
   nuanced question.  If you believe that these outcomes are
   unfortunately inevitable or thankfully impossible, then even
   substantial changes in the technical landscape matter little.
   However, there is good evidence that in fact the political situation
   is quite unsettled and even small efforts [eIDAS] can lead to
   substantial differences in outcomes [eIDASOutcome].  Alternative paths to Abuse

   It shouldn't need to be said, but nobody involved in this discussion
   believes the outcomes described in the previous section would be
   positive or acceptable.  However, it has been argued that widespread
   deployment of Trust Negotiation would not change the probability of
   these negative outcomes.

   The argument runs broadly as follows:

   *  The security of clients reduces to which roots they have in their
      root store.

   *  Governments can already pass laws to force clients to use certain

   *  Trust Negotiation does not affect the probability that such a law
      is passed.

   This argument fails in the last step.  Whether or not a law is passed
   is a function of what it achieves and how it can be justified.  Trust
   Negotiation creates the technical architecture for the creation and
   operation of divergent root programs, resolving key technical
   barriers and enabling persuasive justifications.

   A second line of argument is instead that governments could deploy
   trust negotiation themselves either directly or through alternative
   means such as:

   *  Using national signature algorithms, advertised in the TLS client
      hello, as a proxy for negotiating trust.

   *  Using the certificate_authorities extension to enable a 'small'
      domestic root store.

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   As theoretical technical designs, the first two approaches could be
   used to achieve a limited form of Trust Negotiation.  However, both
   are practically blocked today because clients and servers would need
   to have new code shipped to either support the national signature
   algorithm or to support the certificate_authorities extension in the
   Client Hello.  The sheer diversity of clients and servers in the
   world today and the difficulty of updating their TLS libraries is a
   formidable barrier to this outcome.

   At the end of the day, it is running code that matters, not
   theoretical designs and that is why we have to weigh the risks of
   deploying new technology, because as a community we have the power to
   change that code in a way that is extremely difficult, if not
   impossible, for governments.

4.  The design and deployability of Trust Anchor Identifiers

   This section considers the design and deployability of the Trust
   Anchor Identifier design proposed in draft-beck-tls-trust-anchor-
   ids-03 [TAI].  As with any draft at the pre-adoption phase, the draft
   need not present a complete solution, however, it is critical to
   understand how the external dependencies and high level design of the
   draft impact its deployability and fitness for purpose.

4.1.  Overview

   Unfortunately, TAI is not an easy design to deploy.  For both clients
   and servers, it requires deep and invasive changes to both TLS
   libraries and the client and server applications that depend on them.
   For clients, this includes necessary integrations with DNS resolvers
   (whether mediated by the application or the TLS library), new
   stateful retry mechanisms and error handling code and a deprecation
   of existing APIs which allow for post-validation pinning.  For
   servers, TAI requires existing application mechanisms for providing
   TLS certificates to be deprecated and complex and ongoing automated
   DNS changes which need to be integrated with automated certificate
   management solutions.

   These changes cross many existing software boundaries and touch many
   parts of the ecosystem and ultimately limit the deployability of this
   design to only the most capable clients and servers who are willing
   to make the necessary investments and already integrate the necessary
   dependencies, essentially browsers and CDNs.

   The limited deployability of TAI further undermines many of the
   proposed benefits.  From the perspective of website operators,
   browsers are already highly homogenized in their behavior and so
   trust negotiation with them alone offers little room for improvement

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   but could lead to divergence between browsers, driving up their
   operational burden.  For root program operators, the situation is
   even worse, since any tightening of security policy reliant on TAI
   requires near universal deployment by website operators, who have
   historically been the blocking factor in most new TLS technologies.

   The limitation of TAI to highly capable and integrated parties like
   browsers and CDNs is especially problematic for future root program
   transitions.  For example, predicating the PQ transition upon a
   design like TAI would leave behind the vast majority of clients and
   servers who are unable to adopt it.  This harms not only users of
   clients which couldn't make the transition, but also users TAI-
   capable browsers who cannot negotiate PQ cryptography with websites
   not using a major CDN.

4.2.  The Design of TAI

   Draft-beck-tls-trust-anchor-ids-02 has a simple design.  Every root
   certificate is assigned a short OID as an identifier.  Servers can
   obtain one or more certificate chains, each of which terminates in a
   single root certificate and they advertise the corresponding
   identifiers for their certificate chains in a DNS record.  The draft
   requires servers to keep this information up to date, which means in
   practice updating these DNS records whenever their certificate chains
   change - e.g. because new certificates have been acquired, or because
   existing certificates have been revoked or have expired.

   Clients can fetch these DNS records, inspect the advertised
   identifiers against their own root store and then use an extension in
   the ClientHello to ask the server to send a particular certificate
   chain.  This mechanism relies upon either the client application
   being aware of this draft and providing the necessary information
   from DNS to the underlying TLS library, or the TLS library having its
   own mechanism for fetching information from DNS.

   Servers also provide a full list of their identifiers to clients in
   their EncryptedExtensions message.  This allows for a more expensive
   recovery path (a full additional handshake) for clients that do not
   have the necessary DNS information, or where the DNS configuration is
   incorrect.  Clients can retry the connection based upon the list of
   identifiers from the EncryptedExtensions message.  This requires
   changes at the application level (to handle the retry), as well
   incurring a substantial performance and latency hit (especially when
   using PQ cryptographic primitives).

   It is important to understand that the DNS aspect of this flow is
   essential and not optional.  Trust anchors are expected to have
   roughly 6-byte identifiers and client root stores include between

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   150+ anchors (just roots) and 2000 (including intermediates for
   intermediate suppression).  This means that clients cannot advertise
   their full root store with this extension, as it would inflate their
   client hello by between 900 and 12,000 bytes.

4.3.  Server-Side Deployment Challenges

   The dependency on DNS and the requirement for the server's TLS
   certificates and DNS records to be managed automatically and by the
   same component is challenging for real world deployment.

   Firstly, DNS configuration and APIs are non-standardized and vary
   widely between locally managed DNS servers, cloud providers & DNS
   registrars - if they are even available at all.

   Secondly, sever's existing DNS configurations are similarly diverse
   and so it is challenging, if not impossible, for an automated tool to
   offer a correct configuration out of the box for anything but the
   simplest single-server deployments, especially considering common
   uses cases where multiple TLS servers share the same domain name and
   DNS records (e.g. round-robin DNS, multi-CDN deployments).  As a
   result, TAI will likely require expert configuration and continued
   attention whenever changes are made to a webserver's configuration.

   Thirdly, the secrets used to authenticate DNS configuration changes
   are often more valuable than TLS certificate private keys to
   attackers and so are discouraged from being stored on webservers at
   all [LetsEncryptGuidance][CertbotGuidance].

   TAI also requires changes between server-side applications and their
   underlying TLS libraries.  Existing libraries typically provide APIs
   to allow the application to select which certificate is used for a
   given connection (e.g. based on SNI).  TAI will require either the
   applications to become aware of TAI and use it to guide their
   selection, or the existing APIs to be deprecated so that the library
   can handle the choice of certificate.

   These kinds of investments are easier to make for large CDNs who have
   the necessary technical expertise and likely already have in-house
   management systems for their TLS certificates and DNS records, but
   even then are substantial undertakings requiring invasive surgery to
   critical components.  For the vast majority of website operators,
   these kinds of investments are completely unrealistic and would
   require a substantial increase in complexity in existing TLS
   libraries and ACME clients.

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   As a practical example, consider the fate of OCSP-Must Staple
   [OCSPMustStaple], which was a revocation mechanism championed by all
   major browsers as a substantial security, privacy and performance
   boost over traditional revocation mechanisms.  However, it relied on
   TLS servers periodically making a HTTP request to a CA, caching the
   result and offering it in the TLS handshake to clients.
   Unfortunately, even this design, which is much more simple and
   requires much less complex integrations than TAI, proved too complex
   and expensive for website operators to adopt and has since been
   abandoned [OCSPStapleFail].

4.4.  Client-Side Deployment Challenges

   TAI depends on the TLS library being provisioned with the necessary
   information from DNS.  This requires either the application being
   aware of TAI, making these requests itself, and so passing them on to
   the TLS library, or the TLS library being integrated with a DNS
   client.  The former requires applications to opt-in to TAI and invest
   in performantly fetching the necessary records.  The latter requires
   the TLS library to integrate with a DNS client.

   Changes are also required to the existing APIs between TLS libraries
   and clients to ensure the Trust Anchor Identifiers in the Client
   Hello have the correct semantics.  A typical flow for applications
   today is to rely on the TLS library to validate a certificate, then
   afterwards to inspect the certificate chain via the libraries API to
   perform some additional verification (like certificate pinning as
   described in the TAI draft).  However, existing APIs do not allow the
   TLS library to know whether the application is going to do this at
   the time it sends its client hello, making the Trust Anchor
   Information contained within it unreliable unless the application
   opted in.

   The retry flow also requires changes to the applications using TLS
   libraries, so that they understand the resulting error code from the
   initial TAI failure and know to restart the connection with the
   provided retry information.

   Ultimately, TAI requires a deep integration between the client
   application, the TLS library, the DNS resolver and the root store in
   use (whether operating system or application provided).  Browsers are
   well positioned for this integration, as most already include all of
   these components, but the picture for non-browsers is bleak.

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4.5.  Interaction with Encrypted Client Hello

   TAI and ECH [ECH] share similar aspects of their design, both relying
   on a HTTPS resourced record to discover information about a server
   and using a retry mechanism which requires a fresh connection to the
   server.  Unfortunately, the proposed TAI extension and ECH compose
   together poorly.  If the ECH Config and Trust Anchor Identifiers for
   the public name and inner name are stale, clients are required to
   make 4 consecutive handshakes before they can successfully connect:

   1.  An initial connection with a stale ECH config and stale Trust
       Anchor Identifiers.  ECH is rejected and there's a certificate
       error.  The client learns the correct Trust Anchor Identifiers
       for the public name but must throw away the unauthenticated ECH
       Retry information.

   2.  On the second connection, the client has the right TAIs and
       learns a correct ECH Config through the retry extension.

   3.  On the third connection, the client has the right ECH config, but
       still has stale Trust Anchor Identifiers for the inner name and
       so the connection fails.

   4.  On the fourth connection, the client can now connect

4.6.  Consequences of a limited deployment

   For TAI to be effective, it necessarily needs to be deployed by both
   the client and server.  The limited deployability of TAI is a
   substantial issue, as it makes many of the proposed use cases
   unworkable in practice (in addition to the other issues discussed in
   Section 3).

   For example, consider the proposed use case of easier CA removals for
   root program operators which was evaluated in Section 3.1.2.
   Obviously, the root program operator needs widespread TAI support
   deployed in their clients and so is likely a web browser provider.
   However, the root program operator is also dependent on the web
   servers which use the distrusted CA supporting TAI in order to make
   use of it.  Given the unpredictability of which websites are impacted
   by a distrust event and the stated goal to speed up the process, this
   assumes that either TAI support is ubiquitous or the affected
   websites can deploy it quickly, but this is deeply unrealistic given
   the deployment challenges identified.

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   Another example would be the use of TAI for intermediate suppression
   in order to support post-quantum authentication between clients and
   servers.  We want the transition to post-quantum primitives to be
   practical for as many clients and servers as possible and the
   deployment challenges of TAI would be a serious obstacle.

   Whilst it's typical for technologies to arrive unevenly, with
   browsers and CDNs often going first, it is critically important that
   the rest of the ecosystem be able to follow.  If enough websites
   couldn't follow, then even users of up to date browsers would suffer
   as the transition to PQ stalls.  If enough non-browser clients
   couldn't follow, then not only would users and websites suffer from
   the stalled PQ transition, but the outcome could well be the
   bifurcation of the entire ecosystem, leading to prolonged stagnation
   and insecurity for non-browsers and harm for users.

   Website operators capable of deploying TAI (e.g. large CDNs) and
   wanting to use it for compatibility are reliant on their clients
   introducing support for it as well.  As identified earlier,
   deployment would be largely limited to browsers.  This substantially
   limits the benefit of TAI to website operators, because browser's
   root stores and TLS behavior is highly homogenized.  Meanwhile, the
   long tail of non-browser clients with less well understood root
   stores and policies, who cause the most compatibility issues, would
   be the least likely to go out of their way to invest in TAI support
   in their applications and libraries.  Put another way, any client
   willing to make the necessary investments and integrations for TAI,
   has likely already invested in automatic root store updates and
   modern TLS compatibility, minimizing the benefit to website

   The net effect for website operators is that TAI would enable
   divergence in the currently homogenous population of browsers, but do
   nothing to mitigate compatibility problems with the long tail of non-
   browser clients.

5.  The Path Forwards

   Section 3 evaluated the proposed use cases for Trust Negotiation and
   concluded that none of the proposed use cases for improving security
   stood up to scrutiny.  It also identified the ecosystem impacts of
   trust negotiation as deeply negative for the Internet due to the
   transfer of complexity and responsibility from root program operators
   to website operators and the risk of fragmentation and abuse.

   The conclusion of this section is that Trust Negotiation at scale is
   not a desirable feature to enable in TLS, regardless of the
   underlying design or implementation.

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   {#Deployability} considered the design of TAI specifically and
   evaluated its suitability for deployment at scale.  TAI requires
   substantial investments to deploy and deep integrations between
   applications, TLS libraries, DNS and certificate management tooling,
   along with complex configuration and operational requirements that
   effectively prohibits deployment outside of highly integrated
   environments like browsers and major CDNs.  These challenges make TAI
   effectively unworkable for the lone use case that is identified as
   valuable - enabling a transition to post-quantum authentication
   through intermediate suppression.

   Ultimately, attempts to enable trust negotiation are attempts to
   radically alter the WebPKI and change its underlying architecture.
   It represents a loosening of constraints on root programs without any
   clear benefits and several clear risks.  Most critically, that it
   transfers complexity and responsibility from root programs and onto
   website operators, and that it empowers bad actors to establish their
   own root programs for their own end.

   As TAI could only be deployed by browsers and a small number of the
   largest websites, it would in any case be difficult to justify any
   increase in complexity for the majority of website operators or risks
   to the security of web users, in return for unclear benefit to the
   few individuals to whom the burden of root program management and
   certificate compatibility currently falls to.

   The proposed use cases for trust negotiation for intermediate
   suppression to help enable the transition to post-quantum is the
   single compelling use case.  However, there are several alternative
   mechanisms that have already been proposed, including one which has
   already been adopted by the TLS WG, and all of which are much simpler
   and easier to implement, will not bifurcate the TLS ecosystem between
   browsers and non-browsers and do not entail the risks of the abuse of
   trust negotiation.  The next section of this draft explores those
   alternatives and compares them to TAI.

   The final section of this draft explores more modest solutions to the
   challenges of website operators trying maximize their compatibility
   with old clients.  These solutions focus on simple efforts to address
   the underlying issues of visibility, ageing clients and negligent
   device manufacturers.

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5.1.  Delivering Intermediate Suppression

   Intermediate Suppression is the goal of removing the size overhead of
   the CA certificates from the TLS handshake, which is especially
   important with larger PQ signatures.  In fact, a reasonable
   proportion of websites already omit these intermediate certificates
   which was historically caused connection errors, and so already
   motivated clients to find solutions.

   For example, as the major root programs require all CAs to publish
   their intermediate certificates in the CCADB ahead of use, and
   Mozilla distributes a bundle of these intermediate certificates to
   every Mozilla Firefox client [IntermediatePreloading].  Other clients
   use different strategies, for example, Google Chrome, Edge, Safari
   all use a technique known as 'AIA chasing' which allows them to fetch
   and cache any intermediate certificates missing from the server's
   certificate chain [LECrossSign].

   Trust Anchor Identifiers proposes that clients take a similar pre-
   distribution strategy to Mozilla Firefox and store a copy of the
   available intermediate certificates, have servers advertise which
   intermediate trust anchors they use in TLS and then use TAI to have
   clients request a shortened chain from the server.  As discussed
   earlier, this requires extensive and costly changes to clients,
   servers and introduces a number of dependencies.

5.1.1.  Abridged Certificate Compression

   Abridged Certificates [AbridgedCerts] is a draft already adopted by
   the TLS Working Group.  It is a type of TLS Certificate Compression
   [CertCompression], similar to existing methods like Brotli or Zstd,
   but which enables pre-distributed CA certificates to be compressed
   out of the TLS handshake by mapping each certificate to a 3 byte

   Unlike TAI, Abridged Certificate Compression can be deployed by
   default in the TLS library without application changes, can't break
   connections or cause retries, is entirely transparent to the
   application using the library and doesn't impact trust decisions.
   Further, it doesn't require any DNS integration on the client or
   server, or other external dependencies.

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   Abridged Certificate Compression has a simple implementation and an
   extremely small code footprint, needing only to ship a list of
   certificate hashes (for each intermediate and root in the dictionary)
   and their corresponding identifiers.  On servers, this is sufficient
   to provide compression.  On clients, this is sufficient to detect
   whether the client's root store includes the necessary intermediates
   to perform Abridged Compression.

   Currently, the Abridged Certificate draft currently describes a
   static versioning scheme, where each listing of compressible
   certificates is given a specific TLS certificate compression
   codepoint, new versions of which would be published yearly in line
   with existing WebPKI practices for root store updates.  The
   dictionary format is designed so that clients and servers can
   simultaneously support multiple versions of the mapping without
   redundancy by reusing the same list structure.

   The draft focuses on WebPKI certificates but is easy to extend to
   private schemes for enterprise settings or other custom mappings of
   compressible certificates.  Clients and servers can support multiple
   schemes as needed as this does not impact trust decisions, require
   external configuration or connection retries.  An appendix to the
   draft also describes an alternative approach which would allow for
   dynamically versioned dictionaries without the need to use new

5.1.2.  AIA Chasing with Storage

   RFC 5280 describes the Authority Information Access Extension [AIA]
   for X.509 certificates which describes a URL where the signing
   certificate can be located.  For example, a leaf certificate will
   contain a URL pointing to the intermediate certificate, which in turn
   will contain a URL pointing to the root certificate.

   Many existing clients, including browsers (Chrome, Safari, Edge
   [AIAOverview]), OS Implementations (Windows s_channel, MacOS Secure
   Transport [AIAOverview]) and middleboxes ([CiscoAIA], [BroadcomAIA])
   already support AIA Chasing.  If a certificate chain is presented to
   these clients with an unrecognized signature, the client will look
   for the AIA extension, download the signing certificate and if valid,
   use it to complete the certificate chain [AIAExample].

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   This can be used to achieve intermediate suppression by having the
   client signal the server that it does not need to be provided with
   intermediates (as described in [ICA]).  The client will then either
   validate the certificate chain locally or fetch any necessary
   intermediates via AIA as required.  This fetch is privacy preserving
   (it does not identify the leaf certificate or the user) and the
   result can be stored for the lifetime of the intermediate certificate
   (several years).

   The adoption of this technique in Chrome on Android in 2016, proposed
   by Emily Stark and supported by Ryan Sleevi [AIAChrome], was
   justified as "an important aspect of PKI mobility" and "to highlight
   that it allows for PKI transitions to happen independently, without
   centralized coordination and management", noting that "some of us
   believe that AIA fetching represents an important aspect of ecosystem
   health, and that all PKI clients should implement this for

5.1.3.  Deployment Considerations

   Both Abridged Certificates and AIA Chasing are much simpler and
   easier to implement than TAI.

   Abridged Certificates is small enough and simple enough to be shipped
   by default in TLS libraries and have no external dependencies or
   integration requirements.  It is entirely transparent to both clients
   and servers.  It does not require any configuration, interaction with
   DNS or other operational burdens.  It can also seamlessly interact
   with clients with different root stores, with very different
   supported versions because it does not impact trust decisions.

   AIA Chasing is more complicated to implement than Abridged
   Certificates and making a network call or persisting state to short
   or long term storage may not be viable for all clients.  However, it
   is already widely supported and has ancillary benefits as it can be
   used to effectively update a client's root store even if the client
   is no longer receiving software updates.  This is because AIA can
   fetch cross-signed certificates and store them for future use.  This
   does not have any security implications because an attacker can
   always provide the cross-signed certificate themselves.

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   Both designs have the side-benefit of making offering cross-signed
   certificates effectively free in the TLS handshake, allowing greater
   flexibility for servers looking to maximize their compatibility.  In
   this fashion, AIA is slightly easier for server operators since they
   need only provision a leaf certificate and leave the AIA
   configuration to the CA.  Abridged Certificates is more flexible for
   server operators but requires them to configure the full chain they
   want to send.

5.2.  Reducing the operational burdens for website operators

   This section proposes approaches for reducing the burden on website
   operators for maintaining websites compatible with older clients.
   Recognizing that this is not a problem that impacts the vast majority
   of website operators, who enjoy a set it and forget it mentality to
   TLS, these approaches target improvements for the operators of major
   websites and CDNs.

5.2.1.  Automatic Client Root Store Updates

   Most major browsers, platforms and operating systems, including
   MacOS, iOS, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, Windows and most linux
   distributions provide automatic root store updates for their users
   and have done so for over a decade.  Legislative efforts are also
   ongoing in the UK and EU to ensure all new devices to come with
   automatic security updates as a basic condition of sale
   [EUCyberResiliencyAct] [UKSecureByDesign].

   A notable outlier has been Android.  Until Android 7 released in
   2016, Android had no uniform root store, instead relying on each
   individual device manufacturer to provision their own certificates
   [Android7RootStore].  Until Android 14 released in October 2023, the
   system's root store could not be updated without a manufacturer
   provided firmware update, which was functionally impossible
   [Android14RootStore].  Since Android 14 released a year ago, root
   store updates are now available on Android through standard app store
   updates (e.g. via the Play Store).

   Consequently, Android has been the primary source of root store
   compatibility pain for the majority of websites over the past decade,
   as reflected in blog posts by Cloudflare and Let's Encrypt when they
   evaluate certificate chain compatibility and transitions
   [CloudflareCertificateChanges] [LetsEncryptCertificateChanges].  As
   Android 14 propagates through the ecosystem, currently at around 30%
   of devices, we can largely put this challenge behind us.

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5.2.2.  When Automatic Updates Fail

   Even with the best of intentions and legislative backing, clients
   will eventually go out of support.  As mentioned earlier, AIA chasing
   offers an effective mechanism for providing ongoing compatibility
   updates to such clients and would improve the robustness of the
   WebPKI if it were universally supported.

   TLS Clients are also aware of when they last received a root store
   update and some already use it to guide their security profile
   (example: disabling CT once their list of logs becomes stale).  This
   approach can be naturally extended to provide graceful obsolescence.

   After a fixed period of time, be it 5 years or 10 years, without
   security updates, it is deeply misleading to claim to the user or
   application be able to provide a secure connection.  The default
   behavior of TLS clients in such circumstances should be to always
   report a certificate validation error and let the application or the
   user figure out what to do.  At the very least, that means that the
   user will correctly understand that their client is no longer secure
   (due to all the TLS error pages they will see).

   A similar effect is likely to happen naturally as the WebPKI shifts
   to shorter term root certificates (currently 15 year terms).  This
   limit effectively caps the maximum lifetime of a TLS client without
   updates to at most 15 years, reducing the pressure on website
   operators to serve these older clients.

   In extremis, website operators are able to fingerprint TLS clients
   and decide which certificates to use for a given software version
   [CloudflareTLSFingerprint] [CurlTLSFingerprint].  These granular
   fingerprints are highly stable and typically identify TLS libraries
   and their software version uniquely, but even very simple heuristics
   (like the offered TLS versions) allow for the easy dating of an
   implementation and it's root store to within a few years.  This
   enables website operators to send suitable certificate chains to
   extremely old clients, even if no cross-sign to a modern chain

5.2.3.  Tools for Website Operators

   The vast majority of website operators are well served by the WebPKI
   and understand little of it beyond the need to select a CA and
   (hopefully) to configure a certificate management solution.

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   However, for the small number of individuals working at larger tech
   companies with longer term backwards compatibility goals, choosing a
   certificate authority is more complicated and requires an
   understanding of historical and contemporary root stores, plus the
   available cross-signs.

   This information is available via the CCADB [CCADB] for some root
   stores but not others and often each root store has a custom format
   for recording its contents.  Providing better machine readable
   information about root store contents and changes, and how that
   impacts the compatibility of modern CAs, would be a valuable tool for
   expert users.

   Similarly, providing a signalling mechanism for HTTP or TLS clients
   to convey their root store contents to websites would help major
   operators evaluate compatibility.  Browsers already support Network
   Error Logging, a mechanism for websites to opt-in to receiving
   reports about failed connections, which could be easily extended in
   this direction and would pose a privacy problem provided it did not
   disclose any user-specific changes.

   Even major websites are often in the dark about best practices for
   changing certificate chains and monitoring compatibility through
   techniques like A/B testing.  Tooling and better community support
   would provide operators with greater confidence in making

   Similarly, many lessons were learned by root program operators during
   misadventures with certificate pinning or shipping client
   applications without root store update mechanisms in the 2010s.  A
   useful technique to workaround these situations is to separate
   traffic by domain (e.g. directing particular clients onto per-client
   and per-version subdomains) which aliased to the primary domain
   allowing for custom certificate selection if necessary.

6.  Security Considerations

   This document is almost entirely security considerations.

7.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

8.  Informative References

              Jackson, D., "Abridged Compression for WebPKI
              Certificates", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-

Jackson                   Expires 24 June 2025                 [Page 30]
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              ietf-tls-cert-abridge-02, 16 September 2024,

   [AIA]      Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
              Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, May 2008,

              Stark, E. and R. Sleevi, "AIA Fetching in Chrome for
              Android", 23 September 2016,

              BadSSL, "Example site with missing intermediates", 20
              December 2024, <>.

              King, A., "AIA chasing for missing intermediate
              certificates", 17 May 2017,

              Google, "Changes in Android 14", 4 October 2023,

              Google, "Changes to Trusted Certificate Authorities in
              Android Nougat", 7 July 2016, <https://android-

              Google, "Android Root Store", 20 December 2024,

              Broadcom, "Support for AIA Fetching technology", 20
              December 2024,

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Internet-Draft           Trust is non-negotiable           December 2024

              Digicert, "Introduction to the CA/B Forum", 21 January
              2021, <

              Hurst, R., "WebPKI Marketshare Update", 26 December 2022,

   [CCADB]    "The Common CA Database", 20 December 2024,

              Certbot, "Certbot DNS Challenge Guidance", 20 December
              2024, <>.

              Ghedini, A. and V. Vasiliev, "TLS Certificate
              Compression", RFC 8879, DOI 10.17487/RFC8879, December
              2020, <>.

              Wikipedia, "Chicken (Game Theory)", 20 December 2024,

   [CiscoAIA] Cisco, "Secure Web Appliance Best Practices", 20 December

              Cloudflare, "How we ensure Cloudflare customers aren't
              affected by Let's Encrypt's certificate chain change", 12
              April 2024, <

              Cloudflare, "JA3/JA4 Fingerprint", 20 December 2024,

              Hiller, J., Amann, J., and O. Hohlfeld, "The Boon and Bane
              of Cross-Signing Shedding Light on a Common Practice in
              Public Key Infrastructures", 9 November 2020,

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              Stenberg, D., "Curl’s TLS fingerprint", 2 September 2022,

              Barnes, R., Iyengar, S., Sullivan, N., and E. Rescorla,
              "Delegated Credentials for TLS and DTLS", RFC 9345,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9345, July 2023,

              Mozilla, "Additional CA Trust Changes - Distrust After",
              31 July 2023, <

   [ECH]      Rescorla, E., Oku, K., Sullivan, N., and C. A. Wood, "TLS
              Encrypted Client Hello", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-tls-esni-22, 15 September 2024,

   [eIDAS]    Mozilla, "Secret EU law threatens Internet security", 2
              November 2023, <>.

              Mozilla, "European Parliament votes on eIDAS, averting
              threat to web security", 29 February 2024,

              smallstep, "The Embarrassing State of Enterprise ACME
              Support", 20 May 2024, <

              Censys, "Removing Entrust from Chrome's Root Store", 11
              July 2024, <>.

              RPC, "The EU's Cyber Resilience Act", 10 December 2024,

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              Sectigo, "Certificate Trust Graph for Certainly", 20
              December 2024,

              Hurst, R., "Google, HTTPS, and device compatibility", 15
              March 2021, <

   [ICA]      Thomson, M., Kampanakis, P., Bytheway, C., and B.
              Westerbaan, "Suppressing CA Certificates in TLS 1.3", Work
              in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-kampanakis-tls-scas-
              latest-02, 8 July 2022,

              Mozilla, "Preloading Intermediate CA Certificates into
              Firefox", 13 November 2020,

              OONI, "Kazakhstan TLS MITM attacks and blocking of news
              media, human rights, and circumvention tool sites", 19
              September 2024,

              Helme, S., "Cross-Signing and Alternate Trust Paths; How
              They Work", 22 June 2020, <

              Let's Encrypt, "Shortening the Let's Encrypt Chain of
              Trust", 10 July 2023, <

              Let's Encrypt, "Let's Encrypt Challenge Types Guidance",
              20 December 2024,

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              Internet Society, "Mauritius Must Not Fall into the ‘Mass
              Surveillance’ Trap", 28 May 2021,

   [MTC]      Benjamin, D., O'Brien, D., and B. Westerbaan, "Merkle Tree
              Certificates for TLS", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-davidben-tls-merkle-tree-certs-03, 5 September 2024,

              Beck, B., "Mail on New Roots", 14 June 2024,

              NIST, "NIST Releases First 3 Finalized Post-Quantum
              Encryption Standards", 13 August 2024,

              Sullivan, N., "High-reliability OCSP stapling and why it
              matters", 10 July 2017, <

              Böck, H., "The Problem with OCSP Stapling and Must Staple
              and why Certificate Revocation is still broken", 19 May
              2017, <

              IETF, "Transitioning to PQC Certificates", 27 May 2024,

   [RussiaCA] EFF, "You Should Not Trust Russia’s New “Trusted Root
              CA”", 15 March 2022,

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              Sleevi, R., "Discussion on cross-signing and key
              rollover.", 2 August 2019,

              Internet Society, "MWhat Is a Splinternet? And Why You
              Should Be Paying Attention", 23 March 2022,

              Mozilla, "Symantec Issues and Timeline", 10 October 2018,

   [TAI]      Beck, B., Benjamin, D., O'Brien, D., and K. Nekritz, "TLS
              Trust Anchor Identifiers", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-beck-tls-trust-anchor-ids-03, 18 December
              2024, <

              "TLS Interim Materials", 1 October 2024,

              Department for Science and Technology, UK Gov, "Secure by
              design", 5 December 2024,


   TODO acknowledge.

Author's Address

   Dennis Jackson

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