%% You should probably cite draft-keyupate-bess-fat-pw-bgp instead of this I-D. @techreport{keyupate-l2vpn-fat-pw-bgp-04, number = {draft-keyupate-l2vpn-fat-pw-bgp-04}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-keyupate-l2vpn-fat-pw-bgp/04/}, author = {Keyur Patel and Sami Boutros and Jose Liste and Bin Wen and Jorge Rabadan}, title = {{Extensions to BGP Signaled Pseudowires to support Flow-Aware Transport Labels}}, pagetotal = 8, year = 2015, month = apr, day = 27, abstract = {{[}RFC6391{]} describes a mechanism that uses an additional label (Flow Label) in the MPLS label stack that allows Label Switch Routers to balance flows within Pseudowires at a finer granularity than the individual Pseudowires across the Equal Cost Multiple Paths (ECMPs) that exists within the Packet Switched Network (PSN). Furthermore,{[}RFC6391{]} defines the LDP protocol extensions required to synchronize the flow label states between the ingress and egress PEs when using the signaling procedures defined in the {[}RFC4447{]}. This draft defines protocol extensions required to synchronize flow label states among PEs when using the BGP-based signaling procedures defined in {[}RFC4761{]}. These protocol extensions are equally applicable to point-to-point L2VPNs defined in {[}RFC6624{]}.}, }