@techreport{kitamura-ipv6-zoneid-free-03, number = {draft-kitamura-ipv6-zoneid-free-03}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-kitamura-ipv6-zoneid-free/03/}, author = {Hiroshi Kitamura and Shingo Ata and Masayuki Murata}, title = {{Free from Using Zone Identifier for IPv6 Link-Local Address}}, pagetotal = 17, year = 2014, month = jul, day = 1, abstract = {This document describes "Zone-ID Free" functions that make end users free from using zone identifiers (Zone-ID) for IPv6 link- local addresses. When users deal with IPv6 link-local addresses, it is thought that it is mandatory thing to specify accompanied Zone-IDs. For end users, however, it is troublesome and nuisance thing to do it. Because it is very hard for normal end users to find appropriate Zone-IDs for this purpose. From another viewpoint, the usage of IPv6 link-local addresses accompanied with Zone-IDs is quite different from the traditional usage of global addresses. Therefore many problems related with Zone-ID are caused and new specifications are required to fix these problems. This document explores and describes how "Zone-ID Free" functions work and how end users are released from using Zone-IDs when they deal with IPv6 link-local addresses. The "Zone-ID Free" functions are upper compatible with the current usages of dealing with IPv6 link-local addresses and harmless to the existing communications. In order to obtain appropriate Zone-ID information, a new technology "Zone-ID Learning" that issues multiple probes is introduced.}, }