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Wrapped ESP Version 2

Document Type Expired Internet-Draft (individual)
Expired & archived
Authors Steffen Klassert , Antony Antony
Last updated 2024-12-30 (Latest revision 2024-06-28)
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Consensus boilerplate Unknown
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IESG IESG state Expired
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This Internet-Draft is no longer active. A copy of the expired Internet-Draft is available in these formats:


This document describes the Wrapped Encapsulating Security Payload v2 (WESPv2) protocol, which builds on the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) [RFC4303]. It is designed to overcome limitations of the ESP protocol to expose inner flow information to the network in a transparent way. To do so, it adapts IPv6 Extension header options to WESPv2 where flow identitiers can be stored. It also defines a Crypt Offset to allow intermediate devices to read some header bytes at the beginning of the inner packet. In particular, this preserves the original use-case of WESP [RFC5840].


Steffen Klassert
Antony Antony

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)