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National and Local Characters for DNS Top Level Domain (TLD) Names
Approval announcement
Draft of message to be sent after approval:
From: The IESG < >
To: RFC Editor < >
Cc: The IESG < >, < >,
Subject: Re: Informational RFC to be:
The IESG has no problem with the publication of 'National and Local
Characters for DNS Top Level Domain (TLD) Names'
<draft-klensin-idn-tld-06.txt > as an Informational RFC.
The IESG would also like the IRSG or RFC-Editor to review the comments in
the datatracker
( )
related to this document and determine whether or not they merit
incorporation into the document. Comments may exist in both the ballot
and the comment log.
The IESG contact person is Margaret Wasserman.
A URL of this Internet-Draft is:
The process for such documents is described at .
Thank you,
The IESG Secretary
Ballot Text
IESG Note:
This RFC is not a candidate for any level of Internet Standard.
The IETF disclaims any knowledge of the fitness of this RFC for
any purpose and notes that the decision to publish is not based on
IETF review apart from IESG review for conflict with IETF work.
The RFC Editor has chosen to publish this document at its
discretion. See RFC 3932 for more information.
RFC Editor Note