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Problem Statement and Use Cases of Application-aware Networking (APN)

The information below is for an old version of the document.
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This is an older version of an Internet-Draft whose latest revision state is "Expired".
Expired & archived
Authors Zhenbin Li , Shuping Peng , Daniel Voyer , Chongfeng Xie , Peng Liu , Zhuangzhuang Qin , Kentaro Ebisawa , Stefano Previdi , Jim Guichard
Last updated 2021-03-10 (Latest revision 2020-09-06)
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This Internet-Draft is no longer active. A copy of the expired Internet-Draft is available in these formats:


Network operators are facing the challenge of providing better network services for users. As the ever developing 5G and industrial verticals evolve, more and more services that have diverse network requirements such as ultra-low latency and high reliability are emerging, and therefore differentiated service treatment is desired by users. However, network operators are typically unaware of which applications are traversing their network infrastructure, which means that only coarse-grained services can be provided to users. As a result, network operators are only evolving their infrastructure to be large but dumb pipes without corresponding revenue increases that might be enabled by differentiated service treatment. As network technologies evolve including deployments of IPv6, SRv6, Segment Routing over MPLS dataplane, the programmability provided by IPv6 and Segment Routing can be augmented by conveying application related information into the network. Adding application knowledge to the network layer allows applications to specify finer granularity requirements to the network operator. This document analyzes the existing problems caused by lack of application awareness, and outlines various use cases that could benefit from an Application-aware Networking (APN) architecture.


Zhenbin Li
Shuping Peng
Daniel Voyer
Chongfeng Xie
Peng Liu
Zhuangzhuang Qin
Kentaro Ebisawa
Stefano Previdi
Jim Guichard

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)