@techreport{li-mpls-enhanced-vpn-vtn-id-04, number = {draft-li-mpls-enhanced-vpn-vtn-id-04}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-li-mpls-enhanced-vpn-vtn-id/04/}, author = {Zhenbin Li and Jie Dong}, title = {{Carrying NRP Identifier and related information in MPLS Packet}}, pagetotal = 8, year = 2024, month = oct, day = 21, abstract = {A Network Resource Partition (NRP) is a subset of the network resources and associated policies on each of a connected set of links in the underlay network. An NRP could be used as the underlay to support one or a group of enhanced VPN services. Multiple NRPs can be created by network operator to meet the diverse requirements of enhanced VPN services. In packet forwarding, some fields in the data packet needs to be used to identify the NRP the packet belongs to, so that the NRP-specific processing can be executed on the packet. This document proposes a mechanism to carry the data plane NRP ID in an MPLS packet to identify the NRP the packet belongs to. The procedure for processing the data plane NRP ID is also specified.}, }