@techreport{lihawi-ancp-protocol-access-extension-13, number = {draft-lihawi-ancp-protocol-access-extension-13}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-lihawi-ancp-protocol-access-extension/13/}, author = {Hongyu Li and Thomas Haag and Birgit Witschurke}, title = {{Access Extensions for ANCP}}, pagetotal = 15, year = 2024, month = sep, day = 10, abstract = {The purpose of this document is to specify extensions to ANCP (Access Node Control Protocol) (RFC6320) to support PON as described in RFC6934 and some other DSL Technologies including G.fast. This document updates RFC6320 by modifications to terminologies, flows and specifying new TLV types. This document updates RFC6320 by modifications to terminologies, flows and specifying new TLV types.}, }