@techreport{livingood-low-latency-deployment-07, number = {draft-livingood-low-latency-deployment-07}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-livingood-low-latency-deployment/07/}, author = {Jason Livingood}, title = {{ISP Dual Queue Networking Deployment Recommendations}}, pagetotal = 20, year = 2024, month = oct, day = 17, abstract = {The IETF's Transport Area Working Group (TSVWG) has finalized experimental RFCs for Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable Throughput (L4S) and new Non-Queue-Building (NQB) per hop behavior. These documents describe a new architecture and protocol for deploying low latency networking. Since deployment decisions are left to implementers, this document explores the potential implications of those decisions and makes recommendations that can help drive adoption and acceptance of L4S and NQB.}, }