@techreport{marcinik-ipatm-dist-atmarp-00, number = {draft-marcinik-ipatm-dist-atmarp-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-marcinik-ipatm-dist-atmarp/00/}, author = {Maryann Perez Maher and Carl Marcinik}, title = {{Distributed ATMARP Service in Classical IP over ATM Networks}}, pagetotal = 11, year = 1995, month = nov, day = 22, abstract = {One of the basic limitations of the ATMARP service model specified in RFC 1577 {[}LAUB94{]} is the requirement that only one ATMARP server be utilized to provide the address resolution service for a given LIS. Besides introducing a single-point-of-failure into a LIS, this model also presents obvious scaling issues. A proposal was put forth in 'Classical IP and ARP over ATM Update' {[}LAUB95{]} to resolve these shortcomings through the introduction of a model supporting multiple ATMARP servers that maintain fully-replicated, synchronized address resolution databases. This model necessitates a certain amount of complexity introduced by the addition of a server database synchronization protocol. This synchronization protocol also requires additional packet types and formats as well as associated semantics. It is felt, however, that a fully-replicated, synchronized database scheme is not required to provide a reasonably robust ATMARP service that addresses the limitations of the basic model.}, }