%% You should probably cite draft-mcd-rtgwg-extension-tn-aware-mobility-08 instead of this revision. @techreport{mcd-rtgwg-extension-tn-aware-mobility-05, number = {draft-mcd-rtgwg-extension-tn-aware-mobility-05}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mcd-rtgwg-extension-tn-aware-mobility/05/}, author = {Kausik Majumdar and Uma Chunduri and Linda Dunbar}, title = {{Extension of Transport Aware Mobility in Data Network}}, pagetotal = 28, year = 2023, month = jan, day = 5, abstract = {The existing Transport Network Aware Mobility for 5G {[}TN-AWARE- MOBILITY{]} draft specifies a framework for mapping the 5G mobile systems Slice and Service Types (SSTs) to corresponding underlying network paths in IP and Layer 2 Transport networks.The focus of that work is limited to the 3GPP domain (i.e., eNB \textless{}-\textgreater{} UPFs) and doesn't go beyond the UPF to the IP Data Network. To maintain the end-to-end transport network characteristics between UEs and their application servers, the framework needs to be extended to the data centers where the services are hosted. This document describes a framework for extending the mobility aware transport network characteristics from the UPF through the IP Data Networks.}, }