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Transition Analysis for ISP Networks

Document Type Expired Internet-Draft (individual)
Expired & archived
Author Cleveland Mickles
Last updated 2003-02-26
RFC stream (None)
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Stream Stream state (No stream defined)
Consensus boilerplate Unknown
RFC Editor Note (None)
IESG IESG state Expired
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This Internet-Draft is no longer active. A copy of the expired Internet-Draft is available in these formats:


This document provides analysis of how to transition the different types of Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks to IPv6. It will provide design recommendations which may be followed to successfully deploy IPv6 services on a network that began as an IPv4 network. This is the companion document to draft-mickles-v6ops-isp-scenarios-04.txt which provides detailed background information on all scenarios.


Cleveland Mickles

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)