@techreport{mishra-idr-v4-islands-v6-core-4pe-06, number = {draft-mishra-idr-v4-islands-v6-core-4pe-06}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mishra-idr-v4-islands-v6-core-4pe/06/}, author = {Gyan Mishra and Jeff Tantsura and Mankamana Prasad Mishra and Sudha Madhavi and Adam Simpson and Shuanglong Chen}, title = {{Connecting IPv4 Islands over IPv6 Core using IPv4 Provider Edge Routers (4PE)}}, pagetotal = 31, year = 2023, month = oct, day = 22, abstract = {As operators migrate from an IPv4 core to an IPv6 core for global table internet routing, the need arises to be able provide routing connectivity for customers IPv4 only networks. This document provides a solution called 4Provider Edge, "4PE" that connects IPv4 islands over an IPv6-Only Core Underlay Network.}, }