@techreport{mogul-http-caching-00, number = {draft-mogul-http-caching-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mogul-http-caching/00/}, author = {Jeffrey Mogul}, title = {{A design for caching in HTTP 1.1 Preliminary Draft}}, pagetotal = 36, year = 1996, month = feb, day = 19, abstract = {I propose a caching design for HTTP 1.1, including the definition of terms, the description of a model, the specification of related HTTP headers, and the algorithms to be used. The proposed design uses opaque cache validators and explicit expiration values to allow the server to control the tradeoff between cache performance and staleness of the data presented to users. The server may choose to ensure that a user never unwittingly sees stale data, or to minimize network traffic, or to compromise between these two extremes. The proposed design also allows the server to control whether a client sees stale data after another client performs an update. This draft is not intended to become a standards-track document. The ultimate output of the HTTP subgroup will be a set of changes to the HTTP/1.1 draft specification {[}1{]}. In the interests of making rapid forward progress and in capturing some of the motivation and rationale of our design(s), it seems useful to produce an Internet-draft document in the interim. Note that this draft in its entirety does not currently represent the consensus of the subgroup, although several sections do represent an apparent consensus.}, }