@techreport{moore-nat-xc-02, number = {draft-moore-nat-xc-02}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-moore-nat-xc/02/}, author = {Keith Moore}, title = {{IPv4/v6 NAT With Explicit Control (NAT-XC)}}, pagetotal = 38, year = 2009, month = mar, day = 8, abstract = {This document describes a mechanism called NAT-XC (for NAT with Explicit Control) for translating between IPv4 and IPv6. NAT-XC is distinguished from other IPv4/IPv6 translations schemes in that it separates the translation between IPv4 and IPv6 from the management of address bindings for such a translation; and is designed to allow applications to be explicitly aware of, and control, their address bindings. NAT-XC can be used by both IPv4 clients wishing to communicate via IPv6, and IPv6 clients wishing to communicate via IPv4. NAT-XC appears to be usable in a wide variety of scenarios requiring communication across IPv4/IPv6 boundaries.}, }