@techreport{netana-nmop-network-anomaly-semantics-02, number = {draft-netana-nmop-network-anomaly-semantics-02}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-netana-nmop-network-anomaly-semantics/02/}, author = {Thomas Graf and Wanting Du and Alex Huang Feng and Vincenzo Riccobene and Antonio Roberto}, title = {{Semantic Metadata Annotation for Network Anomaly Detection}}, pagetotal = 19, year = 2024, month = jul, day = 8, abstract = {This document explains why and how semantic metadata annotation helps to test, validate and compare outlier detection, supports supervised and semi-supervised machine learning development, enables data exchange among network operators, vendors and academia and make anomalies for humans apprehensible. The proposed semantics uniforms the network anomaly data exchange between and among operators and vendors to improve their network outlier detection systems.}, }