@techreport{partha-rtcweb-jsep-sip-01, number = {draft-partha-rtcweb-jsep-sip-01}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-partha-rtcweb-jsep-sip/01/}, author = {Parthasarathi Ravindran and Uwe Rauschenbach and Elangovan Manickam}, title = {{Offer \& Answer interworking between JSEP \& SIP}}, pagetotal = 15, year = 2013, month = oct, day = 21, abstract = {Real time communcation Web (RTCWeb) workgroup defines the real time commmunication using JavaScript Session establishment protocol (JSEP) as an offer/answer mechanism. Session Initiation protocol (SIP) is IETF defined and well deployed protocol for real time communication. This document provides offer \& answer interworking between JSEP and SIP.}, }