@techreport{peng-detnet-traffic-shaping-solutions-02, number = {draft-peng-detnet-traffic-shaping-solutions-02}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-peng-detnet-traffic-shaping-solutions/02/}, author = {Guoyu Peng and Shou Wang and zuopin cheng and Lei Zhou and Peng Liu}, title = {{Traffic Shaping Solutions for Bounded Latency in Large-scale Networks}}, pagetotal = 17, year = 2023, month = mar, day = 26, abstract = {This document presents a traffic shaping solution for DetNet service with bounded latency in large-scale networks. The traffic shaping solution includes the edge access control, enqueue cycle mapping and jitter compression mechanisms. These mechanisms support appropriate resource reservation algorithms, reasonably calculate the end-to-end delay in DetNet IP network in advance, and adjust, manage and control the resources after real-time detection. Using the traffic shaping solution, it is possible for an implementer, user, or standards development organization to realize bounded delay based on the existing TSN/DetNet queuing models.}, }