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ENUM Administrative Process in the U.S.A.

Document Type Expired Internet-Draft (individual)
Expired & archived
Authors Penn Pfautz , James Yu
Last updated 2001-03-30
RFC stream (None)
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Consensus boilerplate Unknown
RFC Editor Note (None)
IESG IESG state Expired
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This Internet-Draft is no longer active. A copy of the expired Internet-Draft is available in these formats:


This document considers administrative processes for ENUM and offers a general administrative model for an environment where number portability has been implemented. The ENUM administrative process is a critical piece in making ENUM operational. The administrative process involves several entities. A telephony user's identity and his/her assignment of a telephone number must be validated before ENUM service can be granted. Therefore, the entity that assigns telephone numbers (often but not always telephony user's telephony service provider) plays an important and sometimes necessary role in making the ENUM administrative process successful.


Penn Pfautz
James Yu

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)