@techreport{routing-architecture-iot-00, number = {draft-routing-architecture-iot-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-routing-architecture-iot/00/}, author = {Jonathan Hui and JP Vasseur}, title = {{Routing Architecture in Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs)}}, pagetotal = 16, year = 2011, month = mar, day = 28, abstract = {The IETF ROLL Working Group has specified a routing protocol designed for the Low power and Lossy Networks (LLN) also referred to as IP smart objects networks or the "Internet of things". Still, the debate of where routing functions should occur within the network stack tend to get revived on a regular basis. A mesh-under approach places routing functions in the link layer to emulate a single broadcast domain where all devices appear as immediate neighbors to the network layer. In contrast, a route-over approach places all routing functions at the network layer, following the IP architecture. For LLNs, a mesh-under approach may seem simple and attractive because it seeks to hide characteristics of multi-hop communication through the LLN from the network layer. However, resource constraints and dynamic link characteristics limit to what extent link-layer routing can hide those characteristics. This document presents architectural issues of using a mesh-under approach in LLNs and how a route-over approach does not suffer from these issues.}, }