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Global Wide Emergency Broadcast System {GWEBS vs. IEPS}The Comparison with Internet Emergency Preference Scheme

Document Type Expired Internet-Draft (individual)
Expired & archived
Author Eugene Terrell
Last updated 2002-05-09
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IESG IESG state Expired
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This Internet-Draft is no longer active. A copy of the expired Internet-Draft is available in these formats:


This paper Discusses several points Lacking in the presentation of the IEPS Specification, and Condemns others as unwarranted mandates, which defines the Internet and its use as a Vehicle for WAR. The Alternative, 'GWEBS', develops is a more realistic foundation that supports saving lives (Addressing the Concerns of all People in General, Regardless) during the Occurrence of some Catastrophic Event, which is the mandate it mintains regarding the Implementation of a Uniform Universal Protocol that is the foundation for the 'Global Wide Emergency Broadcast System' that is used to Protect the lives and Livelihoods of all the Inhabitants of Our Planet. Furthermore, this paper also addresses a more fundamental concern that requires the involvement of the UN (United Nations), which would mandate the Implementation of a World Wide Global Internet Backbone for every Country. The Development of such World Wide Global Infrastructure (A Global System to be sure) would guarantee uniform Access for All People, and would establish the necessary Foundation, infrastructure, as would be required for any Global Wide Emergency Broadcast System (GWEBS) to work. In other words, this paper supports the belief that Information, and the exchange or the sharing related thereto, is just as important as the Sustenance Consumed, which indeed, is the Vital Necessity used to sustain Life itself.


Eugene Terrell

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)