@techreport{villamizar-mpls-omp-01, number = {draft-villamizar-mpls-omp-01}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-villamizar-mpls-omp/01/}, author = {Curtis Villamizar}, title = {{MPLS Optimized Multipath (MPLS--OMP)}}, pagetotal = 26, year = 1999, month = feb, day = 26, abstract = {MPLS ingress routers may establish one or more explicit paths to a given egress to the MPLS domain. Load can be balanced across a com- plex topology using MPLS and the technique referred to here as MPLS-- OMP (Multiprotocol Label Switching -- Optimized Multipath). The tech- nique requires the use of a link state interior gateway protocol (IGP) such as OSPF or IS--IS with extensions to the link state protocol to flood loading information. It requires the ingress router be capa- ble of computing a hash with a sufficiently fine level of granularity based on the IP source and destination and selecting a forwarding entry based on the outcome of the hash. MPLS Optimized Mulitpath is an extension to MPLS. MPLS-OMP requires no additions or modification to the MPLS protocols. MPLS-OMP does require that the IGP be capable of flooding loading information as described in the OSPF-OMP and ISIS-OMP documents. At the MPLS ingress an algorithm is applied to select alternate paths where needed and adjust forwarding. Forwarding is adjusted gradually enough to insure stability yet fast enough to track long term changes in loading. The load adjustment algorithm itself is fully defined in a related docu- ment describing OSPF--OMP. The application of this technique to MPLS is described here.}, }