@techreport{westberg-nsis-edge-edge-framework-00, number = {draft-westberg-nsis-edge-edge-framework-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-westberg-nsis-edge-edge-framework/00/}, author = {Lars Westberg}, title = {{Framework for Edge-to-Edge NSIS Signaling}}, pagetotal = 26, year = 2002, month = may, day = 15, abstract = {Real-time applications impose very strict requirements on the underlying transmission network that requires a high level of quality of service (QoS). This level of QoS can only be achieved by means of QoS management on an end-to-end basis (i.e., end user to end user), from application to application, potentially across many domains, as the current Internet is a concatenation of many domains, usually managed by different QoS administrators (operators). The requirement for end-to-end QoS management does not necessarily mean that a single resource reservation protocol must be applied end- to-end. In fact it is most likely that the end-to-end QoS management architecture will consist of many interoperable and concatenated QoS management architectures rather than one global end-to-end QoS infrastructure. Usually a network consists of three network parts, i.e., a host to first hop router, access network and the backbone of the network. Each of these three network parts imposes different requirements on the provided QoS solution. This draft describes a framework for NSIS QoS signaling in edge to edge networks. The main goal is to provide a skeleton for lightweight edge to edge NSIS signaling in a network. This skeleton would be used as input to the NSIS 'Framework signaling architecture'. Even though designed for edge-to-edge signaling the applicability of this framework is not to be limited only to signaling between the edges of a network, but it can be extended in other signaling scenarios as well, such as end host - to - end host signaling. The QoS protocol that will be applied in an edge to edge network is denoted as edge-to-edge NSIS protocol.}, }