@techreport{xie-v6ops-framework-multi-domain-ipv6only-00, number = {draft-xie-v6ops-framework-multi-domain-ipv6only-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-xie-v6ops-framework-multi-domain-ipv6only/00/}, author = {Chongfeng Xie and Chenhao Ma and Xing Li and Gyan Mishra and Mohamed Boucadair}, title = {{Framework of Multi-domain IPv6-only Network}}, pagetotal = 20, year = 2022, month = jun, day = 20, abstract = {For the IPv6 transition, dual-stack deployments require both IPv4 and IPv6 transfer capabilities are deployed in parallel. IPv6-only is considered as the ultimate stage where only IPv6 transfer capabilities are used while ensuring global reachability for both IPv6 and IPv4(IPv4aaS). This document specifies requirements and propose a general framework when deploying IPv6-only in multi-domain network.}, }