@techreport{yu-v6ops-split6-03, number = {draft-yu-v6ops-split6-03}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-yu-v6ops-split6/03/}, author = {haisheng yu and Hanzhuo Zhang}, title = {{Separation Protocol of Locator and Identifier Towards IPv6}}, pagetotal = 9, year = 2023, month = oct, day = 9, abstract = {In the current TCP/IP architecture, the IPv6 address has a dual meaning in semantics. It not only represents the topological location of the network node, but also the identity of the node, which is usually referred to as the semantic overload problem of the IP address. The semantically overloaded IP address represents the topological position of the network, and the topological position of the network generally does not move, so the device entering the new network environment needs to replace the new identity IP to adapt to the change of the topological position. The semantic overload of IP addresses is not conducive to supporting mobility and user identity authentication, resulting in tight storage space for routing equipment, lack of unified communication identification for network equipment, and difficulties in network traceability and management. In order to solve the problem of IP address semantic overload, this draft focuses on the separation technology SPLIT6 (Separation Protocol of Locator and Identifier Towards IPv6) of IP address identity and location.}, }