Network Working Group                                         J. Heffner
Internet-Draft                                                 M. Mathis
Expires: October 1, 2006                                     B. Chandler
                                                          March 30, 2006

                 Fragmentation Considered Very Harmful

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   IPv4 fragmentation is not sufficiently robust for general use in
   today's Internet.  The 16-bit IP identification field is not large
   enough to prevent frequent incorrectly assembled IP fragments, and
   the TCP and UDP checksums are insufficient to prevent the resulting
   corrupted datagrams from being delivered to higher protocol layers.
   This note describes some easily reproduced experiments demonstrating
   the problem, and discusses some of the operational implications of

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   these observations.

1.  Introduction

   The IPv4 header was designed at a time when data rates were several
   orders of magnitude lower than those achievable today.  This document
   describes a consequent scale-related failure in the IP identification
   (ID) field, where fragments may be incorrectly assembled at a rate
   high enough likely to invalidate assumptions about data integrity
   failure rates.

   That IP fragmentation results in inefficient use of the network has
   been well documented [Kent87].  This note presents a different kind
   of problem, which can result not only in significant performance
   degradation, but also frequent data corruption.  This is especially
   pertinent due to the recent proliferation of UDP bulk transport tools
   that sometimes fragment every datagram.  Additionally, there is some
   network equipment that ignores the Don't Fragment (DF) bit in the IP
   header to work around MTU discovery problems [RFC2923].  This
   equipment indirectly exposes properly implemented protocols and
   applications to corrupt data.

2.  Wrapping the IP ID Field

   The Internet Protocol standard specifies:

      "The choice of the Identifier for a datagram is based on the need
      to provide a way to uniquely identify the fragments of a
      particular datagram.  The protocol module assembling fragments
      judges fragments to belong to the same datagram if they have the
      same source, destination, protocol, and Identifier.  Thus, the
      sender must choose the Identifier to be unique for this source,
      destination pair and protocol for the time the datagram (or any
      fragment of it) could be alive in the Internet."  [RFC0791]

   Strict conformance to this standard limits transmissions in one
   direction between any address pair to no more than 65536 packets per
   protocol (e.g.  TCP, UDP or ICMP) per maximum packet lifetime.

   Clearly not all hosts will follow this standard, because it implies
   an unreasonably low maximum data rate.  For example, a host sending
   1500 byte packets with a 30 second maximum packet lifetime could send
   at only about 26 Mbits/s before exceeding 65535 packets per packet
   lifetime.  Or, filling a 1 Gbit/s interface with 1500 byte packets
   requires sending 65536 packets in less than 1 second, an unreasonably
   short maximum packet lifetime, being less than the round-trip time on

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   some paths.  This requirement is widely ignored.

   IP receivers store fragments in a reassembly buffer until all
   fragments in a datagram arrive, or until the reassembly timeout
   expires (15 seconds is suggested in [RFC0791]).  Fragments in a
   datagram are associated with each other by the value in their ID
   field, and by the source, destination address pair.  If a sender
   wraps the ID field in less than the reassembly timeout, it becomes
   possible for fragments from different datagrams to be incorrectly
   spliced together ("mis-associated"), and delivered to the upper layer

   The case of particular concern occurs when the first fragment of a
   datagram is lost in the network.  The remaining fragments will be
   stored in the fragment reassembly buffer.  When the sender wraps the
   ID field, the first fragment of the new datagram will be mis-
   associated with the rest of the old datagram.  Assuming the fragments
   are delivered in order, the rest of the new datagram will be now be
   incomplete (since it is missing the first fragment), so they will be
   saved in the fragment reassembly buffer, forming a cycle that repeats
   every 65536 datagrams.  It is possible to have a number of
   simultaneous cycles, bounded by the size of the fragment reassembly

3.  Harmful Effects of Mis-Associated Fragments

   When the mis-associated fragments are delivered, transport-layer
   checksumming should detect these datagrams as incorrect and discard
   them.  When the datagrams are discarded, it could pose a problem for
   loss-feedback congestion control algorithms since there will be a
   high number of non-congestion-related losses.

   However, transport checksums may not be designed to handle such high
   error rates, either.  The TCP/UDP checksum is only 16 bits in length.
   If these checksums follow a uniform random distribution, we expect
   mis-associated datagrams to be accepted by the checksum at a rate of
   one per 65536.  With only one mis-association cycle, we expect
   corrupt data delivered to the application layer once per 2^32
   datagrams.  This number can be significantly higher with multiple

   With non-random data, the TCP/UDP checksum may be even weaker still.
   It is possible to construct datasets where mis-associated fragments
   will always have the same checksum.  Such a case may be considered
   unlikely, but is worth considering.  "Real" data may be more likely
   than random data to cause checksum hot spots and increase the
   probability of false checksum match [Stone98].  Also, some

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   applications may turn off checksumming to increase speed, though this
   practice has been found to be dangerous for other reasons [Stone00].

4.  Experimental Observations

   To test the practical impact of fragmentation on UDP, we ran a series
   of experiments using a UDP bulk data transport protocol that was
   designed to be used as an alternative to TCP for transporting large
   data sets over specialized networks.  The tool, Reliable Blast UDP
   (RBUDP), part of the QUANTA networking toolkit [QUANTA], was selected
   because it has a clean interface which facilitated automated
   experiments.  The decision to use RBUDP had little to do with the
   details of the transport protocol itself.  Any UDP transport protocol
   that does not have additional means to detect corruption, and that
   could be configured to use IP fragmentation, would have the same

   In order to diagnose corruption on files transferred with the UDP
   bulk transfer tool, we used a file format that included embedded
   sequence numbers and MD5 checksums in each fragment of each datagram.
   Thus it was possible to distinguish random corruption from that
   caused by mis-associated fragments.  We used two different types of
   files.  One was constructed so that all the UDP checksums were
   constant -- we will call this the "constant" dataset.  The other was
   constructed so that UDP checksums were uniformly random -- the
   "random" dataset.  All tests were done using 400 MB files.

   The UDP bulk file transport tool was used to send the datasets
   between a pair of hosts at slightly less than the available data rate
   (100 Mbps).  Near the beginning of each flow, a brief secondary flow
   was started to induce packet loss in the primary flow.  Throughout
   the life of the primary flow, we typically observed mis-association
   rates on the order of a few hundredths of a percent.

   Tests run with the "constant" dataset resulted in corruption on all
   mis-associated fragments, that is, corruption on the order of a few
   hundredths of a percent.  In sending approximately 10 TB of "random"
   datasets, we observed 8847668 UDP checksum errors and 121 corruptions
   of the data due to mis-associated fragments.

5.  Implications

   Most TCP implementations today participate in MTU discovery
   [RFC1191], which will avoid the problems described in this note by
   avoiding IP fragmentation altogether.  However, as a work-around for
   MTU discovery problems [RFC2923], some TCP implementations and

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   communications gear provide mechanisms to disable path MTU discovery
   by clearing or ignoring the DF bit.  Doing so will expose all
   protocols using IPv4, even those which participate in MTU discovery,
   to mis-association errors.

   IPv6 is less vulnerable to this type of problem, since its fragment
   header contains a 32-bit identification field [RFC2460].  Mis-
   association will only be a problem at packet rates 65536 times higher
   than for IPv4.

   Since mis-association of fragments will only occur when the IP ID
   field is wrapped within the fragment reassembly timeout, it may be
   possible to reduce the timeout sufficiently so that mis-association
   will not occur.  However, there are a number of difficulties with
   such an approach.  Since the sender controls the rate of packets sent
   and selection of IP ID, while the receiver controls the reassembly
   timeout, there would need to be some mutual assurance between each
   party as to participation in the scheme.  Further, it is not
   generally possible to set the timeout low enough so that a fast
   sender's fragments will not be mis-associated, yet high enough so
   that a slow sender's fragments will not be unconditionally discarded
   before it is possible to reassemble them.  So the timeout and IP ID
   selection would need to be done on a per peer basis.  Also, it is
   likely NAT will break any per peer tables keyed by IP address.  It is
   not within the scope of this document to recommend solutions to these

   Another means of solving the corruption issue is to add stronger
   integrity checking, which can be done at any layer above IP.  This is
   a natural side effect of using cryptographic authentication.  If
   IPsec AH [RFC2402] is in use, the mis-associated fragments will be
   discarded at the network layer with extremely high probability.  Some
   higher layers may use longer checksums (for example, SCTP's is 32
   bits in length [RFC2960]) or cryptographic authentication (SSH
   message authentication codes [RFC4253]).  While stronger integrity
   checking may prevent data corruption, it will not solve the problem
   of a high effective loss rate.  In the case of SSH, any stream
   corruption results in immediate termination of the connection.

6.  Security Considerations

   If a malicious entity knows that a pair of hosts are communicating
   using a fragmented stream, it may present an opportunity for this
   entity to corrupt the flow.  By sending "high" fragments (those with
   offset greater than zero) with a forged source address, the attacker
   can deliberately cause corruption as described above.  Exploiting
   this vulnerability requires only knowledge of the source and

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   destination addresses of the flow, and fragment boundaries.  It does
   not require knowledge of port or sequence numbers.

   If the attacker has visibility of packets on the path, the attack
   profile is similar to injecting full segments.  Using this attack
   makes blind disruptions easier, and could certainly be used
   effectively to cause denial of service.  However, only streams using
   IPv4 fragmentation are vulnerable.  Because of the nature of the
   problems outlined in this draft, the use of IPv4 fragmentation for
   critical applications may not be advisable regardless of security

7.  References

   [Kent87]   Kent, C. and J. Mogul, "Fragmentation considered harmful",
              Proc. SIGCOMM '87 vol. 17, No. 5, October 1987.

   [RFC2923]  Lahey, K., "TCP Problems with Path MTU Discovery",
              RFC 2923, September 2000.

   [RFC0791]  Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791,
              September 1981.

   [RFC1191]  Mogul, J. and S. Deering, "Path MTU discovery", RFC 1191,
              November 1990.

   [Stone98]  Stone, J., Greenwald, M., Partridge, C., and J. Hughes,
              "Performance of Checksums and CRC's over Real Data", IEEE/
              ACM Transactions on Networking vol. 6, No. 5,
              October 1998.

   [Stone00]  Stone, J. and C. Partridge, "When The CRC and TCP Checksum
              Disagree", Proc. SIGCOMM 2000 vol. 30, No. 4,
              October 2000.

   [QUANTA]   He, E., Alimohideen, J., Eliason, J., Krishnaprasad, N.,
              Leigh, J., Yu, O., and T. DeFanti, "Quanta: a toolkit for
              high performance data delivery over photonic networks",
              Future Generation Computer Systems Vol. 19, No. 6,
              August 2003.

   [RFC2460]  Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6
              (IPv6) Specification", RFC 2460, December 1998.

   [RFC2960]  Stewart, R., Xie, Q., Morneault, K., Sharp, C.,
              Schwarzbauer, H., Taylor, T., Rytina, I., Kalla, M.,
              Zhang, L., and V. Paxson, "Stream Control Transmission
              Protocol", RFC 2960, October 2000.

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   [RFC2402]  Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Authentication Header",
              RFC 2402, November 1998.

   [RFC4253]  Ylonen, T. and C. Lonvick, "The Secure Shell (SSH)
              Transport Layer Protocol", RFC 4253, January 2006.

Appendix A.  Acknowledgements

   This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under
   Grant No. 0083285.

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Authors' Addresses

   John W. Heffner
   Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
   4400 Fifth Avenue
   Pittsburgh, PA  15213

   Phone: 412-268-2329

   Matt Mathis
   Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
   4400 Fifth Avenue
   Pittsburgh, PA  15213

   Phone: 412-268-3319

   Ben Chandler
   Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
   4400 Fifth Avenue
   Pittsburgh, PA  15213

   Phone: 412-268-9783

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   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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