Network Working Group Ryan Troll
Document: draft-ietf-acap-dataset-model-01.txt Carnegie Mellon
Expires October 3, 1999 March 29, 1999
An Introduction to the ACAP Dataset Model
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The ACAP [ACAP] Dataset Model is very extensible, and allows
applications to easily share options and information. With this
extensibility comes a complexity that an application designer must
fully understand in order to interoperate while using ACAP.
This document will help the reader understand and visualize the ACAP
hierarchy, come to a better understanding of how to design and
access ACAP datasets, and understand the relationship between
attributes, entries, datasets, and dataset classes.
0. Outstanding Issues
Need to address inheritance. It is ignored in this document, and is
a big hairy beast that should be discussed. However, I need help
doing so, as I don't fully understand when it should and should not
be used yet.
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1. Introduction
The Application Configuration Access Protocol [ACAP] is designed to
support remote storage and access of program option, configuration,
and preference information. The data store model is designed to
allow a client relatively simple access to data, to allow new
information to be easily added without server reconfiguration, and
to promote the use of both standardized data and custom or
proprietary data.
This document explores the data store model, allowing the reader to
visualize what the ACAP data store actually looks like. With this
picture, developers will be able to design an ACAP dataset class for
their own applications, and interoperate with others.
1.1. Conventions Used in the Document
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in [KEYWORDS].
1.2. Terminology
Dataset Class A dataset class is a formal description of how to use
information stored within a dataset. Descriptions of
all attributes, and what their values mean, make up a
dataset class.
Dataset Every level of the ACAP hierarchy is a dataset.
Datasets contain entries, and/or other datasets.
Datasets may inherit entries from other datasets, or
be standalone repositories of information.
Sub-Dataset A dataset may contain other datasets. These datasets
are subsets of the main dataset, and may contain
entries that are grouped together for a common
reason. In a dictionary, words are grouped together
based on their first letter. These smaller groupings
are subsets of the entire dictionary, just like sub-
datasets are subsets of the entire dataset.
Sub-datasets do not have to reside on the same ACAP
server as the dataset containing the sub-dataset
pointer. A site may provide an ACAP server for all
users, and this ACAP server may contain custom
bookmarks for all users. If a user decides to use
another ACAP server for his/her ACAP needs, one entry
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in the user's bookmark dataset could be a sub-dataset
pointer back to the site-wide dataset.
A full dataset may also be a sub-dataset of another
dataset. Being a sub-dataset does not change how the
dataset is accessed or viewed. Sub-datasets provide
a way for a dataset to break up its data into smaller
chunks, and/or share data between datasets.
Entry One item in a dataset is an entry (e.g. A web
bookmark). An entry consists of a collection of
Attribute The smallest piece of information in an ACAP dataset.
An attribute describes one aspect of an entry, and
consist of a few pieces of meta-data. The most
important meta-data is the name and a value. (e.g.
the name 'color' and the value 'black')
2. ACAP Data Model
This section defines all of the parts of the ACAP data model,
starting with the smallest piece of information.
2.1. Attribute / Value
The smallest piece of information in the ACAP data store is an
attribute. An attribute includes two pieces of information: a name,
and a value. Attributes may also have multiple values. Multiple
values are stored as parenthesized lists of values. The value types
Atom, Number, String, Parenthesized List, and NIL are defined in
[ACAP], section 2.6.
Some attributes are already defined, and are used for every entry.
These attributes include "entry", which is the name of the entry,
and "subdataset", which is used to indicate that the entry
represents a sub-dataset. These attributes are not necessarily
shown to the user.
The bookmark dataset [BOOK] includes the attributes
"bookmarks.Description", containing a user-assigned description
(e.g. "CMU's ACAP Page"); "bookmarks.Name", containing the name of
the reference (e.g. "ACAP Home Page"); and "bookmarks.URL", which is
the bookmarked URL (e.g. ""). In this
dataset, the attribute "entry" is not shown to the user, and is only
used as a uniquifier within the dataset itself. These attributes,
along with others, contain all the information needed by a client
regarding this bookmark.
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The dictionary dataset [DICT] includes the attributes "entry" and
"dictionary.definition". The attribute "entry" may have the value
"spam", and is shown to the user, while the attribute
"dictionary.definition" may have the value "("To send multiple
unsolicited messages" "A meat-like substance")".
2.1.1. Attribute Naming Scheme
Attributes MUST adhere to a strict naming scheme. Attributes names
which do not contain a dot (".") are reserved for standardized
attributes which have meaning in any dataset. ("entry" and
"modtime", for example.) All other attributes MUST contain a dot
("."), and by convention use a name of the format "Dataset.Attr",
where 'Dataset' is the name of the dataset, and 'Attr' is the name
of the attribute within the dataset. ('Attr' may contain dots.)
Some attributes are pre-defined, and have special meanings. These
attributes are:
entry The name of the entry within the dataset. This value
MUST be unique within the dataset.
modtime Timestamp of the last modification to anything within
this entry. This is generated by the server.
subdataset If set, this attributes indicates the existence of a
sub-dataset of this entry.
For more information on the predefined attributes, consult [ACAP],
section 3.1.1.
Attribute names are unique across all datasets. This is
accomplished by the attribute naming scheme: all attribute names
MUST be of the form "<dataset class>.<attribute-name>".
Within the dictionary dataset, all entries contain the attribute
"dictionary.definition", which is a list attribute containing the
definition(s) of the word. Also, the attribute "entry" takes on an
additional meaning in the dictionary dataset: it is the word the
entry is for.
2.1.2. Searching for Specific Attributes
When searching an ACAP dataset, a comparison function (referred to
as a search comparator) must be specified, in order to handle the
different types of values. When searching for a specific string,
the "i;ascii-casemap" may be used, while when searching for a number
the "i;octet" comparator may be used. For more information on what
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comparators are available, refer to [ACAP], section 3.2.
2.2. Entry
An entry is a collection of attributes, grouped together to describe
a common item. Entries within a dataset MUST have a unique name.
The design of the ACAP dataset MUST make sure this is the case. The
entry name does not have to have any bearing on the actual entry
content. (For an example of this, see the example at the end of
this document.)
It is up to the client to choose a unique name for any entries it is
going to create in the ACAP hierarchy. At this time, there is no
standard way to choose an entry name.
For example, when using ACAP to store a personal dictionary, the
entry name may be the word. Since the word may have multiple
definitions, the dictionary dataset has been structured to use
multi-valued attributes to allow clients to store multiple
On the other hand, an ACAP entry describing a bookmark may contain
the URL, name, type, and last visited time. The name of the
bookmark entry may be an alpha-numeric uniquifier, which has no
meaning to the rest of the entry.
Another example is to compare the ACAP data store to a filesystem.
In this case, every entry may be considered a directory entry. The
contents of the files are irrelevant, and only the file attributes
are examined. The name of the file is unique within the dataset,
just like the dataset entry names, and all entries within the
directory have an owner, a modification time, a last accessed time,
and a size.
2.3. Dataset
A dataset is a collection of entries and datasets, which represent a
set of the information being defined. When looking at a collection
of bookmarks, a dataset may be defined for each of your folders of
bookmarks, with a top-level dataset containing all of these folders,
as well as any unfiled bookmarks.
2.3.1. Dataset Inheritance
Datasets may also inherit values from other datasets. Sites may
want to define a base set of bookmarks that all of their users see.
This can be accomplished by using dataset inheritance. When
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accessing a dataset that inherits from another, the accessed dataset
appears to contain everything that is actually stored in it, as well
as what is stored in the dataset it is inheriting from.
For example, a site may want to have a collection of Web bookmarks
that are available for all users. If every user's bookmark dataset
is configured to inherit from the master bookmark dataset, clients
that fetch all of the user's bookmarks will not only see the user's
personal bookmarks, but also the site specific bookmarks.
One important thing to remember: a client can not distinguish
between inherited entries, and entries that are actually in the
dataset, unless the search that is performed specificly says not to
use inheritance. Designers and adminstrators MUST be careful when
using inheritance.
2.4. Dataset Class
A dataset class is a formal definition of a dataset. The class
definition describes what data is stored, where the information is
stored, and what format it is stored in. This allows multiple
applications to use the same data within the ACAP server, without
having to worry about breaking it for other applications. As long
as all applications adhere to the dataset class definition, there
will be no problems.
Standardizing dataset class definitions allows multiple applications
to share data, even if they are from different vendors. By defining
a common bookmark dataset class, all web browsers are able to share
their bookmarks with one another. In addition, by storing their
bookmarks on an ACAP server, multiple instantiations of browsers
across multiple computers and operating systems are able to safely
modify and update the list, with all other apps picking up the
changes as they are made.
2.4.1. Dataset Class Naming Scheme
All dataset classes have a name. The name is used to locate the
dataset class within the hierarchy. Dataset class names MUST either
be of the form "vendor.<vendor/product>", or be specified in a
standards track or IESG approved experimental RFC. The proposed
dictionary dataset class uses the dataset class name "/dictionary",
while a vendor's mechanism for storing application-specific options
(such as window location) may be under, for example,
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3. Hierarchy
The dataset namespace is a slash-separated hierarchy. The first
part of the namespace is the dataset class. For standard datasets,
this will be the name specified by the standard, such as
"/bookmarks" or "/dictionary". For vendor-specific dataset classes,
this will be the prefix "vendor", the name of the vendor, and the
product, all separated by a periods. (e.g.
The second part of the namespace is the ownership class, or scope of
the dataset. This can be "site", for server-wide datasets; "group"
for administrative group datasets; "host" for host specific data; or
"user" for a user's data.
If the scope is "group", "host", or "user", the third part of the
namespace identifier is the name of the group, host, or user. (For
example, "/vendor.cyrusoft.mulberry/host/" would
be Mulberry preferences specific to the host "".)
To fetch the bookmarks for user "ryan" on the ACAP server, the
dataset to be searched would be "/bookmarks/user/ryan". If "ryan"
is the current ACAP user, this may be abbreviated as "/bookmarks/~".
The dataset "/byowner" is reserved, and allows searches to show what
dataset classes are owned by a given user. Searching
"/byowner/user/ryan" will show all of the dataset classes in use by
user "ryan".
Finally, searching the dataset "/" is equivalent to searching
"/byowner/user/<current-user>". (Or "/byowner/~").
4. Bookmark Dataset Class
The ACAP bookmarks dataset class is defined in [BOOK]. The
following example contains a couple of entries in this dataset, to
demonstrate sub-datasets as well as give a visible example of what
the dataset hierarchy looks like.
4.1. Example
The following example shows what data is in ACAP, and how that data
may be used to generate a nice list of web bookmarks for your
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4.1.1. ACAP Bookmark Dataset
In dataset /bookmarks/user/ryan
entry 104
bookmarks.Name "Lurkers Guide to Babylon 5"
bookmarks.Description "Cool site with very complete episode guides"
bookmarks.URL ""
bookmarks.Type "link"
entry 12dag8
bookmarks.Name "SSH (Secure Shell) Home Page"
bookmarks.Description ""
bookmarks.URL ""
bookmarks.Type "link"
entry 13ksjhdfgpoa
bookmarks.Type "separator"
entry 14roblink
subdataset "acap://other.acap.domain/bookmarks/rob/public"
bookmarks.Name "Rob's Public Bookmarks"
bookmarks.Type "folder"
entry 15emailfoo
subdataset .
bookmarks.Name "Email Stuff"
bookmarks.Type "folder"
In dataset /bookmarks/user/ryan/Email Stuff
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entry 2baz212
bookmarks.Name "ACAP Home Page"
bookmarks.Description "It's not LDAP"
bookmarks.URL ""
bookmarks.Type "link"
entry 3bar51
bookmarks.Name "IMAP Home Page"
bookmarks.Description "Protocol for fetching messages"
bookmarks.URL ""
bookmarks.Type "link"
entry 812foo
bookmarks.Name "Sieve Home Page"
bookmarks.Description "Sieve mail filtering language"
bookmarks.URL ""
bookmarks.Type "link"
4.1.2. Generated Bookmarks File
Based on this information, the following web bookmark display can be
Lurkers Guide to Babylon 5
SSH (Secure Shell) Home Page
Rob's Public Bookmarks ->
Email Stuff ->
And, the "Email Stuff" folder / sub-menu would contain:
ACAP Home Page
IMAP Home Page
Sieve Home Page
5. Copyright
Copyright (C) The Internet Society 1999. All Rights Reserved.
This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph
are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
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the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
6. References
[KEYWORDS] S. Bradner, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997
[ACAP] C. Newman, J. G. Myers, "Application Configuration Access
Protocol", RFC 2244, November 1997
[DICT] C. Daboo, "ACAP Personal Dictionary Dataset", Work In
Progress, March 1998
[BOOK] R. Gellens, "ACAP Bookmarks Dataset Class", Work In Progress,
December 1998
7. Author's Address
Ryan Troll
Computing Services
Carnegie Mellon
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: (412) 268-8691
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