Internet Engineering Task Force                Y.Bernet, Microsoft
  Internet Draft                                 R. Yavatkar, Intel
  draft-ietf-diffserv-rsvp-00.txt                P. Ford, Microsoft
                                                 F. Baker, Cisco
                                                 L. Zhang, UCLA
                                                 K. Nichols, Bay Networks
                                                 M. Speer, Sun Microsystems
                                                 June, 1998
           A Framework for Use of RSVP with Diff-serv Networks
                           Status of this Memo
  This document is an Internet Draft. Internet Drafts are working documents of
  the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas, and its Working Groups.
  Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet
  Internet Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
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  Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.  This
  document will expire before December, 1998. Distribution of this
  draft is unlimited.
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                        Use Of RSVP with Diffserv             June, 1998
  1. Abstract
  In the past several years, work on QoS enabled networks led to the
  development of the Integrated Services (Intserv) architecture [12] and
  the RSVP signaling protocol [1]. RSVP, as specified, enables applica-
  tions to signal per-flow requirements to the network. Intserv parame-
  ters are used to quantify these requirements for the purpose of admis-
  sion control. However, as work on RSVP and Intserv has proceeded, we
  have recognized the following basic limitations, which impede deploy-
  ment of these mechanisms in the Internet at large:
  1) The reliance of RSVP on per-flow state and per-flow processing
  raises scalability concerns in large networks.
  2) Today, only a small number of hosts generate RSVP signaling.
  While this number is expected to grow dramatically, many
  applications may never generate RSVP signaling.
  3) Many applications require a form of QoS, but are unable to
  express these requirements using the intserv model.
  At present, the market is pushing for immediate deployment of a QoS
  solution that addresses the needs of the Internet as well as enter-
  prise networks. This push has led to the development of Differentiated
  services (diff-serv). In contrast to RSVP's per-flow orientation,
  diff-serv networks classify packets to one of a small number of aggre-
  gated flows, based on the setting of bits in the TOS field of each
  packet's IP header. Thus, in addition to eliminating the reliance on
  per-flow state, diff-serv QoS can initially be deployed using top-down
  provisioning, with no requirement for end- to-end signaling.
  At the same time however, it is important to assure that the diff-
  serv mechanisms deployed, interoperate effectively with hosts and net-
  works that provide per-flow QoS in response to end-to-end signaling.
  This is important, as we believe that in the coming years, there will
  be a proliferation of applications that depend on QoS and of hosts
  which will signal end-to-end on their behalf.
  This draft proposes a framework in which diff-serv capable transit
  networks provide aggregate QoS services, in support of RSVP/Intserv
  capable hosts and stub networks, which use end-to-end signaling. In
  our model, diff-serv mechanisms are used within transit networks and
  at the boundaries between them, while either diff-serv or RSVP/Intserv
  mechanisms are used within stub networks and at the boundaries between
  stub networks and transit diff-serv networks. Managers of the transit
  networks will provision a pool of network resources to be available in
  response to end-to-end signaling. The remaining resources will be
  allotted using traditional 'top-down' provisioning methods.
  Our framework allows the deployment of diff-serv networks and
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  RSVP/Intserv networks to proceed at their own pace, providing immedi-
  ate incremental benefits in areas of the network in which one or the
  other is deployed and additional benefits where both are deployed.
  This framework builds upon current work in the IETF including diff-
  serv [10] and RSVP aggregation [8].
  Many of the ideas in this document have been previously discussed in
  the original intserv architecture document [12].
  2. Goals of This Draft
  This draft is based on the assumption that end-to-end QoS is required
  to support the needs of certain applications. Such applications
  include IP-telephony, video-on-demand and various non- multimedia
  mission-critical applications.
  In our view, intserv and diff-serv are complementary tools in the pur-
  suit of end-to-end QoS. Each serves an important purpose in the end-
  to-end QoS enabled network. The primary goal of this draft is to
  encourage the continued development of each in a manner that does not
  preclude realization of the proposed framework. To this end, we will:
  1. List the requirements of a network that provides end-to-end QoS.
  2. Present a framework that uses intserv as a customer of diff-serv
  to meet these requirements.
  3. Identify dependencies of intserv on diff-serv.
  Ultimately, we aim to clearly define a manner in which RSVP/Intserv
  and diff-serv mechanisms interact seamlessly. We expect that by doing
  so, we will enable network administrators to determine the degree to
  which diff-serv capabilities are pushed towards the edge of their net-
  works (or, the degree to which RSVP/Intserv capabilities are pushed
  towards the core).
  3. Terminology
  The following terms are used in this draft:
  a. Intserv region (or intserv capable network) - the part of an
  internet that uses per-flow identification, signaling, and admission
  control to deliver per-flow QoS guarantees
  b. Diff-serv region (or diff-serv capable network) - the part of an
  internet that provides aggregate QoS services
  c. Quantitative QoS applications - applications for which QoS
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  requirements are readily quantifiable, and which rely on these QoS
  requirements to function properly.
  d. Qualitative QoS applications - applications for which relative
  QoS requirements exist, but are not readily quantifiable.
  e. QoS applications - applications that require some form of QoS,
  either qualitative or quantitative.
  f. Loose QoS - QoS assurances which are relative, rather than
  absolute, or generally not quantifiable.
  g. Tight QoS - QoS assurances which are absolute and quantifiable,
  though they may or may not provide 100% guarantee.
  h. Top-down (or open-loop) provisioning - traditional provisioning
  methods which configure network capacities using heuristics and
  experience, typically from a console, with no explicit knowledge of
  exact traffic volumes or exact paths taken by the affected traffic.
  i. RSVP/Intserv - RSVP is a signaling protocol. Intserv (in this
  context) is a model for quantifying traffic that is useful for
  admission control purposes. In this document, we use the terms
  together, to discuss the RSVP/Intserv network, in contrast to the
  diff-serv network. However, the two are separable and much of the
  following discussion could be applied to a model in which RSVP
  signals using parameters that are not Intserv specific.
  4. Requirements for the End-to-End QoS Framework An end-to-end QoS
  network must serve the requirements of network managers as well as
  those of both quantitative and qualitative QoS applications. We con-
  sider these requirements in the context of the following general
          / Stub   \       /   Transit    \       /  Stub  \
         / Network  \     /    Network     \     /  Network \
  |---| |        |---|   |---|          |---|   |---|        | |---|
  |Tx |-|        |ER1|---|BR1|          |BR2|---|ER2|        |-|Rx |
  |---| |        |-- |   |---|          |---|   |---|        | |---|
         \          /     \                /     \          /
          \        /       \              /       \        /
                   Figure 1: Sample Network Configuration
  This network consists of a diff-serv capable transit network and two
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  intserv capable stub networks. In the interest of simplicity, we show
  a single QoS sender on one of the stub networks and a single QoS
  receiver on the other. We show edge routers (ER1, ER2) at the inter-
  faces of the intserv networks to the diff-serv network. We show boun-
  dary routers (BR1, BR2) at the interfaces of the diff-serv network to
  the intserv networks.
  The transit network contains a mesh of routers, at least some of which
  are diff-serv capable. The stub networks contain a mesh of routers, at
  least some of which are intserv capable.
  We define the following requirements of the framework:
  4.1 Definition of a Set of Services
  There must be a set of useful end-to-end services available to Quanti-
  tative QoS applications. Routers internal to the diff-serv network are
  assumed to provide a set of 'per-hop-behaviours' (PHBs [10]). We
  expect that concatenation of certain well-defined PHBs will yield cer-
  tain well-understood services across the diff-serv network. We also
  expect that the intserv regions of the network will be able to extend
  these services such that they can be realized in a true end-to-end
  In addition, there must be a set of end-to-end services available to
  Qualitative QoS applications. However, the services that these appli-
  cations require are generally less demanding. They can be loosely pro-
  visioned (in a top-down manner) in the diff-serv regions of the net-
  work and will likely receive best-effort treatment in the intserv
  regions of the network.
  In this draft we focus primarily on the requirements of quantitative
  QoS applications. Although these may generate only a small fraction of
  all traffic, servicing this traffic may comprise a significant frac-
  tion of the revenues associated with QoS. In addition, while qualita-
  tive QoS applications can be satisfied by conventional diff- serv
  alone, quantitative QoS applications require additional support.
  4.2 Allotment of Diff-serv Service Levels to Specific Traffic Flows
  It must be possible for QoS applications to invoke specific end-to-
  end service levels for their traffic flows. Within the intserv regions
  of the network quantitative QoS applications do so by using RSVP sig-
  naling to configure classifiers which operate on IP addresses and port
  numbers. We will refer to such classifiers from here on as 'MF' clas-
  sifiers [10].
  Within the diff-serv regions of the network, traffic is allotted
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  service based on the contents of the DS-field in packet headers.
  Therefore, it is necessary for QoS applications to effect the correct
  marking of DS-fields before their packets are submitted to the diff-
  serv network. (This is particularly true for quantitative QoS applica-
  tions, less so for qualitative QoS applications that need not play as
  active a role in securing specific QoS from the network). There are
  two general mechanisms for doing so:
  1. Hosts may directly mark DS-fields in the transmitted packets of
  QoS applications.
  2. Routers external to the diff-serv network may mark DS-fields on
  behalf of QoS applications based on MF classification.
  In the first case, marking will be done based on host configuration or
  local communication between QoS applications and the host operating
  system. In the second case, marking will be done based on top-down
  configuration of the marking router's MF classifier/marker (by manual
  configuration or via automated configuration scripts) or based on
  standard signaling between QoS applications and the marking router's
  The following three requirements argue either for host based marking
  or for dynamic configuration of a router's classifier/marker in
  response to application requests.
  4.2.1 Minimal Management Burden
  The information required to express useful mappings of application
  traffic flows to service levels is likely to be quite complex and to
  change frequently. Thus, manual configuration is likely to impose a
  significant management burden. If the configuration information is
  very simple and does not change over time, the management burden may
  be relatively minor. However, this means that the granularity of
  allotting service levels to flows will be sub-optimal.
  4.2.2 Granularity of Allotment
  The term 'granularity' is used here to refer to the degree of specifi-
  city that is available in allotting a specific service level to a
  specific traffic flow. There are two measures of granularity; one is
  the granularity with which an individual flow or a group of flows is
  identified. The other is the frequency at which the service allotted
  to a flow may change. A fine grain QoS system would allow the follow-
  ing requirement to be expressed: telephony traffic from user X should
  be allotted service level A, while telephony traffic from user Y
  should be allotted service level B, and web traffic from any user
  should be allotted service level C.  A coarse grain system would be
  limited to something of the form: all traffic from subnet
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  should receive service level A, while all traffic from subnet
  should receive service level B. A temporally fine grain system would
  allow immediate changes in allotment of service levels to traffic
  flows. A temporally coarse grain system may allow infrequent changes
  4.2.3 Difficulties in Identification of Application Flows
  Routers may not be able to readily identify specific application flows
  based on network and/or transport layer fields in a packet.
  For example, consider the need to give preferential service to a
  website's home page (over other, less important pages at the site) or
  the case of encrypted traffic flows (IPSEC).
  4.3 Admission Control
  Quantitative QoS applications use RSVP to request that their flows be
  admitted to intserv regions of the network. When a request is
  rejected, the host application may avoid sending traffic and/or inter-
  mediate RSVP capable nodes will only give best-effort service to
  traffic on flows that were not admitted. These mechanisms protect
  traffic on flows that were admitted.
  In diff-serv regions of the network, admission control is provided
  implicitly, by policing at ingress points based on provisioning. The
  problem with implicit admission control is that it breaks the end-to-
  end validity of explicit admission control. Specifically, an applica-
  tion may gain admission using RSVP signaling, even though there is no
  capacity for that application's traffic within the diff-serv region of
  the network. Neither the application, nor intermediate RSVP capable
  nodes will be aware that the application's traffic is not admissible.
  As a result, neither can take corrective action and all traffic from
  that customer, at the corresponding service level, may be compromised.
  This failure may be partially, but not completely alleviated by polic-
  ing based on MF classification at the diff-serv ingress (rather than
  BA classification [10]).
  End-to-end QoS requires that quantitative QoS applications and RSVP
  capable intserv nodes be explicitly informed of admission control
  failure in the diff-serv network. This enables them to take corrective
  action and to avoid overdriving the diff-serv network. If the service
  agreement between the intserv and diff-serv regions of the network is
  statically provisioned, then admission control functionality can be
  provided by static configuration of admission control in intserv edge
  routers. However, if the service agreement is dynamically variable,
  then it will be necessary to dynamically propagate current diff-serv
  resource availability to the intserv network for the purpose of
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  explicit admission control.
  4.4 Policy Support
  End-to-end QoS leads to preferential treatment of certain traffic
  flows over others. Within diff-serv regions of the network, policy
  applies on a per-customer basis. In general, the diff-serv network
  makes multiple service levels available to a single customer's intserv
  network. In this case the customer must apply policy within its net-
  work to assure appropriate allocation of resources (customer network
  resources as well as diff-serv network resources) to individual hosts
  in the customer's network. This requires that end- to-end admission
  control be based on policy as well as resource availability.
  5. Intserv as a Customer of Diff-serv
  To meet the above requirements, we envision a network that consists
  typically of relatively smaller, intserv capable stub networks, con-
  nected by larger, diff-serv capable transit networks.  In this sec-
  tion, we will describe the operation of one instantiation of such a
  network (see figure 1). The following assumptions apply:
  5.0.1 Host Capabilities
  Both sending and receiving hosts use RSVP to communicate QoS require-
  ments of certain QoS aware applications running on the host. A QoS
  process within the host operating system generates RSVP signaling on
  behalf of the applications. This process also invokes traffic control.
  Host traffic control includes marking the DS-field in transmitted
  packets and shaping transmitted traffic per token bucket specifica-
  tions. Note that host traffic control is assumed for this specific
  example, but is not a requirement of the framework in general. Leaf
  routers within the intserv network may provide the traffic control
  5.0.2 Edge Routers
  The edge routers are special routers that straddle the boundary
  between the RSVP/Intserv region of the network and the diff-serv
  region of the network. It is helpful to think of these routers as con-
  sisting of two halves; the standard RSVP half, which interfaces to the
  stub networks, and the diff-serv half, which interfaces to the transit
  The RSVP half is at least partially RSVP capable; it is able to pro-
  cess PATH and RESV messages but it is not necessarily required to
  store full RSVP state and it is not required to provide MF classifica-
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  The diff-serv half of the router provides the interface to the admis-
  sion control function for the diff-serv network. We shall refer to
  this function from here on as the 'DACS' (diff-serv admission control
  service). The DACS is a process that is likely to (but is not required
  to) run at least partially, on the routers. If the service agreement
  between the stub networks and the transit networks is statically pro-
  visioned then the DACS can be as simple as a table which specifies
  capacity at each service level. If the service agreement is dynamic,
  the DACS may communicate with counterparts within the diff-serv net-
  work (such as a bandwidth broker [4]) and may be able to make admis-
  sion control decisions based on provisioned limits as well as the
  topology and the capacity of the diff-serv network.
  5.0.3 Boundary Routers
  These are conventional boundary routers. In the example illustrated,
  they are not required to run RSVP. They are expected to implement the
  policing function of diff-serv ingress routers, based on the results
  of a BA classifier. They may, but are not required, to provide MF
  classification nor to mark the DS-field (with the possible exception
  of the in/out bit). [10, 8]
  Note that this example places the boundary between the RSVP/Intserv
  network and the diff-serv network, within the edge routers at the stub
  networks. In general, this boundary could be shifted to the left or to
  the right. It could for example, be placed within the boundary routers
  in the transit network.  In this case, the DACS is implemented
  entirely within the diff-serv network (and is essentially, the
  bandwidth broker proposed in [4]), but the diff- serv boundary routers
  must be RSVP capable.
  5.0.4 Stub Networks
  The stub networks consist of int-serv capable hosts and some number of
  leaf routers. Leaf routers within the stub networks may or may not be
  int-serv capable. Since they are relatively small networks, it is rea-
  sonable to assume that they are int-serv capable, but this is not
  necessary. If they are not int-serv capable, we assume that they are
  not capable of per-flow identification, signaling, and admission con-
  trol and, in that case, will pass RSVP messages (requesting per-flow
  QoS) unhindered.
  5.0.5 Transit Network
  The transit network is not capable of per-flow identification, signal-
  ing, and admission control. It provides two or more levels of service
  based on the DS-field in the headers of carried packets (diff-serv
  capable). Furthermore, the transit network is able to carry RSVP
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  messages transparently, with minimal or no impact on its performance
  (see [8]). The transit network may include multiple carrier networks.
  5.0.6 Carrier/Customer Agreement
  The customer (owner(s) of the leaf networks) and the carrier owning
  the transit network have negotiated a contract for the capacity to be
  provided at each of a number of standard diff-serv service levels. The
  capacity may be statically provisioned. In this case, the DACSs are
  statically configured with the capacity available at each service
  level and reside entirely within the edge routers. Alternatively, the
  capacity may be dynamically variable with a pre- negotiated usage fee
  and/or a pre-negotiated capacity limit. In this case, the DACS would
  be required to communicate with counterparts within the diff-serv
  transit network.
  5.0.7 Mapping from Intserv Service Type to DS-field
  In our proposal, we use RSVP signaling to provide admission control to
  specific service levels in the diff-serv, as well as the intserv net-
  work. RSVP signaling requests carry an intserv service type, describ-
  ing the type of service they expect from the intserv regions of the
  network. At each hop in an intserv network, the generic intserv ser-
  vice requests are interpreted in a form meaningful to the specific
  For example, at an ATM hop, a VC of the correct type (CBR, ABR or VBR)
  is established [13]. At an 802.1 hop, the intserv service type is
  mapped to an appropriate 802.1p priority level [5]. At the boundary
  between the intserv network and a diff-serv network, it is necessary
  for edge devices to map the requested intserv service to a diff-serv
  service level that can reasonably extend the intserv service type
  requested by the application. The edge device can then provide admis-
  sion control to the diff-serv network by accepting or rejecting the
  request based on the capacity available at the requested diff-serv
  service level.
  We assume that one of two schemes is used to map intserv service types
  to diff-serv service levels. In the first scheme (called "default map-
  ping"), we propose a standard, well-known mapping from intserv service
  type to a PHB that will invoke the appropriate behavior in the diff-
  serv network. The mapping is not necessarily one-to-one. For example,
  controlled-load interactive voice traffic will likely map to a PHB
  having different latency characteristics than controlled-load latency
  tolerant traffic. For this reason we suggest adding a qualifier to the
  intserv service type indicating its relative latency tolerance (high
  or low). The qualifier would be defined as a standard object in
  intserv signaling messages.
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  In an alternate scheme (called "customer-specified mapping"), we allow
  the devices at the edge of the diff-serv region of the network to
  modify the well-known mapping. Under this approach, RESV messages ori-
  ginating at hosts carry the usual intserv service type (with a qualif-
  ier, as described above). When RESV messages arrive at the interface
  of the int-serv and diff-serv regions (e.g. router ER1 in Figure 1,
  where the traffic from the stub network enters the diff-serv region),
  the edge device will determine the PHB that should be used to obtain
  the corresponding diff-serv service level. This value is appended to
  the RESV message by the edge device and is carried to the sending
  host. When the RESV message arrives at the sending host, the sender
  (or intermediate intserv routers) will mark outgoing packets with the
  indicated PHBs.
  The decision to modify the well-known mapping at the edge devices will
  be based on edge-device configuration and/or policy decision at the
  5.1 How End-to-End QoS is Obtained
  The following sequence illustrates the process by which an application
  obtains end-to-end QoS:
  1. The sending host's QoS process generates an RSVP PATH message,
  describing the traffic offered by the sending application.
  2. The PATH message is carried toward the receiving host. In the
  sending stub network, standard RSVP processing will be applied at
  RSVP capable nodes (routers, SBMs, etc).
  3. At ER1, the PATH message is subjected to standard RSVP processing
  and PATH state is installed in the router. The PATH message is sent
  onward, to the transit network.
  4. The PATH message is carried transparently through the transit
  network. It is processed in the receiving stub network according to
  standard RSVP processing rules.
  5. At the receiving host, the QoS process generates an RSVP RESV
  message, indicating interest in the offered traffic, at a certain
  intserv service level.
  6. The RESV message is carried back towards the sending host.
  Consistent with standard RSVP processing, it may be rejected at any
  RSVP node in the receiving stub network if resources are deemed
  insufficient to carry the traffic requested.
  7. At ER2, the RESV message is subjected to standard RSVP
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  processing.  It may be rejected if resources on the downstream
  interface of ER2 are deemed insufficient to carry the resources
  requested. If it is not rejected, it will be carried transparently
  through the transit network, arriving at ER1.
  8. At this point, the RESV message triggers DACS processing. The
  DACS compares the resources requested to the resources available at
  the corresponding diff-serv service level, in the diff-serv enabled
  transit network. If the RESV message is admitted, the DACS updates
  the available capacity for the service class, by subtracting the
  approved resources from the available capacity.
  9. Assuming the available capacity is sufficient, the RESV message
  is admitted and is allowed to continue upstream towards the sending
  host. If the available capacity is insufficient, the RESV message
  will be rejected and the available capacity for the service class
  will remain unchanged.
  10. The RESV message proceeds through the sending stub network. RSVP
  nodes in the sending stub network may reject it. If it is not
  rejected, it will arrive at the sending host.
  11. At the sending host, the QoS process receives the RESV message.
  It interprets receipt of the message as an indication that the
  specified traffic has been admitted for the specified intserv
  service type (in the RSVP enabled regions of the network) and for
  the corresponding diff-serv service level (in the diff-serv enabled
  regions of the network). It begins to set the DS-field in the headers
  of transmitted packets, to the value which maps to the Intserv
  service type specified in the admitted RESV message.
  In this manner, we are able to obtain end to end QoS through a combi-
  nation of networks that support RSVP style reservations and networks
  that support diff-serv style priortization. The successful arrival of
  RESV messages at the original sender indicates that admission control
  has succeeded both in the RSVP regions of the network and in the
  diff-serv regions of the network.
  5.2 Variations of the Model
  It is useful to consider a number of variations of the model
  5.2.1 Admission Control Statically Provisioned Service Agreements
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  In the simplest model, service agreements are negotiated statically
  between the stub networks and the transit networks. A service agree-
  ment consists of a table of capacities available to a customer's stub
  network, at each diff-serv service level. In this case, DACS func-
  tionality is provided at the edge routers in the stub networks. The
  'diff-serv half' of these routers appear to the 'RSVP half' as a send-
  ing interface with resource limits defined by the service agreement
  table. While there may be bandwidth brokers and dynamic provisioning
  within the transit networks, these are not coupled with the intserv
  stub networks and admission control in the two regions of the network
  is completely independent. Dynamic Service Agreements
  In a more sophisticated model, service agreements between customer
  stub networks and carrier transit networks are more dynamic. Customers
  may be able to dynamically request changes to the service agreement.
  In this case, a statically provisioned edge router cannot provide the
  required DACS functionality. Instead, DACS functionality must be pro-
  vided by coupling the stub network's admission control with the tran-
  sit network's admission control.
  The two admission control mechanisms meet at the boundary between the
  diff-serv network and the intserv network. This boundary may be imple-
  mented at the edge router (in the stub network), at the boundary
  router (in the transit network), or at the bandwidth broker for the
  intserv network. Limiting the Impact of Intserv Admission Control on the Diff-
  serv Network
  Note that coupling intserv and diff-serv admission control does not
  imply that each intserv admission control request results in diff-
  serv admission control work. Instead, intserv admission control
  requests are aggregated at the boundary between the intserv and the
  diff-serv network. For example, intserv admission control requests may
  trigger diff-serv admission control requests to bandwidth brokers only
  when some high-water or low-water resource threshold is crossed.
  Separate high-water and low-water thresholds provide hysteresis to
  prevent thrashing. Roles of Policy and Resource Based Admission Control
  It is necessary to provide both resource and policy based admission
  control in the diff-serv network as well as the intserv network. In
  the diff-serv network, resource and policy based admission control are
  handled by entities such as bandwidth brokers and reflected to the
  intserv network as DACS (or RSVP). Policy decisions made within the
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  diff-serv network are likely to be at the per-intserv network (per-
  customer of the diff-serv network) granularity.
  In the intserv network, resource based admission control is handled by
  RSVP enabled routers (and SBMs [2]). Policy based admission control is
  handled by RSVP capable policy servers. These assure that intserv
  resources are allotted to intserv customers according to policy
  specific to the intserv network. In addition, policy servers within
  the intserv network must also assure that appropriate policy is
  applied when diff-serv resources are allotted to intserv customers.
  5.2.2 Setting the DS-field at Intermediate Nodes
  In the example described, hosts use RSVP signaling and mark the DS-
  byte corresponding to the admitted service level. Note that these
  functions can be separated. In the example, the function of RSVP sig-
  naling is to invoke QoS in the intserv network and to provide end-to-
  end admission control. The function of marking the DS-field is to
  reduce the need for MF classification at routers. (MF classification
  is required at the ingress to a diff-serv network only to determine
  the customer to whom the traffic belongs. If an interface is dedicated
  to the customer, no MF classification need be done. In this case, any
  MF classification on behalf of the diff-serv ingress point is provided
  as a service to the customer and goes beyond policing requirements).
  It is possible to mark the DS-field at intermediate routers rather
  than at the host and still to realize many of the benefits of our
  approach. In this case, intermediate routers may use the RSVP signal-
  ing to configure an MF classifier and marker. Therefore, the confi-
  guration of MF classifiers and markers is dynamic (minimizing the
  management burden) and full resource and policy based admission con-
  trol can be applied.
  The disadvantages of marking the DS-field at intermediate routers
  (instead of the host) are that full MF classifiers are required at the
  intermediate nodes and that responsibility for traffic separation is
  shifted away from the host.
  Nonetheless, this approach is necessary to support those hosts which
  may be capable of RSVP signaling, but which are not capable of marking
  the DS-field. In addition, there may be cases in which the network
  administrators wish to shift the responsibility for traffic separation
  away from the hosts. In particular, we expect that there will continue
  to be a need for top-down provisioned MF classification, especially
  for qualitative (as opposed to quantitative) QoS applications.
  6. Managing Different Resource Pools
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  We have focused largely on the class of applications that use RSVP to
  explicitly signal per-flow QoS requirements and which expect end- to-
  end tight QoS assurances, spanning both the intserv and diff-serv
  regions of the network. We have been referring to these applications
  as 'quantitative QoS applications'.
  However, diff-serv networks also provide loose QoS to applications
  that do not explicitly signal. Network managers can allot qualitative
  QoS applications specific QoS in the diff-serv network. This is
  achieved by configuring classifiers at the ingress to the diff-serv
  network to recognize traffic from these applications. Thus, the clas-
  sification fields are used as a form of implicit signaling.
  Network administrators must therefore share diff-serv network
  resources between three types of traffic:
  a. Quantitative (explicitly signaled) QoS application traffic
  b. Qualitative (implicitly signaled) QoS application traffic
  c. All other (best-effort) traffic
  Quantitative QoS applications rely on explicit admission control for
  their traffic, at the edges of the diff-serv network. This traffic may
  be refused admission for a particular diff-serv service level. However
  - if admitted, the traffic is assured tight QoS. Of course, this is
  true only to the extent that, at any ingress point, the total offered
  traffic at each service level does not exceed the resources requested
  through the sum of admission control requests.
  Traffic from qualitative QoS applications is provided with implicit
  admission control as a result of policing at ingress points. However,
  implicit admission control does not provide explicit feedback to
  applications. Therefore, it is difficult to assure that the total
  traffic offered at an ingress point will not exceed the levels allowed
  by policers. Thus, traffic from qualitative applications is offered
  only loose QoS.
  From the network manager's perspective, there are three pools of
  resources in the diff-serv network; one for traffic sourced by quanti-
  tative QoS applications, one for traffic sourced by qualitative QoS
  applications and one for best-effort traffic. These pools must be iso-
  lated from each other by the appropriate configuration of policers and
  classifiers at ingress points to the diff-serv network, and by
  appropriate provisioning within the diff- serv network.
  7. Issues
  7.1 Setting the DS-field at Hosts
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  The thought of allowing hosts to set the DS-field directly, may alarm
  network administrators. The obvious concern is that hosts may attempt
  to 'steal' resources. In fact, hosts may attempt to exceed the nego-
  tiated capacity at a particular service level regardless of whether
  they invoke this service level directly (by setting the DS- byte) or
  indirectly (by submitting traffic that classifies in an intermediate
  router to a particular diff-serv PHB).
  In either case, it may be necessary to protect the network by policing
  at various points, both within the stub network and/or at the inter-
  face to the transit network. For example, within the stub network,
  routers may police the aggregate traffic coming from a host to ensure
  that the host is not exceeding its traffic limit. This assures protec-
  tion against malicious users or malfunctioning equipment and, overall,
  ensures that customers do not use more resources than they are enti-
  tled to, at each service level. If the sending host does not do the
  marking, intermediate and/or boundary routers must provide MF classif-
  ication, mark and police. If the sending host does do the marking,
  these routers need only to provide BA classification and to police the
  aggregate to ensure that the customer is not exceeding the aggregate
  capacity negotiated for the service level.
  Requiring hosts to mark the DS-field has the effect of moving respon-
  sibility to the edge of the network, in more ways than one. With this
  approach, boundary routers police in aggregate. As a result, the cus-
  tomer cannot rely on boundary routers to provide traffic isolation
  between the customer's flows, when policing or shaping.  Instead, it
  is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the customer's flows
  are properly shaped and policed within the customer's sending network.
  Overall, this approach simplifies boundary routers and still allows
  protection against misbehaving hosts/users.
  Ideally, hosts should provide per-flow shaping at their sending inter-
  faces. However, there is always a chance that the customer's traffic
  will become distorted as it nears the boundary between the customer
  and the carrier. In this case, the customer should do per flow polic-
  ing (or even re-shaping) at the egress point from the customer's net-
  work unless the policing agreement at the other side is known to
  accommodate the transient bursts that can arise from adding the flows.
  In summary, the security concerns of marking the DS-field at the edge
  of the network can be dismissed since each carrier will have to do
  some for of policing (per-flow or per-host) at their boundary anyway.
  Furthermore, this approach reduces the granularity at which boundary
  routers must police, thereby pushing finer grain shaping and policing
  responsibility to the edges of the network, where it scales better.
  The carriers are thus focused on the task of protecting their transit
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                        Use Of RSVP with Diffserv             June, 1998
  networks, while the customers are focused on the task of shaping and
  policing their own traffic to be in compliance with their negotiated
  token bucket parameters.
  7.2 End-to-End Integrity of the DS-field
  Our proposal assumes that hosts use a standard coding for specifying a
  desired PHB in some sub-field of the DS-field. It also assumes that
  packets submitted to the network with a certain PHB specified, will
  receive a standard service throughout the diff-serv network. Strictly
  speaking, this does not dictate that the transit network must leave
  the PHB field intact. However, we see little value in allowing the PHB
  field to be altered within the network. This is likely to perpetuate
  local and incompatible interpretations of the field.
  7.3 Carrying RSVP Messages across Transit Networks
  Our proposal presumes end-to-end RSVP both as a means for communica-
  tion between sending host and receiving host and optionally, for the
  support of true RSVP reservations in stub networks (or in intermediate
  networks which are interested in the fine grain RSVP information).
  Therefore, we require that RSVP messages be carried transparently
  across the transit networks. In [8] mechanisms are proposed for doing
  so in a manner that does not require the routers in the transit net-
  work to understand/interpret RSVP messages and does not adversely
  impact the transit network.
  8. Dependencies of Intserv on Diff-Serv
  We have described a framework for end-to-end QoS in which intserv net-
  works are customers of diff-serv networks. We believe that the bene-
  fits of this framework are sufficient to justify the consideration of
  intserv dependencies as diff-serv work proceeds. In particular, we
  wish to draw attention to the following dependencies:
  1. We expect that we can invoke a standard end-to-end (within the
  diff-serv network) service by specifying a standard code in a (PHB)
  sub-field of the DS-field of a packet launched into a diff-serv
  2. Diff-serv networks must provide admission control information to
  the intserv network. At the very least, this is through static
  service level agreements. Preferably, this is through a dynamic
  protocol. If the intserv to diff-serv boundary is implemented in the
  transit network boundary routers, then this protocol is RSVP.
  3. We expect that diff-serv networks will transparently carry RSVP messages
  such  that they can be recovered at the egress point from the diff-serv
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  9. Security Considerations
  We are proposing that RSVP signaling be used to obtain resources in
  both the diff-serv and intserv regions of the network. Therefore, all
  RSVP security considerations apply [11]. In addition, network adminis-
  trators are expected to protect network resources by configuring
  secure policers at interfaces with untrusted customers.
  10. References
  [1] Braden, R., Zhang, L., Berson, S., Herzog, S. and Jamin, S.,
  "Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) Version 1 Functional
  Specification", RFC 2205, Proposed Standard, September 1997
  [2] Yavatkar, R., Hoffman, D., Bernet, Y., Baker, F. and Speer, M.,
  "SBM (Subnet Bandwidth Manager): A Protocol For RSVP-based Admission
  Control Over IEEE 802 Style Networks", Internet Draft, March 1998
  [3] Berson, S. and Vincent, R., "Aggregation of Internet Integrated
  Services State", Internet Draft, December 1997.
  [4] Nichols, K., Jacobson, V. and Zhang, L., "A Two-bit
  Differentiated Services Architecture for the Internet", Internet
  Draft, December 1997.
  [5] Seaman, M., Smith, A. and Crawley, E., "Integrated Services Over
  IEEE 802.1D/802.1p Networks", Internet Draft, June 1997
  [6] Elleson, E. and Blake, S., "A Proposal for the Format and
  Semantics of the TOS Byte and Traffic Class Byte in Ipv4 and Ipv6
  Headers", Internet Draft, November 1997
  [7] Ferguson, P., "Simple Differential Services: IP TOS and
  Precedence, Delay Indication, and Drop Preference", Internet Draft,
  November 1997
  [8] Guerin, R., Blake, S. and Herzog, S., "Aggregating RSVP based
  QoS Requests", Internet Draft, November 1997
  [9] Clark, D. and  Wroclawski, J., "An Approach to Service
  Allocation in the Internet", Internet Draft, July 1997
  [10] Blake, S. and Nichols, K., "Differentiated Services Operational
  Model and Definitions", Internet Draft, February 1998
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  [11] Baker, F., "RSVP Cryptographic Authentication", Internet Draft,
  August 1997
  [12] Braden, R., Clark, D. and Shenker, S., "Integrated Services in
  the Internet Architecture: an Overview", Internet RFC 1633, June
  [13] Garrett, M. W., and Borden, M., "Interoperation of Controlled-
  Load Service and Guaranteed Service with ATM", Internet Draft, March
  11. Acknowledgments
  12. Author's Addresses
  Yoram Bernet
  One Microsoft Way,
  Redmond, WA 98052
  Phone: (425) 936-9568
  Raj Yavatkar
  Intel Corporation, JF3-206
  2111 NE 25th. Avenue,
  Hillsboro, OR 97124
  Phone: (503) 264-9077
  Peter Ford
  One Microsoft Way,
  Redmond, WA 98052
  Phone: (425) 703-2032
  Fred Baker
  Cisco Systems
  519 Lado Drive,
  Santa Barbara, CA 93111
  Phone: (408) 526-4257
  Lixia Zhang
  4531G Boelter Hall
  Los Angeles, CA  90095
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  Phone: +1 310-825-2695
  Kathleen Nichols
  Bay Networks
  Email: Kathleen_Nichols@BayNetworks.COM
  Michael Speer
  Sun Microsystems, Inc
  901 San Antonio Road UMPK15-215
  Palo Alto, CA 94303
  phone: +1 650-786-6368
  Email: speer@Eng.Sun.COM
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