MALLOC working group Mark Handley, ACIRI
Internet Draft Stephen R. Hanna, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
March 2000 draft-ietf-malloc-aap-03.txt
Expires: September 2000
Multicast Address Allocation Protocol (AAP)
Status of this Memo
This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
all provisions of Section 10 of RFC 2026.
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference
material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
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The document defines a Multicast Address Allocation Protocol (AAP)
that forms a part of the Internet Multicast Address Allocation
Architecture being defined by the IETF Multicast Address Allocation
Working Group. AAP addresses the specific issue of coordination among
Multicast Address Allocation Servers within a domain.
1. Introduction
This document describes and defines the Multicast Address Allocation
Protocol (AAP), which allows Multicast Address Allocation Servers
(MAAS's) to coordinate multicast address allocation within a domain.
Section 1 introduces the concepts and terms used throughout the
document. Section 2 gives an overview of the protocol. Sections 3
and 4 describe how MAAS's and Prefix Coordinators behave with respect
to the protocol. Section 5 describes protocol details and message
formats. Section 6 includes an analysis of the scaling properties of
this protocol. Section 7 describes Security Considerations and
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section 8 describes IANA Considerations. Section 9 lists
acknowledgements, section 10 lists references, and section 11 gives
the authors' addresses. Appendix A includes sample protocol
interactions. Appendix B lists constants and timers defined in this
document. Appendix C lists changes made in this version of the
1.1 Terminology
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [3].
Constants and timers defined in this document are listed in Appendix
B. Their names are written in all caps with square braces surrounding
them (like [TIMER-1]).
References to other documents are listed in section 10. They are
indicated by arabic numerals in square braces (like [1]).
1.2. Definitions
AAP Address
The reserved scope-relative multicast address used for the AAP
protocol within an allocation domain.
Allocation Domain (or domain)
An administratively scoped multicast-capable region of the network,
within which multicast addresses are allocated dynamically using an
intra-domain protocol such as AAP. Allocation domains will
normally coincide with unicast Autonomous Systems (AS's).
For more information, see section 2.1.
IP Multicast, as defined in [4] and modified in [5].
Multicast Address
An IP multicast address or group address, as defined in [4] and
[6]. An identifier for a group of nodes.
Multicast Scope
A range of multicast addresses configured so that traffic sent to
these addresses is limited to some subset of the internetwork. See
[6] and [7].
Multicast Address Allocation Server (MAAS)
A host providing multicast address allocation services.
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Prefix Coordinator
A host that announces the set of multicast addresses available for
use within an allocation domain.
Scope Zone
One multicast scope may have several instances, which are known as
Scope Zones or zones, for short.
For instance, an organization may have multiple sites. Each site
might have its own site-local Scope Zone, each of which would be an
instance of the site-local Scope. However, a given interface on a
given host would only ever be in at most one instance of a given
scope. Messages sent by a host in a site-local Scope Zone to an
address in the site-local Scope would be limited to the site-local
Scope Zone containing the host.
1.3 The Internet Multicast Address Allocation Architecture
AAP fits into the Internet Multicast Address Allocation Architecture
[1] being defined by the IETF Multicast Address Allocation Working
Group. This architecture has three layers:
o A host-server protocol or mechanism that a host uses to request
multicast address allocation services from a Multicast Address
Allocation Server (MAAS). An example of such a protocol is MADCAP
o An intra-domain protocol or mechanism that MAAS's use to coordinate
allocations within a domain to ensure that they do not collide. AAP
plays this role.
o An inter-domain protocol or mechanism that coordinates multicast
address allocation across domains to avoid duplicate allocations
and perhaps achieve other goals, such as improving aggregation of
multicast addresses to reduce the size of multicast routing tables.
MASC [2] or static allocations by AS number [9] can be used at this
1.4 Requirements
The AAP protocol is designed to meet certain requirements which are
appropriate for its role as an interdomain multicast address
allocation protocol designed primarily to coordinate the actions of
Multicast Address Allocation Servers within an allocation domain.
o The first and most important requirement is to ensure the continued
availability of multicast address allocation services. AAP has a
decentralized architecture so that it can survive the failure of
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one or more Multicast Address Allocation Servers or Prefix
AAP is also designed to continue functioning during a short-term
network partition. Long-term partitions may cause duplicate address
allocations. Section 2.2 contains a more detailed discussion of how
network partitions are handled.
o Since multicast addresses are a relatively scarce commodity, AAP is
designed to achieve high utilization. That is, it is designed to
ensure that in a situation where demand for multicast addresses
exceeds supply, all or almost all addresses can be in use
o AAP helps MAAS's to detect and resist denial of service and other
attacks. AAP messages may be authenticated so that unauthorized
messages can be ignored. Even an attack from an authorized AAP
server can be resisted by blocking all of its claims with Address
In Use messages.
o Duplicate address allocations (collisions) are largely avoided.
Network partition, excessive packet loss, or unstable MAAS's can
cause collisions, but this should be rare. When collisions occur,
they can be detected via AAP. However, applications that use
multicast must always be prepared to filter out extraneous traffic,
since the IP Multicast model allows anyone to send on any multicast
2 Protocol Overview
The Multicast Address Allocation Protocol (AAP) allows Multicast
Address Allocation Servers (MAAS's) and Prefix Coordinators within an
allocation domain to coordinate their actions.
MAAS's and Prefix Coordinators communicate by sending UDP messages to
a reserved port number and a reserved scope-relative multicast
address (known as the AAP address). This ensures that all MAAS's and
Prefix Coordinators within a domain receive all messages concerning
address allocation within that domain. The reserved port number is
2878. The reserved scope-relative multicast address has been
requested from IANA, but has not yet been assigned.
Prefix Coordinators periodically announce the set of multicast
addresses and lifetimes available for allocation within the domain
using the Address Space Announce (ASA) message.
MAAS's periodically announce with the Address In Use (AIU) message
the set of multicast addresses that they have allocated. Before
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allocating addresses, a MAAS listens on the AAP address for at least
[STARTUP-WAIT] so that it has a good idea of currently available
To allocate one or more addresses, a MAAS sends an Address Claim
(ACLM) message listing the addresses and lifetimes desired and
retransmits this message at exponentially increasing intervals. If
another MAAS is aware of a conflicting allocation, it will send an
AIU listing the conflict (using a randomized timer to avoid storms).
If an AIU listing a conflict is received, the claiming MAAS will
choose another set of addresses and start again by sending an ACLM
for those addresses. If no AIU is received within [ANNOUNCE-WAIT]
seconds, the claiming MAAS will consider the addresses allocated and
begin announcing them periodically using the AIU message.
MAAS's can "preallocate" addresses using the Address Intent To Use
(AITU) message. To preallocate one or more addresses, a MAAS
periodically announces the preallocation using AITU. If another MAAS
knows of a conflict, it responds as it would to a conflict to an
ACLM. If a MAAS has sent at least two AITU messages without receiving
notice of a conflict, it can skip the ACLM and move directly to
sending an AIU and allocating the addresses.
If a MAAS cannot meet its allocation needs with the addresses
currently available for allocation, it can report this to the other
MAAS's with an Address Not Available (ANA) message.
An Address Space Report (ASRP) message is sent periodically by a MAAS
(selected using random timeouts) to indicate to the Prefix
Coordinator(s) how much of the current address space is in use and
how many addresses are needed to satisfy demands. Prefix
Coordinator(s) are often small devices with no stable storage and
this provides a way for them to track usage without having to track
individual addresses. The Prefix Coordinator(s) may decide to
increase or decrease the available address space in response to a
single ASRP message or an observed trend in usage.
If security is desired, IPsec is used to authenticate messages (using
a manually configured shared key). Unauthenticated messages are
2.1 Scopes
AAP can be used to manage global multicast addresses and/or
administratively scoped multicast addresses [7]. A MAAS will
typically use MZAP [10] to learn about the administrative scopes that
it is in. For each scope, it will learn the range of addresses
assigned to the scope, the name or names assigned to the scope, and
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whether the scope is a "large"/"divisible" scope or a
"small"/"indivisible" scope.
AAP MUST NOT be used to manage TTL-scoped multicast addresses.
2.1.1 Large Scopes
A large scope is divided up using some interdomain multicast address
allocation protocol or mechanism into multiple allocation domains.
Some addresses within the large scope are assigned to each allocation
domain and AAP (or some other intradomain protocol or mechanism) is
used to manage these addresses within the allocation domain.
The Internet Multicast Address Allocation Architecture [1] defines a
new administrative scope named the Allocation Scope. Whenever AAP is
to be used to manage addresses on large scopes, an Allocation Scope
MUST be defined. Its boundary MUST coincide with the edge of the
allocation domain and all large scopes active within the allocation
domain MUST contain the Allocation Scope.
If the Allocation Scope is not active within a region of the network,
then AAP cannot be used to manage large scopes in that region.
However, it can still be used to manage small scopes.
The AAP traffic for managing large scopes within a given allocation
domain is sent on the scope-relative multicast address reserved for
AAP within the Allocation Scope.
For the purposes of AAP, the global address space is considered to be
a large scope, although it is not an administrative scope and its
existence is not announced using MZAP.
2.1.2 Small Scopes
The AAP traffic for managing a small scope is sent on the scope-
relative multicast address reserved for AAP within the scope being
managed. ASA and ASRP messages SHOULD NOT be used within a small
scope and Prefix Coordinators are not needed, since there is no need
to coordinate with an inter-domain protocol or mechanism. However,
these messages MAY be sent for network management or other reasons.
All small scopes active in an allocation domain MUST be contained
within (or topologically equal to) the Allocation Scope for that
allocation domain (if an Allocation Scope is defined).
2.1.3 Handling Multiple Scopes
When a MAAS or Prefix Coordinator is handling multiple scopes at the
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same time, it should treat each scope separately. Also, each AAP
message MUST pertain to only one scope. This is especially important
when multiple large scopes share a single allocation domain and
Allocation Scope, because this allows a MAAS or Prefix Coordinator
that is not interested in a particular scope to discard messages
pertaining to other scopes.
2.2 Network Partition
The AAP protocol is designed to continue functioning properly in
spite of short-term network partitions or server failures.
However, certain steps should be taken to ensure optimal robustness.
First, MAAS's SHOULD preallocate enough addresses to last through a
short-term network partition (1 hour is a reasonable default).
Second, if the network is partitioned, no new MAAS's should be added
during the partition. Otherwise, the new MAAS's will not know about
addresses preallocated by MAAS's separated from them by the network
The failure of one or more MAAS's should not cause significant
problems. Other MAAS's will defend the allocations of the failed
MAAS's until their end time. After that, the allocations will be
The failure of one or more Prefix Coordinators is also accomodated.
If another Prefix Coordinator is still around, it will pick up the
duties of the failed Prefix Coordinator. If no Prefix Coordinators
are working, the MAAS's will resend the latest ASA message until the
Prefix Coordinators are working again. In this circumstance, the
system should continue to work until the address lifetimes listed in
the ASA message expire.
3 Multicast Address Allocation Servers
A Multicast Address Allocation Server (MAAS) is a host providing
multicast address allocation services. This host may be providing
multicast address allocation services to other hosts using the MADCAP
protocol (or some other protocol or mechanism). Alternatively, a MAAS
may be concerned only with its own address allocation needs.
3.1 MAAS Requirements
All MAAS's MUST maintain stable storage so that they remember their
own address allocations, those of other MAAS's in the domain, and the
addresses available in the domain. This stable storage MUST be
maintained across power losses, reboots, etc.
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If the stable storage on one MAAS is lost, other MAAS's in the domain
will continue to defend its allocations. However, the loss of stable
storage on several MAAS's or the combination of a network outage with
the loss of stable storage in a MAAS can result in duplicate address
All MAAS's MUST attempt to maintain active participation in the AAP
protocol at all times, with constant network connectivity. Occasional
outages will be handled by by other MAAS's defending the missing
MAAS's allocations, but an extended loss of connectivity with one or
more MAAS's can result in duplicate address allocations.
Because of these requirements (and because of the scaling limitations
described in section 6), most hosts should not be MAAS's. Instead, a
few reliable, well-connected hosts should be selected as MAAS's.
Other hosts should connect to those MAAS's using a client-server
protocol such as MADCAP. This will relieve them from the burdens of
keeping the available addresses and all the allocations in the domain
in stable storage, maintaining constant network connectivity and
participation in the AAP protocol, and waiting [STARTUP-WAIT] seconds
after joining the AAP address before they can allocate an address.
Any host that does not support a client-server protocol such as
MADCAP SHOULD NOT operate as a MAAS for a given scope if a MADCAP
server is available serving that scope. For scopes larger than Local
scope, a host that does not support a client-server protocol such as
MADCAP SHOULD NOT operate as a MAAS even if there is no MADCAP server
available serving that scope. These behaviors may be overridden by
3.2 Specification of MAAS Behavior
The primary function of a MAAS is to allocate multicast addresses.
The hard part is to do this robustly, efficiently, and without
3.2.1 The Allocation Record
A MAAS MUST listen to messages sent to the AAP address for all scopes
in which it is active. It MUST maintain a separate Allocation Record
for each scope, including information about all allocations
(announced using the AIU message), preallocations (announced using
the AITU message), address requests (announced using the ANA
message), and available addresses (announced using the ASA message).
The information about allocations, preallocations, and address
requests SHOULD be removed when they reach their end time. The
information about available addresses SHOULD be retained until it is
superseded by information from a newer ASA message.
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The entries in this record allow a MAAS to defend the allocations of
other MAAS's (if those MAAS's are unable to defend their own
allocations for some reason). They also allow the MAAS to determine
which addresses it should choose for its own allocations.
3.2.2 Defending Allocations
A MAAS MUST send AIU messages periodically for all the addresses that
it currently has allocated. Each of these addresses SHOULD be
included in an AIU message about every [REPEAT-INTERVAL] seconds.
Actually, the MAAS SHOULD vary the interval by about 30% (+ or -) to
avoid synchronization effects.
For these regular AIU announcements (as opposed to AIU messages sent
in response to ACLM or AITU messages or AIU messages sent with a
shorter retransmission timer than [REPEAT-INTERVAL]), a MAAS SHOULD
consolidate its allocated addresses into as few AIU messages as
possible (while ensuring that the UDP payload of the AIU message does
not exceed 500 bytes). The MAAS should also use a separate randomized
timer for each of these messages or some similar technique to avoid
synchronizing the time when the messages are sent. This will reduce
the background traffic due to AIU messages and avoid synchronization
A MAAS that has just allocated one or more addresses SHOULD resend
the AIU for those addresses again after [RESEND-WAIT] seconds, and
again after a further [RESEND-WAIT]*2 seconds, doubling each time
until the interval reaches [REPEAT-INTERVAL] seconds.
When a MAAS A receives an ACLM or AITU message from another MAAS B,
it SHOULD check its Allocation Record to see whether it believes that
any of the addresses in question are already allocated (that is,
whether it has received an AIU for those addresses). If so, it SHOULD
set an Allocation Defense timer based on the algorithm below and
follow the processing rules described in the next two paragraphs.
If MAAS A sees an AIU message from someone other than MAAS B
containing one or more of the addresses in question before the
Allocation Defense timer expires, it SHOULD restart the timer with
double its original value. If MAAS A sees an ACLM or AITU message
from MAAS B with the same Request Sequence Number and a different set
of addresses, it SHOULD cancel the Allocation Defense timer and check
this message against the Allocation Record as described above.
If MAAS A's Allocation Defense timer expires, it SHOULD send an AIU
message containing the addresses in question and restart the timer
with twice its previous value, unless that value was 0, in which case
it SHOULD set it to [RESEND-WAIT]. If the timer interval becomes
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greater than [REPEAT-INTERVAL], the timer SHOULD be cancelled. In
this case, the remote MAAS probably suffered some form of failure
after sending the ACLM or AITU.
The initial value for the Allocation Defense timer is determined as
o If MAAS A allocated one or more of the addresses in question, the
initial value of the timer is 0.
o If MAAS A did not allocate any of the addresses in question, the
initial value of the timer (t) is set to a random number between
3.2.3 Allocation Conflicts
If a MAAS (MAAS A) receives an AIU message for an address that it has
already allocated for itself, this indicates that it has an
allocation conflict. The MAAS SHOULD attempt to undo its own
allocation, notifying all users to stop using the address. If it is
able to do this, it SHOULD remove the address from its Allocation
Record and stop advertising it using AIU messages.
However, this may not always be possible (if the address has been
widely advertised, for instance). In any case, a MAAS that is
operating as a MADCAP server SHOULD NOT give out an address to MADCAP
clients if there is already an allocation conflict for that address.
A MAAS MAY log a message when an allocation conflict occurs.
3.2.4 Startup
When a MAAS starts up, it MUST choose a random number between
[STARTUP-WAIT] and [STARTUP-WAIT]*1.3, set a Startup Timer to expire
at that point in the future, and listen on the AAP address until the
timer expires. It MUST NOT send any AAP messages during this
interval. This randomized timer avoids synchronization effects that
might cause a packet storm if a bunch of MAAS's start up
For large scopes, a MAAS SHOULD have received at least one ASA
message during the startup interval. If it does not receive an ASA
message within this time, it MAY allocate addresses only if it has
cached a previous ASA message which includes at least one range that
has not reached its end time.
3.2.5 Allocating Addresses Using ACLM
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The simplest way to allocate addresses using AAP is to use the
Address Claim (ACLM) message. The MAAS selects one or more addresses
and an end time for the claim (using the techniques described in
section 3.2.7). It then sends these addresses in an ACLM message.
After sending the ACLM message, the MAAS SHOULD then set a Claim
Timer for [ANNOUNCE-WAIT] seconds in the future. The MAAS SHOULD also
resend the ACLM message after [RESEND-WAIT] seconds, and again after
a further [RESEND-WAIT]*2 seconds, doubling each time until the Claim
Timer expires.
If the MAAS receives an ACLM message or an AIU message from another
MAAS listing an address being claimed before the Claim Timer expires,
this indicates a collision. It MUST cancel the Claim Timer and give
up on the addresses mentioned in the ACLM or AIU message. It MAY
choose new addresses (possibly including addresses in the original
claim for which no collisions were reported), send another ACLM
message with the same Request Sequence Number listing the new
addresses, and set a new Claim Timer for [ANNOUNCE-WAIT] seconds in
the future.
If the MAAS receives an ASA message whose Expiration Time (after
adjusting for clock skew, as described in section 5.3.1) is newer
than the last ASA message processed and the newer ASA message does
not indicate that all of the addresses being claimed are available,
the MAAS MUST cancel the Claim Timer and give up on the unavailable
addresses. This should not normally happen, since the MAAS should
have been aware of the set of available addresses before it sent out
the ACLM message and the set of available addresses should not change
in a way that invalidates outstanding claims.
If the Claim Timer expires, the MAAS can conclude that there is a
good probability that the addresses being claimed are unique. It
SHOULD then send an AIU message listing those addresses and add the
addresses to its list of allocated addresses. Anticipatory Allocation
A MAAS may allocate addresses because they are needed to satisfy an
immediate demand or in anticipation of a future demand. Anticipatory
allocation can reduce the amount of time required for a MAAS to
respond to an allocation request.
However, MAAS's SHOULD be moderate in their anticipatory allocations,
especially those with distant end times. If a MAAS allocates one or
more addresses with a distant end time in anticipation of demand and
then the MAAS fails, other MAAS's will defend the allocation and the
address space will be effectively lost.
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Preallocation is a better way to handle this problem, as well as
several others.
3.2.6 Preallocating Addresses using AITU
Preallocation (using the Address Intent To Use or AITU message)
allows a MAAS to indicate which addresses it intends to use in the
future. Other MAAS's will attempt to avoid using these addresses.
However, these addresses are not completely off-limits, as they would
be if the MAAS allocated them (using the AIU message). Other MAAS's
are free to allocate preallocated addresses if address space runs
To preallocate an address, a MAAS selects one or more addresses and
an end time for the preallocation (using the techniques described in
section 3.2.7). It then sends these addresses in an AITU message.
After sending the AITU message, the MAAS SHOULD then set a
Preallocation Timer for [ANNOUNCE-WAIT] seconds in the future.
The AITU message SHOULD be resent with the same time intervals as an
AIU message - i.e. the interval between messages starts at [RESEND-
WAIT] seconds and doubles until it reaches [REPEAT-INTERVAL]. As
with an AIU message, the MAAS SHOULD vary the interval by about 30%
(+ or -) to avoid synchronization effects.
If the MAAS receives an ACLM, AITU, or AIU message from another MAAS
listing one or more of the addresses being preallocated before the
Preallocation Timer expires, this indicates a collision. It MUST
cancel the Preallocation Timer and give up on that preallocation. It
MAY choose another set of addresses, send another AITU message with
the same Request Sequence Number listing the new addresses, set a new
Preallocation Timer for [ANNOUNCE-WAIT] seconds in the future, and
begin resending the AITU message again.
If the MAAS receives an ASA message whose Expiration Time (after
adjusting for clock skew, as described in section 5.3.1) is newer
than the last ASA message processed and the newer ASA message does
not indicate that all of the addresses in the AITU message are
available, the MAAS MUST cancel the Preallocation Timer and give up
on the unavailable addresses. This should not normally happen, since
the MAAS should have been aware of the set of available addresses
before it sent out the AITU message and the set of available
addresses should not change in a way that invalidates outstanding
If the Preallocation Timer expires, the MAAS can conclude that there
is a good probability that there is no collision. It SHOULD continue
sending the AITU message listing these addresses and can add the
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addresses to its list of preallocated addresses.
However, if the MAAS receives an AITU, ACLM, or AIU message from
another MAAS listing one or more of the preallocated addresses, the
MAAS MUST abandon the preallocation. Also, if the MAAS processes an
ASA message that does not indicate that all of the addresses in the
AITU message are available, the MAAS MUST abandon the preallocation. Allocating a Preallocated Address
Once a set of addresses has been preallocated, there should not be
any collisions for those addresses. Therefore, the MAAS that
preallocated the addresses can skip the ACLM portion of the
allocation process and go directly to the normal process of sending
an AIU message.
To be explicit, when a MAAS that has preallocated some addresses
wants to allocate one or more of those addresses, it SHOULD send an
AIU message for the addresses, resend the AIU again after [RESEND-
WAIT] seconds, and again after a further [RESEND-WAIT]*2 seconds,
doubling each time until the interval reaches [REPEAT-INTERVAL]
If the MAAS is allocating only a subset of the addresses that were
preallocated, it SHOULD continue sending the AITU message for the
remaining preallocated addresses. Benefits of Preallocation
Preallocation has several benefits. First, it allows a MAAS to
respond to requests for addresses rapidly without requiring the MAAS
to allocate addresses in anticipation of demand (which uses up
address space needlessly).
Second, and most importantly, it provides some protection against
network partition. If MAAS's have preallocated addresses before a
network partition, they can satisfy allocation requests safely by
using those preallocated addresses. Other MAAS's will avoid using
those preallocated addresses because they heard the preallocation
announcement before the network partition. See section 2.2 for
limitations of this technique and more details about handling network
3.2.7 Selecting Addresses for Allocation or Preallocation
The first step in allocating or preallocating addresses is to select
the addresses to use.
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The first selection criterion SHOULD be to favor addresses that have
not been allocated or preallocated by any other MAAS. This can be
determined by consulting the Allocation Record, including the set of
addresses advertised in the most recent ASA message.
If there are no more addresses that have not been allocated or
preallocated by any other MAAS, then preallocation MUST NOT be done.
However, allocation (using ACLM) is allowed. For allocation, the next
choice SHOULD be addresses that have been preallocated and where the
preallocation has been announced recently. After that SHOULD come
addresses that have been preallocated and where the preallocation has
not been announced recently.
The rationale for this preference is that with addresses that have
been preannounced recently, the MAAS that preallocated them will
probably be able to hear the ACLM messages and stop preallocating the
addresses. With addresses that have not been preannounced recently,
the MAAS that preallocated them may not be able to hear the ACLM
messages (due to network partition or other failure) and may then
proceed to allocate them, causing a collision.
A further criterion that SHOULD be applied if the first criterion
provides several options is that a MAAS SHOULD choose addresses from
an address range whose end time is the shortest that will satisfy the
requirements of the MAAS.
If several options are still available, the MAAS SHOULD favor
addresses which are adjacent to other addresses already allocated by
the MAAS. This will allow the MAAS to avoid increasing the size of
its AIU messages. And if there are still several options available,
the MAAS SHOULD choose randomly among the available addresses. This
will reduce the likelihood of collisions.
3.2.8 Choosing an End Time for Allocation or Preallocation
When allocating or preallocating an address, a MAAS chooses an end
time and includes this end time in the ACLM, AIU, or AITU messages
that it sends. This is the time until which the addresses should be
allocated (or preallocated). After this time, they may be removed
from the Allocation Records of other MAAS's in the domain.
The allocating MAAS can choose this end time in any way it likes, as
long as the end time does not exceed the lifetime listed for that
address in the ASA message. In order to avoid excess traffic, MAAS's
SHOULD NOT use many short-lived allocations. Instead, they should use
a few long-lived allocations and reuse those addresses. This also has
the benefit of ensuring that if the network is partitioned,
allocations for MAAS's on one side of the partition will not time out
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of the Allocation Records of MAAS's on the other side of the
A MAAS can change the end time for an allocated or preallocated
address at any time by changing it in the AIU or AITU message for
that address. This technique can be used to extend an allocation or
to shorten it. By reducing the end time to a time a few minutes after
the current time, the allocation is effectively deleted.
Note that if some MAAS's are partitioned from the network during the
time when this deletion is being announced, they may defend the
earlier allocation when they are later reconnected. In this case, the
MAAS that deleted the allocation SHOULD advertise the allocation
again with the correct end time (now in the past) so that it is
deleted from the Allocation Records of the MAAS's that were
No start time is included in any AAP messages because all allocations
start immediately. It is too difficult to manage two MAAS's with
allocations for the same address at different times. However, a
single MAAS can reuse an address for multiple clients over time.
3.2.9 Allocation Failure
If no addresses are available that meet the demands placed on the
MAAS (either because there are no addresses available at all or
because the lifetimes of the available addresses are not long
enough), the MAAS should indicate this by sending an Address Not
Available (ANA) message. This will allow other MAAS's to note the
allocation failure and report it to the Prefix Coordinator in the
next ASRP message. The Prefix Coordinator may, in response, attempt
to allocate more addresses or get a longer lifetime.
Since small scopes do not have Prefix Coordinators, MAAS's MUST NOT
send ANA messages for small scopes. Instead, they MAY log the failed
allocation so that the administrator can increase the number of
addresses in the scope.
An ANA message contains an address count and a requested lifetime.
When an allocation fails, the MAAS SHOULD assemble and send an ANA
message. After sending the ANA message, the MAAS SHOULD set an ANA
Retransmission Timer for [ANNOUNCE-WAIT] seconds in the future. The
MAAS SHOULD also resend the ANA message after [RESEND-WAIT] seconds,
and again after a further [RESEND-WAIT]*2 seconds, doubling each time
until the ANA Retransmission Timer expires.
A MAAS that receives an ANA message SHOULD check to see if it already
has noted this address request in its Allocation Record (by comparing
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the number of addresses, lifetime, and Request Sequence number). If
not, it SHOULD add the request.
Because ANA messages are not repeated indefinitely, each MAAS may
have a different set of address requests in its Allocation Record.
This is normal and should not cause a problem.
Note that allocation failure (and therefore ANA messages) should not
be common. Allocations should generally proceed in a predictable
manner, so Prefix Coordinators should have enough time to react to
changes in demand and supply more addresses before allocations fail.
3.2.10 Interacting with Prefix Coordinators
In "large" scopes, one or more Prefix Coordinators handle the
interaction between MAAS's within the allocation domain and those in
other allocation domains within the scope. In particular, the Prefix
Coordinators periodically announce the set of multicast addresses
available for allocation within the domain using the Address Space
Announce (ASA) message. And MAAS's periodically inform the Prefix
Coordinators of how much address space is currently in use, using the
Address Space Report (ASRP) message.
Prefix Coordinators (along with the ASA and ASRP messages) are not
needed or used in small scopes. In a small scope, the complete set
of addresses in the scope (as indicated by MZAP) is considered to be
available for use within the allocation domain, for an indefinite
lifetime. Processing ASA Messages
The ASA message lists a number of address ranges, each of which has
an associated lifetime. The announcement also contains a timestamp to
detect replays or clock skew and an expiration time. Each ASA
message MUST contain the complete set of addresses available for a
given scope in the allocation domain at the time the message was
sent. A Prefix Coordinator MUST NOT attempt to split the available
addresses across multiple ASA messages. As described in section
2.1.3, each ASA message MUST pertain only to one scope and each MAAS
(and Prefix Coordinator) MUST treat each scope separately.
When an ASA message is received, a MAAS SHOULD adjust the Expiration
Time for clock skew as described in section 5.3.1 and compare it to
the adjusted Expiration Time of the last ASA message processed. If
the adjusted Expiration Time of the newly received ASA message is
earlier than or equal to the adjusted Expiration Time of the last ASA
message processed, the newly received ASA message SHOULD be ignored.
Otherwise, it SHOULD be processed.
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Under normal circumstances, the set of addresses available in the
allocation domain should change in only three ways. First, addresses
can be removed once they have reached the end of their lifetime.
Second, the lifetime of one or more addresses can be extended. Third,
new addresses can be added. Any other change in the set of available
addresses (removing addresses, moving their start time later, or
making their end time earlier) is called an invalidating change,
since it may invalidate MAAS allocations and therefore SHOULD be
strongly avoided.
If an ASA message being processed does not contain any invalidating
changes (as determined by comparing it to the last ASA message
processed), it can be processed by updating the set of available
addresses in the Allocation Record (and caching the UDP payload of
the ASA message, as described later). If the ASA message extends the
lifetime of one or more addresses or adds new addresses, any
outstanding address requests in the Allocation Record SHOULD be
checked to see if they have been satisfied. If so, they SHOULD be
removed from the Allocation Record.
It may sometimes be necessary to make an invalidating change. If a
MAAS detects such a change, it should revise all allocations and
preallocations in its Allocation Record to conform with the change.
Actually, it need not revise its Allocation Record, but SHOULD behave
within AAP as if it has done so. The MAAS or its clients SHOULD also
stop using the invalidated addresses in any way which conflicts with
their revised status as soon as possible. If a MAAS detects an
invalidating change, it MAY log a message or otherwise alert an
administrator. An invalidating change is an unusual and highly
undesirable situation.
ASA messages MAY alternate between several cooperating Prefix
Coordinators. One common reason for invalidating changes is when an
allocation domain has two Prefix Coordinators whose actions are not
coordinated. This is a serious error that may make it nearly
impossible for MAAS's to allocate new addresses so this situation
should be remedied as soon as possible.
To prevent hostile parties from causing a denial of service by
sending invalidating ASA messages, ASA messages SHOULD be
authenticated and MAAS's SHOULD ignore unauthenticated ASA messages.
See section 7 (Security Considerations) for more information. Resending ASA Messages
All ASA messages include an Expiration Time. Normally, the Expiration
Time is set so that several newer ASA messages will have been sent
before an ASA message expires. If an ASA message expires in a MAAS's
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Allocation Record (that is, no newer ASA messages have been received
at the Expiration Time) and the MAAS is not in startup mode,
something has gone wrong. Either the Prefix Coordinator has stopped
sending ASA messages or they are being lost.
Under such a circumstance, a MAAS MAY log an error or notify an
operator. However, the MAAS SHOULD continue to work, using the
information in the old ASA until the address lifetimes are exceeded.
The MAAS SHOULD also resend the information included in the old ASA,
as described in the next paragraph. This allows new MAAS's to find
out what addresses are available for allocation. It also allows a
Prefix Coordinator to recover this information if it has lost it (by
losing its stable storage or simply rebooting, if it does not have
stable storage) and it cannot recover it via another mechanism (from
its MASC peers, for instance).
When an ASA message expires, each MAAS SHOULD choose a random number
between [ASA-INTERVAL]*0.7 and [ASA-INTERVAL]*1.3. It should set an
ASA Resend timer for a time this far in the future. If the timer
expires without an ASA message arriving, the MAAS SHOULD send an ASA
message with the same contents as the expired ASA message, but with
the Current Time field incremented by the amount of time passed since
the expired ASA message was received.
Updating the Current Time field ensures that anyone who receives the
message will be able to adjust the times in the message properly to
compensate for clock skew (as described in section 5.3.1). It also
ensures that the Current Time will be greater than the Expiration
Time, which makes it evident that this is a retransmitted ASA
If the MAAS receives an ASA with an Expiration Time that is newer
(after adjustment for clock skew) than the Expiration Time of the
cached message before the timer expires, it SHOULD discard the timer
and process the newer ASA message.
If, however, the MAAS receives an ASA message that does not have a
newer adjusted Expiration Time, the MAAS SHOULD simply reset the ASA
Resend timer to a new random number in the same range. Sending ASRP Messages
Unless otherwise configured, all MAAS's SHOULD participate in sending
periodic ASRP messages to the AAP address (for large scopes). An
ASRP message lists the same address ranges included in the most
recent ASA message, along with the number of addresses used in each
range. It may also include a list of address requests, each of which
contains a number of addresses and a lifetime. As described in
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section 2.1.3, each ASRP message MUST pertain only to one scope and
each MAAS (and Prefix Coordinator) MUST treat each scope separately.
Whenever a MAAS completes its [STARTUP-WAIT] period, it SHOULD choose
a random number between [ASRP-INTERVAL]*0.7 and [ASRP-INTERVAL]*1.3.
It should set an ASRP Send timer for a time this far in the future.
If the timer expires without an ASRP message for that scope being
received, the MAAS SHOULD send an ASRP message containing a summary
of current address space usage in the allocation domain for that
scope. If an ASRP message for that scope is received before the timer
expires, the MAAS SHOULD reset the ASRP Resend timer to a new random
number in the same range.
When sending an ASRP message, a MAAS should list each address range
included in the most recent ASA message, along with the number of
addresses used in each range (calculated by consulting the Allocation
Record, including allocated addresses but not preallocated ones).
The address requests should be constructed based on the address
requests noted in the Allocation Record. These requests SHOULD be
combined to ensure that the UDP payload of the ASRP message does not
exceed 500 bytes. The address requests SHOULD be combined by finding
requests whose end times are similar, adding their counts, and taking
the earlier of the two start times. This (and other effects) will
cause changes in the address request list from one ASRP message to
another, but that is to be expected.
4 Prefix Coordinators
A Prefix Coordinator is a host that announces the set of multicast
addresses available for use within an allocation domain. Prefix
Coordinators are not needed for "small" scopes, where all addresses
in the scope are available for use within the allocation domain.
The mechanism or protocol by which a Prefix Coordinator determines
the set of available addresses is not specified in this document. It
may use an inter-domain protocol such as MASC, static allocations by
AS number [9], or some other system. It makes no difference to AAP
or to the MAAS's.
4.1 Prefix Coordinator Requirements
Prefix Coordinators SHOULD listen to and participate in the AAP
protocol on a regular basis, in order to send ASA messages and
receive ASRP messages. However, if a Prefix Coordinator is
temporarily unable to participate in the AAP protocol, MAAS's within
the allocation domain will step in and send ASA messages on its
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This ASA resend feature may also be used to restore the state of a
Prefix Coordinator which has lost its state. Therefore, Prefix
Coordinators need not have stable storage. If their state is lost
(during a power failure, for instance), they can use the information
in the ASA messages resent by MAAS's to restore their state.
However, a prolonged outage on the part of a Prefix Coordinator will
result in the expiration of the prefix lifetimes advertised by the
Prefix Coordinator in its ASA message. And an inoperative Prefix
Coordinator will not be able to respond to changes in demand, as
reported by MAAS's using ASRP messages. Therefore, it is best for a
Prefix Coordinator to be functioning at all times.
A Prefix Coordinator can be a MASC router or another host. But it
should be located on a machine with sufficient processing power and
network connectivity to participate in the AAP protocol.
4.2 Specification of Prefix Coordinator Behavior
The primary function of a Prefix Coordinator is to announce the set
of multicast addresses available for use within an allocation domain.
It is also responsible for accepting feedback from MAAS's regarding
demand for addresses.
4.2.1 Sending ASA Messages
The ASA message lists a number of address ranges, each of which has
an associated lifetime. The announcement also contains a timestamp to
detect replays or clock skew and an expiration time. Each ASA
message MUST contain the complete set of addresses available for a
given scope in the allocation domain at the time the message was
sent. A Prefix Coordinator MUST NOT attempt to split the available
addresses across multiple ASA messages. As described in section
4.2.3, each ASA message MUST pertain only to one scope and each MAAS
(and Prefix Coordinator) MUST treat each scope separately.
When a Prefix Coordinator is ready to begin announcing addresses in
an allocation domain, the Prefix Coordinator SHOULD choose a random
number between [ASA-INTERVAL]*1.7 and [ASA-INTERVAL]*2.3. It should
set an ASA Send timer for a time this far in the future. If the timer
expires without a new (not resent) ASA message arriving, the Prefix
Coordinator SHOULD send an ASA message and reset the timer to a new
random number between [ASA-INTERVAL]*0.7 and [ASA-INTERVAL]*1.3. A
Prefix Coordinator can identify a resent ASA message by checking the
Expiration Time in the message. If the Expiration Time exceeds the
Current Time in the message, the message has been resent by a MAAS.
If a Prefix Coordinator receives a new (not resent) ASA message
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before the timer expires, it should reset the timer to a new random
number between [ASA-INTERVAL]*1.7 and [ASA-INTERVAL]*2.3. If more
than one Prefix Coordinator is operating within a domain, this timer
mechanism should encourage one of the Prefix Coordinators (the "lead
Prefix Coordinator") to take the lead, consistently sending ASA
messages. However, if that Prefix Coordinator stops working (due to
failure or network partition), another Prefix Coordinator will step
in to take its place. The timers used by a Prefix Coordinator MAY be
reduced to ensure that it will become the lead Prefix Coordinator. Avoiding Invalidating Changes
Under normal circumstances, the set of addresses available in the
allocation domain should change in only three ways. First, addresses
can be removed once they have reached the end of their lifetime.
Second, the lifetime of one or more addresses can be extended. Third,
new addresses can be added. Any other change in the set of available
addresses (removing addresses, moving their start time later, or
making their end time earlier) is called an invalidating change,
since it may invalidate MAAS allocations and therefore SHOULD be
strongly avoided.
One common reason for invalidating changes is when an allocation
domain has two Prefix Coordinators which are announcing different
sets of available addresses. This is a serious error that may make
it nearly impossible for MAAS's to allocate new addresses so this
situation should be remedied as soon as possible.
If more than one Prefix Coordinator is active within a single
allocation domain, the Prefix Coordinators MUST be configured so that
their actions are coordinated. They MUST NOT announce different sets
of addresses. To detect and correct such a situation, a Prefix
Coordinator that detects ASA messages from another Prefix Coordinator
that are not consistent with its own SHOULD notify an operator and
stop sending ASA messages until it has not heard a new (not resent)
inconsistent ASA message for at least [ASA-INTERVAL]*5 seconds. This
default behavior may be overridden by configuration.
This behavior allows a malicious person to send invalid ASA messages,
confusing the MAAS's and keeping the valid Prefix Coordinator from
sending ASA messages. The best solution for this problem is for
MAAS's and Prefix Coordinators to ignore messages unless they are
authenticated. Then the invalid ASA messages will be ignored. Even
without authentication, the valid Prefix Coordinator will notify the
operator of the problem and the MAAS's MAY log an error or alert an
administrator when they see an invalidating change.
4.2.2 Processing ASRP Messages
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Prefix Coordinators SHOULD (unless otherwise configured) listen for
and process ASRP messages. ASRP messages are sent periodically by
MAAS's and are intended to report address space usage to Prefix
When a MAAS sends an ASRP message, it includes the address ranges it
received in the ASA message it processed most recently, along with
the number of addresses used in each range. It may also include a
list of address requests, each of which contains a number of
addresses and a lifetime. As described in section 2.1.3, each ASRP
message MUST pertain only to one scope and each MAAS (and Prefix
Coordinator) MUST treat each scope separately.
When a Prefix Coordinator receives an ASRP message, it SHOULD ignore
the message unless it is the lead Prefix Coordinator (unless
otherwise configured). If the Prefix Coordinator is the lead Prefix
Coordinator, it SHOULD first check to see whether the address ranges
included in the ASRP message match the address ranges that it has
most recently announced. If the address ranges do not match, it
SHOULD ignore the ASRP message and MAY log a message.
Otherwise, the Prefix Coordinator MAY process the data included in
the ASRP message in whatever way it deems appropriate. The algorithm
used by the Prefix Coordinator to decide what actions to take, if
any, and the mechanism or protocol used to effect these actions are
beyond the scope of this document. However, with MASC the actions
might include a request for more addresses and with a static
allocation mechanism the actions might include a notice to an
operator that more (or fewer) addresses are needed. Taking no action
at all is also acceptable.
In general, it is expected that the goals of the Prefix Coordinator
in responding to ASRP messages may be as follows. If it notices that
there is a growing demand for addresses, it may attempt to allocate
more addresses via a higher-level mechanism. If it notices a
diminishing demand, it may choose not to extend the lifetime of
certain addresses. It may also choose to allocate addresses to
respond directly to the list of address requests included in the ASRP
message, although this is intended more as an indication of emergent
demand than a specific request for addresses.
4.2.3 Handling Multiple Scopes
When a Prefix Coordinator is handling multiple scopes at the same
time, it should treat each scope separately. Also, as described in
section 2.1.3, each AAP message MUST pertain to only one scope. This
is especially important when multiple large scopes share a single
allocation domain and Allocation Scope, because it allows a MAAS that
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is not interested in a particular scope to discard messages
pertaining to other scopes.
5 Protocol Details
This section describes the message formats and specifics of message
5.1 Message Formats
AAP messages are binary format, as the additional flexibility of
having a textual format is not required in this case.
All AAP messages start with a common header, followed by a body whose
format differs depending on the message type. Figure 1 shows the
format of the header and Table 1 describes each of the fields in the
header. The numbers in parentheses indicate the size of each field in
octets. The names for the fields given in the figure are used
throughout this document to refer to the fields in AAP messages.
All multi-octet quantities are in network byte-order.
Any message whose UDP data is too short to hold this format (at least
12 bytes) MUST be ignored.
| version (1) |
| msgtype (1) |
| addrfamily |
| (2) |
| rseq |
| (3) |
| |
| mseq (1) |
| |
| body |
| (variable) |
| ... |
Figure 1: Format of an AAP message
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----- ------ -----------
version 1 Protocol version number (zero for this specification)
msgtype 1 Message type (ACLM, AIU, etc.)
addrfamily 2 Address family (IPv4, IPv6, etc.)
rseq 3 Request sequence number
mseq 1 Message sequence number
body var Body (format varies by msgtype)
Table 1: Description of fields in an AAP message
5.1.1 The version field
The version field MUST always be zero for this version of the
protocol. Any messages that include other values in this field MUST
be ignored.
5.1.2 The msgtype field
The msgtype field defines the "type" of a MADCAP message.
For more information about this field, see section 5.2.
5.1.3 The addrfamily field
The addrfamily field defines the default address family (such as IPv4
or IPv6) for this AAP message, using the address family numbers
defined in by the IANA (including those defined in [10]). Unless
otherwise specified, all addresses included in the message will be
from this family.
5.1.4 The rseq field
The rseq field is a Request Sequence Number. The first message that a
MAAS or Prefix Coordinator sends after a restart should have a
request sequence number of 0 and the request sequence number should
be incremented for every subsequent distinct message or request. When
an AITU or ACLM message results in a detected clash, a new address is
chosen and an new message is sent with the same rseq as the original.
In such cases, the message sequence number (mseq) is incremented
instead. AIU messages always get new rseq if the addresses in use
change, otherwise mseq is incremented instead. ASA messages always
get a new rseq because they may alternate sender between multiple
Prefix Coordinators.
At peak usage rates of one request per second, it is possible for the
rseq space to wrap about every 6 months. It is unlikely that any
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message sequence will last this long, but it conceivable that an AITU
message sequence might do so. Implementors should be aware of this
possibility and avoid reusing the rseq value that is in use.
5.1.5 The mseq field
The mseq field is a message sequence number that is used to identify
different messages of the same request. For example, if a MAAS sends
a new ACLM message with rseq=27, mseq=0, and receives an AIU message
from another MAAS for the same address, it then chooses a new address
and sends a new ACLM message with rseq=27, mseq=1. This may be
resent after [RESEND-WAIT] seconds with rseq=27, mseq=2, after
[RESEND-WAIT]*2 seconds with rseq=27, mseq=3, etc. After [ANNOUNCE-
WAIT] seconds, the MAAS can send an AIU message for the address with
rseq=28, mseq=0.
mseq may wrap when AITU is sent for longer than about 2 hours (with
default timer values) without an address being requested. This
should not cause a problem, but if mseq and rseq are being used to
monitor loss, this should be taken into account.
mseq may also wrap if a long series of address collisions occurs when
sending ACLM. Under normal circumstances, this is extremely unlikely
and probably signals a denial-of-service attack. Implementors should
be aware of this possibility.
5.1.6 The body field
The format of the body field varies, depending on the value of the
msgtype field. For more information, see section 5.4.
5.2. Message Types
The msgtype field defines the type of an AAP message. Legal values
for this field are:
Value Message Type
----- ------------
0 Address Claim (ACLM)
1 Address In Use (AIU)
2 Address Intent To Use (AITU)
3 Address Space Announce (ASA)
4 Address Space Report (ASRP)
5 Address Not Available (ANA)
Table 2: AAP message types
Throughout this document, AAP messages are referred to by the type of
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the message; e.g., an AAP message with a message type of 1 is
referred to as an AIU message.
MAAS's and Prefix Coordinators MUST handle all AAP message types
defined in this document in a manner consistent with this document.
If a MAAS or Prefix Coordinator receives an AAP message whose message
type it does not recognize, it MUST ignore the message.
New AAP message types may only be defined by IETF Consensus, as
described in section 8.
For a brief description of the AAP message types, see section 2. For
a description of how each message should be handled by MAAS's and
Prefix Coordinators, see sections 3 and 4. And for a description of
the format of the message body for each message type, see section
5.3 AAP Time Fields
AAP messages contain a number of places where absolute times must be
represented. These time values are represented as unsigned 32 bit
integers in network byte order giving the number of seconds since
00:00 UTC, 1st January 1970. This arbitrary baseline is convenient on
many current operating systems and can be converted to an NTP [13]
timestamp by adding decimal 2208988800. Thus AAP time fields will not
wrap until the year 2106.
5.3.1 Correcting for Clock Skew
All AAP messages that include an absolute time field also include a
Current Time field. This field SHOULD be used to detect and correct
for clock skew. The sender SHOULD set the Current Time field to the
time when the message is sent (as indicated by the sender's clock).
The receiver SHOULD determine the difference between the Current Time
indicated in the message and the time when the message is received
(as indicated by the receiver's clock). Then it SHOULD add this
difference to all times in the AAP message.
This will adjust the times to compensate for any clock skew between
the sender and the receiver. Unfortunately, it will also cause times
in the messages to drift backward due to message transmission time.
However, this drift should not accumulate under normal circumstances.
A few seconds' drift should not cause any problems with multicast
address allocation, since MAAS's should be allowing minutes or hours
of buffer time between allocations, anyway.
See Appendix A for an example of correcting for clock skew.
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5.4 Body Formats
The format of the AAP message body depends on the value of the
msgtype field. Here is a description of the body formats associated
with all message types defined in this document.
5.4.1 Address Claim (ACLM)
The Address Claim (ACLM) message is used by a MAAS to announce
addresses that it wants to allocate.
Current Time Range 1 Range 2 ...
| current-time | R1 | R2 | |
where each of the Ranges is of the following format:
First Last
Address Address End Time
| first | last | end-time |
current-time is the current time at the sending MAAS.
first and last are the first and last address in the range of
addresses being claimed. The address family of the addresses is
determined by the addrfamily field in the message header.
end-time is the time when the sending MAAS plans to stop using the
5.4.2 Address In Use (AIU)
The Address In Use (AIU) message is used by a MAAS to announce
addresses that it has allocated.
Current Time Range 1 Range 2 ...
| current-time | R1 | R2 | |
where each of the Ranges is of the following format:
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First Last
Address Address End Time
| first | last | end-time |
current-time is the current time at the sending MAAS.
first and last are the first and last address in the range of
allocated addresses. The address family of the addresses is
determined by the addrfamily field in the message header.
end-time is the time when the sending MAAS plans to stop using the
5.4.3 Address Intent To Use (AITU)
The Address Intent To Use (AITU) message is used by a MAAS to
announce addresses that wishes to preallocate.
Current Time Range 1 Range 2 ...
| current-time | R1 | R2 | |
where each of the Ranges is of the following format:
First Last
Address Address End Time
| first | last | end-time |
current-time is the current time at the sending MAAS.
first and last are the first and last address in the range of
addresses being preallocated. The address family of the addresses is
determined by the addrfamily field in the message header.
end-time is the time when the sending MAAS plans to stop using the
5.4.4 Address Space Announce (ASA)
The Address Space Announce (ASA) message is used by a Prefix
Coordinator to announce the set of multicast addresses and lifetimes
available for allocation within the domain using the Address Space
Announce (ASA) message.
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Current Time Expiration Time Range 1 Range 2 ...
| current-time |expiration-time| R1 | R2 | |
where each of the Ranges is of the following format:
First Last
Address Address End Time
| first | last | end-time |
current-time is the current time at the sending Prefix Coordinator.
expiration-time is the time at which MAAS's should start resending
this ASA message.
first and last are the first and last address in the range of
addresses. The address family of the addresses is determined by the
addrfamily field in the message header.
end-time is the time until which the addresses are available for
5.4.5 Address Space Report (ASRP)
The Address Space Report (ASRP) message is sent by a MAAS to indicate
to the Prefix Coordinator(s) how much of the current address space is
in use and to request more address space.
Current Time Report List Request List
| current-time | reports | requests |
where the Report List is a single octet count of reports, followed by
the reports:
Count Report 1 Report n
| n | report-1 | | report-n |
and each Report is of the following form:
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First Last Number of
Address Address Addresses In Use
| first | last | in-use-count |
and the Request List is a single octet count of requests, followed by
the requests:
Count Request 1 Request m
| m | request-1 | | request-m |
and each Request is of the following form:
Number of Addresses End Time
Requested Requested
| addrs-requested | end-time-requested|
current-time is the current time at the sending MAAS.
n is a single octet count of address space reports, one for each
address range listed in the most recent ASA message processed.
first and last are the first and last address in the range of
addresses. The address family of the addresses is determined by the
addrfamily field in the message header.
in-use-count is an unsigned four-octet number indicating the number
of addresses in use in the range. If the number of addresses in use
exceeds 0xfffffffe, then 0xffffffff is sent.
m is a single octet count of address space requests.
addrs-requested is an unsigned four-octet number indicating the
number of addresses requested.
end-time-requested is the time until which the addresses are desired
to be available for allocation.
5.4.6 Address Not Available (ANA)
The Address Not Available (ANA) message is sent by a MAAS to indicate
that no addresses are available that meet its needs.
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Current Time Address Count End Time
| current-time | address-count | end-time |
current-time is the current time at the sending MAAS.
address-count is an unsigned four-octet number indicating the number
of addresses needed to satisfy the MAAS's needs.
end-time is the time until which the addresses are needed.
6 Scaling Analysis
Because AAP is a peer-to-peer multicast protocol, it is especially
important to analyze its behavior with a large number of
participants. Normally, only one Prefix Coordinator is active. So
the primary concern is large numbers of MAAS's.
Unless otherwise specified, calculations in this section will assume
that there are m MAAS's, communicating across a network with a
typical round-trip time of 200ms. We will also assume that each AAP
packet is 100 bytes long. These are pessimistic assumptions, but not
outrageously so.
This analysis only examines traffic for a single scope. Results for
multiple scopes should scale in a linear fashion. However, it should
be noted that if several scopes share an allocation domain, all AAP
traffic for those scopes will be sent on a single scope-relative
multicast address (the AAP address for that domain). This may cause
some MAAS's to receive traffic that they are not interested in, if
they are not interested in all scopes sharing that domain. These
packets will be dropped, but may have a performance impact.
6.1 Steady-State Traffic
First, let's look at steady-state traffic. A MAAS that has not
allocated or preallocated any addresses does not normally send any
packets (except for defending the claims of others and ANA and ASRP
packets, all of which are rare). However, let's make a worst-case
assumption that all MAAS's have allocated and preallocated some
addresses. In that case, the traffic caused by steady-state AIU and
AITU messages will be:
----------------- packets per second
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----------------- bits per second
With m=10 and the recommended value for [REPEAT-INTERVAL], this is
about m=1000, it is 67 packets per second and 56000 bits per second.
6.2 Peak Traffic
Peak traffic depends on many variables. However, we might assume a
worst-case scenario where all MAAS's begin to allocate addresses
simultaneously. This might be caused by some externally synchronized
special event, such as a news event or an advertising campaign. It
should not be caused by a power failure and subsequent synchronized
power restoration, since the MAAS's must all have stable storage that
maintains their allocations across power losses. In addition, it
should be noted that the MAAS's should have some addresses
preallocated to handle surges in demand. So this is a somewhat
unlikely scenario. But let's look at the worst case.
All MAAS's will begin with an initial delay between [STARTUP-WAIT]
and [STARTUP-WAIT]*1.3. After this delay, the MAAS's will select the
addresses that they want to allocate (or preallocate) and each MAAS
will send an ACLM message, resending this message after [RESEND-
WAIT], then [RESEND-WAIT]*2, and so on until the Claim Timer expires,
[ANNOUNCE-WAIT] after the initial message was sent (unless a
collision occurs).
With recommended values for the timers (assuming no collisions
occur), the total traffic sent during this burst of announcements
will be 4*m packets composed of 4*m*8*100 bits. This traffic will be
probably be spread out over an interval of [STARTUP-WAIT]*.3,
providing an average bit rate of:
----------------- packets per second
----------------- bits per second
With m=10 and the recommended value for [STARTUP-WAIT], this is about
m=1000, it is 80 packets per second and 64,000 bits per second.
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Of course, this is just the average rate. There is a reasonable
probability that several MAAS's will choose similar values for their
Startup Timers and end up sending their ACLM messages very close
together. And it could even happen that all MAAS's would send their
ACLM messages simultaneously. But that is exceedingly unlikely.
6.3 Probability of Collision
One interesting statistic to examine is the probability of collision
(two MAAS's allocating the same address). Unless MAAS's are unstable,
the network is partitioned for a significant period of time, or the
recommendations of section 2.2 are not followed, the only chance for
a collision should be excessive packet loss.
When allocating an address with the recommended timers, a MAAS will
send out four (4) ACLM messages over an interval of ten (10) seconds
before it considers the address allocated. If another MAAS chooses
the same address at the same time, it should receive one of these
ACLM messages before its Claim Timer expires. If the probability of
packet loss is p, the probability of losing all four of these
messages is p^4. With 10% packet loss, this indicates only one
collision in 10,000 instances of simultaneously allocating the same
Of course, a higher rate of packet loss would cause a higher
probability of collision. But the chances of two MAAS's
simultaneously allocating the same address should be slim unless
there are very few free addresses.
6.4 Claim Defense Traffic
When a MAAS sends an ACLM or AITU message with an address that has
already beeen allocated by someone else, this causes other MAAS's to
set an Allocation Defense timer.
If the MAAS that allocated the address is present, it will set its
timer to 0 and immediately send an AIU message to defend its
allocation and it will follow this up with several more AIU messages
at increasing intervals. The other MAAS's will observe these AIU
messages and reset their Allocation Defense timers to higher values.
This avoids storms of packets defending the address.
However, if the MAAS that allocated the address is not present, the
MAAS's that have set timers are at substantial risk of causing a
storm. This is why the Allocation Defense timer is randomized. MAAS's
that choose a large timer value will see AIU messages from others
first and suppress their own AIU messages.
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However, if several MAAS's choose similar small timer values,
multiple AIU messages will be sent. The probability that a MAAS will
choose a timer less than 1/2 RTT after the lowest timer value chosen
p1 = 1 - (1 - (---------------))^(m-2)
With m=10, RTT=200ms, and [RESEND-WAIT] = 1 second (the recommended
value), p1 is .13. With m=100, p1 is .81. And with m=1000, p1 is very
close to 1. In fact, with m=100 there is a 10% chance that 12 AIU
messages will be sent before they are suppressed (all during a 100ms
period). There is even a 1% chance that 23 AIU messages will be sent
during this period. This storm could overwhelm network resources or
hosts listening to the AAP group.
One way to solve this problem would be to use an exponential
distribution for the random timers. But even this will not provide a
complete solution and it adds complexity to AAP implementations. A
simpler solution is to adopt recommendations to ensure that no more
than 10 or at most 20 MAAS's participate in AAP protocol exchanges
for a given scope. With m=20, there is less than a .5% chance that 5
or more AIU messages will be sent before suppression kicks in and a 1
in 200,000 chance that 10 or more messages will be sent. And under no
circumstances would more than 19 messages be sent!
6.5 Conclusion
Clearly, it is important to minimize the number of MAAS's speaking
AAP within an allocation domain. A limit of ten servers is reasonable
in most cases. That is why section 3.1 requires that only MADCAP
servers can operate as a MAAS if a MADCAP server is available and
also requires that only MADCAP servers operate as MAAS's for scopes
larger than Local scope.
Since AAP is a somewhat "chatty" protocol, it is not recommended for
use across when the network connecting the MAAS's is expensive or
bandwidth-constrained. In such scenarios, it may be better to
subdivide the allocation domain, using an interdomain protocol or
mechanism to communicate between the domains.
7 Security Considerations
Most attacks on AAP depend on being able to send a message that will
be accepted by MAAS's and Prefix Coordinators as valid.
A malicious party could send a false ASA message indicating that no
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addresses are available. This would cause MAAS's to stop allocating
addresses (although they could continue to use addresses that they
had already allocated). A false ASA message could also encourage
MAAS's to allocate addresses that are already in use in another
domain or addresses that will not be routed out of the domain.
Another attack is to send an AIU message indicating a conflict
whenever a MAAS tries to claim or preallocate an address. This would
prevent the MAAS from claiming or preallocating any addresses.
One more attack is to send an ASRP message reporting great demand
when there is little. This could cause the Prefix Coordinator to
allocate addresses that are not needed. Alternatively, a false ASRP
could report little usage and demand when in fact there is a lot of
usage and demand. This could cause the Prefix Coordinator to allocate
too few addresses. Both of these attacks would take a while to
effect, since the Prefix Coordinator typically changes the set of
addresses available for allocation only slowly in response to long-
term trends in demand.
Of course, there is no way in the current multicast routing protocols
to prevent an unauthorized party from sending data on an arbitrary
multicast address or joining an arbitrary multicast group. Therefore,
the multicast address allocation architecture is currently advisory
in nature. Still, it is desirable to design for the future.
The best way to address these attacks is by authenticating AAP
messages and ignoring unauthenticated messages. Therefore, it is
RECOMMENDED that when security is deemed necessary for AAP, IPsec be
used to authenticate AAP messages and that unauthenticated messages
be ignored.
As currently specified and implemented, IPsec does not include
support for group key establishment. The Secure Multicast Research
Group (SMuG) in the IRTF is working on group key establishment and
management techniques, but these are not yet ready for
standardization. Therefore, for the time being, manual keying will
need to be employed to establish and maintain a shared group key.
However, it is hoped that the work of the SMuG group will allow for
easier key establishment techniques in the future.
It should also be mentioned that use of a shared group key does not
protect against malicious acts by group members. Because all group
members share a single key, it is not possible to securely determine
which member sent a given message. In general, this should not be a
problem for AAP, since all MAAS's and Prefix Coordinators are
generally considered equal peers. But in some environments, this
might be useful. Using asymmetric (public key) encryption would make
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it possible to securely determine which member sent a given message,
but would add greatly to the cost of verifying the authenticity of
each message. The SMuG group is also working on techniques for
securely identifying the sender of a multicast message with greater
efficiency. When these techniques are standardized, it may be useful
to apply them to AAP.
Protecting the confidentiality of AAP messages is not usually
considered an important goal. Although some information about current
network activities could be derived from monitoring AAP traffic, the
same information (or more) could be derived from simple traffic
analysis (who's using which multicast groups).
Integrity protection for AAP messages is important, but will be taken
care of by the IPsec authentication described above.
Replay detection in a multicast situation is difficult. Because a
shared group key is employed, a per-sender sequence number is not
practical. A clock may be used (and all AAP messages include such a
clock), but synchronized clocks cannot be assumed and even with
synchronized clocks, some leeway must be allowed for transmission
Fortunately, replay detection is not a requirement for AAP. Replay
of AIU, ANA, AITU messages should not be a problem, since they are
supposed to be persistent anyway. Replay of ACLM messages will not
be harmful, since they will be rejected if they interfere with an
existing allocation. Replay of ASA messages should not be very
problematic, since any messages that are inconsistent with a Prefix
Coordinator's own state will be reported by the Prefix Coordinator to
an operator. And replay of ASRP messages will simply result in the
Prefix Coordinator not responding to changes in demand (which is a
permissible action for the Prefix Coordinator, anyway).
Once efficient techniques for sender authentication in a group are
developed, per-sender sequence numbers should be used for replay
8 IANA Considerations
New AAP Message Types may only be defined by IETF Consensus, as
described in [12]. Basically, this means that they are defined by
RFCs approved by the IESG.
9 Acknowledgments
The authors would like to thank the participants of the IETF
Multicast Address Allocation Working Group (malloc) and the IETF as a
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whole for their assistance with this protocol.
10 References
[1] Handley, M., D. Thaler, D. Estrin, "The Internet Multicast
Address Allocation Architecture", Internet Draft,
draft-ietf-malloc-arch-03.txt, October 1999.
[2] Estrin, D., R. Govindan, M, Handley, S. Kumar, P. Radoslavov,
D. Thaler, "The Multicast Address Set Claim (MASC) Protocol",
Internet Draft, draft-ietf-malloc-masc-03.txt, August 1999.
[3] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997.
[4] Deering, S., "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting", RFC 1112,
August 1989.
[5] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6)
Specification", RFC 2460, December 1998.
[6] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture",
RFC 2373, July 1998.
[7] Meyer, D., "Administratively Scoped IP Multicast", RFC 2365,
July 1998.
[8] Hanna, S., B. Patel, M. Shah, "Multicast Address Dynamic
Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP)", Internet Draft,
draft-ietf-malloc-madcap-07.txt, September 1999.
[9] Meyer, D., and P. Lothberg, "GLOP Addressing in 233/8",
Internet Draft, draft-ietf-mboned-glop-addressing-00.txt,
October 1999.
[10] Handley, M., Thaler, D., and R. Kermode, "Multicast-Scope
Zone Announcement Protocol (MZAP)", Internet Draft,
draft-ietf-mboned-mzap-04.txt, June 1999.
[11] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", RFC 1700,
October 1994.
[12] Alvestrand, H. and T. Narten, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA
Considerations Section in RFCs", RFC 2434, October 1998.
[13] Mills, D., "Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Specification,
Implementation and Analysis", RFC 1305, March 1992.
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11 Authors' Addresses
Mark Handley
AT&T Center for Internet Research at ISCI (ACIRI)
1947 Center St., Suite 600
Berkeley, CA 94704
Stephen R. Hanna
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
One Network Drive
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: +1.781.442.0166
Appendix A: Examples
This appendix includes several examples of typical AAP protocol
1. Address Allocation
In this example, MAAS A wants to allocate an address. It has already
determined its scope list (probably using MZAP). It has listened to
the AAP address for the scope in which it wants to allocate the
address and built up an Allocation Record for that scope, using ASA,
AITU, AIU, and other messages received on that address and referring
to addresses in the scope.
The MAAS begins by choosing an address and end time using the
techniques describe in section 3.2.7. Then it sends an ACLM message
listing the address to be allocated and the end time. It sets a
Claim Timer for [ANNOUNCE-WAIT] seconds in the future. It resends
the ACLM message after [RESEND-WAIT] seconds and again after a
further [RESEND-WAIT]*2 seconds, doubling each time until the Claim
Timer expires.
The other MAAS's check their Allocation Records when they receive the
ACLM messages. In this case, they have not received any AITU or AIU
messages referring to this address so they do not do anything in
response to the ACLM message. The Prefix Coordinator ignores the
ACLM message because it always ignores all messages except ASA, ASRP,
and ANA messages.
After the Claim Timer expires, the allocating MAAS updates its
Allocation Record to indicate that the address is allocated for
itself and adds the address to the set of addresses announced in its
AIU message. Then it begins sending an AIU message, resending the AIU
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again after [RESEND-WAIT] seconds, again after a further [RESEND-
WAIT]*2 seconds, and so on until the interval reaches [REPEAT-
INTERVAL] seconds. At this point, it will resend the AIU message
every [REPEAT-INTERVAL] (plus or minus 30% to avoid synchronization
effects). In the figure below, only the first AIU message is shown.
v v v
| | |
| | |
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ ACLM | ACLM \|
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ ACLM | ACLM \|
| | |
| | |
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ ACLM | ACLM \|
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ ACLM | ACLM \|
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ AIU | AIU \|
| | |
v v v
Figure 2: Timeline diagram of messages exchanged
in Address Allocation example
2. Preallocation
In this example, MAAS A wants to preallocate a set of addresses, in
anticipation of future demands. It has already determined its scope
list and built its Allocation Record.
The MAAS begins by choosing a set of addresses and an end time using
the techniques describe in section 3.2.7. Then it sends an AITU
message listing the addresses to be preallocated and the end time.
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It sets a Preallocation Timer for [ANNOUNCE-WAIT] seconds in the
future. It resends the AITU message after [RESEND-WAIT] seconds and
again after a further [RESEND-WAIT]*2 seconds, planning to double
each time until it reaches [REPEAT-INTERVAL].
When MAAS B receives the AITU message, it checks the status of the
specified addresses (using its Allocation Record). It discovers that
one of the addresses chosen by MAAS A was earlier allocated by MAAS C
(which is down for maintenance). MAAS B sets an Allocation Defense
timer for a random value between [RESEND-WAIT]*2 and [RESEND-WAIT]*8.
MAAS B does not see any AIU messages pertaining to the address in
question, so when the Allocation Defense timer expires, MAAS B sends
an AIU message for the address and resets its Allocation Defense
Timer to double the previous value.
When MAAS A receives the AIU message from MAAS B, it marks the
address listed in the message as allocated, cancels its Preallocation
Timer, and gives up on this preallocation. Then it chooses a new set
of addresses and starts the preallocation process again. This second
preallocation effort is indicated with the AITU' messages in the
figure below.
MAAS B retransmits its AIU message two more times, doubling its
Allocation Defense Timer each time. After that, doubling the timer
would cause it to be greater than [REPEAT-INTERVAL], so the timer is
cancelled. MAAS A receives the retransmitted AIU messages, but finds
that they are already reflected in its Allocation Record and
therefore takes no action based on them.
MAAS A does not receive any ACLM, AITU, or AIU messages overlapping
the set of addresses chosen for its second preallocation effort
before its Preallocation Timer expires. Therefore, this effort is
successful. The addresses are marked as preallocated and MAAS A
continues to send an AITU message for them every [REPEAT-INTERVAL]
(+/- 30%).
At some later time, MAAS A could quickly allocate one or more of the
preallocation addresses by skipping the ACLM portion of the
allocation process and going directly to sending an AIU (starting
with an interval of [RESEND-WAIT] and increasing to [REPEAT-
INTERVAL]). Alternatively, another MAAS could notice a collision
while MAAS A was still sending the AITU messages (perhaps because of
a healed network partition) and send an AIU message, causing MAAS A
to abandon its preallocation. Or if address space was low, another
MAAS might allocate the addresses using an ACLM message, even though
they had been preallocated by MAAS A. None of these examples are
shown here.
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The figure below shows this exchange, omitting some of the later
v v v
| | |
| | |
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ AITU | AITU \|
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ AITU | AITU \|
| | |
| | |
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ AITU | AITU \|
| | |
| | |
| ______________|______________/|
|/ AIU |/ AIU |
| | |
| | |
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ AITU' | AITU' \|
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ AITU' | AITU' \|
| | |
| | |
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ AITU' | AITU' \|
| ______________|______________/|
|/ AIU |/ AIU |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| _____________/|\_____________ |
|/ AITU' | AITU' \|
| | |
| | |
v v v
Figure 3: Timeline diagram of messages exchanged
in Preallocation example
Appendix B: Recommended Constant Values
Table 3 lists recommended values for constants defined in this
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Constant Name Recommended Value
------------- -----------------
[STARTUP-WAIT] 150 seconds
[ANNOUNCE-WAIT] 10 seconds
[RESEND-WAIT] 1 second
[REPEAT-INTERVAL] 30 seconds
[ASA-INTERVAL] 30 seconds
[ASRP-INTERVAL] 30 seconds
Table 3: Recommended Constant Values
Appendix C: Change Log
Note to the RFC Editor: This section should be removed before
Changes since draft-ietf-malloc-aap-02.txt:
* Noted reserved port number: 2878.
* Removed Appendix D (Unresolved Issues).
* Added scaling analysis (section 6).
* Added recommendation that hosts use MADCAP instead of AAP if a
MADCAP server is available.
* Changed last step in address selection preference algorithm
(section 3.2.7) to choose randomly. This should reduce the
likelihood of collisions.
* Added discussion of allocation conflicts (section 3.2.3).
* Added examples (Appendix A).
Changes since draft-ietf-malloc-aap-01.txt:
* Fixed formatting in Appendix C.
* Merged several sections and subsections into section 2.
* Removed the definition of Allocation Scope, since that is now
defined in the Architecture document.
* Updated the reference to the architecture document.
* Renumbered the various drafts to conform to the Internet Drafts
editor's ideas. They think that the June 1999 draft was -00
and the rewrite draft was -01. And they insist this cannot be
changed. So I have decided to agree with them. This draft will
be -02.
Changes since draft-ietf-malloc-aap-00.txt:
* Complete rewrite. Many details filled in.
* Use IPsec for security.
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* Added support for IPv6 addresses.
* Added ANA message.
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