Internet Draft MPLS Label Switch Router MIB 16 June 1999
Network Working Group Cheenu Srinivasan
Internet Draft Tachion Network Technologies
Expires: December 1999
Arun Viswanathan
Lucent Technologies
MPLS Label Switch Router Management Information Base Using SMIv2
Status of this Memo
This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-
Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work
in progress."
The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
This memo defines an experimental portion of the Management
Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols
in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed
objects for modeling an Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
[MPLSArch, MPLSFW] Label Switch Router (LSR).
Open Issues
- Does mplsTSpecTable belong in this document?
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- Support for signalled COS value.
- Do we need objects to keep track of ownership of entries in
various tables?
- More descriptive text and detailed example.
- Reconcile mplsInterfaceConfTable with the interface related
objects in the LDP MIB [LDPMIB] including objects for
negotiated label ranges.
- Address multipath related issues.
- Introduce a scalar to indicate the maximum supported label
stack depth.
- For each MPLS capable interface, we need objects in
mplsInterfaceConfTable that indicate the resource availability
for MPLS, such as total bandwidth, available bandwidth for
each priority level, available buffer etc.
- Fragmentation counter in mplsInterfacePerfTable.
1. Introduction
This memo defines an experimental portion of the Management
Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols
in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed
objects for modeling an Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
[MPLSArch, MPLSFW] Label Switch Router (LSR).
Comments should be made directly to the MPLS mailing list at
This memo does not, in its draft form, specify a standard for the
Internet community.
2. Terminology
This document uses terminology from the MPLS architecture document
A label switched path (LSP) is modelled as a connection consisting
of one or more in-segments and/or one or more out-segments at a
label switch router (LSR). The binding or interconnection between
in-segments and out-segments in performed using a cross-connect.
We use the terms connection and LSP interchangeably where the
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meaning is clear from the context.
3. The SNMP Management Framework
The SNMP Management Framework presently consists of five major
- An overall architecture, described in RFC 2271 [SNMPArch].
- Mechanisms for describing and naming objects and events for the
purpose of management. The first version of this Structure of
Management Information (SMI) is called SMIv1 and described in
RFC 1155 [SMIv1], RFC 1212 [SNMPv1MIBDef] and RFC 1215
[SNMPv1Traps]. The second version, called SMIv2, is described
in RFC 1902 [SMIv2], RFC 1903 [SNMPv2TC] and RFC 1904
- Message protocols for transferring management information. The
first version of the SNMP message protocol is called SNMPv1
and described in RFC 1157 [SNMPv1]. A second version of the
SNMP message protocol, which is not an Internet standards
track protocol, is called SNMPv2c and described in RFC 1901
[SNMPv2c] and RFC 1906 [SNMPv2TM]. The third version of the
message protocol is called SNMPv3 and described in RFC 1906
[SNMPv2TM], RFC 2272 [SNMPv3MP] and RFC 2274 [SNMPv3USM].
- Protocol operations for accessing management information. The
first set of protocol operations and associated PDU formats is
described in RFC 1157 [SNMPv1]. A second set of protocol
operations and associated PDU formats is described in RFC 1905
- A set of fundamental applications described in RFC 2273
[SNMPv3App] and the view-based access control mechanism
described in RFC 2275 [SNMPv3VACM]. Managed objects are
accessed via a virtual information store, termed the
Management Information Base or MIB. Objects in the MIB are
defined using the mechanisms defined in the SMI. This memo
specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2. A MIB
conforming to the SMIv1 can be produced through the
appropriate translations. The resulting translated MIB must
be semantically equivalent, except where objects or events are
omitted because no translation is possible (use of Counter64).
Some machine readable information in SMIv2 will be converted
into textual descriptions in SMIv1 during the translation
process. However, this loss of machine readable information
is not considered to change the semantics of the MIB.
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3.1. Object Definitions
Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store,
termed the Management Information Base or MIB. Objects in the MIB
are defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One
(ASN.1) defined in the SMI. In particular, each object type is
named by an OBJECT IDENTIFIER, an administratively assigned name.
The object type together with an object instance serves to
uniquely identify a specific instantiation of the object. For
human convenience, we often use a textual string, termed the
descriptor, to also refer to the object type.
4. Feature Checklist
The MPLS label switch router (LSR) MIB is designed to satisfy the
following requirements and constraints.
- The MIB should be able to support both manually configured LSPs
as well as via LDP and/or RSVP signaling.
- The MIB must support enabling and disabling of MPLS capability
on MPLS capable interfaces of an LSR.
- The MIB should allow resource sharing between two or more LSPs.
- Both per-platform and per-interface label spaces must be
- MPLS packets must be forwarded solely based on an incoming top
label [MPLSArch, LblStk].
- Support must be provided for next-hop resolution when the
outgoing interface is a shared media interface. In the point-
to-multipoint case, each outgoing segment can be on a
different shared media interface.
- The MIB must support point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and
multipoint-to-point connections at an LSR.
- For multipoint-to-point connections all the outgoing packets
must have the same top label.
- For multipoint-to-point connections the outgoing resources of
the merged connections must be shared.
- For multipoint-to-point connections, packets from different
incoming connections may have distinct outgoing label stacks,
beneath the (identical) top label.
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- In the point-to-multipoint case each outgoing connection can
have a distinct label stack including the top label.
- In a point-to-multipoint connection the ingress resources are
shared by all the members of the connection.
- The MIB must provide cross-connect capability to "pop" an
incoming label and forward the packet with the rest of the
label stack unchanged and without pushing any labels ("pop-and-
go") [LblStk].
- It must be possible to assign or remap COS bits [LblStk] on the
outgoing label. In the multipoint-to-point case, each in-
segment can have a different outgoing COS value. In the point-
to-multipoint case, each out-segment can have a different
outgoing COS value.
- It should be possible to support persistent as well as non-
persistent LSPs.
- Performance counters must be provided for in-segments and out-
segments as well as for measuring MPLS performance on a per-
interface basis.
5. Outline
Configuring LSPs through an LSR involves the following steps.
- Enabling MPLS on MPLS capable interfaces.
- Configuring in and out segments.
- Setting up the cross-connect table to switch between segments
and/or to indicate connection origination and termination.
- (Optionally) specifying label stack actions.
- (Optionally) specifying segment traffic parameters.
5.1. Summary of LSR MIB
The MIB objects for performing these actions consist of the
following tables.
- Interface configuration table (mplsInterfaceConfTable) for
enabling MPLS on MPLS capable interfaces.
- In-segment (mplsInSegmentTable) and out-segment
(mplsOutSegmentTable) tables for configuring LSP segments at
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an LSR.
- Cross-connect table (mplsXCTable) for creating relationships
between in and out segments constituting a cross-connect.
- Label stack table (mplsLabelStackTable) for specifying label
stack operations.
- TSpec table (mplsTSpecTable) for specifying LSP related
traffic parameters.
Further, the MPLS in-segment and out-segment performance tables,
mplsInSegmentPerfTable and mplsOutSegmentPerfTable, contain the
objects necessary to measure the performance of LSPs, and
mplsInterfacePerfTable has objects to measure MPLS performance on
a per-interface basis.
These tables are described in the subsequent sections.
6. Brief Description of MIB Objects
Sections 6.1-6.2 describe objects pertaining to MPLS capable
interfaces of an LSR. The objects described in Sections 6.3-6.8,
when considered together, are equivalent to the tables described
in the MPLS architecture document [MPLSArch], that is, the
Incoming Label Map (ILM) and the Next Hop Label Forwarding Entry
(NHLFE) tables. Section 6.9 describes objects for specifying
traffic parameters for in and out segments.
6.1. mplsInterfaceConfTable
This table represents the interfaces that are MPLS capable. An
LSR creates an entry in this table for every MPLS capable
interface on that LSR. Each entry contains information about per-
interface label ranges. The administrator can specify the desired
MPLS status (enable/up, disable/down, testing) of an interface by
writing the object mplsInterfaceAdminStatus. The actual status is
indicated by the object mplsInterfaceOperStatus.
6.2. mplsInterfacePerfTable
This table contains objects to measure the MPLS performance of
MPLS capable interfaces and is an AUGMENT to
mplsInterfaceConfTable. High capacity counters are provided for
objects that are likely to wrap around quickly on high-speed
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6.3. mplsInSegmentTable
This table contains a description of the incoming MPLS segments to
an LSR and their associated parameters.
6.4. mplsInSegmentPerfTable
The MPLS In-Segment Performance Table has objects to measure the
performance of an incoming segment configured on an LSR. It is an
AUGMENT to mplsInSegmentTable. High capacity counters are
provided for objects that are likely to wrap around quickly on
high-speed interfaces.
6.5. mplsOutSegmentTable
The Out-Segment Table contains a description of the outgoing MPLS
segments at an LSR and their associated parameters.
6.6. mplsOutSegmentPerfTable
The MPLS Out-Segment Table contains objects to measure the
performance of an outgoing segment configured on an LSR. It is an
AUGMENT to mplsOutSegmentTable. High capacity counters are
provided for objects that are likely to wrap around quickly on
high-speed interfaces.
6.7. mplsXCTable
mplsXCTable specifies information for switching between segments.
It supports point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and multipoint-to-
point connections.
6.8. mplsLabelStackTable
mplsLabelStackTable specifies the label stack to be pushed onto a
packet, beneath the top label. Entries to this table are referred
to from mplsXCTable.
6.9. mplsTSpecTable
mplsTSpecTable contains objects for specifying the traffic
parameters of in and out segments. Entries in this table are
referred to from mplsInSegmentTable and mplsOutSegmentTable.
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7. Specifying the Segments of an LSR
Suppose that we want to manually create a best-effort bi-
directional LSP, consisting of an in-segment and an out-segment on
an LSR (with no label stack beneath the top label on the outgoing
labeled packets). The following rows and corresponding objects
need to be created to do this.
First, the in-segment and the out-segment are created with the
appropriate traffic parameters.
In mplsInSegmentTable:
mplsInSegmentIfIndex = i1,
mplsInSegmentLabel = l1,
mplsInSegmentNPop = 1,
mplsInSegmentTSpecIndex = 0,
mplsInSegmentRowStatus = createAndGo(3)
In mplsOutSegmentTable:
mplsOutSegmentIndex = o,
mplsOutSegmentIfIndex = i2,
mplsOutSegmentPushTopLabel = true(1),
mplsOutSegmentTopLabel = l2,
mplsOutSegmentTSpecIndex = 0,
mplsOutSegmentRowStatus = createAndGo(3)
Next, two cross-connect entries associating these two segments by
sharing the same mplsXCIndex are created.
In mplsXCTable, for the in-segment:
mplsXCIndex = x,
mplsInSegmentIfIndex = i1,
mplsInSegmentLabel = l1,
mplsOutSegmentIndex = 0,
mplsLabelStackIndex = 0,
mplsXCRowStatus = createAndGo(3)
In mplsXCTable, for the out-segment:
mplsXCIndex = x,
mplsInSegmentIfIndex = 0,
mplsInSegmentLabel = 0,
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mplsOutSegmentIndex = o,
mplsXCLabelStackIndex = 0,
mplsXCRowStatus = createAndGo(3)
Note that the objects mplsInSegmentXCIndex and
mplsOutSegmentXCIndex will automatically get populated with the
value "x" when these segments are referred to from the
corresponding cross-connect entries.
8. MPLS Label Switch Router MIB Definitions
experimental, Integer32, Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, IpAddress
ifIndex, InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero
BitRate, BurstSize
LAST-UPDATED "9906161200Z" -- 16 June 1999 12:00:00 EST
ORGANIZATION "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Working Group"
" Cheenu Srinivasan
Postal: Tachion Network Technologies
2 Meridian Road
Eatontown, NJ 07724
Tel: +1 732 542 7750 x234
Arun Viswanathan
Postal: Lucent Technologies
4D537, 101 Crawfords Corner Road
Holmdel, NJ 07733
Tel: +1 732 332 5163
"Proposed MIB module for MPLS Label Switch Router.
See: Rosen, E., Viswanathan, A., and R. Callon,
Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture, Internet
Srinivasan & Viswanathan Expires 16 December 1999 [Page 9]
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Draft <draft-ietf-mpls-arch-05.txt>, February 1999."
::= { experimental 96 }
-- Textual Conventions.
STATUS current
"An address family. Values are defined in RFC 1700 -
Assigned Numbers. All values may not be relevant in
all contexts when used in this MIB, but are included
for completeness."
"RFC 1700 - Assigned Numbers, Reynolds and Postel,
Oct. 1994"
-- An MPLS label.
STATUS current
"Represents an MPLS label. Note that the contents of
a label field are interpreted in an interface-type
specific fashion. For example, the label carried in
the MPLS shim header is 20 bits wide and the top 12
bits must be zero. The frame relay label can be
either 10, 17 or 23 bits wide depending on the size
of the DLCI field size and the top 22, 15, or 9 bits
must be zero, respectively. For an ATM interface,
the lowermost 16 bits are interpreted as the VCI,
the next 8 bits as the VPI and the remaining bits
must be zero. Also note the permissible label
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values are also a function of the interface type.
For example, the value 3 has special semantics in
the control plane for an MPLS shim header label and
is not a valid label value in the datapath."
"1. MPLS Label Stack Encoding, Rosen et al, draft-
ietf-mpls-label-encaps-04.txt, April 1999.
2. Use of Label Switching on Frame Relay Networks,
Conta et al, draft-ietf-mpls-fr-03.txt, Nov. 1998."
SYNTAX Integer32
STATUS current
"IPv6 address."
-- Top level components of this MIB.
-- tables, scalars
mplsLsrObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLsrMIB 1 }
-- traps
mplsLsrNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLsrMIB 2 }
-- conformance
mplsLsrConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLsrMIB 3 }
-- MPLS Interface Configuration Table.
mplsInterfaceConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsInterfaceConfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table specifies per-interface MPLS capability
and associated information."
::= { mplsLsrObjects 1 }
mplsInterfaceConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsInterfaceConfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry in this table is created by an LSR for
every interface capable of supporting MPLS and
represents the label space of that interface. A row
with index 0 represents the global label space."
INDEX { mplsInterfaceConfIndex }
::= { mplsInterfaceConfTable 1 }
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MplsInterfaceConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
mplsInterfaceConfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero,
mplsInterfaceLabelMinIn MplsLabel,
mplsInterfaceLabelMaxIn MplsLabel,
mplsInterfaceLabelMinOut MplsLabel,
mplsInterfaceLabelMaxOut MplsLabel,
mplsInterfaceAdminStatus INTEGER,
mplsInterfaceOperStatus INTEGER
mplsInterfaceConfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Index for this row of the table. A value of 0
indicates the global label space and this entry is
created by the LSR if it supports a global label
space. A non-zero index is also the interface
index, ifIndex, for the corresponding interface
entry in ifTable."
"RFC 2233 - The Interfaces Group MIB using SMIv2,
McCloghrie and Kastenholtz, Nov. 1997"
::= { mplsInterfaceConfEntry 1 }
mplsInterfaceLabelMinIn OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsLabel
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Minimum value of MPLS label that this LSR is willing
to receive on this interface."
::= { mplsInterfaceConfEntry 2 }
mplsInterfaceLabelMaxIn OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsLabel
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Maximum value of MPLS label that this LSR is willing
to receive on this interface."
::= { mplsInterfaceConfEntry 3 }
mplsInterfaceLabelMinOut OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsLabel
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
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"Minimum value of MPLS label that this LSR is willing
to send on this interface."
::= { mplsInterfaceConfEntry 4 }
mplsInterfaceLabelMaxOut OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsLabel
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Maximum value of MPLS label that this LSR is willing
to send on this interface."
::= { mplsInterfaceConfEntry 5 }
mplsInterfaceAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
up(1), -- enable MPLS on this interface
down(2), -- disable MPLS on this interface
testing(3) -- in some test mode
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Indicates the administrator's intent as to whether
MPLS should be enabled or disabled on this
DEFVAL { down }
::= { mplsInterfaceConfEntry 6 }
mplsInterfaceOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
up(1), -- ready to pass packets
testing(3), -- in some test mode
unknown(4), -- status cannot be determined for some
-- reason
notPresent(6), -- some component is missing
-- down due to the state of
-- lower layer interfaces
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Indicates the actual status of MPLS on this
::= { mplsInterfaceConfEntry 7 }
-- End of mplsInterfaceConfTable
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-- MPLS Interface Performance Table.
mplsInterfacePerfTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsInterfacePerfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table provides per-interface MPLS performance
::= { mplsLsrObjects 2 }
mplsInterfacePerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsInterfacePerfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry in this table is created by the LSR for
every interface capable of supporting MPLS. Its is
an extension to mplsInterfaceConfEntry."
AUGMENTS { mplsInterfaceConfEntry }
::= { mplsInterfacePerfTable 1 }
MplsInterfacePerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
-- incoming direction
mplsInterfaceInLabelsUsed Gauge32,
mplsInterfaceInOctets Counter32,
mplsInterfaceInPackets Counter32,
mplsInterfaceInErrors Counter32,
mplsInterfaceInDiscards Counter32,
mplsInterfaceFailedLabelLookup Counter32,
-- outgoing direction
mplsInterfaceOutLabelsUsed Gauge32,
mplsInterfaceOutOctets Counter32,
mplsInterfaceOutPackets Counter32,
mplsInterfaceOutErrors Counter32,
mplsInterfaceOutDiscards Counter32,
-- high capacity counters
mplsInterfaceInHCOctets Counter64,
mplsInterfaceOutHCOctets Counter64
mplsInterfaceInLabelsUsed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of labels that are in use at this point
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on this interface in the incoming direction."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 1 }
mplsInterfaceInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of octets that have been received in
labeled packets on this interface."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 2 }
mplsInterfaceInPackets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of labeled packets that have been
received on this interface."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 3 }
mplsInterfaceInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of labeled packets that have been
received on this interface that were errored."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 4 }
mplsInterfaceInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of labeled packets that have been
received on this interface that were discarded."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 5 }
mplsInterfaceFailedLabelLookup OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of labeled packets that have been
received on this interface that were discarded
because no matching entries were found in
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 6 }
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mplsInterfaceOutLabelsUsed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of labels that are in use at this point
on this interface in the outgoing direction."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 7 }
mplsInterfaceOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of octets that have been sent as labeled
packets on this interface."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 8 }
mplsInterfaceOutPackets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of labeled packets that have been sent on
this interface."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 9 }
mplsInterfaceOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of labeled packets that could not be sent
on this interface due to errors."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 10 }
mplsInterfaceOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of outgoing labeled packets on this
interface that had to be discarded due to errors or
other conditions such as buffer overflows."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 11 }
mplsInterfaceInHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
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"The number of octets that have been received in
labeled packets on this interface. This is the 64
bit version of mplsInterfaceInOctets."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 15 }
mplsInterfaceOutHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of octets that have been sent in labeled
packets on this interface. This is the 64 bit
version of mplsInterfaceOutOctets."
::= { mplsInterfacePerfEntry 16 }
-- End of mplsInterfacePerfTable
-- In-segment table.
mplsInSegmentTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains a description of the incoming
segments to a LSR."
::= { mplsLsrObjects 3 }
mplsInSegmentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsInSegmentEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry in this table represents one incoming
segment. An entry can be created by a network
administrator or by an SNMP agent as instructed by
LDP or RSVP. It is indexed by the incoming
interface index and (top) label. Note that some of
the segments are associated with a tunnel, the
traffic parameters of these rows are supported as
read-only objects and their modification can be done
only via the tunnel table, mplsTunnelTable. This
issue will be addressed more naturally when
ownership related objects are introduced into these
"MPLS Traffic Engineering Management Information Base
Using SMIv2, Srinivasan and Viswanathan, draft-ietf-
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mpls-te-mib-01.txt, June 1999."
INDEX { mplsInSegmentIfIndex, mplsInSegmentLabel }
::= { mplsInSegmentTable 1 }
MplsInSegmentEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
mplsInSegmentIfIndex InterfaceIndex,
mplsInSegmentLabel MplsLabel,
mplsInSegmentNPop Integer32,
mplsInSegmentAddrFamily MplsLsrIANAAddrFamily,
mplsInSegmentXCIndex Integer32,
mplsInSegmentTSpecIndex Unsigned32,
mplsInSegmentAdminStatus INTEGER,
mplsInSegmentOperStatus INTEGER,
mplsInSegmentRowStatus RowStatus
mplsInSegmentIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Incoming interface index. A value of zero
represents an incoming label from the per-platform
label space. In this case, the mplsInSegmentLabel
is interpreted to be an MPLS-type label."
::= { mplsInSegmentEntry 1 }
mplsInSegmentLabel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsLabel
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The incoming label."
::= { mplsInSegmentEntry 2 }
mplsInSegmentNPop OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The number of labels to pop from the incoming
packet. Normally only the top label is popped
(based on which all switching decisions are taken)."
DEFVAL { 1 }
::= { mplsInSegmentEntry 3 }
mplsInSegmentAddrFamily OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsLsrIANAAddrFamily
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
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"The IANA address family of the incoming packet. A
value of zero indicates that the family type is
either unknown or undefined (which could happen for
example when streams of different types are merged
in a multipoint-to-point connection)."
"RFC 1700 - Assigned Numbers, Reynolds and Postel,
October 1994."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { mplsInSegmentEntry 4 }
mplsInSegmentXCIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Index into mplsXCTable to identify which cross-
connect entry this segment is part of. A value of
zero indicates that it is not being referred to by
any cross-connect entry."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { mplsInSegmentEntry 5 }
mplsInSegmentTSpecIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Pointer into mplsTSpecTable indicating the TSpec to
be assigned for this segment. A value of zero
indicates best-effort treatment. Two or more
segments can indicate resource sharing by pointing
to the same entry in mplsTSpecTable."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { mplsInSegmentEntry 6 }
mplsInSegmentAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
up(1), -- ready to pass packets
testing(3) -- in some test mode
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Desired status of this segment."
::= { mplsInSegmentEntry 7 }
mplsInSegmentOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
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up(1), -- ready to pass packets
testing(3), -- in some test mode
unknown(4), -- status cannot be determined for
-- some reason
notPresent(6), -- some component is missing
-- down due to the state of
-- lower layer interfaces
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The operational status of this segment."
::= { mplsInSegmentEntry 8 }
mplsInSegmentRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"For creating, modifying, and deleting this row."
::= { mplsInSegmentEntry 9 }
-- End of mplsInSegmentTable
-- In-segment performance table.
mplsInSegmentPerfTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains statistical information about
incoming MPLS segments to an LSR."
::= { mplsLsrObjects 4 }
mplsInSegmentPerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsInSegmentPerfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry in this table contains statistical
information about one incoming segment configured in
AUGMENTS { mplsInSegmentEntry }
::= { mplsInSegmentPerfTable 1 }
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MplsInSegmentPerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
mplsInSegmentOctets Counter32,
mplsInSegmentPackets Counter32,
mplsInSegmentErrors Counter32,
mplsInSegmentDiscards Counter32,
-- high capacity counter
mplsInSegmentHCOctets Counter64
mplsInSegmentOctets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Total number of octets received."
::= { mplsInSegmentPerfEntry 1 }
mplsInSegmentPackets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Total number of packets received."
::= { mplsInSegmentPerfEntry 2 }
mplsInSegmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Number of errored packets received."
::= { mplsInSegmentPerfEntry 3 }
mplsInSegmentDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Number of packets received that had to be dropped
either because of errors or for other reasons such
as buffer overflows."
::= { mplsInSegmentPerfEntry 4 }
mplsInSegmentHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
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"Total number of octets received. This is the 64 bit
version of mplsInSegmentOctets."
::= { mplsInSegmentPerfEntry 5 }
-- End of mplsInSegmentPerfTable.
-- Out-segment table.
mplsOutSegmentTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains a description of the outgoing
segments from an LSR."
::= { mplsLsrObjects 5 }
mplsOutSegmentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsOutSegmentEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry in this table represents one outgoing
segment. An entry can be created by a network
administrator or by an SNMP agent as instructed by
LDP or RSVP. Note that some of the segments are
associated with a tunnel, the traffic parameters of
these rows are supported as read-only objects and
their modification can be done only via the tunnel
table, mplsTunnelTable. This issue will be addressed
more naturally when ownership related objects are
introduced into these tables."
"MPLS Traffic Engineering Management Information Base
Using SMIv2, Srinivasan and Viswanathan, draft-ietf-
mpls-te-mib-01.txt, June 1999."
INDEX { mplsOutSegmentIndex }
::= { mplsOutSegmentTable 1 }
MplsOutSegmentEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
mplsOutSegmentIndex Integer32,
mplsOutSegmentIfIndex InterfaceIndex,
mplsOutSegmentPushTopLabel TruthValue,
mplsOutSegmentTopLabel MplsLabel,
mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpAddrType INTEGER,
mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpv4Addr IpAddress,
mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpv6Addr Ipv6Address,
mplsOutSegmentXCIndex Integer32,
mplsOutSegmentTSpecIndex Unsigned32,
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mplsOutSegmentAdminStatus INTEGER,
mplsOutSegmentOperStatus INTEGER,
mplsOutSegmentRowStatus RowStatus
mplsOutSegmentIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Unique index for this row. While a value of 0 is
not valid as an index for this row it can be
supplied as a valid value to index mplsXCTable to
access entries for which no out-segment has been
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 1 }
mplsOutSegmentIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Interface index of the outgoing interface."
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 2 }
mplsOutSegmentPushTopLabel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Whether a top label should be pushed onto the
outgoing packet's label stack. Its value has to be
true if the outgoing interface is ATM (which does
not support `pop-and-go') or if it is a tunnel
origination. Note also that the case where
mplsOutSegmentPushTopLabel is set to false but the
cross-connect entry that refers to this out-segment
has a non-zero mplsLabelStackIndex is an error which
the LSR should ensure doesn't happen."
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 3 }
mplsOutSegmentTopLabel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsLabel
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"If mplsOutSegmentPushTopLabel is true then this is
the label that should be pushed onto the outgoing
packet's label stack. Note that the contents of the
label field can be interpreted in an outgoing
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interface specific fashion. For example, the label
carried in the MPLS shim header is 20 bits wide and
the top 12 bits must be zero. The Frame Relay label
is 24 bits wide and the top 8 bits must be zero.
For ATM interfaces the lowermost 16 bits are
interpreted as the VCI, the next 8 bits as the VPI
and the remaining bits must be zero."
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 4 }
mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), ipV4 (2), ipV6 (3) }
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Whether the next hop address is IPv4 or IPv6. A
value of none (1) is valid (only) when the outgoing
interface is of type point-to-point."
DEFVAL { none }
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 5 }
mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpv4Addr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"IPv4 Address of the next hop. Its value is
significant only when
mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpAddrType is ipV4 (2),
otherwise it should return a value of 0."
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 6 }
mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Ipv6Address
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"IPv6 address of the next hop. Its value is
significant only when
mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpAddrType is ipV6 (3),
otherwise it should return a value of 0."
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 7 }
mplsOutSegmentXCIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Index into mplsXCTable to identify which cross-
connect entry this segment is part of. A value of
zero indicates that it is not being referred to by
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any cross-connect entry."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 8 }
mplsOutSegmentTSpecIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Pointer into mplsTSpecTable indicating the TSpec to
be assigned for this segment. A value of zero
indicates best-effort treatment. Two or more
segments can indicate resource sharing by pointing
to the same entry in mplsTSpecTable."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 9 }
mplsOutSegmentAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
up(1), -- ready to pass packets
testing(3) -- in some test mode
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Desired status of this segment."
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 10 }
mplsOutSegmentOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
up(1), -- ready to pass packets
testing(3), -- in some test mode
unknown(4), -- status cannot be determined for
-- some reason
notPresent(6), -- some component is missing
-- down due to the state of
-- lower layer interfaces
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The operational status of this segment."
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 11 }
mplsOutSegmentRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
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MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"For creating, modifying, and deleting this row."
::= { mplsOutSegmentEntry 12 }
-- End of mplsOutSegmentTable
-- Out-segment performance table.
mplsOutSegmentPerfTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsOutSegmentPerfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains statistical information about
incoming segments to an LSR."
::= { mplsLsrObjects 6 }
mplsOutSegmentPerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsOutSegmentPerfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry in this table contains statistical
information about one incoming segment configured in
AUGMENTS { mplsOutSegmentEntry }
::= { mplsOutSegmentPerfTable 1 }
MplsOutSegmentPerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
mplsOutSegmentOctets Counter32,
mplsOutSegmentPackets Counter32,
mplsOutSegmentErrors Counter32,
mplsOutSegmentDiscards Counter32,
-- HC counter
mplsOutSegmentHCOctets Counter64
mplsOutSegmentOctets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Total number of octets sent."
::= { mplsOutSegmentPerfEntry 1 }
mplsOutSegmentPackets OBJECT-TYPE
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SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Total number of packets sent."
::= { mplsOutSegmentPerfEntry 2 }
mplsOutSegmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Number of packets that could not be sent due to
::= { mplsOutSegmentPerfEntry 3 }
mplsOutSegmentDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Number of outgoing packets that had to be dropped
either because of errors or for other reasons such
as buffer overflows."
::= { mplsOutSegmentPerfEntry 4 }
mplsOutSegmentHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Total number of octets sent. This is the 64 bit
version of mplsOutSegmentOctets."
::= { mplsOutSegmentPerfEntry 5 }
-- End of mplsOutSegmentPerfTable.
-- Cross-connect table.
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table specifies information for switching
between LSP segments. It supports point-to-point,
point-to-multipoint and multipoint-to-point
connections. mplsLabelStackTable specifies the
label stack information for a cross-connect LSR and
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is referred to from mplsXCTable."
::= { mplsLsrObjects 7 }
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A row in this table represents one cross-connect
entry. It is indexed by the following objects:
- cross-connect index mplsXCIndex that uniquely
identifies a group of cross-connect entries
- interface index of the in-segment,
- incoming label(s), mplsInSegmentLabel
- out-segment index, mplsOutSegmentIndex
Originating LSPs:
These are represented by using the special
combination of values mplsInSegmentIfIndex=0 and
mplsInSegmentLabel=0 as indexes. In this case the
mplsOutSegmentIndex MUST be non-zero.
Terminating LSPs:
These are represented by using the special value
mplsOutSegmentIndex=0 as index.
Special labels:
Entries indexed by reserved MPLS label values 0
through 15 imply terminating LSPs and MUST have
An entry can be created by a network administrator
or by an SNMP agent as instructed by LDP or RSVP."
INDEX { mplsXCIndex, mplsInSegmentIfIndex,
mplsInSegmentLabel, mplsOutSegmentIndex }
::= { mplsXCTable 1 }
MplsXCEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
mplsXCIndex INTEGER,
mplsXCLabelStackIndex Integer32,
mplsXCCOS Integer32,
mplsXCIsPersistent TruthValue,
mplsXCAdminStatus INTEGER,
mplsXCOperStatus INTEGER,
mplsXCRowStatus RowStatus
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SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4294967295)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Primary index for the row identifying a group of
cross-connect segments."
::= { mplsXCEntry 1 }
mplsXCLabelStackIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Primary index into mplsLabelStackTable identifying a
stack of labels to be pushed beneath the top label.
Note that the top label is identified in the out-
segment which ensures that all the components of a
multipoint-to-point connection have the same
outgoing label. A value of 0 indicates that no
labels are to be stacked beneath the top label."
::= { mplsXCEntry 2 }
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Value to override the incoming COS field with for a
cross-connect or the value to assign to outgoing
packets for an outgoing segment of a tunnel."
::= { mplsXCEntry 3 }
mplsXCIsPersistent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Whether this cross-connect entry and associated in-
and out-segments should be restored automatically
after failures."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { mplsXCEntry 4 }
mplsXCAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
up(1), -- ready to pass packets
testing(3) -- in some test mode
MAX-ACCESS read-create
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STATUS current
"Desired status of this segment."
::= { mplsXCEntry 5 }
mplsXCOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
up(1), -- ready to pass packets
testing(3), -- in some test mode
unknown(4), -- status cannot be determined for
-- some reason
notPresent(6), -- some component is missing
-- down due to the state of
-- lower layer interfaces
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The operational status of this segment."
::= { mplsXCEntry 6 }
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"For creating, modifying, and deleting this row."
::= { mplsXCEntry 7 }
-- End of mplsXCTable
-- Label stack table.
mplsLabelStackTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table specifies the label stack to be pushed
onto a packet, beneath the top label. Entries into
this table are referred to from mplsXCTable."
::= { mplsLsrObjects 8 }
mplsLabelStackEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsLabelStackEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
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STATUS current
"An entry in this table represents one label to be
pushed onto an outgoing packets beneath the top
label. An entry can be created by a network
administrator or by an SNMP agent as instructed by
INDEX { mplsLabelStackIndex }
::= { mplsLabelStackTable 1 }
MplsLabelStackEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
mplsLabelStackIndex Integer32,
mplsLabelStackLabelIndex Integer32,
mplsLabelStackLabel MplsLabel,
mplsLabelStackRowStatus RowStatus
mplsLabelStackIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Primary index for this row identifying a stack of
labels to be pushed on an outgoing packet beneath
the top label."
::= { mplsLabelStackEntry 1 }
mplsLabelStackLabelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Secondary index for this row identifying one label
of the stack."
::= { mplsLabelStackEntry 2 }
mplsLabelStackLabel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsLabel
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Label to pushed."
::= { mplsLabelStackEntry 3 }
mplsLabelStackRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"For creating, modifying, and deleting this row."
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::= { mplsLabelStackEntry 4 }
-- End of mplsLabelStackTable
-- TSpec table.
mplsTSpecTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table specifies TSpec objects for in and out-
::= { mplsLsrObjects 9 }
mplsTSpecEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MplsTSpecEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry in this table represents the TSpec objects
for one or more in or out segments. A single entry
can be pointed to by multiple segments indicating
resource sharing."
INDEX { mplsTSpecIndex }
::= { mplsTSpecTable 1 }
MplsTSpecEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
mplsTSpecIndex Unsigned32,
mplsTSpecIfIndex InterfaceIndex,
mplsTSpecDirection INTEGER,
mplsTSpecMaxRate BitRate,
mplsTSpecMeanRate BitRate,
mplsTSpecMaxBurstSize BurstSize,
mplsTSpecRowStatus RowStatus
mplsTSpecIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Uniquely identifies this row of the table. Zero is
not a valid index."
::= { mplsTSpecEntry 1 }
mplsTSpecIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
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"Identifies the interface that this entry refers to."
::= { mplsTSpecEntry 2 }
mplsTSpecDirection OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { in(1), out(2) }
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Direction that these objects pertain to, incoming or
::= { mplsTSpecEntry 3 }
mplsTSpecMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "bits per second"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Maximum rate in bits/second."
::= { mplsTSpecEntry 4 }
mplsTSpecMeanRate OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "bits per second"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Mean rate in bits/second."
::= { mplsTSpecEntry 5 }
mplsTSpecMaxBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX BurstSize
UNITS "bytes"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Maximum burst size in bytes."
::= { mplsTSpecEntry 6 }
mplsTSpecRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"For creating, modifying, and deleting this row."
::= { mplsTSpecEntry 7 }
-- End of mplsTSpecTable
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-- Notifications.
-- Interface configuration.
OBJECTS { mplsInterfaceConfIndex,
mplsInterfaceAdminStatus, mplsInterfaceOperStatus }
STATUS current
"This notification is generated when a
mplsInterfaceOperStatus object for one of the
entries in mplsInterfaceConfTable is about to leave
the down state and transition into some other state
(but not into the notPresent state). This other
state is indicated by the included value of
::= { mplsLsrNotifications 1 }
OBJECTS { mplsInterfaceConfIndex,
mplsInterfaceAdminStatus, mplsInterfaceOperStatus }
STATUS current
"This notification is generated when a
mplsInterfaceOperStatus object for one of the
entries in mplsInterfaceConfTable is about to enter
the down state from some other state (but not from
the notPresent state). This other state is
indicated by the included value of
::= { mplsLsrNotifications 2 }
-- In-segment.
OBJECTS { mplsInSegmentIfIndex, mplsInSegmentLabel,
mplsInSegmentAdminStatus, mplsInSegmentOperStatus }
STATUS current
"This notification is generated when a
mplsInSegmentOperStatus object for one of the
configured in-segments is about to leave the down
state and transition into some other state (but not
into the notPresent state). This other state is
indicated by the included value of
::= { mplsLsrNotifications 3 }
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OBJECTS { mplsInSegmentIfIndex, mplsInSegmentLabel,
mplsInSegmentAdminStatus, mplsInSegmentOperStatus }
STATUS current
"This notification is generated when a
mplsInSegmentOperStatus object for one of the
configured in-segments is about to enter the down
state from some other state (but not from the
notPresent state). This other state is indicated by
the included value of mplsInSegmentOperStatus."
::= { mplsLsrNotifications 4 }
-- Out-segment.
OBJECTS { mplsOutSegmentIndex, mplsInSegmentAdminStatus,
mplsInSegmentOperStatus }
STATUS current
"This notification is generated when a
mplsOutSegmentOperStatus object for one of the
configured out-segments is about to leave the down
state and transition into some other state (but not
into the notPresent state). This other state is
indicated by the included value of
::= { mplsLsrNotifications 5 }
OBJECTS { mplsOutSegmentIndex, mplsInSegmentAdminStatus,
mplsInSegmentOperStatus }
STATUS current
"This notification is generated when a
mplsOutSegmentOperStatus object for one of the
configured out-segments is about to enter the down
state from some other state (but not from the
notPresent state). This other state is indicated by
the included value of mplsOutSegmentOperStatus."
::= { mplsLsrNotifications 6 }
-- Cross-connect.
OBJECTS { mplsXCIndex,
mplsInSegmentIfIndex, mplsInSegmentLabel,
mplsXCAdminStatus, mplsXCOperStatus }
STATUS current
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"This notification is generated when a
mplsXCOperStatus object for one of the configured
cross-connect entries is about to leave the down
state and transition into some other state (but not
into the notPresent state). This other state is
indicated by the included value of
::= { mplsLsrNotifications 7 }
OBJECTS { mplsXCIndex,
mplsInSegmentIfIndex, mplsInSegmentLabel,
mplsXCAdminStatus, mplsXCOperStatus }
STATUS current
"This notification is generated when a
mplsXCOperStatus object for one of the configured
cross-connect entries is about to enter the down
state from some other state (but not from the
notPresent state). This other state is indicated by
the included value of mplsXCOperStatus."
::= { mplsLsrNotifications 8 }
-- End of notifications.
-- Module compliance.
OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLsrConformance 1 }
OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLsrConformance 2 }
mplsLsrModuleCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
"Compliance statement for agents that support the
MODULE -- this module
-- The mandatory groups have to be implemented by all LSRs.
-- However, they may all be supported as read-only objects
-- in the case where manual configuration is not
-- supported.
MANDATORY-GROUPS { mplsInSegmentGroup, mplsOutSegmentGroup,
mplsXCGroup, mplsInterfaceGroup,
mplsPerfGroup }
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GROUP mplsHCInterfacePerfGroup
"This group is mandatory for high-speed MPLS
capable interfaces for which the objects
mplsInterfaceInOctets and mplsInterfaceOutOctets
wrap around too quickly."
GROUP mplsHCInSegmentPerfGroup
"This group is mandatory for those in-segment
entries for which the object
mplsInSegmentOutOctets wraps around too
GROUP mplsHCOutSegmentPerfGroup
"This group is mandatory for those out-segment
entries for which the object
mplsOutSegmentOctets wraps around too quickly."
GROUP mplsTSpecGroup
"This group is mandatory for those LSRs that
support int-serv style resource reservation."
-- Depending on whether the device implements persistent
-- cross-connects or not one of the following two groups
-- is mandatory.
GROUP mplsXCIsPersistentGroup
"This group is mandatory for devices which
support persistent cross-connects. The
following constraints apply: mplsXCIsPersistent
must at least be read-only returning true(2)."
GROUP mplsXCIsNotPersistentGroup
"This group is mandatory for devices which
support non-persistent cross-connects. The
following constraints apply: mplsXCIsPersistent
must at least be read-only returning false(1)."
-- mplsInterfaceConfTable
OBJECT mplsInterfaceAdminStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
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"A value of testing(3) need not be supported."
OBJECT mplsInterfaceOperStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Only up(1) and down(2) need to be supported."
-- mplsInSegmentTable
OBJECT mplsInSegmentIfIndex
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsInSegmentLabel
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsInSegmentXCIndex
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsInSegmentTSpecIndex
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsInSegmentNPop
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access if not required. This object
should be set to 1 if it is read-only."
OBJECT mplsInSegmentAddrFamily
SYNTAX INTEGER { other(0) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required. A value of
other(0) should be supported."
OBJECT mplsInSegmentAdminStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"A value of testing(3) need not be supported."
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OBJECT mplsInSegmentOperStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Only up(1) and down(2) need to be supported."
OBJECT mplsInSegmentRowStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), notInService(2),
destroy(6) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"The notReady(3) and createAndWait(5) states need not
be supported."
-- mplsOutSegmentTable
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentIndex
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentIfIndex
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentPushTopLabel
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentTopLabel
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpAddrType
SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), ipV4(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"ipV6(3) need not be supported."
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpv4Addr
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
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Internet Draft MPLS Label Switch Router MIB 16 June 1999
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpv6Addr
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentXCIndex
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentTSpecIndex
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentAdminStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"A value of testing(3) need not be supported."
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentOperStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Only up(1) and down(2) need to be supported."
OBJECT mplsOutSegmentRowStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), notInService(2),
destroy(6) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"The notReady(3) and createAndWait(5) states need
not be supported."
-- mplsXCTable
OBJECT mplsXCIndex
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsXCLabelStackIndex
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
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Internet Draft MPLS Label Switch Router MIB 16 June 1999
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsXCIsPersistent
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Write access is not required."
OBJECT mplsXCAdminStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"A value of testing(3) need not be supported."
OBJECT mplsXCOperStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"Only up(1) and down(2) need to be supported."
OBJECT mplsXCRowStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), notInService(2),
destroy(6) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
"The notReady(3) and createAndWait(5) states need
not be supported."
::= { mplsLsrCompliances 1 }
-- Units of conformance.
mplsInterfaceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { mplsInterfaceConfIndex,
mplsInterfaceLabelMinIn, mplsInterfaceLabelMaxIn,
mplsInterfaceLabelMinOut, mplsInterfaceLabelMaxOut,
mplsInterfaceAdminStatus, mplsInterfaceOperStatus,
mplsInterfaceInLabelsUsed, mplsInterfaceOutLabelsUsed }
STATUS current
"Collection of objects needed for MPLS interface
configuration and performance information."
::= { mplsLsrGroups 1 }
mplsInSegmentGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { mplsInSegmentIfIndex, mplsInSegmentLabel,
mplsInSegmentNPop, mplsInSegmentAddrFamily,
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Internet Draft MPLS Label Switch Router MIB 16 June 1999
mplsInSegmentXCIndex, mplsInSegmentTSpecIndex,
mplsInSegmentAdminStatus, mplsInSegmentOperStatus,
mplsInSegmentOctets, mplsInSegmentDiscards }
STATUS current
"Collection of objects needed to implement an in-
::= { mplsLsrGroups 2 }
mplsOutSegmentGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { mplsOutSegmentIndex, mplsOutSegmentIfIndex,
mplsOutSegmentPushTopLabel, mplsOutSegmentTopLabel,
mplsOutSegmentXCIndex, mplsOutSegmentTSpecIndex,
mplsOutSegmentAdminStatus, mplsOutSegmentOperStatus,
mplsOutSegmentOctets, mplsOutSegmentDiscards }
STATUS current
"Collection of objects needed to implement an out-
::= { mplsLsrGroups 3 }
OBJECTS { mplsXCIndex, mplsXCLabelStackIndex,
mplsXCAdminStatus, mplsXCOperStatus, mplsXCRowStatus }
STATUS current
"Collection of objects needed to implement a cross-
connect entry."
::= { mplsLsrGroups 4 }
mplsPerfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { mplsInterfaceInOctets, mplsInterfaceInPackets,
mplsInterfaceOutOctets, mplsInterfaceOutPackets,
mplsInSegmentOctets, mplsInSegmentPackets,
mplsOutSegmentOctets, mplsOutSegmentPackets,
mplsOutSegmentDiscards }
STATUS current
"Collection of objects providing performance
information about an LSR."
::= { mplsLsrGroups 5 }
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Internet Draft MPLS Label Switch Router MIB 16 June 1999
mplsHCInterfacePerfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { mplsInterfaceInHCOctets, mplsInterfaceOutHCOctets }
STATUS current
"Collection of objects providing performance
information specific to high-speed interfaces for
which the objects mplsInterfaceInOctets and
mplsInterfaceOutOctets wrap-around too quickly."
::= { mplsLsrGroups 6 }
mplsHCInSegmentPerfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { mplsInSegmentHCOctets }
STATUS current
"Object(s) providing performance information specific
to out-segments for which the object
mplsInterfaceInOctets wraps around too quickly."
::= { mplsLsrGroups 7 }
mplsHCOutSegmentPerfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { mplsOutSegmentHCOctets }
STATUS current
"Object(s) providing performance information specific
to out-segments for which the object
mplsInterfaceOutOctets wraps around too quickly."
::= { mplsLsrGroups 8 }
OBJECTS { mplsTSpecIndex, mplsTSpecIfIndex, mplsTSpecDirection,
mplsTSpecMaxRate, mplsTSpecMeanRate,
mplsTSpecMaxBurstSize, mplsTSpecRowStatus }
STATUS current
"Object(s) required for supporting int-serv style
resource reservation."
::= { mplsLsrGroups 9 }
mplsXCIsPersistentGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { mplsXCIsPersistent }
STATUS current
"Objects needed to support persistent cross-
::= { mplsLsrGroups 10 }
mplsXCIsNotPersistentGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { mplsXCIsPersistent }
STATUS current
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Internet Draft MPLS Label Switch Router MIB 16 June 1999
"Objects needed to support non-persistent cross-
::= { mplsLsrGroups 11 }
mplsLsrNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
NOTIFICATIONS { mplsInterfaceUp, mplsInterfaceDown,
mplsInSegmentUp, mplsInSegmentDown,
mplsOutSegmentUp, mplsOutSegmentDown,
mplsXCUp, mplsXCDown }
STATUS current
"Set of notifications implemented in this module.
None is mandatory."
::= { mplsLsrGroups 12 }
-- End of MPLS-LSR-MIB
9. Security Considerations
The MIB specified in this document does not raise any security
issues other than those present in the MPLS architecture
[MPLSArch] or those imposed by SNMP itself.
10. Acknowledgments
We wish to thank Ron Bonica, Eric Gray, and Dan Tappan for their
comments on this draft.
11. References
[MPLSArch] Rosen, E., Viswanathan, A., and R. Callon,
"Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture",
Internet Draft <draft-ietf-mpls-arch-05.txt>,
February 1999.
[MPLSFW] Callon, R., Doolan, P., Feldman, N., Fredette, A.,
Swallow, G., and A. Viswanathan, "A Framework for
Multiprotocol Label Switching", Internet Draft
<draft-ietf-mpls-framework-02.txt>, November 1997.
[LDPMIB] Cucchiara, J., Sjostrand, H., and J. Luciani, "
Definitions of Managed Objects for the
Multiprotocol Label Switching, Label Distribution
Protocol (LDP)", Internet Draft <draft-ietf-mpls-
ldp-mib-00.txt>, August 1998.
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Internet Draft MPLS Label Switch Router MIB 16 June 1999
[LblStk] Rosen, E., Rekhter, Y., Tappan, D., Farinacci, D.,
Federokow, G., Li, T., and A. Conta, "MPLS Label
Stack Encoding", Internet Draft <draft-ietf-mpls-
label-encaps-04.txt>, April 1999.
[RSVPTun] Awaduche, D., Berger, L., Der-Haw, G., Li, T.,
Swallow, G., and V. Srinivasan, "Extensions to RSVP
for LSP Tunnels", Internet Draft <draft-mpls-rsvp-
lsp-tunnel-02.txt>, March 1999.
[CRLDP] B. Jamoussi (Editor), "Constraint-Based LSP Setup
using LDP", Internet Draft <draft-ietf-mpls-cr-ldp-
01.txt>, February 1999.
[Assigned] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers",
RFC 1700, October 1994. See also:
[SNMPArch] Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
Architecture for Describing SNMP Management
Frameworks", RFC 2271, January 1998.
[SMIv1] Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and
Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-
based Internets", RFC 1155, May 1990.
[SNMPv1MIBDef]Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, "Concise MIB
Definitions", RFC 1212, March 1991.
[SNMPv1Traps] M. Rose, "A Convention for Defining Traps for use
with the SNMP", RFC 1215, March 1991.
[SMIv2] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S.
Waldbusser, "Structure of Management Information
for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1902, January 1996.
[SNMPv2TC] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S.
Waldbusser, "Textual Conventions for Version 2 of
the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)",
RFC 1903, SNMP Research, Inc., Cisco Systems, Inc.,
January 1996.
[SNMPv2Conf] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S.
Waldbusser, "Conformance Statements for Version 2
of the Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMPv2)", RFC 1904, January 1996.
[SNMPv1] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin,
Srinivasan & Viswanathan Expires 16 December 1999 [Page 45]
Internet Draft MPLS Label Switch Router MIB 16 June 1999
"Simple Network Management Protocol", RFC 1157, May
[SNMPv2c] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S.
Waldbusser, "Introduction to Community-based
SNMPv2", RFC 1901, January 1996.
[SNMPv2TM] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S.
Waldbusser, "Transport Mappings for Version 2 of
the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)",
RFC 1906, January 1996.
[SNMPv3MP] Case, J., Harrington D., Presuhn R., and B. Wijnen,
"Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 2272,
January 1998.
[SNMPv3USM] Blumenthal, U., and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security
Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMPv3)", RFC 2274, January
[SNMPv2PO] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S.
Waldbusser, "Protocol Operations for Version 2 of
the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)",
RFC 1905, January 1996.
[SNMPv3App] Levi, D., Meyer, P., and B. Stewart, "SNMPv3
Applications", RFC 2273, January 1998
[SNMPv3VACM] Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R., and K. McCloghrie, "View-
based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 2275,
January 1998
12. Authors's Addresses
Cheenu Srinivasan
Tachion Network Technologies
2 Meridian Road
Eatontown, NJ 07724
Phone: +1-732-542-7750 x234
Arun Viswanathan
Lucent Technologies
4D537, 101 Crawfords Corner Road
Srinivasan & Viswanathan Expires 16 December 1999 [Page 46]
Internet Draft MPLS Label Switch Router MIB 16 June 1999
Holmdel, NJ 07733
Phone: +1-732-332-5163
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