tsvwg M. Larsen Internet-Draft Ericsson Intended status: Standards Track F. Gont Expires: August 15, 2007 UTN/FRH February 11, 2007 Port Randomization draft-larsen-tsvwg-port-randomization-01 Status of this Memo By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet- Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt. The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html. This Internet-Draft will expire on August 15, 2007. Copyright Notice Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007). Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 1]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 Abstract Recently, awareness has been raised about a number of "blind" attacks that can be performed against the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and similar protocols. The consequences of these attacks range from throughput-reduction to broken connections or data corruption. These attacks rely on the attacker's ability to guess or know the four- tuple (Source Address, Destination Address, Source port, Destination Port) that identifies the transport protocol instance to be attacked. This document describes a simple and efficient method for random selection of the client port number, such that the possibility of an attacker guessing the exact value is reduced. While this is not a replacement for cryptographic methods, the described port number randomization algorithms provide improved security/obfuscation with very little effort and without any key management overhead. Table of Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Ephemeral Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1. Traditional Ephemeral Port Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2. Ephemeral port selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3. Randomizing the Ephemeral Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1. Ephemeral port number range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.2. Ephemeral Port Randomization Algorithms . . . . . . . . . 6 3.3. Secret Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.4. Choosing Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 5. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 6. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Appendix A. Survey of the algorithms in use by some popular implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 A.1. FreeBSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 A.2. Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 A.3. NetBSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 A.4. OpenBSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Appendix B. Changes from previous versions of the draft . . . . . 18 B.1. Changes from draft-larsen-tsvwg-port-randomization-00 . . 18 B.2. Changes from draft-larsen-tsvwg-port-randomisation-00 . . 18 Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . . . 20 Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 2]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 1. Introduction Recently, awareness has been raised about a number of "blind" attacks that can be performed against the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) [RFC0793] and similar protocols. The consequences of these attacks range from throughput-reduction to broken connections or data corruption [I-D.ietf-tcpm-icmp-attacks] [I-D.ietf-tcpm-tcp-antispoof] [Watson]. All these attacks rely on the attacker's ability to guess or know the four-tuple (Source Address, Source port, Destination Address, Destination Port) that identifies the transport protocol instance to be attacked. Services are usually located at fixed, 'well-known' ports [IANA] at the host supplying the service (the server). Client applications connecting to any such service will contact the server by specifying the server IP address and service port number. The IP address and port number of the client are normally left unspecified by the client application and thus chosen automatically by the client networking stack. Ports chosen automatically by the networking stack are known as ephemeral ports [Stevens]. While the server IP address and well-known port and the client IP address may be available to the attacker, the ephemeral port of the client is usually unknown and must be guessed. This document describes a method for random selection of the client ephemeral port, thereby reducing the possibility of an off-path attacker guessing the exact value. This is not a replacement for cryptographic methods such as IPsec [RFC4301] or the TCP MD5 signature option [RFC2385]. However, the proposed algorithm provides improved obfuscation with very little effort and without any key management overhead. The mechanism described is a local modification that may be incrementally deployed, and does not violate the specifications of any of the transport protocols that may benefit from it [RFC0793] [RFC0768] [RFC2960] [RFC4340]. Since the mechanism is an obfuscation technique, focus has been on a reasonable compromise between level of obfuscation and ease of implementation. Thus the algorithm must be computationally efficient, and not require substantial data structures. Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 3]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 2. Ephemeral Ports 2.1. Traditional Ephemeral Port Range The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assigns the unique parameters and values used in protocols developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), including well-known ports [IANA]. IANA has traditionally reserved the following use of the 16-bit port range of TCP and UDP: o The Well Known Ports, 0 through 1023. o The Registered Ports, 1024 through 49151 o The Dynamic and/or Private Ports, 49152 through 65535 The range for assigned ports managed by the IANA is 0-1023, with the remainder being registered by IANA but not assigned. The ephemeral port range has traditionally consisted of the 49152- 65535 range. 2.2. Ephemeral port selection As each communication instance is identified by the four-tuple {local IP address, local port, remote IP address, remote port}, selection ephemeral port numbers must result in a unique four-tuple. Selection of ephemeral ports such that they result in unique four- tuples is handled by some operating systems by having a global 'next ephemeral port' variable that is equal to the previously chosen ephemeral port + 1, i.e. the selection process is: Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 4]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 next_ephemeral_port = 1024; /*initialization, could be random */ /* Ephemeral port selection */ count = max_ephemeral - min_ephemeral + 1; do { port = next_ephemeral; if (next_ephemeral == max_ephemeral) { next_ephemeral = min_ephemeral; } else { next_ephemeral++; } if (four-tuple is unique) return port; } while (count > 0); return ERROR; Figure 1 We will refer to this as 'Algorithm 1'. This algorithm works well provided that the number of connections (globally, across all four-tuples) that has a life-time longer than it takes to exhaust the total ephemeral port range is small, so that four-tuple collisions are rare. However, this method has the drawback that the 'next_ephemeral' variable and thus the ephemeral port range is shared between all connections and the next ports chosen by the client are easy to predict. If an attacker operates an "innocent" server to which the client connects, it is easy to obtain a reference point for the current value of the 'next_ephemeral' variable. Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 5]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 3. Randomizing the Ephemeral Ports 3.1. Ephemeral port number range As mentioned in Section 2.1, the ephemeral port range has traditionally consisted of the 49152-65535 range. However, it should also include the range 1024-49151 range. Since this range includes user-specific server ports, this may not always be possible, though. A possible workaround for this potential problem would be to maintain an array of bits, in which each bit would correspond to each of the port numbers in the range 1024-65535. A bit set to 0 would indicate that the corresponding port is available for allocation, while a bit set to one would indicate that the port is reserved and therefore cannot be allocated. Thus, before allocating a port number, the ephemeral port selection function would check this array of bits, avoiding the allocation of ports that may be needed for specific applications. Transport protocols SHOULD use the largest possible port range, since this improves the obfuscation provided by randomizing the ephemeral ports. 3.2. Ephemeral Port Randomization Algorithms In order to address the security issues discussed in Section 2.2, a number of systems have implemented simple ephemeral port number randomization, as follows: Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 6]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 next_ephemeral = min_ephemeral + random() % (max_ephemeral - min_ephemeral + 1); count = max_ephemeral - min_ephemeral + 1; do { if(four-tuple is unique) return next_ephemeral; if (next_ephemeral == max_ephemeral) { next_ephemeral = min_ephemeral; } else { next_ephemeral_port++; } count--; } while (count > 0); return ERROR; Figure 2 We will refer to this algorithm as 'Algorithm 2'. Since the the chosen port may already be in use with identical IP addresses and server port, the resulting four-tuple might not be unique. Therefore, multiple ports may have to be tried and verified against all existing connections before a port can be chosen. Although carefully chosen random sources and optimized four-tuple lookup mechanisms (e.g., optimized through hashing), will mitigate the cost of this verification, some systems may still not want to incur this unknown search time. Systems that may be specially susceptible to this kind of repeated four-tuple collisions are those that create many connections from a single local IP address to a single service (i.e. both IP addresses and server port are fixed). Gateways such as proxy servers are an example of such a system. Since this algorithm performs a completely random port selection (i.e., without taking into account the port numbers previously chosen), it has the potential of reusing port numbers too quickly. Even if a given four-tuple is verified to be unique by the port selection algorithm, there four-tuple might still be in use at the remote system. In such a scenario, the connection request would possible fail ([Silbersack] describes this problem in detail). Therefore, it is desirable to keep the port reuse frequency as low as Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 7]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 possible. We would like to achieve the port reuse properties of Algorithm 1, while at the same time achieve the obfuscation properties of Algorithm 2. Ideally, we would like a 'next_ephemeral' value for each set of (local IP address, remote IP addresses, remote port), so that the port reuse frequency is the lowest possible. Each of these 'next_ephemeral' variables should be initialized with random values within the ephemeral port range and would thus separate the ephemeral port ranges of the connections entirely. Since we do not want to maintain in memory all these 'next_ephemeral' values, we propose an offset function F(), that can be computed from the local IP address, remote IP address, remote port and a secret key. F() will yield (practically) different values for each set of arguments, i.e.: /* Initialization code */ next_ephemeral = 0; /* could be random */ /* Ephemeral port selection */ offset = F(local_IP, remote_IP, remote_port, secret_key); count = max_ephemeral - min_ephemeral + 1; do { port = min_ephemeral + (next_ephemeral + offset) % (max_ephemeral - min_ephemeral + 1); next_ephemeral++; count--; if(four-tuple is unique) return port; } while (count > 0); return ERROR; Figure 3 We will refer to this algorithm as 'Algorithm 3'. In other words, the function F() provides a per-connection fixed offset of the global ephemeral port range controlled by 'next_ephemeral'. Both the 'offset' and 'next_ephemeral' variables may take any value within the storage type range since we are restricting the resulting port similar to that shown in Figure 2. This allows us to simply increment the 'next_ephemeral' variable and Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 8]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 rely on the unsigned integer to simply wrap-around. The function F() should be a cryptographic hash function like MD5 [RFC1321]. The function should use both IP addresses, the remote port and a secret key value to compute the offset. The remote IP address is the primary separator and must be included in the offset calculation. The local IP address and remote port may in some cases be constant and not improve the connection separation, however, they should also be included in the offset calculation. Cryptographic algorithms stronger than e.g. MD5 should not be necessary, given that port randomization is simply an obfuscation technique. The secret should be chosen as random as possible, see [RFC4086] for recommendations on choosing secrets. Note that on multiuser systems, the function F() could include user specific information, thereby providing protection not only on a host to host basis, but on a user to service basis. A tradeoff between maintaining a single global 'next_ephemeral' variable and maintaining 2**N 'next_ephemeral' variables (where N is the width of of the result of F()) could be achieved as follows. The system would keep an array of, TABLE_LENGTH short integers, which would provide a separation of the increment of the 'next_ephemeral' variable. This improvement could be incorporated into Algorithm 3 as follows: Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 9]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 /* Initialization code */ for(i = 0; i < TABLE_LENGTH; i++) /* Initialization code */ table[i] = random % 65536; /* Ephemeral port selection */ offset = F(local_IP, remote_IP, remote_port, secret_key); index = G(offset); count = max_ephemeral - min_ephemeral + 1; do { port = min_ephemeral + (offset + table[index]) % (max_ephemeral - min_ephemeral + 1); table[index]++; count--; if(four-tuple is unique) return port; } while (count > 0); return ERROR; Figure 4 'table[]' could be initialized with random values, as indicated by the initialization code in Figure 4. G() would return a value between 0 and (TABLE_LENGTH-1) taking 'offset' as its input. G() could, for example, perform exclusive-or (xor) operation between all the bytes in 'offset', or could be another cryptographic hash function such as that used in F(). The array 'table[]' assures that succesive connections to the same end-point will use increasing ephemeral port numbers. However, incrementation of the port numbers is separated into TABLE_LENGTH different spaces, and thus the port reuse frequency will be (probabilistically) lower than that of Algorithm 2. That is, a connection established for a given for-tuple will not necessarily cause the 'next_ephemeral' variable corresponding to other four- tuples to be incremented. It is interesting to note that the size of 'table[]' does not limit the number of different port sequences, but rather separates the *increments* into TABLE_LENGTH different spaces. The actual port sequence will result from adding the corresponding entry of 'table[]' to the variable 'offset', which actually selects the actual port sequence (as in Algorithm 3). Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 10]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 3.3. Secret Key Every complex manipulation (like MD5) is no more secure than the input values, and in the case of ephemeral ports, the secret key. If an attacker is aware of which cryptographic hash function is being used by the victim (which we should expect), and the attacker can obtain enough material (e.g. ephemeral ports chosen by the victim), the attacker may simply search the entire secret key space to find matches. To protect against this, the secret key should be of a reasonable length. Key-lengths of 32-bits should be adequate, since a 32-bit secret would result in approximately 65k possible secrets if the attacker is able to obtain a single ephemeral port (assuming a good hash function). If the attacker is able to obtain more ephemeral ports, key-lengths of 64-bits or more should be used. Another possible mechanism for protecting the secret key is to change it after some time. If the host platform is capable of producing reasonable good random data, the secret key can be changed. Changing the secret will cause abrupt shifts in the chosen ephemeral ports, and consequently collisions may occur. Thus the change in secret key should be done with consideration and could be performed whenever one of the following events occur: o Some predefined/random time has expired. o The secret has been used N times (i.e. we consider it insecure). o There are few active connections (i.e., possibility of collision is low). o There is little traffic (the performance overhead of collisions is tolerated). o There is enough random data available to change the secret key (pseudo-random changes should not be done). 3.4. Choosing Algorithm Algorithm 1 is the traditional ephemeral port selection algorithm implemented in BSD-derived systems. It generates a global sequence of ephemeral port numbers, which makes it trivial for an attacker to predict the port number that will be used for a future transport protocol instance. Algorithm 2 has the advantage that it provides complete Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 11]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 randomization. However, it may increase the chances of port number collisions, which could lead to failure of the connection establishment attempts. Algorithm 3 provides complete separation in local and remote IP addresses and remote port space, and only limited separation in other dimensions (See Section Section 3.3), and thus scales better than Algorithm 2. However, implementations should consider the performance impact of computing the cryptographic hash used for the offset. Algorithm 4 improves Algorithm 3, usually leading to a lower port reuse frequency, at the expense of more processor cycles used for computing G(), and additional kernel memory for storing the array 'table[]'. Finally, a special case that precludes the utilization of Algorithm 3 and Algorithm 4 should be analyzed. There exist some applications that contain the following code sequence: s = socket(); bind(s, IP_address, port = *); Figure 5 This code sequence results in the selection of an ephemeral port number. However, as neither the remote IP address nor the remote TCP port will be available to the ephemeral port selection function, the hash function F() used in Algorithm 3 and Algorithm 4 will not have all the required arguments, and thus the result of the hash function will be impossible to compute. Transport protocols implementing Algorithm 3 or Algorithm 4 should consider using Algorithm 2 when facing the scenario just described. This policy has been implemented by Linux [Linux]. Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 12]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 4. Security Considerations Randomizing ports is no replacement for cryptographic mechanisms, such as IPsec [RFC4301]. An eavesdropper, which can monitor the packets that correspond to the connection to be attacked could learn the IP addresses and port numbers in use (and also sequence numbers etc.) and easily attack the connection. Randomizing ports does not provide any additional protection against this kind of attacks. In such situations, proper authentication mechanisms such as those described in [RFC4301] should be used. If the local offset function F() results in identical offsets for different inputs, the port-offset mechanism proposed in this document has no or reduced effect. If random numbers are used as the only source of the secret key, they must be chosen in accordance with the recommendations given in [RFC4086]. If all ports available in the ephemeral port range are in use, randomization provides no obfuscation. If an attacker uses dynamically assigned IP addresses, the current ephemeral port offset (Algorithm 3 and Algorithm 4) for a given four- tuple can be sampled and subsequently be used to attack an innocent peer reusing this address. However, this is only possible until a re-keying happens as described above. Also, since ephemeral ports are only used on the client side (e.g. the one initiating the connection), both the attacker and the new peer need to act as servers in the scenario just described. While servers using dynamic IP addresses exist, they are not very common and with an appropriate re-keying mechanism the effect of this attack is limited. Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 13]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 5. Acknowledgements The offset function was inspired by the mechanism proposed by Steven Bellovin in [RFC1948] for defending against TCP sequence number attacks. The authors would like to thank Alfred Hoenes and Carlos Pignataro for their valuable feedback on earlier versions of this document. The authors would like to thank FreeBSD's Mike Silbersack for a very fruitful discussion about ephemeral port selection techniques. Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 14]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 6. References 6.1. Normative References [RFC0793] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7, RFC 793, September 1981. [RFC0768] Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6, RFC 768, August 1980. [RFC1321] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC 1321, April 1992. [RFC4086] Eastlake, D., Schiller, J., and S. Crocker, "Randomness Requirements for Security", BCP 106, RFC 4086, June 2005. [RFC1948] Bellovin, S., "Defending Against Sequence Number Attacks", RFC 1948, May 1996. [RFC2385] Heffernan, A., "Protection of BGP Sessions via the TCP MD5 Signature Option", RFC 2385, August 1998. [RFC4301] Kent, S. and K. Seo, "Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol", RFC 4301, December 2005. [RFC2960] Stewart, R., Xie, Q., Morneault, K., Sharp, C., Schwarzbauer, H., Taylor, T., Rytina, I., Kalla, M., Zhang, L., and V. Paxson, "Stream Control Transmission Protocol", RFC 2960, October 2000. [RFC4340] Kohler, E., Handley, M., and S. Floyd, "Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP)", RFC 4340, March 2006. 6.2. Informative References [Watson] Watson, P., "Slipping in the Window: TCP Reset attacks", december 2003. [IANA] "IANA Port Numbers", <http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers>. [Stevens] Stevens, W., "Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: Networking APIs: Socket and XTI, Prentice Hall", 1998. [Silbersack] Silbersack, M., "Improving TCP/IP security through randomization without sacrificing interoperability.", EuroBSDCon 2005 Conference , 2005. Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 15]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 [I-D.ietf-tcpm-tcp-antispoof] Touch, J., "Defending TCP Against Spoofing Attacks", draft-ietf-tcpm-tcp-antispoof-05 (work in progress), October 2006. [I-D.ietf-tcpm-icmp-attacks] Gont, F., "ICMP attacks against TCP", draft-ietf-tcpm-icmp-attacks-01 (work in progress), October 2006. [Linux] The Linux Project, "http://www.kernel.org". [FreeBSD] The FreeBSD Project, "http://www.freebsd.org". [NetBSD] The NetBSD Project, "http://www.netbsd.org". [OpenBSD] The OpenBSD Project, "http://www.openbsd.org". Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 16]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 Appendix A. Survey of the algorithms in use by some popular implementations A.1. FreeBSD FreeBSD implements Algorithm 2. with a 'min_port' of 49152 and a 'max_port' of 65535. If the selected port number is in use, the next available port number is tried next [FreeBSD]. A.2. Linux Linux implements Algorithm 3. If the algorithm is faced with the corner-case scenario described in Section 3.4, Algorithm 2 is used instead [Linux]. A.3. NetBSD NetBSD does not randomize ehemeral port numbers. It selects ephemeral port numbers from the range 49152-65535, starting from port 65535, and decreasing the port number for each ephemeral port number selected [NetBSD]. A.4. OpenBSD OpenBSD implements Algorithm 2. with a 'min_port' of 1024 and a 'max_port' of 49151. If the selected port number is in use, the next available port number is tried next [OpenBSD]. Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 17]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 Appendix B. Changes from previous versions of the draft B.1. Changes from draft-larsen-tsvwg-port-randomization-00 o Fixed a bug in expressions used to calculate number of ephemeral ports o Added a survey of the algorithms in use by popular TCP implementations o The whole document was reorganizaed o Miscellaneous editorial changes B.2. Changes from draft-larsen-tsvwg-port-randomisation-00 o Document resubmitted after original document by M. Larsen expired in 2004 o References were included to current WG documents of the TCPM WG o The document was made more general, to apply to all transport protocols o Miscellaneous editorial changes Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 18]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 Authors' Addresses Michael Vittrup Larsen Ericsson Skanderborgvej 232 Aarhus DK-8260 Denmark Phone: +45 8938 5100 Email: michael.vittrup.larsen@ericsson.com Fernando Gont Universidad Tecnologica Nacional / Facultad Regional Haedo Evaristo Carriego 2644 Haedo, Provincia de Buenos Aires 1706 Argentina Phone: +54 11 4650 8472 Email: fernando@gont.com.ar Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 19]
Internet-Draft Port Randomization February 2007 Full Copyright Statement Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007). This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights. This document and the information contained herein are provided on an "AS IS" basis and THE CONTRIBUTOR, THE ORGANIZATION HE/SHE REPRESENTS OR IS SPONSORED BY (IF ANY), THE INTERNET SOCIETY, THE IETF TRUST AND THE INTERNET ENGINEERING TASK FORCE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intellectual Property The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be found in BCP 78 and BCP 79. Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at http://www.ietf.org/ipr. The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-ipr@ietf.org. Acknowledgment Funding for the RFC Editor function is provided by the IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA). Larsen & Gont Expires August 15, 2007 [Page 20]