Network Working Group                                        D. McDonald
INTERNET-DRAFT                                                       NRL
draft-mcdonald-ipv6-sec-api-00.txt                       30 January 1995

                   IPv6 Security API for BSD Sockets

Status of this Memo

   Internet Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its Areas, and its Working Groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet

   Internet Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months.  This Internet Draft expires on July 30, 1995.  Internet
   Drafts may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at
   any time. It is not appropriate to use Internet Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as a "working draft" or "work in

   Please check the I-D abstract listing contained in each Internet
   Draft directory to learn the current status of this or any other
   Internet Draft.

   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   One of the most desirable new features of IPv6 is the security
   architecture [Atk94a].  The architecture has two main components,
   authentication [Atk94b] and encapsulating security payload [Atk94c].
   Unlike other parts of IPv6, the security architecture has no
   counterpart in IPv4.  These new features generated a need for
   mechanisms to allow the application to set security parameters, as
   well as mechanisms to allow the application to be aware of security

   The BSD sockets interface [LMKQ89] is a commonly used Application
   Program Interface (API) to Internet protocols.  Gilligan, et. al.
   have shown how sockets can be used with IPv6 [GTB94].  Security needs
   to be a part of any API for IPv6, and this document attempts to
   illustrate how sockets might enable security features.

   This draft is by no means a standards-track document, nor is it even
   a final word on the way security should be implemented at the API
   level.  This document is intended to spark discussion, and suggest a
   possible way for implementors to approach the integration of security

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   into a BSD sockets API.

Security Concepts

   Following this are explanations of three important concepts:
   security association, authentication, and encryption.  These
   explanations are included for completeness, and for implementors who
   have not read the IPv6 Security Architecture documents.  The IPv6
   security architecture documents should be read in addition to this

  Security Association

   A security association exists from one endpoint to another endpoint.
   A security association contains several attributes, such as:

           * Key(s)

           * Source address

           * Destination address

           * Algorithm used (including algorithm mode)

           * Replay prevention parameters (if needed)

           * Security association identifier (SAID)

   Security associations are set up either manually, or through use of a
   key management protocol.  Key management is beyond the scope of this

   It is hard to create and maintain a large security association table
   with manual key management.  Ideally, there should be a separate
   security association per user-level socket, but this cannot always
   happen, and even if it does, security associations lie below the
   transport (e.g. TCP or UDP) level, and must be mapped into sockets in
   a transport-independent way.  Especially in cases of manual key
   management, two separate user-level sockets might have their data
   encrypted with the same key, algorithm, and therefore, the same SAID.
   If more than one user's data is encrypted with the same key, then
   user-level security is not provided, but system level security is.

   At send time, if a security mechanism has been enabled (either by
   setting some socket option or by the system-wide security setting
   from the sys admin) for the sending socket, then the source userid
   and destination address are used to select an appropriate security
   association.  It is possible that all users on the sending system

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   would share a single security association with the specific
   destination.  If more than one security association exists for a
   single source userid/ destination address pair, it isn't clear how
   the implementation would select from among multiple such security
   associations.  The security association will then provide the
   information on algorithm being used, algorithm mode, key to use, and
   any other parameters necessary for providing security for the
   outgoing datagram.

   At receive time, the IP layer demultiplexes a packet to the
   appropriate authentication or decryption mechanism on the security
   association identifier (SAID) and the destination address.  No TCP or
   UDP port numbers or mechanisms are involved in determining which
   algorithms or keys are used for received datagrams.  SAIDs are
   unidirectional.  Ideally each source/destination port/address pair
   will have unique SAID's going each way, but this is only feasible in
   the presence of good automated key management.


   Authentication is proof that a datagram is entirely accurate,
   including verifying that a datagram originated with the reported
   sender.  Without authentication, a datagram can be easily forged as
   to conceal its true origins.  Any higher-level protocol (e.g. rlogin)
   that depends on an accurate source addresses should use some form of

   Authentication in IPv6 is achieved through the use of the
   Authentication Header.  The authentication header contains a SAID,
   data associated with the authentication (such as the result of an MD5
   computation), and other mundane header fields.


   Encryption scrambles data in such a way that if it was intercepted,
   no sense could be made of it.  Ideally, only the intended recipient
   of the data knows how to unscramble (decrypt) the data.  Without
   encryption, packets intercepted during intermediate hops in the
   network can be viewed by undesirable parties.  If two communicating
   parties do not wish to have their exchanged data viewed by others,
   they should use encryption.

   Encryption is offered in IPv6 through the Encapsulating Security
   Payload (ESP) header.  The ESP header has two parts, an unencrypted
   part which contains an SAID and synchronization fields, and an
   encrypted part which contains other mundane header fields.

An Approach for Implementing Security with BSD Sockets

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   The remainder of this document discusses adding security to the BSD
   socket interface.  Some of the following concepts are easily moved to
   non-BSD socket API's, such as Winsock.  Others are very BSD specific.
   Some of the following concepts will no doubt spark controversy.  As
   mentioned before, the point of this document is to set in motion
   discussion, and eventually implementation.

Systemwide Network Security Level

   Each machine, or group of machines, on an IPv6 internet will have a
   system-wide security level.  This security level will be the default
   security level for newly created AF_INET6 sockets.  The security
   level of a machine has several parameters that need to be set.  Each
   parameter is dependent on there being a security association that
   supports the parameter.  The parameters are (in order of least secure
   to most secure):

        AUTHENTICATION (3 settings)

        * No authentication

        * Authentication of security-critical packets (e.g. TCP SYN

        * Authentication of all outbound packets

        ENCRYPTION (4 settings)

        * No encryption

        * Encryption of each outbound packet's payload

        * Encryption of each entire outbound packet inside another

        * First authenticate each outbound packet, then encrypt the
        entire authenticated outbound packet

   Again, it is important to note that the system's default security
   level is meaningless, or weakened, in absence of the appropriate
   security associations.  This means that if the system default has
   both authentication and encryption turned on, but to a certain
   machine only an authentication security association exists, then only
   authentication will be performed between those two machines.

   How to set a system's security level is beyond the scope of this

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   document.  The facilities that provide access to a machine's security
   association table would probably be the ideal place to put mechanisms
   to set the systemwide security level.

Security Aware Applications

   Before continuing, an type of application has to be defined.  A
   _security aware_ application is one that is aware that the Internet
   services below it are using security.  _Security unaware_
   applications are not aware of underlying security services.  This
   distinction is made because many naive applications, as well as
   proverbial "quick-and-dirty" ports of older applications, will not
   expect lack of security to be a problem.  A security unaware
   application should continue to function identically in both secure
   and insecure environments.  Security aware applications, on the other
   hand, are expected to react intelligently if security problems are

Per Socket Security Level

   At each socket, the user should have the ability to set his or her
   security level beyond what the system mandates, provided there are
   the appropriate security associations.  The parameters the user can
   set are identical to the ones above.  If an application makes
   security requests, even to inspect security values, an application is
   henceforth treated as a security aware application.  Likewise, if an
   application makes no security requests, it is treated as a security
   unaware application.

   For security aware applications, the level of error reporting can be
   determined by the user application.  No security errors are reported
   to security unaware applications.  Security aware applications will
   have errors reported to them by default.  The error reporting
   parameters, and their default values are below:


        * Report failure packets?  (yes/no)  For example:  Packets that
        have authentication headers, but fail authentication
             * Default for security unaware:  NO
             * Default for security aware:    YES

        * Report naked packets?  (yes/no)  For example:  Packets that
        are supposed to be either authenticated or encrypted, but
             * Default for security unaware:  NO
             * Default for security aware:    YES

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        * Report paranoid packets?  (yes/no) For example: An
        authenticated packet arrives with an unknown SAID.
             * Default for security unaware:  NO
             * Default for security aware:    YES

        * Pass up paranoid packets?  (yes/no) For example: Should the
        previous authenticated packet be passed up?
             * Default for security unaware:  NO
             * Default for security aware:    NO

   The systemwide security level, if more secure, supersedes whatever
   the user-level socket requests.  For example, assume the systemwide
   security level is set to encrypt packets.  If an application requests
   authentication to a destination that has security associations for
   both authentication and encryption, then the application's packets
   will be both authenticated and encrypted.

   Unlike the systemwide security level, if a socket requests a security
   service that is unavailable, it will be notified via an error return
   from one of the socket calls.  A security request can be made on a
   socket before the destination is known.  If that happens, then
   subsequent connect() or sendto() calls may return with an error
   indicating what kind of security failure occured.  (For example,
   connect() returning with errno set to ENOSAID, indicating no security
   association exists.)  Likewise, if a security request is made on an
   already connected socket, the request will immediately indicate if
   there is a problem with the requested security level.

   Finally, for security unaware applications, the socket's level will
   default to the system's security level.  This allows older
   applications to be moved to IPv6 with a minimum effort.  There is a
   danger that an insecure systemwide security level will render
   ignorant applications insecure, but as more applications become
   security aware, or as more systems turn on security by default, this
   danger will fade.

Extensions to the BSD Socket Interface

   The extensions allowing per socket security take three forms.  The
   first is new socket options which are used by the getsockopt() and
   setsockopt() calls.  The second is new error codes to familiar calls
   such as connect() and sendto().  The third is using a BSD signal to
   notify a process of security problems.

  New Socket Options

   As in the BSD include file <netinet/in.h>, socket options are

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   #defined to be integers.  The comments include the data type expected
   to be passed in.

        #define IP_SECLEVEL 0x20  /* int; get/set security level. */

   IP_SECLEVEL sets or obtains the security level for a socket.  The
   integer argument is a bitmask of possible values.  The low two bits
   of the integer are for authentication levels.  The two bits above the
   authentication bits indicate what parts of datagrams should be
   encapsulated in an ESP.  The following bitmask values correspond to
   the settings in the systemwide security section:

        /* AUTHENTICATION values. */

        #define IPSEC_AUTHNONE      0x0
        #define IPSEC_AUTHCRIT      0x1
        #define IPSEC_AUTHALL       0x2
        #define IPSEC_AUTHUNUSED    0x3  /* Unused bit combination.
                                            May be used later. */

        /* ENCAPSULATING SECURITY values. */

        #define IPSEC_ESPNONE       0x0
        #define IPSEC_ESPPAYLOAD    0x4
        #define IPSEC_ESPPACKET     0x8
        #define IPSEC_ESPAUTHPACKET 0xC

   If the IP_SECLEVEL socket option is set, error reporting will be
   turned on.

        #define IP_SECERR 0x21  /* int; get/set error reporting. */

   IP_SECERR sets or obtains the security error reporting properties of
   a given socket.  The integer argument is a bitmask, with the low four
   bits answering the yes/no questions posed in the per socket security
   section.  The bitmask values are:

        /* ERROR REPORTING values */

        #define IPSECERR_REPFAIL      0x1
        #define IPSECERR_REPNAKED     0x2
        #define IPSECERR_REPPARANOID  0x4
        #define IPSECERR_PASSPARANOID 0x8

  New Error Codes

   For security aware applications, several new error codes are
   available.  These error codes affect various system calls, and a list

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   of calls that might generate that error code follows each error code.

        [NB.  Early versions of this draft were criticized for
        suggesting actual error codes by name.  Despite the nature of
        the presentation, this section presents security error
        conditions that may be reported to a user.  IEEE P1003.12 is
        where, I believe, errno values are defined, and where actual
        errno names should be added.]

   ENOKEY  --  No key/security association exists
     For security aware applications:
       accept(), bind(), connect(), sendto(), sendmsg(), recvfrom(),

   ENOKEY indicates that a level of security cannot be granted because
   no security association, hence no key, exists for that level of
   security.  For example, an application requests authentication, then
   does a connect() to a host which has no authentication security
   assocation.  ENOKEY is returned if the FULL REQUESTED security level
   cannot be met.  It is currently undefined whether or not partially
   fufilled requests are granted if ENOKEY is returned.  It is also
   currently undefined whether or not a connection is broken if ENOKEY
   is returned.

   EKEYEXP  --  Key lifetime has expired
     accept(), bind(), connect(), read(), readv(), recv(), recvfrom(),
     recvmsg(), select(), send(), sendto(), sendmsg(), write(), writev()

   EKEYEXP indicates that the key for the security association has
   expired.  Keys often have finite lifetimes, because indefinite use of
   a key allows an adversary an indefinite amount of time to break the
   cryptosystem that key is a part of.

  Instant Security Violation Notification

      [NB.  This is a controversial section.  These could be done in
      error codes instead, but would be less "up-to-date".  Also the
      IP_SECEXCEP and IP_SECMSG options could be moved to the socket
      options section.  Other suggestions specifically for BSD have
      included using the exception descriptor vector in select(2) to
      indicate such activity.]

   In earlier sections, several error conditions, and mechanisms to
   enable error reporting, were defined.  This section discusses the
   method for implementing error reporting.

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   A UNIX signal, SIGURG, will be sent to the owning process of a socket
   that has a security error occur.  To determine which of the three
   possible error sources, failure packets, naked packets, or paranoid
   packets, generated the signal, another (read-only) socket option must
   be implemented.  This socket option is IP_SECEXCEPT.

        #define IP_SECEXCEPT 0x22  /* int; get cause of SIGURG. */

   IP_SECEXCEPT allows a process to determine if a security violation
   caused a SIGURG to be sent to it.  The integer returned will contain
   a code indicating the cause, and possibly suggesting further action.
   The codes are:

        /* SECURITY EXCEPTION values */

        #define IPSECEXC_NONE     0x0  /* Check for other causes of
                                          SIGURG */
        #define IPSECEXC_FAIL     0x1  /* Failed auth., use IP_SECMSG */
        #define IPSECEXC_NAKED    0x2  /* Naked packet, use IP_SECMSG */
        #define IPSECEXC_PARANOID 0x3  /* Paranoid packet, use IP_SECMSG

   The first return value indicates that something other than security
   caused the SIGURG to be sent.  Often this is the TCP out-of-band data
   mechanism.  The remaining return values indicate that a retrievable
   security violation has occured.  An example of an unretrievable
   security violation is an decryption failure.  It is assumed a
   machine's operating system will log all security problems, whether
   they can be reported to a user or not (see Security Considerations).

   Retrieving additional information about a security violation is
   possible through the IP_SECMSG socket option.  Like IP_SECEXCEPT,
   IP_SECMSG is a read-only socket option.

        #define IP_SECMSG 0x23   /* ipv6_secinfo; Get info on sec.
        violation */

   IP_SEGMSG fills in an ipv6_secinfo structure, which contains
   information on the datagram.

        struct ipv6_secinfo  /* Assume sizeof(u_long) == 4 bytes
                                       sizeof(u_short) == 2 bytes
                                       sizeof(u_char) == 1 byte
                                Network order unless otherwise stated
          u_short isi_attributes;
          /* Bitmask of message attributes (host order):

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             0x1  --> Authentication of datagram
             0x2  --> Encapsulation of payload
             0x4  --> Encapsulation of datagram
             0x8  --> Encapsulation of authenticated datagram

          u_char isi_redsrlen;   /* Length of red source route */
          u_char isi_blksrlen;   /* Length of black source route */

          /* BLACK information is for a datagram that is
             INSIDE an encapsulating security payload. */

          u_long isi_blkflowid;         /* Black flow id */
          struct ipv6_addr isi_blksrc;  /* Black source address */
          struct ipv6_addr isi_blkdst;  /* Black destination address */
          u_long isi_blksaid;           /* Black SAID (for auth.) */

          /* RED infromation is the outlying datagram itself. */

          u_long isi_redflowid;         /* Red flow id */
          struct ipv6_addr isi_blksrc;  /* Red source address */
          struct ipv6_addr isi_blkdst;  /* Red destination address */
          u_long isi_redsaid;           /* Red source address */

          u_long isi_nexthdr;  /* Next header id.  Put in u_long for
                                   padding purposes.  Host order. */

          struct ipv6_addr isi_srcrtes[1]; /* Red source route, followed
                                              by black, if user supplies
                                              enough room.  Sizes given
                                              in fields above. */

   For all address fields, the address 0000::0000 (unspecified according
   to [Hin94] indicates an unknown value or a value that does not exist.
   Likewise, all flow ids are 0 if they are unknown or do not exist.

   The passed-in structure should have room for source routes, if source
   routes are anticipated.  It is currently undefined what happens if
   there is not enough room to place source routes at the end of the

Open Questions

   * Any sentence with the word undefined in it needs to be fixed.

   * If a socket can use one of many available security associations,
   which one does it use?  Where is the selection made?  (Kernel?  Yet

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   another sockopt?)

   * On the same subject, how does a user obtain his/her SAID?  Should a
   user be able to do this at all?

   * What if I want "the best available security"?  This is important
   for a program like inetd, which dispatches new sockets to other

   * What about Winsock and other API's?  How applicable is this stuff.

Security Considerations

   It is assumed that the operating system will keep an audit log of ALL
   IPv6 security problems.  Many IPv6 security problems cannot be
   reported to a particular socket, failed decryption being the best
   example.  Comprehensive audit trails is the only way to make sure all
   security violations are reported.

   Setting the systemwide security level should have proper protections,
   so random users cannot downgrade the systems level to a point where
   unwanted packets can reach a system.

   If two sockets happen to use the same security association, it is
   possible for one socket to engage in attempts at chosen-plaintext
   crypanalytic attacks on other sockets' traffic that use the same
   security association.


   Thanks to Ran Atkinson for hearing and answering many questions that
   came up during the writing of this document.  Thanks to Sean O'Malley
   for asking some very tough questions during the early stages of this
   draft.  Thanks to Bao Phan and Brian Adamson for useful input during
   the early stages of this draft.  Thanks to Jim Bound for making me
   realize BSD isn't the whole world.


   [Atk94a] Atkinson, Randall, "IPv6 Security Architecture", Internet

   [Atk94b] Atkinson, Randall, "IPv6 Authentication Header", Internet

   [Atk94c] Atkinson, Randall, "IPv6 Encapsulating Security Payload",
   Internet Draft.

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   [Hin94] Hinden, Bob (Editor), "IPv6 Routing and Addressing", Internet

   [GTB94] Gilligan, Robert E., Thomson, Susan, and Bound, Jim, "IPv6
   Program Interfaces for BSD Systems", Internet Draft

   [LMKQ89] Leffler, Samuel J.,  McKusick, Marshall Kirk, Karels,
   Michael J., and Quarterman, John S., "The Design and Implementation
   of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System", Addison-Wesley, 1989.

Author's Address

   Daniel L. McDonald
   United States Naval Research Laboratory
   Code 5544
   4555 Overlook Ave. SW
   Washington, DC 20375

   Phone:  (202) 404-7122


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