INTERNET DRAFT                                                   M. Ohta
draft-ohta-multi6-8plus8-00.txt            Tokyo Institute of Technology
                                                            January 2004

             8+8 Addressing for IPv6 End to End Multihoming

Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions
   of Section 10 of RFC2026.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at The list of Internet-Draft
   Shadow Directories can be accessed at


   This memo describes 8+8 address format, which is an IPv6 address
   format with locator/ID separation useful for end to end multihoming.
   A 16 byte address of an end is separated into two 8 byte fields:
   locator, which is used to route packets to a link to which the end is
   attached, and ID, which is used to globally identify the end.

   Locators are assigned from (top level) ISPs to sites (and lower level
   ISPs) in hierarchical and aggregatable manner that a multihomed site
   (and ISPs) receive multiple locators from upstream ISPs.

   A usual host in a multihomed site (or a singly homed site under a
   multihomed ISP) is expected to have an ID and multiple locators and
   transport layer protocols are expected to handle multiple locators of
   the host and its peer.

1. Introduction & Terminologies

   This memo describes 8+8 address format, which is an IPv6 address
   format with locator/ID separation useful for end to end multihoming
   [ARCH].  A 16 byte address of an end is separated into two 8 byte
   fields: locator, which is used to route packets to a link to which
   the end is attached, and ID, which is used to globally identify the

   Locators are assigned from (top level) ISPs to sites (and lower level
   ISPs) in hierarchical and aggregatable manner that a multihomed site
   (and ISPs) receive multiple locators from upstream ISPs.

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   A usual host in a multihomed site (or a singly homed site under a
   multihomed ISP) is expected to have an ID and multiple locators and
   transport layer protocols are expected to handle multiple locators of
   the host and its peer.

   Multicast is not considered in this memo.

   Anycast is treated identically to unicast.

   The followings are terminologies used in this memo:

      8+8 Address
         An address composed of an 8 byte locator and an 8 byte ID.

         16 byte information to identify and locate an end.  An end may
         have multiple addresses.

      Destination ID
         ID of a destination address

      Destination Locator
         Locator of a destination address

         The primary unit, of the end to end principle [ARCHINTERNET],
         also called "end point" in [SALTZER].

         8 byte information to identify an end.  An end may have
         multiple IDs.

         8 byte information to locate an end.  An end may have multiple

      Source ID
         ID of a source address

      Source Locator
         Locator of a source address

2. Address Format

   An 8+8 address format is identical to that of the existing IPv6
   unicast address [ADDRARCH, UNIADDR] derived from EUI-64, except that
   it uses unused part of the IPv6 unicast address space.

2.1 Locator Format

   Locator format is identical to the upper 8 bytes of existing IPv6
   unicast address [ADDRARCH, UNIADDR].

   That is, as defined in [UNIADDR], a locator of an end have the

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   following format:

   | 3 |     45 bits         |  16 bits  |
   |001|global routing prefix| subnet id |

2.2 ID Format

   ID format is identical to the lower 8 bytes of existing EUI-64 based
   IPv6 unicast address [ADDRARCH, UNIADDR].

   However, when an 8+8 address is viewed as an EUI-64 based address,
   individual/group bit of EUI-64 is turned on, which is not a case with
   a real EUI-64 based address.

   As a globally unique IEEE EUI-64 identifier has the following form:

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   and existing IPv6 interface identifier has the following form ("U"
   bit is a inversion of "u" bit):

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   an ID of an 8+8 address has the following form:

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   "U" bit is reserved and should be, for the time being, filled with 0
   though either 0 or 1 should be accepted. See "3.1 Mobility
   Consideration" for possible use of the bit.

2.3 ID scope and semantics

   An ID is expected to be globally unique.

   An ID is to identify an end.

   As such, all the interfaces of an end share an ID(s) of the end, as
   if an EUI-64 address corresponding to the ID is shared by all the
   interfaces, which is consistent with [ADDRARCH, UNIADDR].

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2.4 ID Space Structure

   An ID of an end is structured to have hierarchical mapping by DNS
   from ID to DNS name of the end, just as IPv4 addresses under in- If such mapping does not configured or wrongly configured,
   DNS-based confirmation of association between addresses and hostnames
   will not be available, which is the case of IPv4 addresses.

2.4.1 Locator Derived ID

   To ease initial assignment of IDs to ends, IDs may be derived from
   locators allocated to sites.

   An ID is a locator derived ID, if its first bit is 1.

   With a locator with the following format:

   | 3 |     45 bits         |  16 bits  |
   |001|global routing prefix| subnet id |


   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   a locator derived ID has the following format:

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   Reverse mapping of a locator derived ID of an end is performed under domain, using locator format corresponding to the ID
   [IPV6DNS], though only 64 bits of the locator format are used to
   reach an PTR record corresponding to the locator format.

   That is, a site is assured to have 65,536 IDs assigned, though the
   locator nature of the ID makes IDs not stable against site

   Note that ID assignment within a site can be arbitrary and will not
   be consistent of intra site link structure. That is, an end with a
   locator derived ID including a certain subnet id may be located
   anywhere in the site, not necessarily in the subnet corresponding to
   the subnet id.

   If one want to hide its privacy in ID, one should use locator derived

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   ID for one's ends.

2.4.2 Location Independent ID

   Location independent ID is introduced to overcome the difficulties of
   locator derived IDs, that

      locator derived IDs are location dependent

      a site can not be assigned IDs a lot more than 65,536.

   Location independent ID is, just like DNS names, assigned with
   logical structure independent of network topology, including site
   structure. That is, location independent IDs are assigned to
   organizations and individuals.

   As location independent ID space does not incur inefficiency due to
   route aggregation, entities equivalent to site is expected to be able
   to receive a lot more than 65536 IDs.

   An ID is a location independent ID, if its first bit is 0 and has the
   following structure.

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   Further details of operations and management of location independent
   IDs are TBD, though they should be almost identical to those for
   domain names, except that there is no trademark issues expected for
   16 hexadecimal digits, which is not expected to be visible with most
   user interface.

3. Internetworking Layer Protocol

   At the Internetworking layer, an 8+8 address has no special meaning
   and packets containing 8+8 addresses in their IP headers is treated
   as a normal IPv6 packets for all the processing, including, but not
   limited to, forwarding by routers and ICMP [ICMPv6].

   As is discussed in [ARCH], the Internetworking layer, having no
   notion of connection nor time out, has little to do with multihoming,
   except that IP addresses are part of transport layer identifiers.

   However, following subsections give some considerations for
   performance enhancements.

3.1 Mobility Considerations

   While [MIPV6] should work with 8+8 addressing as is, 8+8 addressing
   offers chance to have better mobility protocol. One is that DAD,
   which is the primary cause of delay of [MIPV6] is not seriously

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   unnecessary for globally unique ID. The other is that tunneling and
   associate MTU change of [MIPV6] can be eliminated if locators can be

   [LIN6MOBI] is expected to exploit such possibilities.

   To mark a mobile end as mobile without first communicating with the
   end, "U" bit may be used.

   Further discussion on mobility is out of scope of site multihoming.

3.2 Destination Locator Selection

   A problem with end to end multihoming is that an end have multiple
   locators and proper locator must be chosen to reach the end.

   While [ADDRSELECT] tries to define some guideline for destination
   address (locator) selection, it is not very useful to select one from
   multiple global unicast addresses.

   If an end has no idea on what is the best destination address,
   selection should be at random.

   However, if an end have routing information, it can use it to
   determine which locator is unreachable and which locator have least
   metric (such as type 2 metric of OSPF) [ARCH].

   To obtain metric information of external routes of IGP, BGP AS path
   length may be used as the metric.  Or BGP administrators may adjust
   IGP metric more finely to control load of outgoing traffic.

   As end to end multihoming is expected to remove the only reason to
   bloat global routing table size, save laziness of assignment
   authorities, the global routing table of IPv6 should be kept small
   and all hosts should have default free full routing table for
   efficient selection of destination addresses. Note that an end should
   receive, but may not necessarily generate, routing information.

   While the Internetworking layer gives information on preference of
   locators, the Internetworking layer does not perform retransmission.
   Thus, if some locator fails, it is detected by a transport or an
   application layer and the layer takes care of retransmission with
   next best destination locator candidates.  Implementations are
   encouraged to let upper layers look at the routing table for
   efficiency, which is not a layering violation.

3.3 Source Locator Selection

   While [ADDRSELECT] tries to define some guideline for source address
   (locator) selection, it is not very useful to select one from
   multiple global unicast addresses.

   Given highly asymmetric nature of Internet routing, a host basically
   has no knowledge on what is the best destination locator used by its

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   peer for reply. In this sense, source locator selection is not
   necessary and source locator can be chosen randomly.

   However, source locator selection becomes important for ingress
   filtering on source addresses, in which case, proper source locator
   corresponding to a destination locator must be chosen.  Otherwise,
   most packets will be filtered and a lot of time is wasted for a
   transport or an application protocol retransmit and find the proper
   source locator.

   As is discussed in [ARCH], such corresponding can be best obtained
   from proper routing protocol. For example, with OSPFv6, locator part
   of forwarding address field of AS-external-LSA can designate the
   locator for the LSA.

   When routing protocols supply source locator, source locator
   selection is performed purely by the Internetworking layer without
   involving inefficient retransmission by a transport or an application

4. Transport and Application Layer Protocols

   For backward compatibility, if either a source or a destination
   address is not an 8+8 address, transport and application layer
   protocols behave as if it is a legacy end.

   Otherwise, that is, if both source and destination address are 8+8
   addresses, transport layer protocols ignore source and destination
   locators, except for security and performance enhancement.  That is,
   transport layer protocols does not use the locators for checksum and
   identify their connections using IDs only.

   As is discussed in the previous section, a transport or an
   application protocol is responsible for selection of destination
   locator and associated retransmission.

   However, as is discussed in [ARCH], such retransmission dependent on
   the nature of applications that no generic mechanism can be discussed
   in this memo. Each application has different notion of connection or
   loss of it that it is not meaningful to give a generic time out

   Nevertheless, as is discussed in [ARCH], TCP has defact default
   timeout values. So, it is possible to have generic TCP with default
   behavior for locator selection and retransmission.

   It should be noted that most applications over the Internet works
   over TCP and that such applications can run with end to end
   multihoming without modifying application programs.

   In addition, as DNS is a basic infrastructure and has its own timeout
   values, it is necessary to investigate possible modifications to DNS
   with end to end multihoming.

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4.1 Modification to TCP

   A new TCP option, Multi Address option, is introduced.

   |????????|00000011| # of LOC|
    Kind=?   Length=3

   Kind is to be assigned by IANA.

   The option has one argument, the number of locators, value of which
   must be between 1 and 9. If the option appears in a TCP header, data
   field just after the TCP header contains, with network byte order,
   locators of the source host, the number of which is specified by the

   It is expected that 9 locators are enough for most ends, as a site of
   the end can be multihomed to three lower level ISPs each multihomed
   to 3 top level ISPs.  However, if an end has more than 9 locators,
   which is a case with routers with more than 9 interfaces, TCP or
   upper layer modules should be responsible to select 9 or less
   locators to be used for the TCP connection.

   All TCP modules of ends supporting 8+8 addressing must recognize the
   Multi Address option.

   TCP modules memorize current most source locators of its peer and
   reject TCP packets with unknown source locators.

   TCP modules should have interface to application modules to let the
   application modules check whether the set of locators supplied by the
   Multi Address option is valid or not.

   Multi Address options must be used by packets for the initial three
   way handshaking and may appear in any other TCP packet.

   Multi address option is also useful for performance reasons.

   Note that, as route of the Internet is highly asymmetric, a source
   locator of a packet, which is chosen for ingress filtering, may not
   work for reply that it is essential to provide all the candidate
   locators for the reply.

   In addition, when SYN times out, TCP should retry with new
   destination locators. When SYN ACK times out, TCP should retry with
   new destination locators contained in a set of locators provided by
   Multi Address option of SYN packet. Thus, with N locators, it is
   expected that O(N), not O(N*N), attempt is enough to find a working
   pair of source and destination locators.  If TCP modules detect SYN
   flood attack, they do not have to allocate state for SYN packets to
   memorize the set of locators in the Multi Address option of the
   packets. Instead, it should randomly choose one from the Multi
   Address option of the SYN packet.

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4.2 Modification to DNS

   As is discussed in [ARCH], DNS tries all the addresses of name
   servers that it is already an application with end to end

   A problem is that unlike TCP, DNS servers do not expect
   acknowledgment and do not retransmit.  So, if a client can not get a
   response, it should retry with alternative destination locators of a
   server with corresponding source locators. But, even if the server
   somehow knows all the locators of the client, the server send just
   one reply and does not try all of them.  Thus, with N locators and in
   the worst case, O(N*N) attempt is necessary to find a working pair of

   But, the problem is not serious, because usual clients of DNS today,
   gives up with small number of attempts and because there are multiple
   servers are provided for each zone.

4.3 8+8 Adaptation Layers for Applications over TCP and DNS

   The 8+8 adaptation layers make end to end multihoming invisible to
   applications over TCP and DNS, that is, applications using TCP
   transport only without hard coded IP addresses.

   Some multihoming proposals try to introduce an adaptation layer in
   the Internetworking layer to hide locator changes.  However, this
   attempt does not make sense.  As demonstrated by NAT, rewriting of
   addresses is, in general, not transparent to transport and
   application protocols.  For example, transport layer checksum
   computation involves IP addresses and is different for each transport
   protocol that address rewriting can not be confined in the
   Internetworking layer.  Insertion or deletion of IP headers affects
   MTU, which is also visible to the transport layer. Applications like
   FTP transmit raw addresses in application data streams.

   However, it is possible to confine modifications in 4.1 in TCP and
   let applications get a fixed locator (LIN6 locator) [LIN6ARCH].  In
   addition, it is possible to modify DNS library to let such
   applications get addresses with the LIN6 locator.

   Then, it is possible to make end to end multihoming invisible from
   applications over TCP and DNS, including applications transmit raw
   addresses in application data streams.

5. Assessment Against RFC3582

         Fully supported. That is, ends should be able to keep
         communicating against all failure modes of locators as long as
         a pair of working source and destination locators exists,
         though details are transport and application layer dependent.

      Load Sharing, Performance

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         Fully supported. That is, if site administrators elaborate on
         BGP configuration, they have as much control as possible with
         BGP.  Site administrators, instead, can just rely on ASpathlen,
         in which case, there will be no configuration effort.

         Fully supported. If a site is multihomed to ISP A and B and an
         end has locators of ISP A only, all traffic to the end will be
         through ISP A.  Traffic from the end can be controlled by
         policy of accepting route.

         As for deployment, the proposal fully interoperate with legacy
         systems.  Applications over TCP and DNS does not need any
         coding changes.  As for operation, as long as IDs may change
         with rehoming, it is as simple as the current IPv4 multihoming

      Transport-Layer Survivability
         Fully supported, though details are transport layer specific,
         of course.

      Impact on DNS
         The proposal is fully compatible with the observed dynamics of
         the current DNS.

      Packet Filtering
         The proposal is compatible with packet filtering on source

         Fully scales. That is, the number of multihomed site does not
         affect the number of routing table entries.

      Impact on Routers
         Nothing, except that routers may have 8+8 addresses and behave

      Impact on Hosts
         Communications with legacy hosts is kept unchanged, though
         most, if not all, the benefit of multihoming will be lost.

         API of applications using TCP and DNS remain unchanged and the
         applications can still enjoy full multihoming support.

         Applications over UDP, where all the packets can and must be
         controlled by "user", need changes, if it want transport-layer
         survivability (even the meaning of "transport-layer
         survivability" is defined by the "user").  Otherwise, the
         current transport-layer protocol may be used as is.

      Interaction with Hosts and Routing System.
         Ends expect to passively receive routing information from the
         routing system, which is simple, scalable and securable.

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      Operations and Management
         Site's multihoming system, with the proposal, is site's routing
         system that it is possible for staff responsible for the
         operation of a site to monitor and configure it.

      Cooperation between Transit Providers
         No cooperations are required.

      Multiple Solutions
         Proposal contains a single solution only.

      Security Considerations
         Multihomed sites and ends are not more valunerable to
         traditional IPv4-multihomed sites and ends.

         Routing practice change to carry source locator does not affect
         security of non multihomed site.

6. References

   [ADDRARCH] R. Hinden, S. Deering, "Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
   Addressing Architecture", RFC3513, April 2003.

   [ADDRSELECT] R. Draves, "Default Address Selection for Internet
   Protocol version 6 (IPv6)", RFC3484, February 2003.

   [ARCH] M. Ohta, "The Architecture of End to End Multihoming", Work in
   Progress as <draft-ohta-e2e-multihoming-05.txt>, June 2003.

   [ARCHINTERNET] B. Carpenter, Ed., "Architectural Principles of the
   Internet", RFC1958, June 1996.

   [ICMPv6] A. Conta, S. Deering, "ICMP for the Internet Protocol
   Version 6 (IPv6)", RFC 2463, December 1998.

   [IPV6] S. Deering, R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6)
   Specification", RFC 2460, December 1998.

   [IPV6DNS] S. Thomson, C. Huitema, V. Ksinant, M. Souissi, "DNS
   Extensions to Support IP Version 6", RFC3596, October 2003.



   [UNIADDR] R. Hinden, S. Deering, E. Nordmark, "IPv6 Global Unicast
   Address Format", RFC3587, August 2003.

7. Security Considerations

   The Internetworking is identical to the legacy IPv6 that there is no
   new security concern.

   The transport layer is modified that there is possibility of wrongly

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   recognized source locator and transmit a lot of packets to wrong

   While details of source locator authentication and packet
   retransmissions are transport and application dependent, there can be
   some guideline to prevent the problem.

   When a packet arrives with a source locator, the validity of the
   locator can be confirmed with reasonable security with three way
   handshaking or cookies.

   When a packet arrives with multiple locators, the validity of one of
   a locator can still be confirmed with reasonable security with three
   way handshaking or cookies. As long as all the locators are contained
   in a single packet, it is reasonable to treat the set of the locators
   have reasonable security. As the destination locator of reply packet
   is chosen by the replying host and retransmission is expected to be
   infrequent, DoS attack using the multiple locators for reply is only
   as efficient as DoS attack with single locators.

   TCP modification in 4.3 is expected to work this way.

   However, to avoid interference between connections, each connection
   module should maintain the set of locators separately even if several
   connections exists to a single ID.

8. Author's Address

   Masataka Ohta
   Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering
   Tokyo Institute of Technology
   2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552, JAPAN

   Phone: +81-3-5734-3299
   Fax: +81-3-5734-3299

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