draft-ohta-notasip-04.txt Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kenji Fujikawa
Kyoto University
12 October 2001
Nothing Other Than A Simple Internet Phone (NOTASIP)
Status of this Memo
This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions
of Section 10 of RFC2026.
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference
material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
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This memo describes a simple protocol for port negotiation of bi-
directional UDP steam. The primary target of the application of the
protocol is Internet phone without QoS guarantee and the protocol is
explained with Internet phone as the application using telephone
terminology. A callee's host may accept multiple streams on a well
known UDP port and redirect them to other ports.
1. The Architectural Principle of the Internet Phone
Fortunately enough, the Internet is the installed base of data
communications. Other network technologies must find some way to
interoperate with the Internet in order to survive a little longer.
However, in the world of phone communication today, POTS (Plain Old
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Telephone Service) is the installed base. For the Internet to
replace POTS within a few years, it is important that Internet
telephony interoperate with POTS.
So, the primary requirement for Internet telephony at this early
stage is that it should be able to interoperate with a dumb analog
phone, which constitutes the installed base.
Historically, telephone companies in different nations have tried
hard to ensure that their systems do not interoperate smoothly to
protect their market. None the less, or as a result, protocols to
interoperate POTS are well developed. The protocols must be
constructed over voice, the only common transport over different
phone systems. A notable protocol is the operator assisted call.
However, as human intervention costs a lot, most POTS support tone
dialing capability as a minimal digital communication capability.
Note that the complex capabilities of digital phones, which are
disappearing, have nothing to do with the installed base and are
ignored in this memo.
Possible complex capabilities of Internet phones such as multiparty
teleconferencing, which are hard to operate over voice, are also
ignored in this memo. It should be noted that there are multiparty
teleconferencing services already available through POTS, simulation
of which over Internet telephony is simple without using a complex
Internet protocol.
POTS is the installed base worth considering. As it is difficult for
a human being to generate or recognize IP packets over POTS with
voice or dial tones, protocols that need a complex exchange of IP
packets should be considered seriously only after we don't have to
interoperate with POTS.
It is assumed that the operating system supports the notion of a
connected UDP socket [UNIX].
While there are some protocol to partition a telephone device into a
media gateway and a call agent (or a media controller), it is an
obvious violation of the end to end architectural principle of the
Internet. With NOTASIP, a telephone device or a telephone exchanger
is an end system, a usual Internet host, with its own policy and
control mechanism within it.
2. Caller Initiates the Call
The caller's host somehow (for example, through URL in callee's Web
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page, as shown in Appendix A) finds the callee's IP address, UDP port
number (with default port number of <to be assigned by IANA>) and
desired encoding.
The caller's host opens a UDP socket and starts sending properly
encoded UDP packets of voice.
3. Callee Accepts the Call
The callee's host receives a UDP packet from someone, and it opens a
new connected UDP socket to the callers UDP port using a new source
port number (chosen randomly) and the same IP address as the
destination address of caller's packet.
The callee's host, then, start ringing the phone to notify the
existence of a call to the callee. The ring back tone should be sent
to the caller.
If the callee's host do not want to accept a simultaneous call, it
may suspend the UDP port used to accept the call. Then, if the port
is already connected to someone else, an ICMP port unreachable is
returned, which makes the caller's host generate a busy tone to the
4. Connection Established
If the callee takes his phone off hook, the callee's host should send
the voice of the callee to the caller's host. The caller host
receives a first packet and, confirming the source IP address of the
packet is callee host's, connects its UDP port to the callee's
sending port and the connection is established at the caller.
Then, the connection is established at the callee, if the callee
receives a packet at the new socket.
It should be noted that the connection is established immediately
after a three way exchange of packets between the caller and the
callee, even if there are some packet losses.
5. Call Termination
To terminate the call, the caller's or callee's host closes the
The same port number should not be used again until 256 (maximum IPv4
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TTL) + 30 seconds passes.
6. Interoperation with PSTN
Interoperation with PSTN is performed over voice, the only common
transport, with operator assistance, dial tone or anything. The
exact protocol over the voice on natural language to/from telephone
operators or on DTMF to/from server computers is service provider
dependent and inappropriate for standardization.
7. Error Conditions
If the connected UDP socket cannot be created or the socket generates
an error of ICMP port or protocol unreachable, the call terminates.
ICMP host or network unreachable should be ignored as a soft error.
If the callee's host receives a UDP packet on a well known UDP port
from someone other than the callee's host or from the callee's host
with source UDP port different from the original, it should be
processed as a request of new connection.
If the callee's host receives a UDP packet on a new UDP port from
someone other than the callee or from the callee with source UDP port
different from the original, it should be ignored.
If the caller's host receives a UDP packet from someone other than
the callee, it should be ignored.
If the caller's host receives a UDP packet from the callee's host
with a source UDP port different from the original before a
connection is established, it is a normal case to establish the
If the caller's host receives a UDP packet from the callee's host
with a source UDP port different from the original after the
connection is established, it should be ignored.
If there is no valid packets received on a port for 30 seconds, the
call terminates.
8. Portability and Mobility
We discussed the way to call stationary hosts, in other words, hosts
that do not support portability or mobility in the above. Now we
will show how to call a particular host independent of its location
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and how to call the host that a called user specifies to receive a
According to the terminology of the IP mobility WG, portability means
limited mobility that allows the relocation of hosts that destroys
existing connections.
Among several methods described in this section, only IP mobility
allows the real mobility to allow relocation of hosts with all of the
connections kept alive. That is, IP mobility, though not so popular
today, is the way to go.
The following discussions show that there is no need to develop new
protocols for portability and mobility in Internet telephony.
8.1. IP Mobility
IP mobility[RFC2002], which provides mobility on the L3 level, simply
implements mobility in Internet telephony. The mobility in IP
mobility enables a host to use the same IP address wherever it is
Of course, a host can also use the same IP address location-
independently when the lower layer, i.e. L2, provides mobility (e.g.
dial-up PPP using mobile phones). In this case, Internet telephony
mobility can be easily achieved, although this may cost more.
8.2. DNS Update
Generally, a caller specifies a callee not by the callee's direct IP
address but by the callee's DNS name, in or not in a URL. DNS
dynamic update[RFC2136, RFC2137] attains the portability, though not
all name servers support it.
8.3. Web Update
A user comes to know the callee's URL by looking at the callee's Web.
Thus, dynamic updates of URLs in the calle's Web lead to portability
in Internet telephony. CGI or Java is sufficient, so nothing is
required to be standardized.
8.4. Forwarder
A forwarder runs on the host on which a user usually receives calls
and forwards packets to another host statically specified by the
user. (placing a file like ".forward" in his/her home directory).
The forwarder applications can be written in a 10-to-20 line C
program. Standardization is not required here either.
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9. References
[RFC2022] Perkins C., ``IP Mobility Support,'' RFC 2022, October 1996.
[RFC2136] Vixie, P., Thomson, S., Rekhter, Y. and Bound, J., ``Dynamic
Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE),'' RFC 2136,
April 1997.
[RFC2137] Eastlake, D., ``Secure Domain Name System Dynamic Update,''
RFC 2137, April 1997.
[UNIX] See UNIX manuals.
[IPHONE] FUJIKAWA K., and OHTA M., ``IPhone URL,'' Internet Draft
draft-fujikawa-iphone-url-01.txt (work in progress), October
[DIR] KITAGAWA T., and FUJIKAWA K., ``Simple Directory Server for IP
Telephony,'' Internet Draft draft-fujikawa-iptel-direc-
tory-00.txt (work in progress), October 2001.
10. Security Considerations
The security of POTS accounting is often based on 4 digit password or
plain credit number and is quite poor. Moreover, it is, in general,
impossible to know the phone number of the caller. However these are
the accepted security of the phone system.
Best effort Internet phone is basically free (except for a flat rate
portion) that no serious security consideration is necessary as a
phone system. A possible denial of service attack can be based on
forged caller source IP address, but is a lot more harmless than a
similar attack through POTS with a unknown source telephone number.
How a portable/mobile node informs its location of its home in a
secure manner is a serious problem in portability/mobility support.
Security mechanisms in IP mobility, in DNS update or in Web update
help without any modifications in NOTASIP.
With a forged source IP address in a request packet of a request-
reply protocol, it is possible to use the server of the protcol for
denial of service attack, which is unavoidable. However, with
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NOTASIP, if a callee's host receives a packet with forged caller's IP
address, the callee's host generates a reply stream of UDP packets to
the address for 30 seconds, which badly amplifies the effectiveness
of denial of service attack. Thus, before the connection is estab-
lished and a packet is received to the new UDP port of the callee's
host, the callee's host should generate at most one packet in the
reply stream for each received packet from the caller.
Appendix A. How to Find Callee's Information
It is often misunderstood that, after callee's IP address is somehow
known, callee's port number and encoding format must be known sepa-
However, a mechanism to provide the IP address can often offer the
port number and encoding format, too.
For example, if a call is initiated from a user browsing a web page,
it is convenient if URL like this:
is embedded in a callee's home page. [IPHONE] From the URL, not only
the IP address, but also the port number and encoding format can be
Thus, protocols to negotiate callee's port number and encoding format
with callee's host is not so useful. Such protocols may be used in
exceptional situations but should not be an integral part of tele-
phone protocols.
Just as usual IP applications assume IP addresses or DNS names of the
other side of communication are somehow provided, telephone applica-
tions should just assume that all the information to initiate calls
is somehow provided.
Authors' Addresses
Masataka Ohta
Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering
Tokyo Institute of Technology
2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552, JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-5734-3299
Fax: +81-3-5734-3299
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Kenji Fujikawa
Graduate School of Informatics
Kyoto University
Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto City, 606-8501, JAPAN
Phone: +81-75-753-5387
Fax: +81-75-751-0482
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