Internet Engineering Task Force                                   SIP WG
Internet Draft                                     Rosenberg,Schulzrinne
draft-rosenberg-sip-call-package-00.txt          dynamicsoft,Columbia U.
July 13, 2001
Expires: February 2001

          SIP Event Packages for Call Leg and Conference State


   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress".

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   To view the list Internet-Draft Shadow Directories, see


   This document defines two new event packages for the SIP Events
   architecture, along with two new data formats used in notifications
   for those packages. The first is a call-leg package, and the second
   is a conference package. The call-leg package allows users to
   subscribe to another user, an receive notifications about the changes
   in state of call legs that the user is involved in. The conference
   package allows users to subscribe to a URL that is associated with a
   conference. Notifications are sent about changes in the membership of
   this conference, changes in active speaker, and floor control
   information. We also define two new SIP headers, To-Replace and To-
   Join, that can be used to convey globally routable join and
   replacement URLS. These general purpose packages and the new headers
   enable many new SIP services. We discuss how they can be used to
   support some of the more challenging services that have been
   discussed, including single line extension, automatic callback,

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   unattended consultation-hold transfer, call park and pickup, and IM-

1 Introduction

   The SIP Events architecture [1] defines general mechanisms for
   subscription to, and notification of, events within SIP networks. It
   introduces the notion of a package, which is a specific
   "instantiation" of the events mechanism for a well-defined set of
   events. Packages have been defined for user presence [2], watcher
   information [3], and message waiting indicators [4], amongst others.
   Here, we define two new packages - one for call legs, and the other
   for conferences.

   The need for these packages is driven based on the fact that many
   applications are driven off of knowledge about the progress of calls
   and conferences. In the case of call legs, we see many potential
   applications that require knowledge of call-leg state:

        Automatic Callback: In this basic PSTN application, user A calls
             user B. User B is busy. User A would like to get a callback
             when user B hangs up. When B hangs up, user A's phone
             rings. When A picks it up, they here ringing, and are being
             connected to B. In VoIP, this requires A to receive a
             notification when the call-legs at A are complete.

        Presence-Enabled Conferencing: In this application, a user A
             wishes to set up a conference call with users B and C.
             Rather than scheduling it, it is to be created
             automatically when A, B and C are all available. To do
             this, the server providing the application would like to
             know whether A, B and C are "online", not idle, and not in
             a phone call. Determining whether or not A, B and C are in
             calls can be done in two ways. In the first, the server
             acts as a call stateful proxy for users A, B and C, and
             therefore knows their call state. This won't always be
             possible, however, and it introduces scalability,
             reliability, and operational complexities. Rather, the
             server would subscriber to the call state of those users,
             and receive notifications as it changes. This enables the
             application to be provided in a distributed way; the server
             need not reside in the same domain as the users.

        IM Conference Alerts: In this application, a user can get an IM
             sent to their phone whenever someone joins a conference
             that the phone is involved in. The IM alerts are generated
             by an application separate from the conference server.

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   In general, defining call-leg and conference state packages allows
   for construction of distributed applications, where the application
   requires information on call-leg and conference state, but is not
   co-resident with the end user or conference server. We think this is
   a very important piece of the SIP services model.

2 Call-Leg Event Package

   This section fills in the template that is needed in order to fully
   specify a SIP event package for call-leg state.

2.1 Package Name

   The name of this event package is "call-leg". This package name is
   carried in the Event and Allow-Events header, as defined in [1].

2.2 SUBSCRIBE Bodies

   A SUBSCRIBE for a call-leg package MAY contain a body. This body
   defines a filter to apply to the subscription.

   A SUBSCRIBE for a call-leg package MAY be sent without a body. This
   implies the default subscription filtering policy. The default policy

        o Notifications are generated every time there is any change in
          the state of any call legs for the user identified in the
          request URI of the SUBSCRIBE.

        o Notifications do not normally contain full state; rather, they
          only indicate the state of the call-leg whose state has
          changed. The exception is a NOTIFY sent in response to a
          SUBSCRIBE. These NOTIFYs contain the complete view of call leg

        o The notifications contain the identities of the participants
          in the call leg, the call-leg identifiers, and a join URL.
          Additional information, such as the route set, CSeq numbers,
          SDP information, and so on, are not included normally unless
          explicitly requested.

2.3 Expiration

   Call leg state changes fairly quickly; once established, a typical
   phone call lasts a few minutes (this is different for other session
   types, of course). However, the interval between new calls is
   typically infrequent.

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   We do note that there are two distinct use cases for call leg state.
   The first is when a subscriber is interested in the state of a
   specific call leg (and they are authorized to find out about just the
   state of that call leg). In that case, when the call leg terminates,
   so too does the subscription. In these cases, the refresh interval
   can be very long, since there exists an easy alternative way to
   destroy subscription state. As a result, a default of one day for
   these subscriptions is RECOMMENDED.

   In another case, a subscriber is interested in the state of all call
   legs for a specific user. In these cases, a shorter interval makes
   more sense. One hour is RECOMMENDED as the default.

2.4 NOTIFY Bodies

   The body of the notification contains a call-leg information
   document. The format of this document is described in Section 3. All
   subscibers MUST support this format, and MUST list its type in an
   Accept header in the SUBSCRIBE.

   Other call leg information formats might be defined in the future. In
   that case, the subscriptions MAY indicate support for other formats.
   However, they MUST always support and list application/call-leg-
   info+xml as an allowed format.

   Of course, the notifications generated by the server MUST be in one
   of the formats specified in the Accept header in the SUBSCRIBE

2.5 Authorization Considerations

   The call-leg information for a user contains very sensitive
   information. Therefore, all subscriptions SHOULD be authenticated and
   then authorized before approval. Authorization policy is at the
   discretion of the administrator, as always. However, a few
   recommendations can be made.

   It is RECOMMENDED that if the policy of a user is that A is called to
   call them, subscriptions from user A be allowed. However, the
   information provided in the notifications does not contain any call
   leg identification information; merely an indication of whether the
   user in in one or more calls, or not. Specifically, they should not
   be able to find out any more information than if they sent an INVITE.

   It is RECOMMENDED that if a user agent registers with the address-
   of-record X, that this user agent authorize subscriptions that come
   from any entity that can authenticate itself as X. Complete
   information on the call leg state SHOULD be sent in this case. This

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   authorization behavior allows a group of devices representing a
   single user to all become aware of each other's state.

2.6 Generation of Notifications

   Notifications are generated for the call-leg package when a new
   call-leg comes into existence at a UA, or when the state of an
   existing call leg changes.

   For the purposes of this package, we define the states of a call leg
   through numeric codes. These codes are equivalent to the most recent
   SIP status codes sent in response to the INVITE which created the
   call leg. The status code "0" is reserved for the case where no
   response has yet been received or sent.

   When a UAC initially creates an INVITE to establish a call, this
   causes a change to state "0". When it receives the first non-100
   provisional response, the state changes to the value of that status
   code. Any further provisional responses cause the UA to change state
   to the value of that status code. When a final response is received,
   the state changes to the value of that response. If the response was
   a non-200, the call-leg is considered terminated, and no further
   state changes are possible. Multiple 2xx responses received create
   additional call legs, each with the state of that specific 2xx.

   When a UAS initially receives an INVITE to establish a call, this
   causes a change to the state of the provisional response which was
   sent. Any subequent provisional responses cause a change in state to
   the value of that response. A final response causes a transition in
   state to that response code. There is no change in state when the ACK
   arrives. However, if no ACK is received, and the UAS destroys the
   call, the state changes to a value of -1.

   When the call is terminated as a result of a BYE, the state changes
   to -1.

        OPEN ISSUE: This is kind of ugly. We could alternately
        define a more formal state machine.

2.7 Rate Limitations on NOTIFY

   For reasons of congestion control, it is important that the rate of
   notifications not become excessive. As a result, it is RECOMMENDED
   that the server not generate notifications for a single subscriber at
   a rate faster than once every 5 seconds.

3 Call-Leg Data Format

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   We specify an XML-based data format to describe the state of call
   legs. The MIME type for this format is application/call-leg-info+xml,
   consistent with the recommendations provided in RFC 3023 [5].

3.1 Structure of Call Leg Information

   A call-leg-info document starts with a user tag that identitifies the
   user. Within that tag are a series of call-leg tags. Each of those
   use attributes to identify the call leg, using the local and remote
   URIs, local and remote tags, and the Call-ID. Within the call leg
   tags are a single mandatory tag which contains the status, followed
   by a series of optional tags that contain additional information
   about the call leg. There is also an optional tag called join, which
   contains a URL that can be used to join the conference associated
   with the call leg (and if there is none, one is created). There is
   another pair of optional tags called replace-local and replace-
   remote, which contain a URL to use that can replace the specific call
   leg at either side.

   The top level tag is user:

   <!ELEMENT user (call-leg*)>

   The mandatory uri attribute is the identifier of the user whose
   call-leg state is being reported.

   What follows is a series of call-leg tags:

   <!ELEMENT call-leg (status,join?,replace-local?,replace-remote?,
   <!ATTLIST call-leg   call-id           CDATA                #IMPLIED
                        local-uri         CDATA                #IMPLIED
                        local-tag         CDATA                #IMPLIED
                        remote-uri        CDATA                #IMPLIED
                        remote-tag        CDATA                #IMPLIED>

   The local-uri and local-tag specify the URL and tag placed in the
   From field of outgoing INVITEs, and present in the From field of
   incoming INVITEs. The remote-uri and remote-tag specify the URL and
   tag placed in the To field of outgoing INVITEs, and present in the

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   From field of incoming INVITEs. The call-id is the Call-ID for the
   leg. The tag attributes are not present if the tag is not specified
   (or not yet specified).

   For example, if a UAC sends an INVITE that looks like, in part:

   Call-ID: 987@

   the call-leg tag sent out in a notification might looks like:

   <call-leg call-id="987@" local-uri=""
       local-tag="123" remote-uri="">

   If a 200 OK is received, which looks like, in part:

   Call-ID: 987@

   The call-leg ID is now complete, and the notification sent out will
   have a call-leg tag which looks like:

   <call-leg call-id="987@" local-uri=""
       local-tag="123" remote-uri="" remote-tag="abc">

3.2 Call Leg Subtags

   There are many subtags defined for the call-leg.

3.2.1 Status

   The only mandatory subtag of call-leg is status.

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   <!ELEMENT status CDATA>
   <!ATTLIST status     code              CDATA                #REQUIRED>

   The mandatory code attribute contains the status code. This is the
   SIP response code last sent or received for this leg in the initial
   INVITE that established the leg. If no response has been sent or
   received, the value of zero is used. If the call ends, a value of -1
   is used.

   The value within the status tag is a textual phrase that can be
   rendered to described call status. The reason phrase from the
   response is RECOMMENDED.


   <status code="180">Ringing</status>

3.2.2 Join

   The optional join tag provides a URL that can be used to join any
   conference associated with the call-leg. When the notifier receives
   an INVITE with this URL, it MUST treat that as a request to join the
   conference. The notifier can use any method to create the conference
   call, if it doesn't already exist. Several approaches are described
   in [6]. The format of the URL is at the discretion of the notifier.
   It is RECOMMENDED that it be structured so that the notifier can
   associate it with the specific call leg. As with any other
   invitiations, an INVITE received with this URL SHOULD be

   The URL MUST be globally routable.

        OPEN ISSUE: Tall order. This means UAs will need a way to
        generate URLs which they know are globally routable to

   <!ELEMENT join >
   <!ATTLIST join     uri              CDATA                #REQUIRED>

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   Clearly, the notifier SHOULD only insert this tag if it can execute a
   multi-party conference call for the user.

3.2.3 Replace Tags

   The optional replace-local and replace-remote tags provide URLs that
   can be used to replace the given call leg at either side. In other
   words, if A are B are in a call, and A generated a NOTIFY with a
   replace-local and replace-remote tag, the replace-local URL would get
   routed to A, and replace the call leg with B. The replace-remote URL
   would get routed to B, and replace the call leg with A.

   Replacement means that the new call leg is silently accepted, and a
   BYE is sent on the old call leg.

   <!ELEMENT replace-local >
   <!ELEMENT replace-remote >
   <!ATTLIST replace-local     uri        CDATA     #REQUIRED>
   <!ATTLIST replace-remote    uri        CDATA     #REQUIRED>

        This has the very interesting implication of removing the
        need for a separate Replaces header. Instead, the URI
        itself would indicate to the UA that a replaces for a
        specific call leg is desired. This is very much in the
        spirit of the web, and of RFC 3087 [7], where URLs are
        almost always server generated, and the semantics of the
        URL have meaning only within the context of the server that
        created them.

   Clearly, the notifier SHOULD only insert this tag if it can execute
   the call replacement.

3.2.4 Discussion on Join and Replaces

   The inclusion of the join and replace tags merits discussion.

   Do we really need join and replaces as part of this specification? We
   could instead define a Join header, and revive the Replaces header
   draft. That has the benefit of being explicit. The benefit of the
   approach here is that we get to define a totally different URL. By
   making it globally routable, we fix the "unassisted transfer with
   consultation hold" problem [8]. Specifically, this transfer variant
   is hard since the transferor needs to pass, in the Refer-To header, a
   globally routable URL that reaches the specific UA that is the

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   transfer target. Neither the Contact nor the To/From have this
   property. But, by defining a specific URL just for the purposes of
   replacement, we can, by definition, make it globally routable to the
   UA which generated it. That seems very, very useful. It means that,
   unlike Contact and To/From, this URL can be emailed, IM'd, REFERed,
   placed in html, or whatever, and it is guaranteed to get to the right
   place and do the right thing. Furthermore, by generating the URLs for
   each call, the notifier can embed information into the URLs for
   cookie functionality. Finally, using a separate URL means the join or
   replace requests can go to different hosts that the ones owning the
   call leg. Not sure if this is useful, though.

   The replace-remote URL can only be known to a notifier for call-leg
   events if its received from the other party in the call-leg in the
   INVITE or 200 OK. As such, we would also propose a To-Join and To-
   Replace header, which is present in either INVITE or 200 OK. It
   contains a URL that can be used to replace the call leg for each
   respective side. Putting them both in a NOTIFY means that other
   entities besides the participants in a call can get at them, which is
   possibly useful (operator barge-in, for example).

   Its worth observing that currently, there is an asymmetry between the
   way one joins a conference, and the way one replaces a call leg. To
   join a conference call, we have agreed that one sends an INVITE to a
   URL on a conference server which interprets that URL to mean "mix me
   into the call with everyone else that has used the same URL". This is
   exactly consistent with the approach here for joining. However, we
   have defined an explicit Replaces header. Why the difference?  We
   should either have both a Join and Replaces header, or neither.

   Indeed, there is a problem right now with ad-hoc conferences that is
   related to the proposal here. Lets say A clicks a URL in a web page
   that says "click here to call". This results in some call being
   placed to B. At some point during the call, A decides to add another
   party, C. According to the multiparty conferencing models draft [6],
   A would obtain a URL for a conference server, and REFER B to that
   server. However, this is totally unneeded (and bad), if B is already
   a conference server!  Indeed, A has no way, right now, of
   ascertaining whether that URL in the web page is for a single user,
   or to a conference server that automatically dials out to B. In one
   case (where its a user), A would need to obtain a conference URL, and
   REFER B to it. In the other, A could directly REFER C to the URL it
   used to call B.

   The problem is solved when we stop making assumptions about the
   semantics of the URL. URLs should ideally be handed to a user, either
   through interpersonal contact (i.e., on a business card), or through
   a transmission mechanism that defines a specific usage for those

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   URLs. In the above scenario, if A wants to add C, A should not make
   any assumptions about whether the URL to call B can be used for
   adding users to a conference. Only B can know this. So, A needs to
   ask B what URL to use to join. That can be done using the
   SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY mechanisms here (although this is a lot of overhead;
   these URLs could be passed directly in the INVITE and 200 OK). B
   would then provide the URL, which would be the same URL used to call
   it in the case of a dial-out conference server, or a new URL obtained
   by B, pointing to a conference server, if B was for an end user that
   didn't want to do endpoint mixing. Indeed, many different URLs could
   be used, and B is the ideal party to decide.

3.2.5 Local SDP

   The local SDP tag contains the SDP used by the notifier for its end
   of the call leg. This tag should generally NOT be included in the
   notifications, unless explicitly requested by the subscriber.

   <!ELEMENT local-sdp CDATA>

   The SDP is included, verbatim, between the tags.

3.2.6 Remote SDP

   The remote SDP tag contains the SDP used by the notifier for the
   other end of the call leg. This tag should generally NOT be included
   in the notifications, unless explicitly requested by the subscriber.

   <!ELEMENT remote-sdp CDATA>

   The SDP is included, verbatim, between the tags.

3.2.7 Route Set

   The route-set tag contains the route set, as defined in RFC 2543bis
   [9]. It is the combination of the Record-Route and Contact headers
   used for this call leg. This tag should generally NOT be included in
   the notifications, unless explicitly requested by the subscriber.

   <!ELEMENT route-set CDATA>

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   The route set is included verbatim. It is structured as a comma
   separated list of URLs.



3.2.8 Local CSeq

   The local-cseq tag contains the most recent value of the CSeq header
   used by the UA in an outgoing request on the call leg. This tag
   should generally NOT be included in the notifications, unless
   explicitly requested by the subscriber.

   <!ELEMENT local-cseq CDATA>

   The numeric value of the CSeq is included as the CDATA.

3.2.9 Remote CSeq

   The remote-cseq tag contains the most recent value of the CSeq header
   seen by the UA in an incoming request on the call leg. This tag
   should generally NOT be included in the notifications, unless
   explicitly requested by the subscriber.

   <!ELEMENT remote-cseq CDATA>

   The numeric value of the CSeq is included as the CDATA.

4 Conference Event Package

   The conference event package allows a user to subscribe to a
   conference. A conference is a collection of users that are all able
   to communicate with each other. Generally, when multicast is not
   used, a conference is associated by a set of call legs that have
   their media mixed together. This is true for all of the non-multicast
   models in [6]. However, some of the models use topologies where there
   is no root to which all call-legs are connected. These topologies do
   not work well with the mechanism here.

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   This package allows a user to subscribe to a conference, identified
   by a SIP URL. Ideally, this SIP URL routes the SUBSCRIBE to the
   entity acting as the root of the topology (which is why it doesn't
   work well for the non-centralized topologies). The notifications
   contain information on the participants in the conference. The
   specific information conveyed is:

        o The SIP URL identifying the user.

        o Their status in the conference (active, declined, departed).

        o The replace URLs for the call leg connecting to that user.

        o If floor control policies are in place, what the user's floor
          control status is.

   This section fills in the template that is needed in order to fully
   specify the SIP event package for conferences.

4.1 Package Name

   The name of this event package is "conference". This package name is
   carried in the Event and Allow-Events header, as defined in [1].

4.2 SUBSCRIBE Bodies

   A SUBSCRIBE for a call-leg package MAY contain a body. This body
   defines a filter to apply to the subscription.

   A SUBSCRIBE for a conference package MAY be sent without a body. This
   implies the default subscription filtering policy. The default policy

        o Notifications are generated every time there is any change in
          the set of users participating in the conference, or a change
          in floor control status (assuming floor control is in use).

        o Notifications do not normally contain full state; rather, they
          only indicate the state of the participant whose state has
          changed. The exception is a NOTIFY sent in response to a
          SUBSCRIBE. These NOTIFYs contain the complete view of
          conference state.

        o For a given user, the notifications contain the identity
          information, status, and replace URLs. The floor control
          information is not provided unless explicitly requested.

4.3 Expiration

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   The default expiration time for a subscription to a conference is one
   hour. Of course, once the conference ends, all subscriptions to that
   particular conference are terminated.

4.4 NOTIFY Bodies

   The body of the notification contains a conference information
   document. The format of this document is described in Section 5. All
   subscibers MUST support this format, and MUST list its type in an
   Accept header in the SUBSCRIBE.

   Other conference information formats might be defined in the future.
   In that case, the subscriptions MAY indicate support for other
   formats. However, they MUST always support and list
   application/conference-info+xml as an allowed format.

   Of course, the notifications generated by the server MUST be in one
   of the formats specified in the Accept header in the SUBSCRIBE

4.5 Authorization Considerations

   The conference information contains very sensitive information.
   Therefore, all subscriptions SHOULD be authenticated and then
   authorized before approval. Authorization policy is at the discretion
   of the administrator, as always. However, a few recommendations can
   be made.

   It is RECOMMENDED that all users in the conference be allowed to
   subscribe to the conference.

4.6 Generation of Notifications

   Notifications are generated for the conference whenever a new
   participant joins, a participant leaves, a dial-out attempt succeeds
   or fails, floor control status changes, or the call leg replace URLs

4.7 Rate Limitations on NOTIFY

   For reasons of congestion control, it is important that the rate of
   notifications not become excessive. As a result, it is RECOMMENDED
   that the server not generate notifications for a single subscriber at
   a rate faster than once every 5 seconds.

5 Conference Data Format

   The conference data format is an XML document of MIME type

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   application/conference-info+xml, consistent with the recommendations
   provided in RFC 3023 [5].

5.1 Structute of the Format

   The conference data format has the top level tag of conference. It
   consists of a set of sub-tags of type user, which contain information
   on the users in the conference. Each user tag contains the identity
   of the user, their status, their replace URL, and their floor control

   The top level tag is conference:

   <!ELEMENT conference (user*)>
   <!ATTLIST conference uri CDATA  #REQUIRED>

   The mandatory uri attribute contains the URL used to join the
   conference call (and to subscribe to its state).

   What follows are a series of user tags:

   <!ELEMENT user (status,replace?,floor-status?)>
   <!ATTLIST user   uri    CDATA   #REQUIRED
                    name   CDATA   #IMPLIED>

   The uri attribute contains the URL for the user. This is a logical
   identifier, not a machine specific one (i.e., its taken from the
   To/From, not the Contact). The name is a textual name for rendering
   to a human. It is ususally taken from the display name.

5.2 User Sub-Elements

   The sub-elements of the user tag are status, replace, and floor-

   Status contains the status of the user in the conference.

   <!ELEMENT status>
   <!ATTLIST status
        value   (active|departed|booted|failed) "active" >

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   The statuses have the following meaning:

        active: The user is in an active call leg with the conference

        departed: The user sent a BYE, thus leaving the conference.

        booted: The user was sent a BYE by the conference host, booting
             them out of the conference.

        failed: The conference host is a dialout conference server, and
             its attempt to contact the specific user resulted in a
             non-200 class final response.

   The replace URL is the same replace-remote URL defined for the call
   leg package above. It is exposed through the conference server, so
   that subscribers have, if authorized, the ability to pull a user out
   of the conference.

        OPEN ISSUE: Do we really want or need this? The only real
        use I found was to back out of a centralized conference
        server, to a point-to-point call, when only two users
        remain. Is this sufficient need? Other uses?

   <!ELEMENT replace>

   The floor-status contains the status of the user as far as floor
   control is concerned.

   <!ELEMENT floor-status>
   <!ATTLIST status
        value   (owner|non-owner|chair) "non-owner" >

   The values have the following meaning:

        owner: The user has floor control.

        non-owner: The user does not have floor control.

        chair: The user is the chair, and is the one who controls who

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             gets floor control.

        OPEN ISSUE: Does this belong here? If we have a separate
        floor control protocol, perhaps the notifications of state
        changes are in the specific protocol for floor control. Or,
        perhaps this is a separate package.

5.3 Example

   The following is an example conference information document:

     <user uri="" name="Jonathan Rosenberg">
       <status value="active"/>
       <replace uri=""/>
     <user uri="" name="Henning Schulzrinne">
       <status value="active"/>
       <replace uri=""/>

   This document describes a conference with two users, both of which
   are active.

6 Relationship to User Presence

   The SIP events package for user presence [2] has a close relationship
   with these two event packages. It is fundamental to the presence
   model that the information used to obtain user presence is
   constructed from any number of different input sources. Examples of
   such sources include SIP REGISTER requests and uploads of presence
   documents. These two packages can be considered another mechanism
   that allows a presence agent to determine the presence state of the
   user. Specifically, a user presence server can act as a subscriber
   for the call-leg and conference packages to obtain additional
   information that can be used to construct a presence document.

7 Example Services

   This section overviews some example services that can be enabled by
   the extensions described here.

7.1 Automatic Callback

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   Automatic callback is a simple service. User A calls user B. User B
   is already on the phone, and so returns a 486 Busy to the INVITE from
   A. Rather than continually trying to call B, user A asks for
   automatic callback. With this service, A's phone will ring when B is
   available. When A picks up, A hears ringing, which is B's phone.

   The call flow for this service is shown in Figure 1. In (1-3), A
   calls B, but B is busy. So, in (4), A sends a SUBSCRIBE to B. This
   results in a 200 OK (5) followed by a NOTIFY with the current call-
   leg state for B. This is a call state document which looks like:

   <user uri="">
       <status code="200"/>

   The call leg identifiers are not included in this notification,
   because this is not information that A would normally be able to
   obtain by sending an INVITE.

   When B hangs up their call, this causes a second notify containing
   document 2:

   <user uri="">
       <status code="-1"/>

   A can then try the INVITE again.

7.2 Single Line Extension

   In the single line extension application, we wish to have a group of
   phones which are all treated as "extensions" of a single line. This
   means that a call for one rings them all. As soon as one picks up,
   the others stop ringing (all of that is standard forking behavior).
   The additional complexity is that once the call is answered, one of
   the extensions should be able to "pick up" and join the call. This
   emulates the home phone behavior.

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               |(1) INVITE                   |
               |---------------------------->| B is in another call
               |(2) 486 Busy                 |
               |(3) ACK                      |
               |                             |
        user   |(4) SUBSCRIBE Event:call-leg |
        cb     |(5) 200 OK                   |
               |(6) NOTIFY doc1              |
               |(7) 200 OK                   |
               |                             |
               |                             |
               |                             |
               |                             |
               |                             |
               |(8) NOTIFY doc2              | B's other call
               |<----------------------------|  ends
A's phone rings|(9) 200 OK                   |
  A picks up   |(10) INVITE                  |
               |---------------------------->| B's phone rings
               |(11) 200 OK                  |
               |(12) ACK                     |
               |                             |
               |(13) SUBSCRIBE Expires:0     |
               |(14) 200 OK                  |
               |                             |
               |                             |

               A                             B

   Figure 1: Automatic callback flow

   This feature is enabled by the mechanisms described in this draft.
   The basic idea is that the phones all share a common SIP URL, and
   there is a forking proxy that forwards calls to all of them. The
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   belonging to the same extension group. The phones are also configured
   with the address of a standard conferencing server, as described in
   [10]. To support the feature, only the phones have to know about how
   to do it.

   The call flow for this feature is shown in Figures 2 and 3. First,
   the caller sends an INVITE to call a phone in the extension group
   (1). This is a normal INVITE, with a request URI of, for example. This INVITE arrives at the proxy
   serving Joe's house. Since both extension 1 and extension 2 had
   registered contacts for this URL previously (not shown), the INVITE
   is forked to extension 1 (2) and extension 2 (3). Joe picks up
   extension 1, generating a 200 OK to the INVITE (4). The proxy
   forwards the 200 OK from extension 1 upstream (5), and cancels the
   other branch (6), which causes extension B to stop ringing, and then
   response 200 OK to the CANCEL (7), followed by a 487 to the INVITE
   (8). The proxy ACKs the 487 (9). The caller sends an ACK for the 200
   OK (10), and the caller is now talking to Joe on extension 1. In
   order to keep track of that call, so that its status can be displayed
   in its UI, extension 2 now generates a SUBSCRIBE for This goes to the proxy (11), which forks it as
   it would any normal request. It gets forked to extension 1 (12) and
   extension 2 (13). Extension 2 receives its own SUBSCRIBE, and
   generates a 482 Loop Detected error response (14). Extension 1
   accepts the SUBSCRIBE, and sends a 200 OK (15) (its assumed that the
   SUBSCRIBE was authenticated with the shared secret; the 401 and
   resubmission are not shown). The 200 OK is forwarded back to
   extension 2 (16). In the event that there were more than two
   extensions, only a single 200 OK would still be returned to extension
   2. However, as described in [1], the NOTIFY's that are generated will
   allow extension 2 to find out about all of the other extensions which
   accepted the subscription. In this case, its just one, extension 1.
   It generates a NOTIFY (17) that contains document 1, shown below:

   <user uri="">
     <call-leg local-uri=""
       <status code="200"/>
       <replace-local uri="">
       <replace-remote uri="">
       <join uri="">

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    |(1) INVITE     |               |                |               |
    |-------------->|(2) INVITE     |                |               |
    |               |-------------->|                |               |
    |               |(3) INVITE     |                |               |
    |               |------------------------------->|               |
    |               |(4) 200 OK     |                |               |
    |(5) 200 OK     |<--------------|                |               |
    |<--------------|(6) CANCEL     |                |               |
    |               |------------------------------->|               |
    |               |(7) 200 CANCEL |                |               |
    |               |<-------------------------------|               |
    |               |(8) 487        |                |               |
    |               |<-------------------------------|               |
    |               |(9) ACK        |                |               |
    |               |------------------------------->|               |
    |(10) ACK       |               |                |               |
    |------------------------------>|                |               |
    |               |(11) SUBSCRIBE |                |               |
    |               |<-------------------------------|               |
    |               |(12) SUBSCRIBE |                |               |
    |               |-------------->|                |               |
    |               |(13) SUBSCRIBE |                |               |
    |               |------------------------------->|               |
    |               |(14) 482       |                |               |
    |               |<-------------------------------|               |
    |               |(15) 200 OK    |                |               |
    |               |<--------------|                |               |
    |               |(16) 200 OK    |                |               |
    |               |------------------------------->|               |
    |               |               |(17) NOTIFY doc1|               |
    |               |               |--------------->|               |
    |               |               |(18) 200 OK     |               |
    |               |               |<---------------|               |
    |               |               |                |               |
    |               |               |                |               |

   Caller          Proxy            Extension       Extension      Conf.
                                    1               2              Server

   Figure 2: Single line extension flow: Part I

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   This allows extension 2 to show that a call is active on the
   extension group, and a UI can be provided for the call to be picked
   up by someone on extension 2.

   At some point, Joe's wife picks up extension 2 in order to join the
   active call. That causes the phone to send an INVITE to the join URI
   in the notification it received. This INVITE (19) goes directly to
   extension 1. When extension 1 receives this, it knows this is a
   request to join the call. It challenges and authenticates the INVITE
   to make sure that its another extension in the group (not shown). It
   then redirects the call, providing a Contact header which is a new
   conference URI at the conference server (20). Presumably, each
   extension is configured with the domain name of the conference
   server, and can create conferences by choosing usernames that are
   globally unique in space and time. The resulting user@domain SIP URL
   can be used for ad-hoc conference calls, like this one. Extension 2
   ACKs the 300 (21). Extension 1 knows it needs to join that conference
   call. So, it sends an INVITE to the conference URL it just returned
   to extension 2 (23), which is accepted (25) and acknowledged (26).
   Extension 1 is now the only member of the call. In the meantime,
   extension 1 knows that it needs to get the caller into the conference
   as well. So, it sends out a REFER (22), containing a Refer-To URL
   that points to the conference URL being used. The REFER is accepted
   by the caller (24). Extension 2 recurses on the redirect it receives,
   and sends an INVITE to the conference URL (27), which is accepted
   (28) and acknowledged (29). Finally, the caller acts on the REFER,
   and generates an INVITE (30) that will join it into the conference as
   well. This is accepted (31) and acknowleged (32). Now, there is a
   three-party conference between the caller, extension 1 and extension
   2. The caller generates a NOTIFY as discussed in [8] (33) which is
   accepted (34). The NOTIFY tells extension 1 that the caller has been
   connected to the conference server. So, extension 1 terminates its
   direct call leg with the caller (35).

   If other extensions pick up, a similar thing happens - they are
   redirected to the conference URL. By using a conference server, we
   have the advantage that the call remains active as long as any one
   extension is in the call. This also emulates typical home phone line

        OPEN ISSUE: Its not clear that extension 1 should REFER the
        caller to the conference server. We want the change to the
        conference server to be transparent to the caller. A REFER
        will trigger a UI query at the caller, most likely. An
        alternative is to have extension 1 REFER the conference
        server to the caller, using the replaces URL learned from

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 |               |               |(19) INVITE     |               |
 |               |               |<---------------|               |
 |               |               |(20) 300        |               |
 |               |               |--------------->|               |
 |               |               |(21) ACK        |               |
 |(22) REFER     |               |<---------------|               |
 |<------------------------------|(23) INVITE     |               |
 |(24) 200 OK    |               |------------------------------->|
 |------------------------------>|(25) 200 OK     |               |
 |               |               |<-------------------------------|
 |               |               |(26) ACK        |               |
 |               |               |------------------------------->|
 |               |               |                |(27) INVITE    |
 |               |               |                |-------------->|
 |               |               |                |(28) 200 OK    |
 |               |               |                |<--------------|
 |               |               |                |(29) ACK       |
 |               |               |                |-------------->|
 |(30) INVITE    |               |                |               |
 |(31) 200 OK    |               |                |               |
 |(32) ACK       |               |                |               |
 |(33) NOTIFY    |               |                |               |
 |------------------------------>|                |               |
 |(34) 200 OK    |               |                |               |
 |<------------------------------|                |               |
 |(35) BYE       |               |                |               |
 |<------------------------------|                |               |
 |(36) 200 OK    |               |                |               |
 |------------------------------>|                |               |
 |               |               |                |               |
 |               |               |                |               |
 |               |               |                |               |

Caller          Proxy            Extension       Extension      Conf.
                                 1               2              Server

   Figure 3: Single line extension flow: Part II

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        the caller as the Refer-To header. This works better.
        However, the INVITE triggered from this will be challenged
        by the caller, and its not clear how the conference server
        will obtain credentials.

7.3 Unattended Consultation-Hold Transfer

   In unattended consultation-hold transfer, A is talking to B. A wishes
   to transfer B to C. So, A first calls C, and talks to them to OK the
   transfer.If C agrees, B is connected to C.

   As discussed in [8], this flow is difficult. The main problem is that
   once the transfer has been verbally approved, A needs to send a REFER
   to C, containing B in the Refer-To header. However, what is desired
   is to refer C to that very specific instance of B. Placing the
   To/From with B into the Refer-To therefore won't work, since it won't
   necessarily route to the UA that user B is using. Putting the Contact
   at B may not work either, since it may not be globally routable.

   Our To-Replace header fixes this. By definition, it contains a
   globally routable URL which can be used to replace the specific call
   leg. B would return this in its 200 OK to A. When A REFERs C to B,
   this URL would be placed in the Refer-To header. The result is that
   the service executes perfectly.

7.4 Call Park and Pickup

   In the PSTN, call park and pickup is defined as follows. Joe (using
   UA A) is talking to Bob (using UA B). Joe would like to walk over to
   another phone (UA C) that Joe can see, but doesn't have the number
   for, and pick continue on the call at that new phone. To do that, Joe
   places Bob on hold, walks over to the phone, picks it up, dials some
   numbers, and then talks to Bob.

   A SIP flow for call park is given in the service examples document
   [11]. However, that service only works when the parking phone is the
   same as the picking up phone (and thus is more like music-on-hold).
   There is also a flow for pickup. This relies on registrations to
   cause an in-progress INVITE to fork to the new phone. However, this
   only works for calls that haven't yet completed at the first phone.

   The flow for the call park and pickup service is shown in Figure 4.
   First, A calls B as a normal SIP call (1-3). The INVITE (1) contains
   a To-Replace header with the value sip:00a9.ffd2.aa9_1-2-3-, and the 200 OK has a To-Replace header with value At some point, Joe decides
   to park the call for later pickup. A simply places B on hold (4-6).

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   Joe walks over to another phone, C, and enters in his extension (i.e,
   the identity of the phone which the call is being retrieved from). To
   pickup, C needs to learn the call legs at A. So, it sends a SUBSCRIBE
   to A's extension (7). The SUBSCRIBE is authenticated (Joe will need
   to enter his own username and password), which is not shown, and the
   resubmitted SUBSCRIBE generates a 200 OK (8). That triggers a NOTIFY
   (9) which contains the call leg state at A:

   <user uri="">
     <call-leg local-uri=""
       <status code="200"/>
       <replace-local uri="">
       <replace-remote uri="">

   From this, C learns there is a single accepted call at A. The
   notification also contains a replace-remote URL, which can be used to
   replace the existing call leg at B with a new one. So, C takes that
   URL, and generates an INVITE for it (15). This is authenticated and
   authorized by B (specifically, B allows a call-leg to be replaced if
   the authenticated identity of the new leg matches the identity of the
   replaced leg), and then silently accepted (16). Now, Joe is talking
   to Bob using UA C. Since B has replaced its old call leg, it sends a
   BYE on it (18). UA A is now disconnected from the call.

7.5 IM a call

   This service is a much "cooler" variant on transfer. A calls B, and
   they talk. During the call, A wants C to take over the call. Rather
   than sending a REFER to execute a transfer, A sends C an instant
   message. This IM has HTML inside of it, which asks C to click on a
   URL to take the call. When C clicks on it, they take over the call,
   and A is disconnected.

   The call flow for this is shown in Figure 5. A calls B using a
   standard INVITE sequence (1-3). The 200 OK from B contains a To-
   Replace URL. A decides to send the call to B using an IM. So, it
   sends a MESSAGE (4) that has an HTML body. This request looks like:

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          |                     |(1) INVITE            |
          |                     |--------------------->|
          |                     |(2) 200 OK            |
          |                     |<---------------------|
          |                     |(3)  ACK              |
          |                     |--------------------->|
          |                     |(4) INVITE hold       |user A holds
          |                     |--------------------->|
          |                     |(5) 200 OK            |
          |                     |<---------------------|
          |                     |(6) ACK               |
 user A   |                     |--------------------->|
 picks up |(7) SUBSCRIBE        |                      |
  at C    |-------------------->|                      |
          |(8) 200 OK           |                      |
          |---------------------|                      |
          |(9) NOTIFY doc1      |                      |
          |<--------------------|                      |
          |(10) 200 OK          |                      |
          |-------------------->|                      |
          |(11) SUBSCRIBE       |                      |
          |(12) 200 OK          |                      |
          |(13) NOTIFY doc2     |                      |
          |(14) 200 OK          |                      |
          |(15) INVITE          |                      |
          |(16) 200 OK          |                      |
          |(17) ACK             |                      |
          |                     |(18) BYE              |
          |                     |<---------------------|
          |                     |(19) 200 OK           |
          |                     |--------------------->|
          |                     |                      |
          |                     |                      |

          C                     A                      B

   Figure 4: Call Park and Pickup

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          |(1) INVITE       |                 |
          |<----------------|                 |
          |(2) 200 OK       |                 |
          |---------------->|                 |
          |(3) ACK          |                 |
          |<----------------|                 |
          |                 |(4) MESSAGE      |
          |                 |---------------->|
          |                 |(5) 200 OK       |
          |                 |<----------------|
          |                 |                 |
          |                 |                 |
          |                 |                 |
          |                 |                 |
          |                 |                 |
          |(6) INVITE       |                 |
          |(7) 200 OK       |                 |
          |(8) ACK          |                 |
          |(9) BYE          |                 |
          |---------------->|                 |
          |(10) 200 OK      |                 |
          |-----------------|                 |
          |                 |                 |
          |                 |                 |
          |                 |                 |

          B                 A                 C

   Figure 5: Call flow for IM-a-call

   Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
   Call-ID: 9as8da8s@
   CSeq: 99 MESSAGE
   Content-Type: text/html
   Content-Length: ...

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   Hi, Jack. Would you take this <a href="">call</a>?
   Thanks, Bob.

   Where is the URL from the To-Replace header in the
   200 OK from B (message 2).

   C returns a 200 OK to this MESSAGE (5). At some time later, C clicks
   on the URL in the MESSAGE, which causes a call to be made to the
   replace URL. This goes to B. This is a standard INVITE sequence (7-
   9). Once done, since B knows this is a replace URL, it hangs up with
   A (10-11).

8 Open Issues and To-Dos

   There is a strong relationship between the call-leg event package,
   and the notifications used by the REFER specification [8]. We believe
   that these should be unified, so that a REFER basically implies a
   subscription to the call leg state created by that REFER. That still
   needs to be done.

   There are many security issues to be worked out. Authentication of
   join and replaces INVITEs are complex, and need further

   The requirement for globally routable join and replaces URLs is a
   real issue. Its not clear how that can be done. Using the hostname of
   the UA won't work in general, since calls may need to flow through a
   proxy. This introduces the need for a UA to generate a new URL which
   contains the domain name of the top-level proxy in its network, yet
   is routed to that UA. The UA could then REGISTER this URL at its
   proxy. This might work in some networks, but not in more complex ones
   with multiple tiers of proxies, some of which use database queries to
   route calls to specific users. More thinking on this is needed.

   More details and examples are needed.

9 Security Considerations

   Subscriptions to call-leg state and conference state can reveal very
   sensitive information. For this reason, the document recommends
   authentication and authorization, and provides guidelines on sensible
   authorization policies.

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   Since the data in notifications is sensitive as well, end-to-end SIP
   encryption mechanisms SHOULD be used to protect it.

   Furthermore, the To-Replace and To-Join URLs provide significant
   power to any user that can obtain them. INVITEs to these URLs SHOULD
   be authenticated and authorized.

10 Authors Addresses

   Jonathan Rosenberg
   72 Eagle Rock Avenue
   First Floor
   East Hanover, NJ 07936

   Henning Schulzrinne
   Columbia University
   M/S 0401
   1214 Amsterdam Ave.
   New York, NY 10027-7003

11 Bibliography

   [1] A. Roach, "SIP specific event notification," Internet Draft,
   Internet Engineering Task Force, July 2001.  Work in progress.

   [2] J. Rosenberg et al.  , "SIP extensions for presence," Internet
   Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Apr. 2001.  Work in progress.

   [3] J. Rosenberg, "A SIP event sub-package for watcher information,"
   Internet Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, July 2001.  Work in

   [4] R. Mahy and I. Slain, "SIP extensions for message waiting
   indication," Internet Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Feb.
   2001.  Work in progress.

   [5] M. Murata, S. S. Laurent, and D. Kohn, "XML media types," Request
   for Comments 3023, Internet Engineering Task Force, Jan. 2001.

   [6] J. Rosenberg and H. Schulzrinne, "Models for multi party
   conferencing in SIP," Internet Draft, Internet Engineering Task

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   Force, Nov. 2000.  Work in progress.

   [7] J. Myers, "IMAP4 QUOTA extension," Request for Comments 2087,
   Internet Engineering Task Force, Jan. 1997.

   [8] R. Sparks, "SIP call control," Internet Draft, Internet
   Engineering Task Force, Feb. 2001.  Work in progress.

   [9] M. Handley, H. Schulzrinne, E. Schooler, and J. Rosenberg, "SIP:
   Session initiation protocol," Internet Draft, Internet Engineering
   Task Force, Nov. 2000.  Work in progress.

   [10] J. Rosenberg, P. Mataga, and H. Schulzrinne, "An application
   server component architecture for SIP," Internet Draft, Internet
   Engineering Task Force, Mar. 2001.  Work in progress.

   [11] A. Johnston, R. Sparks, C. Cunningham, S. Donovan, and K.
   Summers, "SIP service examples," Internet Draft, Internet Engineering
   Task Force, Mar.  2001.  Work in progress.

Rosenberg,Schulzrinne                                        [Page 30]