Internet Engineering Task Force                                     SIP WG
Internet Draft                                   J.Rosenberg,H.Schulzrinne
draft-rosenberg-sip-conferencing-models-00.txt     dynamicsoft,Columbia U.
November 17, 2000
Expires: May, 2001

               Models for Multi Party Conferencing in SIP


   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
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   The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) can support multi-party
   conferencing in many different ways. In this draft, we define the
   various multi-party conferencing models, and for each, discuss how
   they are used and then analyze their relative benefits and drawbacks.

1 Introduction

   The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) [1] has been defined for the
   establishment, maintenance, and termination of calls between one or
   more users. However, despite its origins as a large scale multiparty
   conferencing protocol, SIP is used today primarily for point to point
   calls. This configuration is the focus of the SIP specification and
   most of its extensions. As a result, there is a lot of confusion
   about how SIP supports multi-party conferencing.

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   We seek to remedy this problem by describing, in a consistent and
   complete fashion, the various multi-party conferencing models
   supported by standard SIP. For each model, we discuss:

        o How the model works.

        o How users are invited to join.

        o How users can join an existing conference without being

        o How well the model scales.

        o Which entities need to be aware of the model.

        o How participants learn about each other.

   We also identify missing pieces and recommend standard activity to
   fill them in. This document itself does not define any new extensions
   of any kind.

2 End System Mixing

   The first model we call "end system mixing". In this model, user A
   calls user B, and they have a conversation. At some point later, A
   decides to conference in user C. To do this, A calls C, using a
   completely separate SIP call. This call uses a different Call-ID,
   different tags, etc. There is no call set up directly between B and
   C. A receives media streams from both B and C, and mixes them. A
   sends a stream containing A's and C's streams to B, and a stream
   stream containing A's and B's streams to C.

   This model is depicted graphically in Figure 1.

   Basically, user A handles both signaling and media mixing. B and C
   are unaware of the multi-party call, from a SIP perspective at least.
   From an RTP perspective, A is a mixer, and so the RTCP reports from A
   will contain SDES information that indicates the existence of an
   additional party in the media stream.

   Note that this model has the serious drawback that the conference
   ends when the mixing UA leaves the call.

2.1 Inviting Users to Join

   Any user in the conference can invite another user to join, so long
   as they are capable of performing the required mixing and signaling

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                                      |          |
                                   -- |          |
                                ---   |   B      |
                    SIP call ---      |          |
                          ---      .. |          |
                       ---       ..   +----------+
                     --       ...
          +----------+   ..   RTP
          |          | ..
          |          |
          |   A      |  ..
          |          |    ..
          |          |      .. RTP
          +----------+        ..
                        --      ..
                          --      ..
                            ---     . +----------+
                               --     |          |
                                 --   |          |
                       SIP call    -- |          |
                                      |    C     |
                                      |          |

   Figure 1: Three Way Calling using End System Mixing

   functions. To invite a new user to join, a user in the conference
   simply calls them using normal SIP procedures. The only difference is
   that the stream sent to that new user contains the streams received
   from the other parties in the call.

   In fact, it is perfectly acceptable for complex connectivity graphs
   to be constructed, as a result of different users inviting other
   users to join. For example, take our case of A calling B, and then
   calling C. If, later on, C calls D, C will performing the mixing of
   the streams it gets from A (which actually contain media from A and
   B), along with its own stream, and send that to D. This results in a
   connectivity graph that looks like:

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   Note, however, that there is a possibility of loops. From here, if D
   calls B, and brings that stream into the conference, a loop is
   created. This loop can be detected using the mechanisms described in
   the RTP specification [2]. However, we expect these conditions to be
   extremely rare. Presumably, D knows B is in the conference already,
   and so would not likely call B and invite them in.

2.2 Users Joining

   In this model, there is not any explicit conference "identifier" that
   can be used to join. This conference model, by its nature, is built
   around ad-hoc conferences. However, it is still possible for a user
   to join in the following way.

   Lets say a new user, E, simply calls B, unaware even, that B is in a
   conference (E might actually be aware, but the SIP messaging is no
   different). B's softphone, recognizing that B is already in a
   conference, asks B if E should be brought into the conference right
   away. If B clicks "yes", the call to E is answered. The media stream
   sent to E contains media from B, along with the media B is already
   receiving from A.

   If B had instead clicked no, E can easily be added to the conference
   later. No SIP signaling at all is needed to do this. B simply starts
   sending the mixed media to E.

2.3 Scalability

   A drawback of this model is its scalability. Viewing the conference
   from a graph perspective, if the number of edges touching a vertex
   (its degree) equals N, the user corresponding to that vertex has to
   perform up to N separate media stream encodings. We say "up to", as
   it depends on the number of paricipants who are talking at once. If
   only one pariticpant is talking, the non-talking "mixer" endpoints
   don't need to do any additional encoding. If everyone is talking, it
   is N encodes. Since encoding is generally a complex process, a
   typical workstation these days can handle two or three simultaneous
   encodes using a low rate codec like G.723.1. The problem can be
   mitigated somewhat by distributing the mixing responsibilities
   (making the graph deep rather than wide). However, this requires a

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   conscious effort of the participants regarding who is to make the
   call to add a new user. This is unlikely to happen in practice.

   Another limitation to scalability is bandwidth. If the degree of a
   vertex is N, the user needs enough bandwidth to send and receive up
   to N streams, for a total of 2N. On a 56K modem, using a G.723.1
   codec, this limits the degree to two (remember RTP overheads). This
   limitation exists even if only one user is talking. In this case, a
   mixing host receives the encoded packet stream, and needs to send a
   copy to each participant it is connected to.

   For these reasons, this conferencing model is ideal for three-way
   conferences (i.e., degrees of two), but doesn't scale up much higher.

2.4 Location of Service Logic

   This model does not require any extension to SIP in order to work. It
   does require knowledge of this mechanism within the UA performing the
   mixing. Non-mixing participants do not need to know anything special.

2.5 Discovering Participant Identities

   The identities of other participants in the conference is NOT known
   through SIP. Rather, it is learned through RTP. UAs with degrees
   greater than one are RTP mixers. As such, they take the RTCP SDES of
   the streams they mix, and aggregrate them into the RTCP stream sent
   out. Since RTCP messages are sent infrequently, there may be a delay
   between when a user joins, and when their presence is known to the
   other participants.

3 Large-Scale Multicast Conferences

   Large-scale multicast conferences were the original motivation for
   both the Session Description Protocol (SDP) [3] and SIP. In a large-
   scale multicast conference, one or more multicast addresses are
   allocated to the conference (more than one may be needed if layered
   encodings are in use). Each participant joins that multicast groups,
   and sends their media to those groups. Signaling is not sent to the
   multicast groups. The sole purpose of the signaling is to inform
   participants of which multicast groups to join.

   Large-scale multicast conferences are usually pre-arranged, with
   specific start and stop times (which is why this information exists
   in SDP). Protocols such as the Session Announcement Protocol (SAP)
   [4] are used to announce these conferences. However, multicast
   conferences do not need to be pre-arranged, so long as a mechanism
   exists to dynamically obtain a multicast address. SAP itself was
   originally used for this purpose; this has been supplanted by the

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   malloc architecture [5], still under development.

   So, if there are N participants, there will be point to point SIP
   relationships with pairs of participants. Each participant sends a
   single media stream to the group, and receives up to N-1 streams at
   any time. Note that the number of streams that a user will receive
   depends on who is actually sending at any given time. If the stream
   is audio, and silence suppression is utilized, the number of streams
   a user will receive at any given time is equal to the number of users
   talking at any given time. Even for very large conferences, this is
   usually just a small number of users.

3.1 Inviting Users to Join

   Inviting users to join is simple. Any user may invite any other user
   to join. The SIP INVITE request contains SDP that indicates multicast
   addresses for each media line. The SDP in the 200 OK response may
   actually be empty. From Section B.3 of RFC2543:

        For multicast, receive and send multicast addresses are the
        same and all parties use the same port numbers to receive
        media data. If the session description provided by the
        caller is acceptable to the callee, the callee can choose
        not to include a session description or MAY echo the
        description in the response.

   The called party then joins the multicast groups indicated in the
   SDP, using multicast protocols such as IGMP [6]. Note that it is not
   even necessary for users to send each other BYE messages when the
   conference is over, especially for large-scale, pre-arranged
   conferences that have explicit end times indicated in SDP. SDP aside,
   a participant can simply leave the conference at any time by leaving
   the multicast groups. No SIP signaling is needed to accomplish this.

3.2 Users Joining

   Users can join a conference of this type without being invited. All
   they need is the multicast addresses, ports, and codecs being used.
   These can be obtained through any number of means, including SAP. SDP
   conference descriptions can even be obtained from web pages, for

   Once the addresses are obtained, the user simply joins the
   appropriate multicast groups. Note that absolutely no SIP signaling
   is required in this case.

3.3 Scalability

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   The scalability of conferences of this type is can be excellent,
   especially for audio conferences. However, it is scalable under the
   assumption that multicast itself can scale to very large groups.
   Indeed, in local networks, protocols like DVMRP [7] and PIM-DM have
   tremendous scalability for conferences with very large numbers of
   members (the so called dense modes). Given the existence of scalable
   multicast, the primary bottleneck to scalability of this conference
   type is the periodicity of RTCP reporting. Work has been done on
   improving the problematic cases [8] so that conferences with well
   over a million members are possible.

   Scaling is a bit harder for video conferences. Unlike voice, where
   silence suppression allows for no data to be sent during periods of
   inactivity, the same is not the case for video. This makes it hard to
   scale without flooding users with lots of video packets.

   Security is also hard for multicast conferences. Group key
   management, especially when users leave the group, is very complex.

   Unfortunately, multicast has not been widely deployed across
   backbones (some do, like Internet2, but they are the exception rather
   than the rule). The MBone has collapsed, for all intents and
   purposes. Very few ISPs support multicast. As a result, wide area
   conferences are not really viable using multicast. However, these
   conferences are very suitable for LAN or enterprise conferences,
   where multicast is often deployed.

3.4 Location of Service Logic

   This conferencing model does not require any SIP extensions. It does
   require that SIP UAs are prepared to receive SIP invitations with
   multicast addresses in the SDP. These UAs need to be prepared to
   mirror the SDP in the response. They should also be prepared to never
   receive a BYE for the conference.

3.5 Discovering Participant Identities

   The identity of the participants in the session is learned entirely
   through RTCP. Each user a group multicasts RTCP packets with their
   name, email address, and so on. Note, however, that in large
   conferences, there may be significant amounts of time between a
   participant joining, and sending of their first RTCP SDES packet
   (this is for receivers only; senders will become known much faster).

4 Dial-In Conference Servers

   Dial-In conference servers closely mirror dial-in conference bridges
   in the traditional PSTN.

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   A dial-in conference server acts as a normal SIP UA. Users call it,
   and the server maintains point to point SIP relationships with each
   user that calls in. The server takes the media from the users who
   dial into the same conference, mixes them, and sends out the
   appropriate mixed stream to each participant separately.

                          |     |
                          | A   |
                          |     |
                            | .
                            | .
                            | .
                            | .
                            | .
        +-----+         |         |         +-----+
        |     |---------|  Conf.  |---------|     |
        | D   |         |  Server |         | B   |
        |     |.........|         |.........|     |
        +-----+         |         |         +-----+
                          |  .
                          |  .
                          |  .
                          |  .
                         |     |
                         |  C  |
                         |     |

   Figure 2: Dial-In Conference Servers

   The model is depicted in Figure 2. Note that each UA (A,B,C,D) has a
   point to point SIP and RTP relationship with the conference server.
   Each call has a different Call-ID. Each user sends their own media to
   the server. The media delivered to user A by the server is the media
   mixed from users B,C and D. The media delivered to user B by the

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   server is the media mixed from users A, C and D. The media delivered
   to user C by the server is the media mixed from users A, B and D. The
   media delivered to user D is the media mixed from users A, B and C.

   The conference is identified by the request URI of the calls from
   each participant. This provides numerous advantages from a services
   and routing point of view [9]. For example, one conference on the
   server might be known as All users who
   call are mixed together.

   Dial-In conference servers are usually associated with pre-arranged
   conferences. However, the same model applies to ad-hoc conferences.
   An ad-hoc conference server creates the conference state when the
   first user joins, and destroys it when the last one leaves. The SIP
   and RTP interfaces are identical to the pre-arranged case.

   Since conferencing servers are nothing more than SIP UASes, they can
   use any of the procedures SIP allows a UAS to use. This includes
   authentication. So, for example, a specific conference may have a
   password associated with it. Users who join are challenged (with a
   401) using digest authentication. The realm, in this case, would
   identify the conference. The INVITE that comes back would have an
   Authorization header that includes the response to the challenge -
   the name of the user trying to join the conference, and the
   conference password, hashed as defined in [10].

   Conferences can also limit the number of participants. When a new
   user tries to join, but the conference is full, the conference server
   can just reject the request with a "500 Conference Full" response.

4.1 Inviting Users to Join

   Inviting users to join is done using the SIP REFER message [11]. If
   user A wishes to ask user B to join, A would send B a REFER that
   looks like:

   REFER SIP/2.0

   This would cause B to send an INVITE message to the conference

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   Since the request URI identifies the conference, this will cause B to
   get added to conference 34.

4.2 Users Joining

   Users joining is easily done. The participant that wishes to join
   simply sends an INVITE to the conference server, with the conference
   ID in the request URI. The conference ID (which is a SIP URL), can be
   learned by any number of means, including having it on a web page,
   receiving it in an email, etc.

   For example, if B wishes to join, B
   would send the following request:


4.3 Scalability

   The scalability of this model is limited by the bandwidth and
   processing power of the conference server. If there are N
   participants in a conference, M of which are sending media streams,
   the server will need to manage N signaling relationships, perform N
   RTP stream decodes, and N RTP stream encodes (assuming M > 0). The
   encoding is the primary processing bottleneck, and the sending of the
   N media streams is the primary bandwidth bottleneck. However,
   conference servers can be built using heavy duty hardware, and have
   high bandwith access.

   Furthermore, since we are using the request URI to name the
   conferences, we can use standard SIP techniques for distributing
   conferences across servers [9].

4.4 Location of Service Logic

   The SIP UA of the conference participants does not require any
   special processing. The RTP implementation in those clients, however,

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   should support RTCP and be prepared to receive contributing sources.

   All of the new logic for providing this service resides in the
   conferencing server. No SIP extensions are needed, simply logic that
   resides above the SIP stack to manage the conferencing service.

4.5 Discovering Participant Identities

   The identities of other participants in the conference are NOT known
   through SIP. Rather, it is learned through RTP. THe conference server
   is an RTP mixer. As such, it takes the RTCP SDES of the streams it
   mixes, and aggregrates them into the RTCP stream sent out. This will
   allow participants to gradually (over a few seconds), learn the
   identities of the other participants.

5 Ad-hoc Centralized Conferences

   In an ad-hoc centralized conference, two users A and B start with a
   normal SIP call. At some point later, they decide to add a third
   party. Instead of using end system mixing, they would prefer to use a
   conference server, as defined in Section 4.

   This model corresponds roughly to the centralized multipoint
   conference model of H.323.

   One of the participants takes responsibility for transitioning to a
   conference server. The first step in this process is the discovery of
   a conference server that supports ad-hoc conferences. This can be
   done through static configuration, or through any of a number of
   standard service discovery protocols, such as the Service Location
   Protocol [12].

   Once the server is discovered, a conference ID is chosen. This ID
   must be globally unique. The conference ID is then prepended to the
   server, and a SIP URL for the ad-hoc conference is formed. For
   example, if the server "" is used, and the unique ID is
   "a7hytaskp09878a", the SIP URL for this conference is

   The user who is performing the transition (say, user A) then sends an
   INVITE to this URL. This creates the initial conference state in the
   server. A then sends a REFER to the other party in the call (say B),
   referring them to B sends an
   INVITE to this address, and is added to the conference. Once the 200
   OK response to the REFER is sent from B to A, A hangs up to B. A and
   B are now in a conference using a conference server. From here,
   operation is identical to the system described in Section 4.

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   It is also possible to transition from a end system mixed conference
   (even one with a complex connection topology), to a centralized
   conference server. One user takes responsibility for initiating the
   transition. It proceeds as described above. However, the REFER
   request is sent to all SIP peers adjacent to the user. In addition,
   when a SIP UA receives a REFER, they must not only act on it as
   described above, but also generate a REFER to any of their adjacent
   SIP peers. In essence, the REFER message is propagated along the
   connection graph, starting at the root (which is the user who
   initiates the transition). The transition will work so long as the
   graph has no cycles (which is needed anyway, as discussed above), and
   so long as only one user attempts to initiate the transition. If
   multiple users attempt to initiate the transition at the same time,
   the conference will break into two disjoint ad-hoc conferences, with
   membership depending on the temporal dynamics of the REFER

5.1 Inviting Users to Join

   Once the ad-hoc conference has been created on the server, inviting
   users proceeds as defined in Section 4.1.

5.2 Users Joining

   Once the ad-hoc conference has been created on the server, joining
   proceeds as defined in Section 4.2.

5.3 Scalability

   The scalability of this conference model is identical to that of
   dial-in conference servers, as described in Section 4.3.

5.4 Location of Service Logic

   The logic for handling the transition process must be located in at
   least one UA in the conference. All UAs that are mixers in a end
   system mixed conference must know to propagate the REFER requests
   they receive during the transition.

5.5 Discovering Participant Identities

   Once the ad-hoc conference is established, conference identities are
   determined through RTCP, as in the dial-in case.

6 Dial-Out Conferences

   Dial-out conferences are a simple variation on dial-in conferences.
   Instead of the users joining the conference by sending an INVITE to

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   the server, the server chooses the users who are to be members of the
   conference, and then sends them the INVITE. Typically dial out
   conferences are pre-arranged, with specific start times and an
   initial group membership list.

   Once the users accept or reject the call from the dial out server,
   the behavior of this system is identical to the dial-in server case
   of Section 4. Thus, a dial-out conference server will generally need
   to support dial-in access for the same conference, if it wishes to
   allow joining after the conference begins.

   Note that, from the participants perspective, they will learn the
   conference identity (the URL) from the From field in the INVITE
   messages received from the server.

6.1 Inviting Users to Join

   Once the conference is established, inviting users to join is
   identical to the scenario described in Section 4.1. Note that the URL
   to be used in the REFER is obtained from the From field of the INVITE
   received from the dial-out server.

6.2 Users Joining

   Once the conference is established, joining is identical to the
   scenario described in Section 4.2. Note that the URL to be used in
   the INVITE of new participants is obtained from the From field of the
   INVITE received from the dial-out server by the initial participants.

6.3 Scalability

   The scalability of this conference model is identical to that of
   dial-in conference servers, as described in Section 4.3.

6.4 Location of Service Logic

   The SIP UA of the conference participants does not require any
   special processing. The RTP implementation in those clients, however,
   should support RTCP and be prepared to receive contributing sources.

   All of the new logic for providing this service resides in the
   conferencing server. No SIP extensions are needed, simply logic that
   resides above the SIP stack to manage the conferencing service.

6.5 Discovering Participant Identities

   Once the conference is established, conference identities are
   determined through RTCP, as in the dial-in case.

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7 Centralized Signaling, Distributed Media

   In this conferencing model, there is a centralized controller, as in
   the dial-in and dial-out cases. However, the centralized server
   handles signaling only. The media is still sent directly between
   participants, using either multicast or multi-unicast. Multi-unicast
   is when a user sends multiple packets (one for each recipient,
   addressed to that recipient). This is referred to as a "Decentralized
   Multipoint Conference" in H.323. Interestingly, this conference model
   is possible baseline SIP.

   It works through third party call control [13]. The conference server
   uses re-INVITEs to each participant when a new one joins. The re-
   INVITEs add a media stream that gets sent to the new participant (and
   similarly in the reverse direction).

   Let us assume for the moment that a conference already exists with
   three participants. In this state, each participant is sending media
   directly to each other. This is because the SDP that the conference
   server has given to each participant contains three media lines, each
   of type audio, with connection addresses and ports corresponding to
   each of the three users.

   The call flow from here is shown in Figure 3.  A new participant
   joins the conference. It does so by sending an INVITE (1)to the
   server, with the conference ID in the request URI. The SDP in the
   INVITE contains a single media stream, with an IP address and port
   where it would like to receive media (D). The 200 response from the
   conference server (2) contains a single media line with an IP address
   of and a random port, indicating hold.

   The next step is for the server to obtain two more addresses where
   the new participant will be receiving media (it already has one from
   the original INVITE). To do this, it sends a re-INVITE to the new
   participant (4). This reINVITE contains two additional media streams
   (for three total), all three of which are on hold. The 200 response
   to the re-INVITE (5) contains two additional IP addresses and ports
   where the user is willing to receive media.

   Now the server needs to inform the other parties that they should
   begin sending media to the new user. It first sends a re-INVITE to
   user C (7). This re-INVITE adds an additional media stream to the two
   already that C has been sending. This new media stream uses one of
   the three connection addresses and ports returned by D in message
   (5). Call this address/port D1. The other two are D2 and D3. The 200
   OK response from user C (8) contains the address and port where C is
   willing to receive a new, third media stream. Call this port C3. The

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   server holds on to this port, as it will use it later on, sending it
   to D, so that D sends media there. At this point, however, C can
   begin sending media to D.

   This re-INVITE process happens for B and for A as well. In the re-
   INVITE to B (10), the server adds an additional media line (above the
   two already in use by C) using address/port D2. The response (11)
   contains a new address/port to send media to B. Call this port B3. In
   the re-INVITE to A (13), the server adds an additional media line
   using address/port D3. The response (14) contains a new address/port
   to send media to A. Call this port A3.

   Finally, the server sends a re-INVITE (15) to the new party. This
   re-INVITE takes all three streams off hold, and updates their
   connection addresses and ports with C3, B3, and A3, respectively. The
   200 OK response (16) returns the same ports and addresses returned in
   message (5) (as noted in [13], these addresses/ports MUST NOT
   change). Now, D can send media to A,B and C.

   The result of these manipulations is, indeed, a full mesh of unicast
   RTP streams between all participants. Unlike the case of end system
   mixing, the stream sent by any participant to all of the others is
   identical. Each particpant needs to mix, but it mixes the media it
   receives, and plays that out the speakers. This is normal behavior
   for multiple streams of the same type. Note that the SIP relationship
   is still point-to-point. There are four calls at the end of Figure 3,
   one from each participant to the server, each with a different Call-

   Note that hybrids are easily possible. Certain users can instead be
   mixed (sending audio to the conference server), while others are set
   to send audio to each other.

7.1 Inviting Users to Join

   Inviting users to join works identically to the dial-in conference
   bridge scenario 4.

7.2 Users Joining

   A user joins in the same way described in section 4.

7.3 Scalability

   The scalability of this conferencing model depends on many factors.
   From a media perspective, the conference server never even touches a
   single media stream. However, for N participants, each participant
   needs to be able to receive, decode, and mix N-1 media streams. For

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    |             |              |               |(1) INV D      |
    |             |              |               |-------------->|
    |             |              |               |(2) 200 hold   |
    |             |              |               |<--------------|
    |             |              |               |(3) ACK        |
    |             |              |               |-------------->|
    |             |              |               |(4) INV 3held  |
    |             |              |               |<--------------|
    |             |              |               |(5) 200 3recv  |
    |             |              |               |-------------->|
    |             |              |               |(6) ACK        |
    |             |              |               |<--------------|
    |             |              | (7) INV +D1   |               |
    |             |              |<------------------------------|
    |             |              | (8) 200 +C3   |               |
    |             |              |------------------------------>|
    |             |              | (9) ACK       |               |
    |             |              |<------------------------------|
    |             |(10) INV +D2  |               |               |
    |             |<---------------------------------------------|
    |             |(11) 200 +B3  |               |               |
    |             |--------------------------------------------->|
    |             |(12) ACK      |               |               |
    |             |<---------------------------------------------|
    |(13) INV +D3 |              |               |               |
    |(14) 200 +A3 |              |               |               |
    |(15) ACK     |              |               |               |
    |             |              |               |(16) INV A3,B3,C3
    |             |              |               |<--------------|
    |             |              |               |(17) 200       |
    |             |              |               |-------------->|
    |             |              |               |(18) ACK       |
    |             |              |               |<--------------|
    |             |              |               |               |
    |             |              |               |               |
    |             |              |               |               |
    |             |              |               |               |
    |             |              |               |               |
    |             |              |               |               |

    A             B              C               D             Server

   Figure 3: Centralized Signaling, Decentralized Media

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   users accessing the server through dial-in modems, this will severely
   limit the sizes of these conferences. However, the processing burden
   is much less than that of the end system mixing model. This is
   because each end user needs to decode N-1 streams, but only encode 1.
   Decoding is much, much cheaper than encoding, so supporting many
   decodes is not necessarily a problem. This is especially the case
   when silence suppression is in use. In that case, streams are only
   sent by talking users. This means any given user only needs to decode
   (and receive) as many streams at a time as there are users talking.
   THis can vastly improve scalability of the conference.

   There is a signaling burden on the server, however. If there are N
   users in the conference, addition of a new user (the N+1th) requires
   N+3 INVITE transactions, each of which has three messages. Similarly,
   departure of a user requires N BYE transactions, each of which has 2
   messages. For large N, and highly dynamic conferences, this can
   represent a potential burden. However, we believe this bottleneck is
   much farther out than the processing and bandwidth bottlenecks at the
   end users.

   For these reasons, we believe this conference model is ideal in
   corporate enterprises, where bandwidth is more plentiful and PCs are
   generally faster.

7.4 Location of Service Logic

   Nearly all of the logic for implementing this conferencing service
   lives in the server itself.

   The only requirement from the end users is that they support
   multiple, parallel media streams of the same type, and that they be
   prepared to mix those streams together. They must also support the
   third party control primitives [13], which don't require anything
   beyond baseline SIP, but are not likely supported unless explicit
   actions are taken to do so.

   It is this combination - no need for media processing in the server,
   combined with no need for specialized SIP processing in the end
   systems, that makes this model attractive.

7.5 Discovering Participant Identities

   Conference identities are discovered through RTCP. Each user will
   receive N-1 RTP streams, each of which has its own RTCP channel that
   carries the participant identification.

8 Summary of Models

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   Table 1 shows a summary of the differences between the various

   Table 1: Summary of Models

   Name        signaling  media     inviting   joining      discovering  scale
   End-Mixing  tree       tree      normal     normal       RTCP         small
                                    invite     invite
   Multicast   pairs      m-cast    normal     multicast    RTCP         large
                                    invite     join
   Dial-Up     star       star      refer      normal       RTCP         medium
   Ad-Hoc      star       star      refer      normal       RTCP         medium
   Dial-Out    star       star      refer      normal       RTCP         medium
   Decentral   star       fullmesh  refer +    normal       RTCP         medium
                                    server     invite and
                                    messaging  server msg.

9 Whats Missing - Full Mesh

   The sections above cover a wide range of conferencing models, but not
   all of them. One model, in particular, is not supported by SIP. That
   model is the fully distributed multiparty model.

   In this conferencing model, each user has a point to point SIP
   relationship with every other user. Each user also has a point to
   point RTP relationship with every other user, as is done in the
   decentralized conference of Section 7.

   Two earlier drafts were written on the subject, but they specified
   protocols that were overly complex and still had race conditions and
   unhandled cases. The primary difficulty is that it requires every
   participant to learn the identity of every other participant. As
   participants come and go, this requires some kind of state flooding
   mechanism that causes this information to propagate, and eventually
   converge, across participants. While these kinds of distribution
   mechanisms have been done for multiparty conferences [14] Fitting
   such a distribution mechanism into SIP is not trivial, especially
   with the complex requirements that were initially targeted.

   Furthermore, the distributed nature of the signaling makes
   enforcement of any kind of conference policy pretty much impossible.
   Failures can also result in unusual conditions. Specifically, it is

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   fairly easy for the conference mesh to break in certain places,
   resulting in a graph where every user hears most of the other users,
   but not all. This can happen, for example, if user A is invited into
   a conference, but is rejected by one of the users already into the
   conference (because the SIP relationships are point-to-point, a new
   user needs to establish a SIP call with all existing participants),
   this situation can occur. With large conferences, this becomes a very
   real possibility. Earlier work tried to avoid such conditions.

   We believe a solution can be found by simplifying the requirements.
   For example, we will abandon the requirement to only add a user to
   the conference if all other users agree to add them. We will also try
   to achieve gradual convergence in shared state, rather than the rapid
   convergence proposed in previous work. We will not worry about
   message efficiency or message frequency. The primary design objective
   should be KISS.

   As a baseline model, we believe that each INVITE, 200 OK response,
   and ACK simply contain a header called Members. This header is a list
   of URLs, and for each URL, there is a parameter that indicates
   whether they are in the conference right now, and when they joined,
   or whether they were previously in the conference, and when they
   left. A UA simply performs a re-INVITE as it receives new
   information. A periodic re-INVITE (ala session timer [15] will also
   be needed to heal partitions and deal with other conditions that may

   More work is needed to validate the model and to see what other
   capabilities are needed.

10 Security Considerations

   The use of a server that performs the mixing on behalf of other
   users, which is the case for all but one of the conference models
   described here, introduces security risks. That entity must be
   trusted by the others to properly mix the media - not omitting a
   stream, for example. As such, it is recommended that participants in
   a conference authenticate the identity of the server. In the dial-in,
   dial-out, and decentralized conferences, this will require
   authentication of responses by participants.

   Mixing also eliminates the privacy possible with end-to-end media
   transport with mixing in the receivers. Such privacy is still
   possible in the large-scale multicast conferences, but requires
   shared keying material for the conference. Doing this for highly
   dynamic groups is still an open research problem.

11 Conclusion

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   In this draft, we have shown how to use baseline SIP (assuming
   endpoints that support the mixing and/or third party call control
   feature sets) to construct several multiparty conferencing models.
   These include end system mixing, large-scale multicast conferences,
   dial-in conference servers, dial-out conferences, ad-hoc centralized
   conferences, and centralized signaling, distributed media

   We note that this covers all of the multipoint conferencing models
   described in H.323v1 [16]. Further work is needed to see how (and if)
   to support the hierarchical conference bridges defined in H.323v2

12 Authors Addresses

   Jonathan Rosenberg
   200 Executive Drive
   Suite 120
   West Orange, NJ 07052

   Henning Schulzrinne
   Columbia University
   M/S 0401
   1214 Amsterdam Ave.
   New York, NY 10027-7003

13 Bibliography

   [1] M. Handley, H. Schulzrinne, E. Schooler, and J. Rosenberg, "SIP:
   session initiation protocol," Request for Comments 2543, Internet
   Engineering Task Force, Mar. 1999.

   [2] H. Schulzrinne, S. Casner, R. Frederick, and V. Jacobson, "RTP: a
   transport protocol for real-time applications," Request for Comments
   1889, Internet Engineering Task Force, Jan. 1996.

   [3] M. Handley and V. Jacobson, "SDP: session description protocol,"
   Request for Comments 2327, Internet Engineering Task Force, Apr.

   [4] M. Handley, C. Perkins, and E. Whelan, "Session announcement

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   protocol," Request for Comments 2974, Internet Engineering Task
   Force, Oct. 2000.

   [5] D. Thaler, M. Handley, and D. Estrin, "The internet multicast
   address allocation architecture," Request for Comments 2908, Internet
   Engineering Task Force, Sept. 2000.

   [6] W. Fenner, "Internet group management protocol, version 2,"
   Request for Comments 2236, Internet Engineering Task Force, Nov.

   [7] D. Waitzman, C. Partridge, and S. E. Deering, "Distance vector
   multicast routing protocol," Request for Comments 1075, Internet
   Engineering Task Force, Nov. 1988.

   [8] J. Rosenberg and H. Schulzrinne, "Timer reconsideration for
   enhanced RTP scalability," in Proceedings of the Conference on
   Computer Communications (IEEE Infocom) , (San Francisco, California),
   March/April 1998.

   [9] J. Rosenberg, P. Mataga, and H. Schulzrinne, "An application
   server component architecture for sip," Internet Draft, Internet
   Engineering Task Force, Nov. 2000.  Work in progress.

   [10] J. Franks, P. Hallam-Baker, J. Hostetler, S. Lawrence, P. Leach,
   A. Luotonen, and L. Stewart, "HTTP authentication: Basic and digest
   access authentication," Request for Comments 2617, Internet
   Engineering Task Force, June 1999.

   [11] R. Sparks, "SIP call control," Internet Draft, Internet
   Engineering Task Force, Sept. 2000.  Work in progress.

   [12] E. Guttman, C. Perkins, J. Veizades, and M. Day, "Service
   location protocol, version 2," Request for Comments 2608, Internet
   Engineering Task Force, June 1999.

   [13] J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, and J. Peterson, "Third party call
   control in SIP," Internet Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force,
   Mar. 2000.  Work in progress.

   [14] C. Elliott, "A 'sticky' conference control protocol,"
   Internetworking:  Research and Experience , Vol. 5, pp. 97--119,

   [15] S. Donovan and J. Rosenberg, "SIP session timer," Internet
   Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Oct. 2000.  Work in progress.

   [16] International Telecommunication Union, "Visual telephone systems

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   and equipment for local area networks which provide a non-guaranteed
   quality of service," Recommendation H.323, Telecommunication
   Standardization Sector of ITU, Geneva, Switzerland, May 1996.

   [17] International Telecommunication Union, "Packet based multimedia
   communication systems," Recommendation H.323, Telecommunication
   Standardization Sector of ITU, Geneva, Switzerland, Feb. 1998.

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