DetNet Working Group                                          Y(J) Stein
Internet-Draft                                                       RAD
Intended status: Informational                         February 22, 2021
Expires: August 26, 2021

                Segment Routed Time Sensitive Networking


   Routers perform two distinct user-plane functionalities, namely
   forwarding (where the packet should be sent) and scheduling (when the
   packet should be sent).  One forwarding paradigm is segment routing,
   in which forwarding instructions are encoded in the packet in a stack
   data structure, rather than programmed into the routers.  Time
   Sensitive Networking and Deterministic Networking provide several
   mechanisms for scheduling under the assumption that routers are time
   synchronized.  The most effective mechanisms for delay minimization
   involve per-flow resource allocation.

   SRTSN is a unified approach to forwarding and scheduling that uses a
   single stack data structure.  Each stack entry consists of a
   forwarding portion (e.g., IP addresses or suffixes) and a scheduling
   portion (deadline by which the packet must exit the router).  SRTSN
   thus fully implements network programming for time sensitive flows,
   by prescribing to each router both to-where and by-when each packet
   should be sent.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on August 26, 2021.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
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   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

1.  Introduction

   Packet Switched Networks (PSNs) use statistical multiplexing to fully
   exploit link data rate.  On the other hand, statistical multiplexing
   in general leads to end-to-end propagation latencies significantly
   higher than the minimum physically possible, due to packets needing
   to reside in queues waiting for their turn to be transmitted.

   Recently Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Deterministic Networking
   (DetNet) technologies have been developed to reduce this queueing
   latency for time sensitive packets [RFC8557].  Novel TSN mechanisms
   are predicated on the time synchronization of all forwarding elements
   (Ethernet switches, MPLS Label Switched Routers, or IP routers, to be
   called here simply routers).  Once routers agree on time to high
   accuracy, it is theoretically possible to arrange for time sensitive
   packets to experience "green waves", that is, never to wait in
   queues.  For example, scheduling timeslots for particular flows
   eliminates packet interference, but eliminates the statistical
   multiplexing advantage of PSNs.  In addition, the scheduling
   calculation and programming of the network to follow this calculation
   doesn't scale well to large networks.

   Segment Routing (SR) technologies provide a scalable method of
   network programming, but until now has not been applied to
   scheduling.  The SR instructions are contained within a packet in the
   form of a first-in first-out stack dictating the forwarding decisions
   of successive routers.  Segment routing may be used to choose a path
   sufficiently short to be capable of providing sufficiently low end-
   to-end latency but does not influence the queueing of individual
   packets in each router along that path.

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2.  Forwarding and Scheduling

   Routers (recall that by routers we mean any packet forwarding device)
   perform two distinct functions on incoming packets, namely forwarding
   and scheduling.  By forwarding we mean obtaining the incoming packet,
   inspecting the packet's headers, deciding on an output port, and for
   QoS routing a specific output queue belonging to this output port,
   based on the header information and a forwarding information base,
   optionally editing the packet (e.g., decrementing the TTL field or
   performing a stack operation on a MPLS label), and placing the packet
   into the selected output queue.

   Scheduling consists of selecting which output queue and which packet
   from that output queue will be the next packet to be physically
   transmitted over the output port.  In simple terms one can think of
   forwarding and scheduling as "which output port" and "which packet"
   decisions, respectively; that is, forwarding decides to which output
   port to send each packet, and scheduling decides which packet to send

   Segment routing (as well as connection-oriented mechanisms) slightly
   simplify the meaning of forwarding to deciding "where" to send the
   incoming packet, while TSN slightly simplifies the meaning of
   scheduling to deciding "when" to send the outgoing packet.

   Routers optionally perform a third user plane operation, namely per
   output port and/or per flow traffic conditioning.  By conditioning we
   mean policing (discarding packets based on a token bucket algorithm),
   shaping (delaying packets), (W)RED, etc.  Since we will only be
   interested in per-packet per router behavior we will neglect
   conditioning, which is either per router (not distinguishing between
   packets) or per flow (the same for all routers along the path).

   As aforementioned, forwarding decisions always select an output port,
   but when there are QoS criteria additionally decide on an output
   queue belonging to that port.  The use of multiple queues per output
   port is to aid the scheduling, which then becomes a matter of
   selecting an output queue and always taking the packet at the end of
   the queue (the packet that has waited the longest).  For example, the
   simplest nontrivial scheduling algorithm is "strict priority".  In
   strict priority packets are assigned to queues according to their
   priority (as indicated by Priority Code Point or DiffServ Code Point
   field).  The strict priority scheduler always first checks the queue
   with highest priority; if there is a packet waiting there it is
   selected for transmission, if not the next highest priority queue is
   examined and so on.  Undesirably strict priority may never reach
   packets in low priority queues (Best Effort packets), so alternative

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   algorithms, e.g., Weighted Fair Queueing, are used to select from
   priority queues more fairly.

   TSN is required for networks transporting time sensitive traffic,
   that is, packets that are required to be delivered to their final
   destination by a given time.  In the following we will call the time
   a packet is sent by the end user application (or the time it enters a
   specific network) the "birth time", the required delivery time to the
   end-user application (or the time it exists a specific network) the
   "final deadline" and the difference between these two times (i.e.,
   the maximally allowed end-to-end propagation time though the network)
   the "delay budget".

   Unlike strict priority or WFQ algorithms, TSN scheduling algorithms
   may directly utilize the current time of day.  For example, in the
   TSN scheduling algorithm known as time-aware scheduling (gating),
   each output queue is controlled by a timed gate.  At every time only
   certain output queues have their gates "open" and can have their
   packets scheduled, while packets are not scheduled from queues with
   "closed" gates.  By appropriately timing the opening and closing of
   gates of all routers throughout the network, packets in time
   sensitive flows may be able to traverse their end-to-end path without
   ever needlessly waiting in output queues.  In fact, time-aware gating
   may be able to provide a guaranteed upper bound for end-to-end delay.

   However, time-aware scheduling suffers from two major disadvantages.
   First, opening the gates of only certain queues for a given time
   duration, results in this time duration being reserved even if there
   are very few or even no packets in the corresponding queues.  This is
   precisely the undesirable characteristic of Time Division
   Multiplexing networks that led to their replacement by Packet
   Switched Networks.  Minimizing time durations increases efficiency,
   but at the cost of obliging a time sensitive packet that just missed
   its gate to wait until the next gate opening, endangering its
   conforming to the delay budget.

   In order to avoid such problems, one needs to know a priori the birth
   times of all time sensitive packets, the lengths of all links between
   routers, and the loading of all routers.  Based on this input one can
   calculate optimal gating schedules for all routers in the network and
   distribute this information to all the routers.  This calculation is
   computationally expensive and updating all the routers is
   communicationally expensive.  Moreover, admitting a new time-
   sensitive flow requires recalculation of all the gating schedules and
   updating all the routers.  This recalculation and communications load
   is practical only for small networks and a relatively small numbers
   of flows.

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3.  Stack-based Methods for Latency Control

   One can envision mechanisms for reducing end-to-end propagation
   latency in a network with time-synchronized routers that do not
   suffer from the disadvantages of time sensitive scheduling.  One such
   mechanism would be to insert the packet's birth time (time created by
   end-user application or time entering the network) into the packet's
   headers.  Each router along the way could use this birth time by
   prioritizing packets with earlier birth times, a policy known as
   Longest in System (LIS).  These times are directly comparable, due to
   our assuming the synchronization of all routers in the network.  This
   mechanism may indeed lower the propagation delay, but at each router
   the decision is sub-optimal since a packet that has been in the
   network longer but that has a longer application delay budget will be
   sent before a later packet with a tighter delay budget.

   An improved mechanism would insert into the packet headers the
   desired final deadline, i.e., the birth time plus the delay budget.
   Each router along the way could use this final destination time by
   prioritizing packets with earlier deadlines, a policy known as
   Earliest Deadline First (EDF).  This mechanism may indeed lower the
   propagation delay, but at each router the decision is sub-optimal
   since a packet that has been in the network longer but is close to
   its destination will be transmitted before a later packet which still
   has a long way to travel.

   A better solution to the problem involves precalculating individual
   "local" deadlines for each router, and each router prioritizing
   packets according to its own local deadline.  As an example, a packet
   sent at time 10:11:12.000 with delay budget of 32 milliseconds (i.e.,
   final deadline time of 10:11:12.032) and that needs to traverse three
   routers might have in its packet headers three local deadlines,
   10:11:12:010, 10:11:12.020, and 10:11:12.030.  The first router
   employs EDF using the first local deadline, the second router
   similarly using the second local deadline, and the ultimate router
   using the last local deadline.

   The most efficient data structure for inserting local deadlines into
   the headers is a "stack", similar to that used in Segment Routing to
   carry forwarding instructions.  The number of deadline values in the
   stack equals the number of routers the packet needs to traverse in
   the network, and each deadline value corresponds to a specific
   router.  The Top-of-Stack (ToS) corresponds to the first router's
   deadline while the Bottom-of-Stack (BoS) refers to the last's.  All
   local deadlines in the stack are later or equal to the current time
   (upon which all routers agree), and times closer to the ToS are
   always earlier or equal to times closer to the BoS.

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   The stack may be dynamic (as is the forwarding instruction stack in
   SR-MPLS) or static with an index (as is the forwarding instruction
   stack in SRv6).

   For private networks it is possible for the stack to be inserted by
   the user equipment that is the source of the packet, in which case
   the top of stack local deadline corresponds to the first router to be
   encountered by the packet.  However, in such a case the user
   equipment must also by time synchronized for its time values to be
   directly compatible.  In an improved strategy the stack is inserted
   into the packet by the ingress router, and thus its deadlines are in
   concert with time in the network.  In such case the first deadline
   will not explicitly appear in the stack and the initial ToS
   corresponds to the second router in the network to be traversed by
   the packet.  In either case each router in turn pops from the stack
   the ToS local deadline and uses that local deadline in its scheduling
   (e.g., employing EDF).

   Since the ingress router inserts the deadline stack into the packet
   headers, no other router needs to be aware of the requirements of the
   time sensitive flows.  Hence admitting a new flow only requires
   updating the information base of the ingress router.  In an efficient
   implementation the ingress router's information base has deadline
   offset vectors for each time sensitive flow.  Upon receipt of a
   packet from user equipment, the ingress router first determines if
   the packet belongs to a time sensitive flow.  If so, it adds the
   current time to the deadline offset vector belonging to the flow and
   inserts it as a stack into the packet headers.

   An explicit example is depicted in Figure 1.  Here packets of a
   specific time sensitive flow are required to be received by the
   remote user equipment within 200 microseconds of being transmitted by
   the source user equipment.  The packets traverse a wireless link with
   delay 2 microseconds to reach the router R1 (the ingress router).
   They then travel to router R2 over an optical fiber experiencing a
   propagation delay of 18 microseconds, from there to router R3
   experiencing an additional 38 microseconds of fiber delay, from there
   to router R4 (the egress router) experiencing 16 microseconds of
   fiber delay.  Finally, they travel over a final wireless link taking
   again 2 microseconds.

    +----+  2  +----+  18   +----+  38   +----+  16   +----+  2  +----+
    | UE |-----| R1 |-------| R2 |-------| R3 |-------| R4 |-----| UE |
    +----+     +----+       +----+       +----+       +----+     +----+

               Figure 1: Example with propagation latencies

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   We conclude that the total constant physical propagation time is
   2+18+38+16+2=76 microseconds.  Moreover, assume that we know that in
   each router there is an additional constant time of 1 microsecond to
   receive the packet at the line rate and 5 microseconds to process the
   packet, that is, 6 microseconds per router or 24 microseconds for all
   four routers.  We have thus reached the conclusion that the minimal
   time to traverse the network is 76+24=100 microseconds

   Since our delay budget is 200 microseconds, we have spare time of
   200-100=100 microseconds for the packets to wait in output queues.
   If we have no further information, we can divide this spare 100
   microseconds equally among the 4 routers, i.e., 25 microseconds per
   router.  Thus, the packet arrives at the first router after 2
   microseconds, is received and processed after 2+6=8 microseconds, and
   is assigned a local deadline to exit the first router of 8+25=33
   microseconds.  The worst case times of arrival and transmission at
   each point along the path are depicted in Figure 2.  Note that in
   general it may be optimal to divide the spare time in unequal

    +----+  2  +----+  18   +----+  38   +----+  16   +----+  2  +----+
    | UE |-----| R1 |-------| R2 |-------| R3 |-------| R4 |-----| UE |
    +----+     +----+       +----+       +----+       +----+     +----+
          |   |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |   |
          |   |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |   |
          0   2     33    51     82    120    151   167    198 200

                  Figure 2: Example with worst case times

   Assuming that the packet left router 1 the full 33 microseconds after
   its transmission, it will arrive at router 2 after an additional 18
   microseconds, that is, after 51 microseconds.  After the mandatory 6
   microseconds of reception and processing and the 25 microseconds
   allocated for queueing, we reach the local deadline to exit router 2
   by 82 microseconds.  Similarly, the local deadline to exit router 3
   is 151 microseconds, and the deadline to exit router 4 is 198
   microseconds.  After the final 2 microseconds consumed by the
   wireless link the packet will arrive at its destination after 200
   microseconds as required

   Based on these worst case times the ingress router can now build the
   deadline offset vector (33, 82, 151, 198) referenced to the time the
   packet left the source user equipment, or referenced to the time the
   packet arrives at the ingress router of (31, 80, 149, 196).

   Now assume that a packet was transmitted at time T and hence arrives
   at the ingress router at time T + 2 microseconds.  The ingress router
   R1, observing the deadline offset vector referenced to this time,

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   knows that the packet must be released no more than 31 microseconds
   later, i.e., by T + 33 microseconds.  It furthermore inserts a local
   deadline stack [T+82, T+151, T+198] into the packet headers.

   The second router R2 receives the packet with the local deadline
   stack, pops the ToS revealing that it must ensure that the packet
   exits by T + 82 microseconds.  It properly prioritizes and sends the
   packet with the new stack [T+151, T+198].  Router R3 pops deadline
   T+151, and sends the packet with local deadline stack containing a
   single entry [T+198].  The final router pops this final local
   deadline and ensures that the packet is transmitted before that time
   The local deadline stacks are depicted in Figure 3.

    +----+  2  +----+  18   +----+  38   +----+  16   +----+  2  +----+
    | UE |-----| R1 |-------| R2 |-------| R3 |-------| R4 |-----| UE |
    +----+     +----+   |   +----+   |   +----+   |   +----+     +----+
          |   |      |  |  |      |  |  |      |  |  |      |   |
          |   |      |  |  |      |  |  |      |  |  |      |   |
          0   2     33  | 51     82  | 120    151 | 167    198 200
                        |            |            |
                        V            V            V
                      +---+        +---+        +---+
                      | 82|        |151|        |198|
                      |---|        |---|        +---+
                      |151|        |198|
                      |---|        +---+

               Figure 3: Example with local deadline stacks

   The precise mechanism just described is by no means the only way to
   compute local deadlines.  Furthermore, combining time-aware
   scheduling at the ingress router only with EDF at all the other
   routers can provide "green waves" with provable upper bounds to
   delay.  However, optimizing such a scheme at scale is a challenge.  A
   randomized algorithm for computation of the deadline offset vector is
   described in [AndrewsZhang].

4.  The Time Sensitive Router

   While a stack is the ideal data structure to hold the local deadlines
   in the packet, different data structures are used to hold the time
   sensitive packets (or their descriptors) in the routers.  The
   standard data structure used in routers is the queue which, being a
   first in first out memory, is suitable for a policy of first-to-
   arrive first-to-exit, and not for EDF or other stack-based time
   sensitive mechanisms.  More suitable data structures are sorted

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   lists, search trees, and priority heaps.  While such data structures
   are novel in this context, efficient hardware implementations exist.

   If all the time sensitive flows are of the same priority, then a
   single such data structure may be used for all time sensitive flows.
   If there are time sensitive flows of differing priorities, then a
   separate such data structure is required for each level of priority
   corresponding to a time sensitive flow, while the conventional queue
   data structure may be used for priority levels corresponding to flows
   that are not time sensitive.

   For example, assume two different priorities of time sensitive flows
   and a lower priority for Best Effort traffic that is not time
   sensitive.  If applying strict priority the scheduler would first
   check if the data structure for the highest priority contains any
   packets.  If yes, it transmits the packet with the earliest local
   deadline.  If not, it checks the data structure for the second
   priority.  If it contains any packets it transmits the packet with
   the earliest deadline.  If not, it checks the Best Effort queue.  If
   this queue is nonempty it transmits the next packet in the queue,
   i.e., the packet that has waited in this queue the longest.

   Separate prioritization and EDF is not necessarily the optimal
   strategy.  An alternative (which we call Liberal EDF, or LEDF) would
   be for the scheduler to define a worst case (i.e., maximal) packet
   transmission time MAXTT (for example, the time taken for a 1500 byte
   packet to be transmitted at the output port's line rate).  Instead of
   checking whether the data structure for the highest priority contains
   any packets at all, LEDF checks whether its earliest packet's local
   deadline is earlier than MAXTT from the current time.  If it is, it
   is transmitted; if it is not the next priority is checked, knowing
   that even were a maximal size packet to be transmitted the scheduler
   will still be able to return to the higher priority packet before its
   local deadline.

5.  Segment Routed Time Sensitive Networking

   Since Segment Routing and the TSN mechanism just described both
   utilize stack data structures it is advantageous to combine their
   information into a single unified SRTSN stack.  Each entry in this
   stack contain two subentries, the forwarding instruction (e.g., the
   address of the next router or the label specifying the next link) and
   a scheduling instruction (the local deadline).

   Each SRTSN stack entry fully prescribes the forwarding and scheduling
   behavior of the corresponding router, both to-where and by-when the
   packet should be sent.  The insertion of a stack into packets thus
   fully implements network programming for time sensitive flows.

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   For example, Figure 4 depicts the previous example but with the
   unified SRTSN stacks.  Ingress router R1 inserts a SRTSN stack with
   three entries into the packet received.  In this example the
   forwarding sub-entry contains the identifier or address of the next
   router, except for the Bottom of Stack entry that contains a special
   BoS code (e.g., identifier zero).  The ToS entry thus contains the
   address of router R3 and the time by which the packet must exit
   router R2, namely T + 82 microseconds.  Router R2 pops this ToS
   leaving a SRTSN stack with 2 entries.  Router R3 pops the new ToS
   instructing it to forward the packet to router R4 by time T + 151
   microseconds, leaving a stack with a single entry.  Router R4 pops
   the ToS and sees that it has reached bottom of stack.  It then
   forwards the packet according to the usual rules of the network (for
   example, according to the IP address in the IP header) by local
   deadline T + 198 microseconds.

    +----+  2  +----+  18   +----+  38   +----+  16   +----+  2  +----+
    | UE |-----| R1 |-------| R2 |-------| R3 |-------| R4 |-----| UE |
    +----+     +----+   |   +----+   |   +----+   |   +----+     +----+
          |   |      |  |  |      |  |  |      |  |  |      |   |
          |   |      |  |  |      |  |  |      |  |  |      |   |
          0   2     33  | 51     82  | 120    151 | 167    198 200
                        |            |            |
                        V            V            V
                    +-------+    +-------+    +-------+
                    |R2;  82|    |R3; 151|    |BoS;198|
                    |-------|    |-------|    +-------+
                    |R3; 151|    |BoS;198|
                    |-------|    +-------+

               Figure 4: Example with combined SRTSN stacks

6.  Stack Entry Format

   A number of different time formats are in common use in networking
   applications and can be used to encode the local deadlines.  The
   longest commonly utilized format is 80-bit PTP-80 timestamp defined
   in IEEE 1588v2 Precision Time Protocol [IEEE1588].  There are two
   common 64-bit time representations: the NTP-64 timestamp defined in
   [RFC5905] (32 bits for whole seconds and 32 bits for fractional
   seconds); and the PTP-64 timestamp (32 bits for whole seconds and 32
   bits for nanoseconds).  Finally, there is the NTP-32 timestamp (16
   bits of whole seconds and 16 bits of fractional seconds) that is
   often insufficient due to its low resolution (15 microseconds).

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   However, we needn't be constrained by these common formats, since our
   wraparound requirements are minimal.  As long as we have no ambiguity
   in times during the flight of a packet, which is usually much less
   than a second, the timestamp is acceptable.  Thus, we can readily use
   a nonstandard 32-bit timestamp format with say 12 bits of seconds
   (wraparound over 1 hour) and 20 bits for microseconds, or say 8 bits
   for whole seconds (wraparound over 4 minutes) and 24 bits of tenths
   of microseconds.

   For the forwarding sub-entry we could adopt like SR-MPLS standard
   32-bit MPLS labels (which contain a 20-bit label and BoS bit), and
   thus SRTSN stack entries could be 64-bits in size comprising a 32-bit
   MPLS label and the aforementioned nonstandard 32-bit timestamp.
   Alternatively, an SR-TSN stack entry could be 96 bits in length
   comprising a 32-bit MPLS label and either of the standardized 64-bit

   For IPv4 networks one could employ a 32-bit IPv4 address in place of
   the MPLS label.  Thus, using the nonstandard 32-bit timestamp the
   entire stack entry could be 64 bits.  For dynamic stack
   implementations a BoS bit would have to be included.

   SRv6 uses 128-bit IPv6 addresses (in addition to a 64-bit header and
   possibly options), and so 160-bit or 192-bit unified entries are
   directly derivable.  However, when the routers involved are in the
   same network, address suffixes suffice to uniquely determine the next

7.  Control Plane

   In the above discussion we assumed that the ingress router knows the
   deadline offset vector for each time sensitive flow.  This vector may
   be calculated by a centralized management system and sent to the
   ingress router, or may be calculated by the ingress router itself.

   In the former case there is central SRTSN orchestrator, which may be
   based on a Network Management System, or on an SDN controller, or on
   a Path Computation Element server.  The SRTSN orchestrator needs to
   be know the propagation delays for all the links in the network,
   which may be determined using time domain reflectometry, or via one-
   way delay measurement OAM, or retrieved from a network planning
   system.  The orchestrator may additionally know basic parameters of
   the routers, including minimal residence time, data rate of the
   ports, etc.  When a time sensitive path needs to be set up, the SRTSN
   orchestrator is given the source and destination and the delay
   budget.  It first determines feasibility by finding the end-to-end
   delay of the shortest path (shortest being defined in terms of
   latency, not hop count).  It then selects a path (usually, but not

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   necessarily, the shortest one) and calculates the deadline offset
   vector.  The forwarding instructions and offset vector (as well as
   any other required flow-based information, such as data rate or drop
   precedence) are then sent to the ingress router.  As in segment
   routing, no other router in the network needs to be informed.

   In the latter case the ingress router is given the destination and
   the delay budget.  It sends a setup message to the destination as in
   RSVP-TE, however, in this case arrival and departure timestamps are
   recorded for every router along the way.  The egress router returns
   the router addresses and timestamps.  This process may be repeated
   several times and minimum gating applied to approximate the link
   propagation times.  Assuming that the path's delay does not exceed
   the delay budget, the path and deadline offset vector may then be

   The method of [AndrewsZhang] uses randomization in order to avoid the
   need for centralized coordination of flows entering the network at
   different ingress routers.  However, this advantage comes at the
   expense of much higher achievable delay budgets.

8.  Security Considerations

   SRTSN concentrates the entire network programming semantics into a
   single stack, and thus tampering with this stack would have
   devastating consequences.  Since each stack entry must be readable by
   the corresponding router, encrypting the stack would necessitate key
   distribution between the ingress router and every router along the

   A simpler mechanism would be for the ingress router to sign the stack
   with a public key known to all routers in the network, and to append
   this signature to the stack.  If the signature is not present or is
   incorrect the packet should be discarded.

9.  IANA Considerations

   This document requires no IANA actions.

10.  Informative References

              Andrews, M. and L. Zhang, "Minimizing end-to-end delay in
              high-speed networks with a simple coordinated schedule",
              Journal of Algorithms 52 57-81, 2003.

Stein                    Expires August 26, 2021               [Page 12]

Internet-Draft                    srtsn                    February 2021

              IEEE, "Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization
              Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems",
              IEEE 1588-2008, DOI 10.1109/IEEESTD.2008.4579760, 2008.

   [RFC5905]  Mills, D., Martin, J., Ed., Burbank, J., and W. Kasch,
              "Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms
              Specification", RFC 5905, DOI 10.17487/RFC5905, June 2010.

   [RFC8557]  Finn, N. and P. Thubert, "Deterministic Networking Problem
              Statement", RFC 8557, DOI 10.17487/RFC8557, May 2019.

Author's Address

   Yaakov (J) Stein


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