Minutes IETF117: ntp
Meeting Minutes | Network Time Protocols (ntp) WG | |
Date and time | 2023-07-28 19:00 | |
Title | Minutes IETF117: ntp | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | markdown | |
Last updated | 2023-08-19 |
Network Time Protocols (ntp) working group @ IETF 117
Friday, 28 July, 2023
12:00 - 13:30 PDT (19:00 - 20:30 UTC)
Continental 8-9
1. Administrative and Agenda Bashing (Chairs)
- Karen presents the Note well
- No agenda bashing
- Minutes taker: Dieter
2. NTP/TICTOC WG Document Status Review/Update (Chairs)
- Khronos and Registries update later in the session
- PTP Enterprise Profile. \
We need an updated draft and a shepherd writeup.
3. Khronos Update
Neta presents slides: \
No questions nor comments
4. Last call results for Updating the NTP Registries
Rich presents slides: \
- Characters in text fields
- (Erik, Watson) gave a URL with definition of printable ASCII.
- (Rich) Field should be printable ASCII
- (Rich) Currently reserved for private use is 'X'. The draft proposes a leading '-'. Opinion of the WG?
- (David) Slight preference for the leading 'X'
- (Rich) Will change accordingly
- (Rich) Encourage the WG to read the last postings on the mailing list.
5. Future of Leap Seconds (update)
Dieter presents slides: \
6. NTPv5 Requirements
Results for consensus call on leap smearing
- (James) Consensus is clear that it should be included. I shall update the document. However the details how to include are not clear. Seems to be different approaches that have been discussed.
- (David) Not too much details in the requirements draft. But in the specification draft.
- (Karen) I would prefer not to put the details in the requirements draft. Also in order to get this draft done since Miroslav is looking for guidance on these two issues.
- (Doug) suggests that a server not only announces that it is currently smearing a leap second, but also that it is configured to smear leap seconds as they occur.
- (Karen) To clarify. Two scenarios. At some point of time I can do it versus a leap second takes place and now I smear.
- (Doug) Not only I can do it but I'm currently configured to do it when a leap second happens. So people know that it is coming.
- (Dieter) It is in addition to the leap second announcement. It is able to do that.
- (Doug) Yes, like proposed in Miroslav's draft.
- (Denis) Agree with Doug. It is important to know that a server is configured for smearing.
- (Karen) For the purpose of Jame's draft. This is a NTPv5 specification discussion not a requirements discussion.
Results for consensus call on supported modes
- (David) we shall not voting but looking for consensus
-(Karen) Yes, that was the intention - (Neta) can we also support broadcast mode
- (Karen) we need to have contribution
- (Erik) to Neta. Shall broadcast mode a MUST
- (Neta) it should be a SHOULD
- (David) Contradict. I would like to get rid of it. How likely is it to get a doc through the IESG with many modes especially broadcast
- (Erik) If this is an update for current practice this might work also with security review
- (Karen) James open questions resolved
- (James) It does. Will a new version be ready for LC?
- (Karen) Yes, its time to get this done
- (James) Who will be a shepherd the document
- (Neta) will shepherd the document
- (David) we shall not voting but looking for consensus
7. NTPv5 Protocol Specification
No update. Need results from consensus calls.
8. NTP over PTP
9. NTS for PTP
10. Roughtime
Watson presented slides:\
- (James) Interest in Google and Automotive?
- (Watson) Google .... Automative I don't know.
- (James) I can help to contribute (editorial)
- (David) only had rough exploration of this draft. Solving the bootstrap problem is hard
- (Bob Beck) Probably interest in some bootstrapping environments. May helpful to have it on Github. Probable interested in helping.
- (Rich) CT for time is engineering task. Can help.
- (Erik) Don't have a elevator view of the difference in NTS and Roughtime.
- (Bob Beck) This is a was to not to have to trust a big guy.
- (James) May need a design group
11. AOB and Way Forward
- Hackathon for NTPV5 and Roughtime next IETF week (Prague)
- Two virtuell Interims: mid September, October
- Tooling for Hackathon: Meetecho vs. Zoom. Please indicate preferences
Adjourned 12:00