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Minutes IETF117: ntp

Meeting Minutes Network Time Protocols (ntp) WG
Date and time 2023-07-28 19:00
Title Minutes IETF117: ntp
State Active
Other versions markdown
Last updated 2023-08-19


Network Time Protocols (ntp) working group @ IETF 117

Friday, 28 July, 2023
12:00 - 13:30 PDT (19:00 - 20:30 UTC)
Continental 8-9

1. Administrative and Agenda Bashing (Chairs)

  • Karen presents the Note well
  • No agenda bashing
  • Minutes taker: Dieter

2. NTP/TICTOC WG Document Status Review/Update (Chairs)

  • Khronos and Registries update later in the session
  • PTP Enterprise Profile. \
    We need an updated draft and a shepherd writeup.

3. Khronos Update

Neta presents slides: \

No questions nor comments

4. Last call results for Updating the NTP Registries

Rich presents slides: \

- Characters in text fields
- (Erik, Watson) gave a URL with definition of printable ASCII.
- (Rich) Field should be printable ASCII

  • (Rich) Currently reserved for private use is 'X'. The draft proposes a leading '-'. Opinion of the WG?
    • (David) Slight preference for the leading 'X'
    • (Rich) Will change accordingly
  • (Rich) Encourage the WG to read the last postings on the mailing list.

5. Future of Leap Seconds (update)

Dieter presents slides: \

6. NTPv5 Requirements

Slides: \


  • Results for consensus call on leap smearing

    • (James) Consensus is clear that it should be included. I shall update the document. However the details how to include are not clear. Seems to be different approaches that have been discussed.
    • (David) Not too much details in the requirements draft. But in the specification draft.
    • (Karen) I would prefer not to put the details in the requirements draft. Also in order to get this draft done since Miroslav is looking for guidance on these two issues.
    • (Doug) suggests that a server not only announces that it is currently smearing a leap second, but also that it is configured to smear leap seconds as they occur.
    • (Karen) To clarify. Two scenarios. At some point of time I can do it versus a leap second takes place and now I smear.
    • (Doug) Not only I can do it but I'm currently configured to do it when a leap second happens. So people know that it is coming.
    • (Dieter) It is in addition to the leap second announcement. It is able to do that.
    • (Doug) Yes, like proposed in Miroslav's draft.
    • (Denis) Agree with Doug. It is important to know that a server is configured for smearing.
    • (Karen) For the purpose of Jame's draft. This is a NTPv5 specification discussion not a requirements discussion.
  • Results for consensus call on supported modes

    • (David) we shall not voting but looking for consensus
      -(Karen) Yes, that was the intention
    • (Neta) can we also support broadcast mode
    • (Karen) we need to have contribution
    • (Erik) to Neta. Shall broadcast mode a MUST
    • (Neta) it should be a SHOULD
    • (David) Contradict. I would like to get rid of it. How likely is it to get a doc through the IESG with many modes especially broadcast
    • (Erik) If this is an update for current practice this might work also with security review
    • (Karen) James open questions resolved
    • (James) It does. Will a new version be ready for LC?
    • (Karen) Yes, its time to get this done
    • (James) Who will be a shepherd the document
    • (Neta) will shepherd the document

7. NTPv5 Protocol Specification

No update. Need results from consensus calls.

8. NTP over PTP

9. NTS for PTP

10. Roughtime

Watson presented slides:\

- (James) Interest in Google and Automotive?
- (Watson) Google .... Automative I don't know.
- (James) I can help to contribute (editorial)
- (David) only had rough exploration of this draft. Solving the bootstrap problem is hard
- (Bob Beck) Probably interest in some bootstrapping environments. May helpful to have it on Github. Probable interested in helping.
- (Rich) CT for time is engineering task. Can help.
- (Erik) Don't have a elevator view of the difference in NTS and Roughtime.
- (Bob Beck) This is a was to not to have to trust a big guy.
- (James) May need a design group

11. AOB and Way Forward

  • Hackathon for NTPV5 and Roughtime next IETF week (Prague)
  • Two virtuell Interims: mid September, October
  • Tooling for Hackathon: Meetecho vs. Zoom. Please indicate preferences

Adjourned 12:00