Minutes IETF118: dispatch: Mon 08:30
Meeting Minutes | Dispatch (dispatch) WG | |
Date and time | 2023-11-06 08:30 | |
Title | Minutes IETF118: dispatch: Mon 08:30 | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | markdown | |
Last updated | 2023-11-06 |
DISPATCH Hybrid Meeting @IETF-118
Monday 6 Nov 2023
Room: Congress Hall 2
09:30-11:30 Local
Log into the IETF datatracker to access:
9:30 Status and Agenda Bash - Chairs and ADs (10 min)
Jim presented the Notewell and Note ReallyWell
- Asked people to join with the meetecho client and lite client
(from the agenda page) - Joint with ArtArea (showed agenda)
- Asked for agenda bash (none)
- Asked for volunteers to take notes (Bron)
- Described mailing lists
- Asked people to join with the meetecho client and lite client
Please focus on the dispatch questions, where next
- Ben Campbell comment: include "BOF" as target
9:40 R5N Distributed Hash Table (20 min)
Presenter: Martin Schanzenbach/Christian Grothoff (On site)
- Started 9:37
- Martin presenting
- Has been presented to dinrg, ...
- Presentation done 9:48
- Cullen: think it's a substantial piece of work, would be
interesting to have it available, think we need a working group- Author of "reload".
Murray (AD) followup - does the community (users, developers,
etc) exist at IETF already?- A: we at gnunet use it (there's another draft)
- Have contacts at IPFS, they may be interested too.
Harald Alvestrand: most deployments in the world are behind
single NAT, sounds like it would have failure modes due to
random walk - is it guaranteed to converge? Agree with Cullen is
WG sized.- A: not guaranteed to converge, but usually does.
- Cullen: think it's a substantial piece of work, would be
Jim: conclusion is WG?
Murray: what was conclusion when you took to routing?
- A: this was a while ago.
Murray: could take to a BOF, but first would want to see more
evidence of a likely community.
Finished 9:53
Dispatch outcome: Suggested to having a working group, AD wants to see
more evidence of community before forming one.
10:00 JSON NTV (20 min)
Presenter: Philippe Thomy (remote)
- Some faffing about slide presentation
- Started 9:55
- Done 10:09
Eliot Lear: comment and question - is the ground already well
trodden? Should we be looking at OpenAPIs and JSON-Schema
relationships? What's relationship between this and YANG?- A: not sure if understand the question.
Rohan Mahy: wanted to ask if posted on CBOR mailing list?
- A: don't understand question?
- A: yes, have asked CBOR working group, but don't have any
Carsten Bormann: asked about a CBOR to JSON conversion.
- Usages of both JSON and CBOR would want to use JSON layer.
- Inventing another format on the JSON side would not make our
work much better. - Dispatch: don't think IETF should take on this work.
Jim: any more comments? Think feedback is "get more from CBOR
group". -
Cullen: don't think the CBOR group will love this. We don't need
feedback - heard from the chair.- Don't know what that means for dispatch, but don't send to
CBOR group.
- Don't know what that means for dispatch, but don't send to
Austin Wright: Author of JSON schema validation
- Have you approached HTTP or JSON-schema to see if
functionality you're looking for is in those specs? - A: Philippe - don't understand question.
- Have you thought about approaching HTTP media or JSON Schema
to see if functionality can be there.
- Have you approached HTTP or JSON-schema to see if
Done: 10:17
Dispatch outcome: More discussion
10:20 Forming a general State Synchronization Working Group (20 min)
Presenter: Michael Toomim (On site)
- Started: 10:18
from chat:
- Christian Grothoff - This would also be a good fit for our work
on Set Reconciliation (https://lsd.gnunet.org/lsd0003/).
- Christian Grothoff - This would also be a good fit for our work
Finished: 10:
Ted Hardie
- Have you talked to usable formal methods research group?
- A: no
- If you want to create functions that work with HTTP.
- Think current scope is too large to tackle in eithe WG or
RG. Some in different protocols with different
Eliot Lear
- Ted covered most of ground
- Do you have disparate applications you want to cover.
- Do you have two applications ready to go? (willing to work
with you, test with you, to make sure it generalises) - A: we have web applications (chats, wikis) - not as much
down-stack. It's potential possible future scope. Focus now
is simple things (email, chat), start here. - Do offline mode, collaborative editing, etc.
- Dispatch: neutral, sounds interesting, if choice between WG
or RG, closer to WG.
Mark Nottingham
- am somewhat enthusiastic about this work in HTTP
specifically. Can go forward if get enough review. - concerned about overarching working group - top down efforts
tend to fail, have to make a lot of compromises to paper
over differences in technologies and use cases. - doing protocol by protocol and copying best practices is
better. E.g. SASL which has had trouble getting adoption.
- am somewhat enthusiastic about this work in HTTP
Daniel Gillmor
- as a dispatch outcome, this might be two working groups.
- in LAMPS, we had end-to-end email guidance.
- something like this would be super useful in an IMAP
context. Not convinced that one group would have the
context. - Would love to understand how to get this to different
David Schinazi
- said one word that scared me "generalised"
- The IETF does not know how to solve generalised problems,
because it's objectively hard. - Applying this to HTTP or to IMAP will look completely
different - Don't think it will be successful as a central working
group, but taking it to individual groups and seeing if they
want to use it will be more useful.
Austin Wright
- HTTP is a wonderful general application of a protocol which
can be used for many user applications. - Some of the shortcomings are niche things like "how do we do
subscriptions and talk about data", RDF, JSON Schema, ... - Technologies already exist, already working groups exist for
most of these problems. Just want to identify some best
practices and unify technology for synchronisation. - Suggest a research group, and identify specific
recommendations for technologies, bring to groups.
- HTTP is a wonderful general application of a protocol which
Harald Alvestrand
- RFC3254 - wrote this 20 years ago.
- Find this convincing - we should have a working group to
define what you are working about. - Compare with MLS working group which has many documents on
state synchronisation. - Dispatch question - this general thing it not baked enough
to be anything like a working group.
Carsten Bormann
- IRTF cannot do standards, but they can prepare standards.
This has been done before. - Dispatch - research group, agree on experimental protocol,
take to a working group.
- IRTF cannot do standards, but they can prepare standards.
Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Also in research group camp.
- I built one of these as well - everything in the MESH is
represented as an append-only list, every list is a
mergeable tree, encrpytion etc built in. - Pretty aware of the optimisations I've made which make my
approach non-general, and I know the costs of making it more
general. - Once you decide everything is a list and you'll never delete
anything, you don't want gigabytes of data in that list.
Sceptical of a general solution. - Just getting people to look at it is hard enough, getting
people to use it is harder too. - Research group, take it from there.
- A: believe a lot can be generalised.
A: thank you.
Jim: rough consensus appears to be something along the lines of a
research group? Don't want to create a protocol which is general but
nobody uses.
- Done 10:48
Dispatch outcome: Narrow down the scope, a research group is preferred
at least initially.
10:40 DKIM-FBL (20 min)
Presenter: John Levine (On site)
- Started 10:49
- Existing experimental draft for put in header instead - detail to
work out. - Done 10:53
- Something reasonable to do, don't know if it should be a DNS
record; don't see why not do in the DNS working group. - A: it's a regular text record (like DKIM) - draft specifies
the format to send. - A: would be nice if we had a general email group
- Something reasonable to do, don't know if it should be a DNS
- Is Yahoo planning to do this?
- A: haven't talked to Richard recently.
- At M3AAWG last month there was a lot of enthusiasm.
- seems that path of least resistance is
Barry Leiba
- Chair of DMARC working group and IETF liaison for M3AAWG!
- Suggest working group, email abuse thing brings out all the
email people. - But maybe AD sponsoring will reduce number of crazy email
people. - A: also got an "Expires" header draft.
- From M3AAWG side, get a lot of interest, but not people
coming over to IETF. - Would be very important for this to engage the M3AAWG
people. - Maybe should pass around M3AAWG more and get agreement
before bringing to IETF.
Eliot Lear:
- Wonder if we could use the "feedback form" work.
- Should address in charter.
Finished: 11:00
Dispatch outcome: Coordinate more closely with M3AAWG than perhaps form
a WG.
Summary of the Dispatch outcomes:
- Suggested to having a working group, AD wants to see more evidence
of community before forming one. - More discussions needed, CBOR is not the right place, try to get
feedback from JSON Shema - Narrow down the scope, if a working group to be formed, a research
group is suggested. - Coordinate more closely with M3AAWG than perhaps form a WG.
ART AREA Meeting
11:00 BoFs, updates and meetings of interest - ADs (10 min)
- Francesca presenting.
also: vcon (didn't make the slides)
NOTE: ART is splitting:
- Web-art to WIT
- SEC-art to SEC
- ART will keep rest
- Timeline is by IETF119 (transition in Jan 2024)
Cullen: is IESG seeking feedback?
- A: not any more, have already got feedback.
- Murray: not on creation of area, but if you have feedback on
what groups should move.
Mark Nottingham: have given feedback, won't do again - but should
discuss how DISPATCH will be affected.- Francesca: have discussed in IESG, will be something.
Ted Hardie: also gave feedback
- WIT and ART - not sure ART matches resulting group, should we go
back to APPS? - Maybe worth making name more descriptive, but is a bikeshed.
- Francesca: considered description still accurate.
- WIT and ART - not sure ART matches resulting group, should we go
Finished 11:09
11:10 Collective Communication Optimization: Use cases, Problems and Requirements (10 min)
Presenter: Kehan Yao (On site)
Q: Rohan Mahy
- Can you say what IETF protocols you're already using? Show what
you're trying to accomplish.- A: do you mean should be more related to ART area?
- Q: trying to make sure I understand the problem that you're
trying to solve. Didn't get enough information from your
draft. - Might be able to say what IETF protocols now are not solving
your problem. - A: back to first slide
- Problem space: currently network is point-to-point.
- Q: be more specific about what processes, what protocols,
what part of the network. - Work will span a lot of areas. Need APIs that are friendly
to developers.
- Can you say what IETF protocols you're already using? Show what
Side meeting will be held on Thursday at 14:30.
- Finished 11:21
11:20 Flextime & AOB (10 min)
Murray: this week, Nomcom are doing interviews - if you have
feedback for anyone who has accepted nomination, please give that! -
finished 11:22